Lester, who was talking with Jax, was not idle, and kept trying to break the rope. Unfortunately, the material of the rope seemed to be unusual, at least there was no way to do this on the finger-sized bumps.

In desperation, Leicester could only give up this idea.

Jax and himself seemed to be the only ones in the quiet ice prison, and Lester couldn't hear the movements of other creatures, including the jailer who should be guarding nearby.

This kind of dead silence and icy damp feeling is similar to the ice cave in Lax Stark, and Lester actually has a feeling of coming home.

"...At that time, the Noxians were fighting with the Freljords. I took the lamppost all the way to the west, successfully escaped the war, and came to the western part of the Dalmor Plain, where I happened to meet An old man and two beautiful mage girls, I stopped the three of them and asked how to get to the Frostguard Fortress in the Freljord. The old man named Church obviously noticed me and hesitated. The old man still drew a simple map for me on the snow, pointing out the direction of Frostguard Fortress,

Naturally, I don’t trust others. After saying goodbye to the three Iceborn warlocks, I went to other Freljord tribes to ask for directions, and only then did I make sure that the old man really didn’t lie to me..."

"Church...the other two are Grace and Catherine, right?"

"Huh? How do you know? Do you know these three iceborn warlocks?"

Jax asked the question in surprise, but Lestat responded feebly.

"I was captured all the way to the Frostguard Fortress by these three guys. We also ate roasted snow rabbits together this morning. They said that the Ice Queen wanted to see me, so they brought me in front of the Ice Queen. I thought Ice Queen Lissandra would talk to me about why she wanted to arrest me, but I didn't expect that cold woman to throw me over without saying anything, and then I ran into you."

"Ah, this, is it fate?"

Jax was dumbfounded. If Lester could see the expression behind Jax's multi-eyed mask, he would definitely understand what it means to be "gathered is a pile of shit, scattered is full of thinness", um, purple thinness.

"If you say that you will go to the dungeon when you meet those three guys, yes, this is fate."

Lester was already unable to complain. After a long time, he and Jax were able to make a big circle, and they met again after more than 20 years.

"Oh, I don't know what to say."

"How did you tell Lissandra when you came here? How did you get locked in by her?"

Jax sighed.

"At that time, I vaguely felt a void of air hiding underground outside the Frostguard Fortress. At that time, I was not sure. Until I saw the structure of the Frostguard Fortress, I understood that the Frostguard Fortress It was built to suppress the void, which is just below the fortress.

I told those weak Frostguard warriors that I wanted to see that old woman Lissandra, but I was rudely refused. If I dared to fight with me, I broke in directly. I was beaten all over the place, and I successfully broke into the Frostguard Fortress. Immediately afterwards, those iceborn warlocks who knew magic began to attack me. An idiot who would mutter on the same spot, and then Lissandra appeared, it really hit the young one and the old one..."

"She attacked you?"

"That's not true, otherwise I wouldn't be caught by her so easily. That old woman is too deceitful."

Jax reminisces about the past.

"She asked me why I broke into the Frostguard Fortress, and I said that I came to see her and ask about the void under the fortress."

"She refused?"

"That's not true. She asked me how I knew there was a void under the fortress. Naturally, I couldn't tell you. I just said that I felt the breath of the void when I traveled to the Freljord. Then she said that I could find a void." Talk to the right place, fighting like this is not the answer."

asked Lester.

"You agreed?"

"Of course, I don't want to fight for no reason. My enemy is Void, not her. Of course it's good to have a talk. Maybe she can become my partner against Void."

"Wait, don't tell me first, let me guess... She tricked you into a special space, launched a surprise attack on you, imprisoned you with spells, and took away your lamppost..."

Now Jax couldn't hide his surprise anymore, Lester's words were as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

"How do you know? You are absolutely right!"

Lester smiled wryly, he couldn't say that he understood Lissandra's character in the game.

"I just heard some rumors. It is said that Queen Lissandra hates uncontrollable variables. She is beautiful, noble, powerful, but most ruthless. She is a woman with secrets, and a woman who likes to explore secrets.

I think she must have investigated your affairs and knew that your lamppost retains the eternal flame. If she wants to deal with the void, she must find various ways to target the void. Obviously your eternal flame is what she wants If you have obtained something, it is naturally the best choice to grab it directly from you, because you will never hand over the eternal flame. "

"Oh, you're right. I was careless. I didn't expect her to attack me directly."

Jax sighed, and tried to break free from the steel shackles and chains on his body, but he could only make a feeble crashing sound, unable to break free at all.

"But I don't think Lissandra is a bad person."

"Obviously that old woman has no reason to arrest you, why do you say that?"

Lester's determined tone made Jax very puzzled, and Lester quickly gave his explanation.

"I can tell from the structure of the Frostguard Fortress that Lissandra is under a lot of pressure, so much that she doesn't believe that an ice tomb can hold the void, and she has been silently bearing secrets that ordinary people can't afford And pressure, in order to keep a secret, she had to do some things she didn't want to do, the moment I saw her today, I understood that she wears a mask to make herself cold and ruthless, she is not a naturally indifferent person , but everything she encountered forced her to do so.

If she was really cruel and evil by nature, then she wouldn't need to wear a mask.

Jax, the forces of the void in the Freljord may be more terrifying than we imagined, if possible, I would like to try to convince Lissandra, after all, under the threat of the void, we must stand together..."

What Jax didn't know was that a magic crystal was transmitting the content of their conversation to a quiet ice room. After taking off the mask, the woman with slightly frowning eyebrows was holding another magic crystal and listening to it with her own ears. Conversation in the Frozen Prison.

"You became friends with Jax more than 20 years ago, but until now you are still such a young skin, and you even know me very well... Lester, who are you?"

Thanks to [Draw the knife immediately] the reader boss for the reward of 2300 points. In order to thank the boss for his encouragement, today's third update

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