League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 282 Chapter 281 Life at Sea (seeking monthly ticket subscription)

Because it was entrusted by someone, and there was a strange 'new guest', the [Sumer] did not delay too long on Pallas Island as in the previous ocean trade process, and spent five days to replenish the corresponding After receiving the supplies, they sailed away from the pier and officially entered the depths of the sea.

In the past, it was possible to replenish supplies and confirm the direction of sailing through the port towns along the coast. In the second half of the ocean journey, it is necessary to arrive at the island of Philo in the west of the land of the firstborn, and avoid the wrong direction as much as possible. , so as not to add extra trips, this is something only old captains can do. Not everyone in ocean trade can go smoothly, which is also an important reason why Cork cannot stand on his own.

In more than three months, [Sumer] will not receive any fresh water supply and land material supply. Fortunately, the normal food reserve before unloading the cargo is enough to last for four months, and the cargo warehouse is fully loaded with fresh water. After eating and drinking, even if you count the dragons and birds that you can eat and drink, you can last for about four months.

Not to mention that dragon birds will also catch fish for food autonomously, which saves a lot of supplies.

After confirming that Sia didn't hate eating fish, Lester also agreed to Captain Kilan's proposal to kill the remaining cattle and sheep as soon as possible, because this would reduce the consumption of fresh water resources.

Thanks to this, the crew and Lester ate the animal meat in different ways for two weeks, and successfully dealt with the creatures that were afraid of the sea. The released blood attracted many sharks, but there were not too many Big question.

The rest of the crew feared the yordle mages on board more than the sharks.

A dwarf with purple skin, a staff of flowers, and a mysterious fairy with thin transparent wings.

"A mighty mage-lord, a mutated dragon-bird queen, plus a yordle mage and her faerie, alas, I hope nothing goes wrong this time out to sea."

In the chart room, a sailor who was helping Cork was worried. He clearly remembered the funny scene of turning the captain's cap into a tulip on the first day the yordle boarded the ship.

The reason given by the yordles was that the captain's big felt hat was too serious.

Could there be a more outrageous reason to be naughty than this?

Did not immediately respond to his confidant, the first officer focused on his work.

Leaning his eyes on the small telescope, Kirk carefully adjusted the index mirror of the sextant, so that the sun in the index mirror coincided with the sea level in the horizon mirror, and then recorded the rotation angle of the index mirror, and compared it with the sea level on the chart. Cork confirmed that the direction pointed by the bow of the ship did not deviate from the route to Zhiyun Province, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

In the open sea, yaw often means sinking into the deep sea,

Calibrating the route is a daily work that cannot be neglected. The reason why Kirk has not become the captain to let the old Kilan live a good life with his family is only because in extreme weather, only experienced old captains can calm down In, lest the sails be torn by the storm,

Only an experienced captain can keep the bow of the ship always aimed at the other shore, which symbolizes life, and set foot on solid ground with hope.

"That yordle is Lord Nicholas' guest, I think you should know what that means, not to mention that Lord Nicholas is someone we can't afford to mess with."

Carefully repositioning the sextant, Cork turned his attention to the sailors he wanted to train.

Riccardo, who is currently serving as the helmsman, is good everywhere. He can endure hardships and is willing to learn. He is not a stupid lump of wood. Apart from being jealous, the only problem is that he is prone to say some frustrated words sometimes.

This has a big impact on the life on board, which is very particular about atmosphere.

In many cases, conflicts were caused by one or two frustrated words, which led to the tragedy of shipwreck and human death.

Recalling the old captain Kilan's demeanor, Kirk said solemnly with his hands behind his back.

"No matter what our position is, on this ship, we are the party that needs to obey orders. Before you have your own ship and sailors, you need to obey the captain's absolute authority and approve all the captain's decisions. ,

It's not something we can worry about who gets on board, understand? "

Just as the future old captain was imparting experience to his first mate, in the captain's room, Lulu, with her eyes closed, was peacefully holding her spiral wooden staff, lying on her back straight on the bed, letting the little fairy who had calmed down Pixar is kind of boring.

After a frantic inspection and tossing, Pixar also understood that his friend was not ordinary seasickness,

Pixar is also ignorant of this abnormal situation of "lying up to the sky with a peaceful face", and there have been many boat rides in previous adventures, but nothing like this has ever happened.

Yordles are magical creatures, so how can magical creatures get seasick?

In this regard, Pixar is also very helpless.

Inexplicably, he chose to use the back of his hand to confirm that the smiling yordle did not have a fever or other symptoms. Lester covered Lulu with a small quilt, making the "sleeping" Garlic smile even more charmingly.

I don't know what dream the little guy is having, but he is smiling so happily.

Rather than saying it is a disease, it is better to say that it is some kind of sudden eccentricity, similar to non-subjective body action mechanisms such as sleepwalking. The cause is probably due to the power of world runes. As for the deeper mechanism of action, Rice It's not easy to make too many guesses.

"Pixar, if Lulu has any other abnormalities, please let me know, and I'll go for a walk first."

Flying around the man, the energetic Pix nodded, lying on the quilt to watch Lester leave.

It has been half a month since I left Pallas Island, and even Shia, who is very interested in the sea, felt a little tired, lying sickly on the front deck and letting the sun bask her buttocks,

Fun turns to torture as salty sea breezes and endless waves go from beauty to life.

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching him, the closed dragon eyes slowly opened a slit in vigilance, seeing that the person who came was his spouse, the cold vertical pupil instantly turned into a joyful and harmless egg shape, Longqin finally regained some energy, carefully adjusted his body, lowered his head to the direction of the man, widened his eyes, and let out a pathetic whimper.


As for Shia Yinyue's cuteness, which is not inferior to Lulu, Lester has already experienced it many times. He skillfully stroked the chin of the dragon and bird without scales with his ice-cold palm, scratching the sensitive skin of the big guy. place.

During the non-estrus period, this kind of stroking method is sufficient to replace the conventional means of venting, making the dragon and bird comfortable and addicted.

It didn't take long for the silver-winged dragon to narrow its eyes comfortably, and the negative emotions disappeared without a trace. If it wasn't for the restraint of the tail, the bow of the boat might be smashed to pieces by the shaking tail.

"I know, I'm here, I won't go anywhere."


The sailor working on the ship looked at the employer who was training him with admiration. For a moment of ecstasy, he fantasized that the hero would become himself. It was not until the cold water splashed on his face that the sailor woke up instantly and realized himself again. He was just an ordinary sailor who worked hard for his livelihood on the ship for more than ten years, not a lord who ruled over hundreds of thousands of people, and he didn't have a handsome dragon and bird as a pet.

It's just that the loss has not been fully brewed, and the voice from the lookout pole made everyone enter into a tense mood.

"Go and tell the captain! In the southwest direction, there is a clipper approaching us!"

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