League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 402 Chapter 401 Bad Omen

More than a dozen experimental subjects imprisoned in cells made of astral magic materials are in a state of deep sleep with their eyes closed. Crystal magic pipes are being inserted into each cell to continuously deliver special magical anesthetic substances. It can not only keep the experimental subject quiet, but also supplement the physical consumption of the experimental subject, so that the weak and crazy experimental subject has enough strength to support it.

The huge quartz crystal bed, which is as large as the experimental table, is engraved with dense seals and suppressing magic runes. Even a giant dragon with full magic resistance can only become a chicken at the mercy of others when it goes on the experimental table.

The two 'people' went straight to the outside of the first cell, and the curious protoss placed their hands on the metallic magic pattern door. In the wave of magic, the nutritional and anesthetic substances in the cell were reversely absorbed by the pipeline, and the magic bed The six shackles of confinement (limbs, neck, waist and abdomen) are locked automatically. After the amulet lights up, the two-meter-five little giant can no longer move like a pendant on the bed.

Stretching out his hand to touch the giant's rough skin covered with blue-violet magic inscriptions, the Protoss of Justice felt the surging power under the skin.

This power is enough to crush the giant dragon with bare hands. Even from the perspective of the protoss, such an experimental product is an outstanding work, much stronger than their ancestors, the Titans.

"I didn't expect the little boy who used to be to grow to such an extent. It's amazing."

In response to the admiration of the righteous protoss, the curious protoss nodded proudly.

"Of course, Simond is my pride~"

The curious protoss controlled the old man with the skin of a chrysanthemum to lie directly on the little giant's clean chest, feeling the strong body that had been brushed by the folds, and the old man looked intoxicated.

"If Dragon Blood wasn't too violent, I really didn't want to treat my little Xixi like this. He is so loyal to me, I~ I really hate to let him stay in this ghost place every day."

"If you really think so, you won't make him into such a ghost after castration, and you are really cruel to your believers. For most people, it's better to die early than to live like this .”

"That's more meaningful than chopping the tester into black coals. At least Xiao Xixi is still alive, isn't she?"

After the Justice Protoss obtained a human body, it seemed that it had a little more human emotion, the woman sneered.

"Don't talk about those useless things. This is just fake dragon blood condensed on the body of a pure-blooded dragon through the power of the star dragon. If blood is really drawn from Aurerion's body, the balance between the two may be directly broken. Your The experiment will fail."

"So, we need to know what kind of characteristics the blood of the star dragon has? What kind of power and law can make a star dragon incarnate in a galaxy have the power of creation? Even fake dragon blood has enough value, no matter how rotten the wood is. Wood will always be ignited by flames and turn into coke, so I can understand that apart from hydrogen and oxygen elements, the essence of wood is actually carbon.”

Jumping off Simond's body, the curious protoss with a hippie smile suddenly tightened his face and said seriously.

"Xiao Xixi can be handed over to you to find that outsider for fun, but I have a condition."

"What conditions?"

"If you really complete the production of the perfect avatar, I want all the production knowledge you have mastered!"

After thinking for a while, the Protoss of Justice nodded.

"Yes, but you also have to share all your experimental data with me."

The old man narrowed his eyes.

"Deal. From now on, Xiao Xixi belongs to you. Come on, engrave your name on Xiao Xixi's soul, and he will become your most loyal servant."

"Hehe, don't you like Simond the most?"

"I don't like it now."


Emerald collar, in the magic laboratory of the underground fortress of the Silver Mountain Range.

Misha, who stopped breathing, was lying in a special open-air magic crystal coffin with her hands clasped. Five perfect-grade polyhedral pyramid-shaped colored soul pyroxenes were evenly distributed around the crystal coffin to form a film that nourished the soul. Inlaid with a crimson burning gem,

The activated burning gem refined the power delivered by more than twenty black rose mages and passed it to Leicester and Hina in front of the crystal coffin.

Crying pear blossoms and raining Hina desperately transported the divine power in her body to her sister's cold body, and Lester, who had obtained the mana supplement, calmed down and efficiently transformed the supplemented mana, letting the mana flow in the green talisman With the help of Wen Elena, Misha was transformed into pure life force.

Watching the five soul pyroxenes gradually dim and fade, Lester said coldly.

"Are there any prisoners?"

Jiss shook her head.

"No, Fidelet has 1,286 prisoners...all of them are here."

"...Bring all the condemned prisoners from the arena to emergency, and then send people to buy a batch of aged slaves from the Immortal Fortress. The number should be at least 3,000, as soon as possible."

The indifferent words passed from Lester's mouth to Jiss's ears. Jiss shuddered, nodded in response, and left quickly.

Hina looked at Lester with teary eyes and sobbed.

"Brother Lester... will my sister die?"


The man's voice was very cold and calm, but Hina felt a force from it, and it also made the woman feel an inexplicable fear.

This fear was something she had never felt in Lester.

"Brother Lester..."

"What's wrong?"

The man finally looked at Hina.

"You... seem to have become scary... I... I'm a little scared..."

As she spoke, the brunette woman began to cry.

She always felt that Lester would leave her forever in the next second.

"You don't want to look like this, okay? Let's be like the past, okay..."

With his right hand free, Lester finally eased his expression, stretched out his hand to touch Xina's head, and wiped away tears for Xina, just like a mature woman or a little girl with a carrot head.

"Don't be afraid, my anger is only for myself who is looking forward and backward. I took Misha out to participate in the war. I should protect Misha. I know that Misha is very unwilling to raise weapons for the sake of war, but I still led her. I knew that Misha might be in danger but arrogantly thought that I could solve everything. I only hated myself, I hated myself for being weak, I hated myself for being incompetent, I hated myself for not being able to do my best...Since I was wrong, I will do my best make up."

"Brother Lester...don't be like this, okay? It's not your fault, no one thought that such a thing would happen..."

"Xina...Look at me and promise me one thing, okay? Only you can do this, and only you can do it."

Obediently wiping away her tears, Hina continued to convey divine power to her sister, and the woman looked at the love of her life.

In a daze, the man seemed to have really returned to more than ten years ago. At that time, he and his sister were still young, and the man also pampered himself and his sister with such a gentle expression, making his family full and wearing nice clothes , hold up a piece of sky for myself, my sister and my father...

He used to be ranked behind his father, but before he knew it, he had become the man he cared about most.

The dragon blood experiment Simond is a character customized by the book friend [Gods Will Cry], and the second customized character in this book. He agreed to [Gods Will Cry] as early as less than 100 copies. Great readers, finally Appeared in Chapter 401, it’s not easy, it’s not easy, don’t think I usually mention it, but I always remember it in my heart (proud chest),

In general, Simmond is also a staged violent death, the kind that is enough for the protagonist to drink a pot. Presumably everyone can also feel that the plot has accelerated the pace. To be honest, the world of Runeterra except for Shurima and Bilge Other than Walt, I have laid the groundwork a lot. If I honestly write about how the Emerald Collar and Noxus expanded and fought, not many people will read it. It’s too boring. People won’t want to read this. I’m right. Bar? So you have to get high, do things, and let the timeline enter the big event as soon as possible, so that everyone can have enough motivation to follow up, right?

I can be regarded as rushing to the street to save experience, hehe~

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