League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 444 Chapter 443 The Day of Farewell

A far more terrifying explosion than before struck from the east outside the city. The ground shook and the mountains were shaken. The blue magic energy shock wave completely destroyed Fidelet's outer city east. The impact quickly collapsed and cracked, turning into dust.

The residents of Emerald Territory who evacuated to the west in time were not harmed. Instead, Hina and others who stayed in the tower to observe the battle had to evacuate the tower that was about to collapse. Everyone was protected inside, and the next moment, rubble smashed on the shield, burying several people.

When the ground returned to calm, the ruins suddenly exploded. Soraka, who had removed the shield, had severely burned hands, and was supported by Vernes and Huanxue to stand up.

"There is a healing mage in the black rose, do you need me to send you there?"

Xina spread her pure white wings and looked at the one-horned protoss who was injured in order to save everyone with complicated eyes, but Soraka shook her head.

"I can heal myself, don't worry about me, if my perception is correct, the battle over there seems to be over."

"Okay, then I'll go over there and have a look."

Hina, who was fluttering her wings, temporarily put down Soraka's continuous approach to the battlefield to the east. It is full of devastation, and the state of the east of Fidelet City cannot be described. The closer to the outside of the city, the more serious the elemental turbulence. The completely dissipated power of the terrifying star dragon can easily cut and tear any living creature that gets close.

In an oversized battle, this place has become a Jedi for mortals.

Hina kept avoiding the turbulent flow of magic, lowered her altitude, and finally arrived at the battlefield outside the city. The landform was completely different from before. The original green land had become a barren and dangerous magic ice abyss. The blade-like magic cyclone, the earth was split into countless cracks and potholes, a huge north-south crack traversed for more than ten miles, stretching from the Shimmering Silver Mountains to the Urus Mountains in the north, and there were traces of the battle everywhere.

Xina flew around twice and didn't find any living creatures, so she couldn't help becoming anxious until another angel with wings appeared in the sky in a trance.

"Sister, what is the situation now?"

Coming to Misha's side, Hina helped her sister land on a relatively safe landing ground.

"Lester...he defeated the envoy Simond, but was taken away..."

"What do you mean? Who took Brother Lester away? Sister, cheer up!"

Shaking Misha's body vigorously, Hina became more and more anxious.

"After realizing that he couldn't defeat Lester, Simon chose to explode himself. Lester didn't know whether he was alive or dead in the explosion. Then the space transmission channel appeared, and a little girl with orange hair jumped out... She stuck out her tongue at me, Take Lester away directly..."

"Did you not stop her?"


Misha knelt down on the ground bitterly, spat out a mouthful of blood, and her eyes were filled with tears.

"I can not do it……"

"I, can't do anything..."

"I'm too weak..."

Carrying her seriously injured sister, Hina, with her head down, didn't say anything, and flew in the direction she came from.


A week later, except for the Freljord, all countries in the southern Valoran continent knew of the huge catastrophe that had occurred in Fidelet, and for a while the Emerald Territory once again became the focus of the Valoran continent.

A powerful existence that called itself an angel judged the independent territory of Noxus. It was rumored that the angel successively defeated Seraphim Misha, killed Lester, the lord of the Emerald Territory, and brought chaos to the eastern city of Fidelet. The huge destruction of imagination, the rumors continued until Lester, the lord of the Emerald Territory, appeared in person to clarify, and the rumors were completely dispelled.

In the end, the emerald leader's consul gave the statement that the emerald leader launched a secret weapon to eliminate the envoy, and the lord was fine.

Witnessing the ruins of Fidelet's eastern city and the giant ice chasm in the eastern plain, most of the visitors and citizens chose to believe, and they also began to be in awe of the strength of the emerald leader. The leader seems to have obtained a certain transcendent status on the Valoran continent. After all, the power to kill gods is not something that all forces possess.

People don't understand what kind of situation changes will be caused by the incident that has not officially started to ferment, but the Emerald Leader has stabilized the turbulent situation and killed a large number of spies and thugs who took advantage of the chaos. The Gretel Legion is about to return to the Emerald Land to control the situation, and the forces of other countries that are about to move for a while can only choose to die down.

In any case, the Emerald Land has stabilized. How to rebuild the East City and build a stone bridge across the [Extreme Ice Abyss], connecting Fort Charnos and the Emerald Land has been put on the agenda.

Part of the aftermath of the lord's mansion in Fidelet's inner city has finally been completed.

After resting for a week, Vernes, Soraka and Huanxue sent out a request to leave.

The magic steel mask was placed on the table next to the puppet cat. In her own home, Hina didn't wear the mask. This was the only time she could relax by being herself.

"Have you decided? Sister Vernes, do you really not consider staying in the Emerald Collar?"

"Well, it's decided."

Vernes nodded politely, glanced at Soraka and Huanxue beside her, and smiled at Hina.

"I promised to follow Leicester, so naturally I won't break my promise. I will look for the next direction of life unless I confirm that he is really dead. Sister Huanxue will return to the Ionian sect. She has received Leicester's I don't have any regrets about the letter that Stuart left for her.

As for the Prophet Soraka predicted Leicester's movements, the Prophet Soraka and I were going to act together to try to find Leicester, so naturally there was no reason to stay. "

"What? Sister Soraka, do you know where Brother Lester is?"

Overjoyed, Hina hugged Soraka who was a head taller than herself, making Soraka a little embarrassed.

"It's just some broken pieces... In the prophecy, I saw an ice field and a lake. I thought that Lester might have been taken somewhere in the Freljord by the Protoss, so the two of us decided to go to the Freljord." Eldrod look for it."

"Wouldn't it be more convenient if I sent the army? Otherwise, you can wait a little longer, and you can go to the Freljord with the legion when Sister Margaret returns."

Hina's proposal was quickly rejected by Soraka.

"This is indeed a way, but it is not very good to send troops directly, our actions will be very inconvenient,

The climate of Freljord is not very bearable, not to mention that there are many terrible races and dangerous beasts on that icy land, as well as the rumored violent God of Freljord, I think we should travel light. good. "

Thanks to [2030 He] readers for their big monthly pass and 1w dot coin reward, plus more updates!

Next is the trip to the Freljord in Leicester, I hope you like it

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