League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 405 Chapter 404 The Curse of Ryze

"That's right, I'm talking about the two of them. You have a good memory."

"...you just told me two days ago..."

Seeing the arrogant Margaret who always likes to kill her cast a speechless gaze, the proud Kret continued shaking his head.

"Besides the Bandle people, there are some stray humans living in Bandle City. I remember it was a bright spring afternoon. The forest that Tristana was patrolling happened to have spatial fluctuations. She was vigilant and caught a The humans logging in the forest questioned each other carefully for a long time, and then let other people confirm it before letting them go. After being wasted by Tristana in the morning, the humans felt a little resentful.

To be honest, if it was on me, I would have kicked Tristana away, this and that, why are there so many stupid things to ask? "

Seeing Kled waving his small fists, Margaret held her forehead, thinking that it was her biggest mistake for a furry child to have emotional experiences.

Kled's character is tougher than the magic steel ax in his hand, and only Skaarl can stand him in this life.

Of course, he is the only one who can stand Skaarr who is always running away, the two are a match made in heaven.

Unaware that Margaret was slandering herself, Kled was still happily telling the story.

"Then humans go to the market in the afternoon to sell firewood. You know, many yordles don't like to destroy nature, but they need firewood to live, so they like to exchange these materials with humans with some natural fruits, which saves time. It saves effort and can also promote the harmonious relationship between Bandle City people and Bandle people.

Coincidentally, speaking of it, he was also unlucky. He actually met a trash guy, and his little complaint to the gunner captain happened to be heard by the trash guy. "

Klein's one-eyed eyes widened suddenly, and he grinned and lowered his voice.

"I swear, even when others say that Rambo is a dwarf, Rambo is not so angry. You must know that Rambo hates people talking about his height the most. Speaking of which, I am two heads taller than Rambo. He's an out-and-out little guy, and he can't hit me in a few fights, unless he uses his long anesthesia electric harpoon that looks like a toilet plug to poke my ass, that's really a special feeling ..."

"Ahem, let's get down to business, shall we? And then?"

"Then, as if steam was coming out of his head, the furious Rambo blushed and picked up the [automatic boxing glove] he invented, pulled the trigger made of iron wire, and the rubber fist that popped out hit the human face One punch came up, and the human was turned five and a half times on the spot. Lulu passing by cheered and recorded the record of somersault belonging to Bandle City. You must know that before that, she was squatting in the grass to pick mushrooms Timo was kicked and rolled 3.3 times... This is what he said himself, he said that he was not peeping, but picking mushrooms."

"What the hell? Anyway, what do you mean Lester looks as angry as Trash Runt?"

The spoiled Margaret also forgot the real name of a trash guy, while Kled gave a thumbs up and grinned.

"That's right! That's what I mean! Sure enough, you are much smarter than Skaar!"

"You're comparing me to that stupid lizard of yours?"

Margaret raised her eyebrows, but Kret kept smiling and didn't know that the danger was coming.

"Yeah, you are indeed much smarter than Skaar..."

"Ouch! Ah! Drink!"

"You! You're cheating! Whoah!"

After listening to the jingling of bells in the house for a while, the guard guarding the door put away his worried expression and tightened his face again.

The door opened, and the hairy child with a bruised nose and a swollen face was thrown out casually. He grinned and rolled over two and a half times and lay on the ground like a dead dog. Immediately afterwards, a large ax was whirling and cutting into the wooden floor. It was raised high, and a broken hat flew in the air and hung up, dangling around very funny.

Clapping her hands, Margaret said calmly amidst the awe-inspiring expressions of the guards.

"Find Admiral Kret a more comfortable coffin, and don't choke the child."



Since leaving the Frostguard Fortress a few months ago, Church, Grace, and Catherine have traveled all the way south through the entire Freljord Icefield, and finally arrived in the western part of the Dalmor Plain.

After resting in the city of Nur for a few days, they embarked on the journey again. The three of them had repelled dozens of waves of Kalisi people.

Thinking of those Beastmen who used human bones and animal skulls as body decorations, did not hide their evil desires, and slaughtered several villages with bloody means, Grace felt a little weak in her legs. Every time she was watched by Beastmen, she could feel her body Every inch was licked, and in fact she had pissed standing up three times, and she was dying of shame that she was seriously slowing down the line by needing a shower.

Fortunately, Church, who is in charge, is already an inhumane old man. He always takes care of the little girl with the gentle attitude of a grandfather for the girl who is about the same size as his granddaughter. Of course, Catherine, who is also a woman, is in charge of the specific care. Yes, the old man is only responsible for guarding the gate and freezing the bastards who scare his granddaughter into human-shaped popsicles.

"Unexpectedly, the Frost Kingdom expected by the Witch was defeated in this way. Without the help of Jelena's influence, our actions may be even more difficult."

Church, who was carrying a cloth bag, put down his hood, and the old man squinted at the end of the distant mountain.

The Black Iron Fort is not far from the other side of the mountain, and the Kalisians are not active nearby at all. This shows that the Kalisians and the Black Iron Fort have a special deal that is unknown, and this alone can prove Jelena hooks up with the Calis.

The situation has gone from bad to worse.

"That's right, now there are military disasters and bandits everywhere on the Dalmo Plain, and there are not a few villagers who are forced to become robbers by the plundering and massacre of the Calisians. The Texans are at war, and it may be difficult for us to cross the Dalmo Plains safely,

I heard that the Heidi people in the east are also at war with the Emerald Territory. Even we can't escape safely from the thousands of troops. How to avoid military disasters is a problem we must consider. "

Catherine also looked worried.

"It's too difficult for us."

Grace, who suddenly lowered the average height between the two, concluded in a low voice. Church and Catherine looked at each other and nodded in the same way.

"Let's go to Jelena first, at least we have to avoid the Kalisi's blade, I think Jelena will have a way."

Regarding Church's proposal, Catherine retorted.

"In this case, will we be involved in the war between Jelena and the Noxus? In my opinion, it is better to act as a traveler. As long as we put aside the relationship with Jelena, the Noxus should Will not embarrass three Freljord mages."

After a moment of silence, Church looked at Grace, who was frowning like a hamster.

"... Grace, what do you think?"

Before Grace could respond in a daze, a strange man who was wrapped up tightly and dressed in light leather armor quickly approached the three of them.

"Hi! Who are the three of you and where are you going? Can you show me the way?"

Ruiz: None of my business?

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