League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 420 Chapter 419 The Disaster of the Dead

The flesh and blood of the dead were reassembled and revived again. Under the kneading of the soul, the skeleton and the piece of flesh took up the weapon in life and slashed at the former companion. The power was stronger than in life.

Death is spreading rapidly like a plague, and even the passing breeze has an indelible bloody smell.

Evil spells shrouded the sky above Heidi City under the blessing of natural magic and augmentation circles, bringing the dead back to life, preventing souls from reincarnating, and making all Heidi people silent in bloody terror, even the perpetrators Unexpectedly, undead magic combined with natural magic would have such an effect.

The ancient Icathian undead magic reappeared in Runeterra, bringing a new catastrophe. Everyone took up arms, trying to fight a way out of the chaotic disaster, and the centrally located Havis Square Above, an unobservable battle is going on.

Heidi City, the residence of King Mansour, the Jalong Palace.

Heidi's pearl, Princess Stella, the daughter of King Mansur, wearing a white gauze princess dress, stares worryingly at the bloody sky from the front, and the lovely cotton candy clouds are dyed ominous colors, stay away from There were even more chaotic and disturbing voices from the south of the Royal Family District. She didn't know what disaster happened in Heidi City, so she could only put her hands together and knelt down on the ground, doing the work she could do in a low voice.

"Master God, no matter what happens in Heidi City, I beg you to keep the people safe and secure, and protect Heidi's people and soldiers from harm. May all the glory and respect belong to you..."

The innocent blond princess prayed a little, then thought of her omnipotent elder brother Kali Yasa, and turned to make a wish to Kali Yasa.

"Brother Kyle Yasa, no matter what happens, you can solve it, come back safely, Heidi City needs you..."

There was not much time left for the little princess, and before the princess wanted to say a word of prayer, the court lady's bodyguard directly pushed open the expensive carved wooden door rudely, came to the princess and knelt on her knees.

"Princess Stella, the king asked me to pick you up, this place is no longer safe."

"Sister Vernes, what happened in Heidi City? I, I'm so scared..."

Raising her head to look at Princess Stella who was as cute as a bunny in front of her, Vernes's serious face became softer.

The pearl of the kingdom does not need to understand how dangerous and dark this world is, and it is her duty to keep out all the things that tarnish the beauty.

Only the princess's innocence and brilliance, like other guards, she is willing to give everything to protect until another person who can protect Stella appears.

"There was a small riot in Nancheng District. Some civilians were robbed by neighbors because of cucumbers. Angrily, they lit the vegetable garden of the neighbor with a torch. The fire was very large and spread to other residential buildings. The red color in the sky is the light of the flames. Now the civilians are being evacuated over there, the soldiers have started to put out the fire, it will be out soon, no one will be hurt."

"But, but, sister Vernes, will the flames in the southern city reach us?"

Vernes shook her head calmly.

"...No, we evacuated only because mobs began to rush into the palace. In order to prevent all dangers, we have to move underground."

"Alright... alright, Sister Vernes, I'll go with you."

Guessing things didn't seem to be what she imagined, and Stella was unwilling to continue to dig into the bottom line to embarrass Vernes. She never liked to do things that embarrass others.

"Princess Stella, please hold me tight."

After obtaining the consent, Vernes didn't hesitate anymore, and directly offended the princess in the form of a princess hug, and left the princess' bedroom with vigorous steps.

On the other hand, King Mansur listened to his subordinate's report with a cold face.

"...According to the survivors, the person who came was Leicester, the lord of the Emerald Territory, and it was Leicester who used black magic to create this disaster. Starting from Havis Square in the center, the other three urban areas have been completely destroyed. Out of control, the streets are full of dangerous and evil monsters, it is difficult for us soldiers to cause effective damage to those undead monsters, so we can only shrink our troops to defend the northern city..."

"That's enough! Sir Austin, let me ask you, why didn't Sir Kael Yasa keep Lester out of Heidi City? Where did the king's god-killing spear go? A Noxus How capable is the lord to create such a catastrophe in Heidi City?"

Facing the majestic King Mansur, Austin, who knelt on one knee, shook his head.

"King, I don't know."

Frowning, King Mansur took two deep breaths and forcibly suppressed his dissatisfaction and anger towards Kaier Yasa.

"Tell the Great Sage of Will to stop his research on golems, we need his power now.

Be sure to defend the North District, Austin, remember, I want you at all costs! "



Heidi City, the underground ruins of Atlanta in the northern city.

The old mage with a big gray beard drove away the rest of the researchers, and was alone in the closed underground to drum up the six-meter-tall colossus, with an obsessed look on his face, connecting magic wires to the armor of the golem from time to time, adjusting the with various parameters.

Suddenly, an astral portal opened from Will's side without warning, and an indifferent woman walked out.

"Twilight still meddled in Leicester's affairs,

Curious, as I said earlier, Twilight really doted on that container called 'Zoe' so much that she actually gave Zoe the full power of the initiative, and Zoe couldn't control herself at all. "

Hearing the voice behind him, the great sage 'Will' smiled without looking back.

"Twilight is the most mischievous incarnation of the astral world, and Zoe is the perfect host that best meets his requirements. To be honest, if I have a host that is naturally suitable for me like 'Zoe', I would also like to pamper her." ...As long as it doesn't matter to the overall situation, Twilight can do whatever he wants, anyway, he will never be our enemy, and a guy like... Soraka, I'm afraid the Star Realm won't find another one."

Hearing what the Curious Protoss said, the Justice Protoss was choked up, and his tone was a little more dissatisfied.

"Lester's behavior has attracted the hostility of the mother of the mask, and the evil spirit owl has already targeted him... What are you going to do?"

"How? Of course, do what 'Will' should do."

Hiding the magic wire into the indestructible body of the golem through magic, the curious protoss stuffed the astral crystal into the heart of the golem, and gained the power of the astral, and the golem's body began to emit a light blue magic light.

"The great sage of Will, the king wants to see you."

Austin pushed open the closed stone door, glanced at it calmly, and found nothing unusual.

The great sage of Will turned around, his face was a little tired, but also a little relieved.

"To live up to the king's order, the giant statue of magic energy has finally been completed...By the way, Lord Austin, do you know why the king is looking for me?"

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