League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 297 Chapter 296 Tristana

"That's right."

Pulling Lulu to a relatively remote corner, Tristana looked around and found no enemies, so she sat on the rumble and sighed softly.

"Things are very troublesome. It seems that the original magic from the outside world has been polluted. The portal had to stop in Presidium for a month. I came here just to investigate the situation in Presidium. The current situation is not very good."

"What happened?"

Pixar has also been to Bandle City, so he naturally knows what it is like in Bandle City. Although it is not as good as the [Fantasy Wonderland] he left, it still has enough original magic.

The appearance of monsters that can pollute the primordial magic is no small matter,

In the realm of spirit and original magic, not only can a little fairy like myself be born, but also some evil magical creatures will naturally be born. Also relying on original magic and spiritual energy as the source of life, evil magical creatures are more powerful and will Taking the initiative to hurt innocent little fairies, only with the protection of guardian spirits in the fantasy fairyland can I and other little fairies live in safety.

There are no guardian spirits outside of Wonderland.

"Since you are in Presidium, you should know about the Blossom Festival that will be held in three weeks, right?"

Tristana's stern little face made Lulu's breath tense, and she hugged her Huahua staff tightly,

For the serious Tristana to become so serious, something very, very big must have happened.

"I suspect that on the day of the Blossom Festival, a terrible disaster will occur in Presidium, and that disaster is likely to spread to Bandle City through the portal. Just two days ago, the magic forest in Bandle City There are many monsters, but fortunately, the Bandle gunner team eliminated the monsters that eroded the forest in time, so that the magic forest was not severely damaged."

After a pause, Tristana made her final conclusion.

"In order to prevent Bandle City from being invaded, I must prepare in advance and try to find the source of pollution. If the source of pollution cannot be solved, I must let everyone work together to forcibly transfer the portal."

"So that's the case, no, I have to tell little Lenny about it, he doesn't know about it yet."

"Come on, Lulu, there are not enough people, you have to stay and help... Wait, little Lenny? Who is that?"

While talking, the anxious Tristana discovered the key point. When did Lulu make new friends?

"It's my good friend. Little Lenny is a very reliable human being~ If you tell him the matter, he will definitely find a way to solve it."

Just listening to the unreliable Lulu's explanation must not have any credibility, but Tristana also saw the approval on the face of the fairy Pix, which is very unusual.

People who can be recognized by Pixar must not be ordinary people, just like the magic genius Lulu, at least not some malicious villains.


Lester, who was hugging Xiyue and whispering, sat up feeling as if he felt something, and looked out the window with some doubts as the sky was getting dark.

"What's the matter? Are you tired?"

The blushing black-haired girl who has not yet calmed down her breath is a little worried, guessing that the man may be overworked and damaged the foundation and disrupted the movement of Qi. In such a situation, it often takes a long time to adjust the breath to restore it to its original state.

"It's okay, I just thought of my yordle friend, and I have to go back and talk to her before I can come back."

After kissing the girl's cheek, Lester lay down again and buried his head in the girl's arms.

"By the way, do you rely on magic or something else for your Wuyinliu practice?"

Suppressing her shyness, Xiyue, who let the man do what she wanted, explained in a low voice.

"It's a kind of Qi called [Mantra Power], which is different from magic. Mantra power needs to be replenished through meditation and combined with the spiritual realm, and as long as a complete [Mantra Power Cycle] is established, even It is possible to replenish the mantra in the body at any time without relying on meditation, but it will be a little slow to replenish in this case."

"Can you teach me some basic ways of cultivating spell power? You don't need to involve the secrets and true solutions of your Wuyinliu, as long as the most basic things are enough."

"...Normally speaking, it's not allowed... But if you agree to meet the master with me, it will be fine."

"It is necessary to see the master. After the Blossom Festival is over, I can go back to the sect with you after I meet Karma. Where is the Wuyinliu's sect?"

After hesitating for a while, Xiyue felt that there was nothing worth hiding, so Xiyue said it.

"In [Longji Mountain], located in the north of [Psychedelic Forest]."

Lester, who has been actively collecting information since he set foot on the Ionian continent, naturally knows where Dragon's Back Mountain is.

Longji Mountain is located further north of the Gahe Mountain and the Reishman Mountain Range. It is a unique giant mountain range in the Ionian continent. It is high in the northwest and low in the southeast. The farthest point reaches Zhiyun Province, which is across the sea, and the middle part divides Navoli Province in the south and Chamzam Province in the north. It can be said that the provincial distribution of the First Land is divided according to the Longji Mountains.

There are many practitioners who like to set up camp on Longji Mountain, and there are eight hundred masters living on it. It is not uncommon for the fog where Xiyue is located to flow on Longji Mountain.

"So your division is not far from [Psychedelic Forest]?"

"It's not far, but we will directly bypass the psychedelic forest when going in and out of our master's gate. There is a winding plank road built on Longji Mountain, which is very convenient."

[Psychedelic Forest] It is the strange forest with a spiritual maze in the north of Gahe Mountain mentioned in Helena's scroll, and it is also the residence of Omelia, Vastaya Xiarui's grandma of the cat boy Ogman. , according to the current intelligence analysis, the secret place [Omikayalan] where Vastaya Xiarui lives is located in the [Psychedelic Forest].

When the time comes, come down from Dragon’s Back Mountain and go directly to Omika Yalan in the Phantom Forest to help Sia find the method of changing shape. Even if the goal of this trip to Ionia is half completed, I just don’t know if Karma can do it. To give some secrets of reincarnation and reincarnation, some tough methods have to be used if not possible, and if it is impossible, I have to go to the tree man Iweng to pluck the wool of the orphan of Emperor Willow.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of something suddenly... It's getting late, I'll go and tell my yordle friend, you wait here for me, I'll be back in a while."

Watching the dressed man leave in a hurry, thinking of her master's instructions before going down the mountain, Xiyue sighed softly, touched her smooth belly, and shrank back on the velvet bed with a complicated expression.

I don't know if this will work...


Vastaya Blue Feather Hotel, in the room belonging to Lester and Lulu.

Lulu the yordle and an impatient Tristana are sitting by the bed, a little purple fairy Pixar squatting on Lulu's head, and a sweaty cat boy leaning against the wall , exercising with handstand push-ups. As for the boatman Nale, who followed Leicester all the way to Presidium, he stayed in the house all the time, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The enlightenment was ineffective, and the cat boy Ogman had no choice but to give up his futile actions.

Now that it was getting dark, veins popped in Tristana's temples.

"Your human friends won't get lost, right? Did you just walk for a day before?"

"We also just arrived at Presidium today."

Being attacked by Tristana, Lulu bowed her head a little aggrieved.

"Little Lenny didn't just leave because he hated Lulu..."

Quickly turned over and got up from the ground, O'Gorman wiped the sweat stains with a towel and denied.

"Impossible meow, Master Liszt came here for the Blossom Festival, and he definitely won't leave just like that, meow, and he likes you very much, Lulu, so how could he leave without saying goodbye meow?"

"Anyway, we should go."

Tristana shouldered her cannon Rumble, jumped off the bed, and took Lulu's hand.

"Lulu, you have to follow me too. The disaster that Bandle City is facing this time is unprecedented. We need your strength."

"Yeah, but... little Lenny still..."

"Why is it so lively in the room? Lulu, is this your friend?"

The wooden door was pushed open, and Lester walked into the room, his eyes quickly fixed on the 'strange' face.

The same height as Bobby, the same skin color, only the big ears are different from Bobby's elf-like pointed ears, and the iconic hand cannon...

Hi, isn't this Poppy the Gunner?

Of course, after thinking about it, Lester did not say such rude words in front of Tristana.

"Yeah! Little Lenny, you're finally back!"

Lulu cheered and ran to Lester and hugged the man. The man bent down and patted the little yordle on the back. said with a puzzled face.

"Well, a scent of wild pear blossoms..."

Not daring to let Lulu continue talking, Lester's rare old face blushed, calling for Lulu to change the subject.

"Ahem, Lulu, why don't you introduce your yordle friends?"

Looking back at Tristana whose face suddenly became tense, Lulu didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, so she quickly took Tristana's hand and came to Lester.

"She is my friend Tristana. Tristana is the captain of the gunner in Bandle City. She is very powerful~ Many yordles respect Tristana~"

"Hello, Tristana, my name is Liszt, you can also call me Little Lanny."

Tilting her head and glanced at Lester, Tristana quickly looked away the moment her eyes met, her tone was a bit cramped.

She has grown up so much, she has never seen such an attractive human man.

"You, hello, nice to meet you, little, little Lenny."

"Little Lenny, this time Tristana came to me with something, I have to go."

Lulu held the man's hand reluctantly, and Pixar also flew onto the man's shoulder, looking a bit reluctant to part.

"what happened?"

"Tristana, tell little Lenny, he can definitely help!"

Taking a deep breath, Tristana suppressed the irritability in her heart and returned to her normal state.

"It's like this. In the past few days, Bandle City has been threatened by some monsters from the spiritual realm, and the portal just happened to come to Presidium. Affected by the fluctuation of magic, the portal of Bandle City cannot be opened again. Move, we suspect that the upcoming Blossom Festival has affected the stability of Bandle City, we need Lulu's help to stabilize the portal of Bandle City, and leave here as soon as possible."

"You mean, there will be a catastrophic event on the Blossom Festival?"

Glancing at Ogman with a strange face, Lester recalled the consequences of the failure of the Blossoming Flower in the mouth of the cat boy. Could it be that there will be ghosts or parasitic types similar to Yazakana this time? Do demons come out of the spiritual realm?

"Yes, according to Master Presidian, the blooming days are within three weeks, and the closer the days are, the more monsters will invade Bandle Forest. There must be some connection between them, so Ban Del City must quickly solve the problem of magic fluctuations and leave Presidium as soon as possible."

"So that's how it is."

Then the man considered whether the girl Xiyue from Wuyinliu obeyed her teacher's order to go down the mountain to participate in the Blossom Festival, and whether it was also related to the disaster that happened on the Blossom Festival.

Shouldn't she be mourning the dead and souls?

If there are some prophets or masters calling for "all Ionian martial arts people" to maintain the balance of Prestidian, then it would make sense.

"Hey~ Little Lenny, can you solve this little problem? Lulu still wants to travel and adventure with you~"

Looking at Lulu who was acting like a baby to the man with a strange expression, Tristana stepped forward and grabbed Lulu for some unknown reason.

"Lulu, after the portal is stabilized, Little Lenny can go back to Bandle City with us. It's too dangerous to stay here."

"Yeah, little Lenny, come back to Bandle City with us! You haven't seen Bandle City yet, and there are many new friends in it!"

Pixar, the little fairy, also comforted Lester, but the silent Ogman looked at the scene in front of him with a complicated expression. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't discourage Lester from staying.

Under everyone's expectant eyes, Lester shook his head.

"I still have things to do, I can't go to Bandle City as a guest."

Lulu and Tristana's expectant expressions were visibly desolate, but O'Gorman's eyes lit up.

"It's okay, Lulu, let's go with Tristana, I'm fine here, even if a disaster does happen, I will stay here, escaping is not my style."

Pinching Lulu's chubby cheek, Lester smiled at Tristana.

"Tristana, although we are meeting for the first time, I know that you are a very reliable yordle."

Her cheeks flushed, her big ears stood up high, a little overwhelmed by what Lester said, Tristana frantically waved her little hand in denial.

"Where there is nothing, I, I..."

"No need to deny it, Tristana, you should be proud of yourself."

Putting the pouty Lulu's little hand into Tristana's, Lester suddenly had a strange feeling of entrusting his daughter.

Strictly speaking, the relationship between Lulu and Tristana should be better than her own.

"Take Lulu to protect Bandle City. Outside of Bandle City, there is me."

I’ve been a little stuck lately, please give the identification result of [Send] after the identification of [Prosthetic Eye Staring at the Truth], it seems to be eating jujube pills.

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