"Lord Leicester of the Emerald Territory! Your temperament is so cruel! There are not only 30,000 soldiers in this fortress, but also hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians! Aren't you afraid that the gods will punish you with disasters!"

The old mage in charge of the Magic Round Tower knelt down on the ground, scolding and cursing Lester hoarsely like a cuckoo crying blood.

Everywhere you can see are stumps and broken arms. There were hundreds of soldiers and civilians who had taken refuge in the round tower, but now they have fallen into a pool of blood. The absorbed soul screamed.

"Old man, don't argue anymore."

Filled with the power of the soul, Lester trembled unconsciously, which was ten times more intoxicating pleasure than cocaine.

"This is a war between Noxus and Heidi. There is no right or wrong in a war, and there are no innocents. You Heidi want to conquer the world, and we in Noxus have the same idea. On the battlefield, you are the only one who lives and dies." , Misha, who deliberately killed me, now feels that I am cruel. When you Heidi people went south to slaughter the village, didn't you think that you would be punished? How many ordinary people died at your hands?"

The old man choked on the rebuttal. "That's not as much as you are. There are only a few people in a border village of Noxus. How can it be compared with the North Sea Fortress..."

Holding the bloody Moon Rose in one hand, the calm Lester glanced at the last living person indifferently.

The old guy with double standards is still trying to excuse himself.

"Is enough nonsense? If enough, it's time to hit the road."

"You devil! Devil! The gods will not let you go! Haha!"

The sound of the sharp blade piercing through the body interrupted the old man's complaint. Lester pulled out the moon rose and kicked the dead body away.

The old man rolled twice, dying with resignation, and his soul was pulled out by Lester and put into the red rune.

This is the second round tower, which has been emptied.

It was getting late.

The man searched blankly and turned away after confirming that no one had slipped through the net.


The deadly blue ice flowers finally stopped falling from the deep blue sky, and the survivors who hid in the building in time still dare not go out, because the magical creations that have condensed into ice on the ground are still deadly, and many people want to escape The civilians in the fortress were frozen by the blue ice under their feet, turning into dead crafts like other ice sculptures.

Desperation shrouded everyone's heart. No one could escape such a natural disaster. They could only wait in place until the man-made disaster that brought the natural disaster came like a god of death, taking lives and harvesting souls.

It was completely dark, and the entire fortress city was lifeless, weeping and gnashing its teeth in the howling cold wind, and the bustling Beihai fortress was as desolate and lonely as a dead city within a day.

Walking in front of the third stone pagoda in the silence of Wan Lai, a dozen torches stubbornly entered the darkness, occupying their own place. Lester looked at the handsome and straight man sitting on the stone steps in front of the stone pagoda,

The man was wearing a luxurious silver fur coat, and his bare chest was enough to make an innocent girl blush.

A head of red hair is as dazzling and insolent as a flame. The man's figure is full of beauty and explosive power, and his face is as impressive as a knife and an axe.

There are many handsome men and women in Runeterra, but not many people are so eye-catching.

line of sight shifting,

On both sides of the man stood more than a dozen people holding torches, surrounding the red-haired man like a king, their expressions full of admiration.

Because of the red-haired man, these Heidi were not even afraid of themselves.

There is only one person who can have such authority and majesty in the North Sea Fortress, and that is the city lord of Heidi City, who was conferred by King Mansur himself, and Kyle Yasa, who controlled the deadly force [Spear of God Killing], also 'killed' Mi Sha's culprit.

Lester flicked the ominous bloody Moon Rose in the darkness, returned his gaze to the red-haired man, and continued to move forward without saying a word.

Seeing Leicester getting closer, the red-haired man didn't intend to stand up and fight, but just quietly stared at the man who posed a fatal threat to him tens of meters away,

When Leicester was looking at the red-haired man, the red-haired man was also looking at the handsome man not far away, who was full of aura like an ancient elf, and swept past Leicester's wolf ears and big tail, Kyle Yasa's face became a little clearer.

If it wasn't for the maddening evil spirit covering his whole body, he would even think that the visitor was a harmless elf transformed from a spirit wolf, with a pair of bright silver cold eyes as beautiful as the Ten Thousand Years of Ice in the Freljord , it is difficult to generate any hostility.

"I thought that the biggest threat to the Emerald Collar was the two angels who possessed the power of the divine sword. For this reason, I sacrificed the lives of thousands of people for the chance to kill the angels. I was wrong. It was a big mistake. It turns out Lord Leicester is the most hidden powerhouse. I was even thinking, if the god-killing spear flew towards you riding a dragon bird, would we not have to pay such a heavy price? Compared to you, the Seraphim who can cut through the city wall is not worth mentioning at all."

When he came to a position ten meters away, Lester stood still, with the corners of his mouth upturned.

"It turns out that the Lord of Kaier Yasa will also have regrets?"

Facing Lester with a mocking face, Kyle Yasa did not hide it, and nodded straightforwardly.

"Yeah, I also have regrets, because unlike you, I am just a mortal, a mortal who will fear, regret, and doubt himself.

If I knew that you have such great strength, I would definitely not be your enemy. If you could accept my submission, maybe I would throw away my ridiculous ambitions and become a Noxian to join the Emerald Territory without hesitation. ... After all, don't you Noxus claim to discriminate against anyone but the weak and cowards? No matter how I say it, I don't look like a person who will be discriminated against, do I? "

"You are right, in my opinion, you are much better than most people in Noxus, enough to become a general of Noxus, or a leader of a battle group, or even... A hero."

It was still late at night, and Lester knew about Kyle Yasa's plan, but he was not in a hurry to do it.

"A hero... I can get such a high evaluation. Even though you are an enemy, I feel very honored to be affirmed by you."

Speaking of this, Kaier Yasa sighed: "In fact, I don't know if I am a hero, but I know that I have enough value, otherwise King Mansur would not use a city to win me over Let me die for him."

Lester didn't speak, just quietly watching Kyle Yasa talking to himself.

"When I don't know your true strength, the worst has happened. Even the whole Heidi can't deal with you. I have to say that this is too hopeless. I don't even know if I can Seeing the sun tomorrow, I always focus on the war. I haven’t even talked about a real relationship. Although I have experienced many women, I have never given my heart. I have to say... this matter It's a pity."

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