League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 450 Chapter 449 The Team Taking Jujube Pills

After more than ten years of prisoners in the ice cave under the Lakstark Sanctuary, and more than a year of captivity on the Freljord Icefield, a group of four finally crossed smoothly in the early spring of the second year. Most of the Freljord Icefield has returned to the periphery of the Frostguard Fortress in the extreme north.

Lester never thought that the first time he came to Frostguard Fortress was actually a prisoner. It seems that his luck has become worse since he started fighting against the Mother of the Mask. If there is a chance, he would not mind taking All the soul feathers of Xuling Xiexiao were pulled out, and then Xuling Xiexiao was turned into a charcoal-roasted big bird, in order to repay Xuling Xiexiao for his good start.

Fortunately, after getting used to captives, Lester didn't think there was anything wrong with being captive, especially since a girl from the Freljord had a good impression of him, Lester with his hands tied could still enjoy To the girl's feeding and tenderness.

It was the only thing that kept him warm in the frigid Freljord.

"Cross another hill and you will arrive at Frostguard Fortress, Lester. You will be surprised when you see Frostguard Fortress for the first time. Frostguard Fortress is a majestic and magnificent thing that people in the south can never imagine. According to legend, That is the frozen hall built by the God of Forging himself, and the core foundation is made of pure ice, which is indestructible."

Sitting by the fire, Grace put the roasted rabbit legs into Lester's mouth, waited patiently for the man to chew and swallow, and then brought a mouthful of boiled river water in the kettle, she didn't know What kind of feelings does she have for men? She just likes the atmosphere with men and listens to all kinds of stories from men. This is something she has never experienced in her previous life.

It is a pity that until now, the man has not really revealed his identity, but only said that he is a prisoner. Grace was a little disappointed by such a blatant concealment.

"Speaking of Frostguard Fortress... Grace, are there any Poro around here? Speaking of which, I haven't seen such a small thing. I heard that your Frostguard clan in the Freljord is very careful."

After a year of practical application, although I still can't write casually, Leicester's spoken Freljord has reached the point of proficiency,

Seriously speaking, the Freljord language family is actually different from the Valoran language family. The Freljord German family is a pictograph that is older than the Valoran language. So far, there are very few people in Freljord Using the troublesome and useless ancient Freljord script, apart from the Recorder who needs to use the knowledge of writing and the Frostguard Mage who learns ancient magic, most Freljord people are more concerned about whether they will be hungry or hungry tonight. Frozen to death, not something like ghost symbols. Fortunately, Grace is the iceborn warlock who has mastered the hieroglyphs of the Freljord, and Lester also took the opportunity to learn a lot.

Moreover, the accents of different Freljord tribes are far more difficult to recognize than Noxus and Demacian. In addition, Freljord itself has a relatively barbaric pronunciation. In this way, It's no surprise that the Freljord loves fighting and infighting.

Anyone who hears "let me use it" as "fuck you" will probably have to wave a brick up and down to give someone a hard time.

"Poro, there are indeed many around here."

Grace threw away the bones that Lester had eaten clean, and gave Lester a sip of water. Lester felt like a baby with a kind mother Grace.

He thought for a while and found that he didn't hate the feeling of being cared for.

"My lord witch said that Poro is an earth elf in the Freljord. No one can harm Poro. Naturally, Poro is not allowed to be sold by others. Every Poro that spreads to other places will Was chased back by the Iceborne Warlock, and the Poro is only found near the Frostguard Fortress. In fact, in the Frostguard Fortress, there is a special person responsible for protecting the safety of the Poro. It is very difficult for the Poro to leave the Freljord .

Before this period of time, once it was discovered that someone wanted to forcibly kidnap or harm a Poro, the Frost Guards had the power to forcibly arrest and imprison them. Unfortunately, many Frost Guards used the Poro as an excuse to harm In the event of robbing others and extorting property, the witch first executed these Frostguards who oppressed ordinary tribesmen, and then deliberately selected some of the Iceborn to make various magic marks on Poro's body. With magic marks, Poro Once injured, it can be captured by the Iceborn Warlock, and the person who hurt the Poro will be punished reasonably, so that the Poro will not be hurt and bullied, and some innocent people will not be bullied because of the Poro, so this way It continues to this day.

We internally call those mages who guard the Poro "Poro Envoys", and it is worth mentioning that the Poro raised by each Poro Envoy seems to be different..."

Catherine came out of the abandoned tent, glanced at the two people who were chatting enthusiastically in front of the fire, and recalled Church who secretly played with the purple light in the void crystal eyes, and couldn't help sighing, if she didn't know Grace's nature, she He even wondered if the man named Lester would trick Grace around and let Grace let him go secretly.

No matter how you look at it, this team looks like it is going to die. Fortunately, this journey is coming to an end. As long as I survive tomorrow, I will be able to return to the Frostguard Fortress. The safest poro, away from the dangerous missions of the Gathering of the Watchers.

As if thinking of her 'retirement life', Catherine's expression relaxed a little, but accidents always come faster than expected. In the blink of an eye, a terrible cold wave swept across the world mixed with snow from the northeast The camp hit, the fire was extinguished, and visibility suddenly decreased.

"...storm...wind...snow...will...come...! We...we...must...go into the mountains...to hide in...caves...come with...me..."

The violent sound of the wind almost completely drowned out the roar of the old mage, Catherine nodded in the strong wind with difficulty, quickly ran back to the tent that was about to be broken, picked up her luggage and rushed out.

Grace was also a little caught off guard by the sudden change in the terrifying sky. Fortunately, she always knew that when she was at a loss, it was right to follow the wise man. As for Lester, he did not have the freedom to act independently. Grace pulled the rope and followed the old mage, and was protected by Grace's spell shield.

The starry sky seemed to be swallowed by darkness, and the howl of the wind and snow became louder and louder, until nothing could be heard, except for the light from the slightly lit staff crystal in the hands of the Iceborn Warlock, everything in front of his eyes could not be seen. darkness and snow,

The movements of the four people were not slow. After the magic shield was turned on, the walking speed increased a lot. Following the old Church who was familiar with the terrain, they climbed all the way up the mountain, and finally walked into the mountain before the snowstorm became bigger. inside the cave.

In just ten minutes, everyone's physical stamina and power reserves were exhausted. On the contrary, Lester looked the most relaxed. He frowned, guessing that this sudden snowstorm might be more difficult than he imagined. The ones in the middle are much more troublesome.

Using frost magic to block the only hole, old Church sat on the ground wearily, gathered some scattered firewood in the cave, and lit the fire.

The small flame dispelled the cold and darkness, making the cave a little warmer.

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