When he opened his eyes again, Lester had been completely sealed by the icicles.

The naked body was as immobile as if soaked in ice glue. Lester found that he had come to another ice room, and his eyes could only look forward passively.

The ice room is very dark, and only the light blue magic stone exudes dim light, which makes the closed secret room a little mysterious. Various blue magic symbols are engraved on the ice-colored walls of the secret room. Go, there seems to be a Chair of True Ice in the dim room, the reason why Lester, who has never seen True Ice, thinks it is True Ice, is because the color and magic luster of the chair are the same as Ashe's ice bow in the game.

"You woke up faster than I thought."

It wasn't until Lissandra's voice sounded in the ice room that Lester knew that there was a mad woman in the ice room. As the dim magic stone began to charge, the ice room became brighter and brighter. Soon, the mad woman appeared in the ice room. in front of Lester.

"You must be wondering what this place is."

Lissandra didn't wear a mask, she wore no makeup on her beautiful plain face, and only wore a knee-length ice blue satin dress, her slender and fair calves were exposed, and her white jade toes were like the most delicious pearl naughty The ground was close together, reminding Lester of playful icicles on window sills at dawn.

The bare-footed woman with her legs crossed, her soft silver-white long hair hanging behind her, leaned lazily on the back of the Ice Chair, like an ice princess who had just woken up. A view that cannot be seen.

"Sorry, I forgot that you can only breathe now, but can't speak."

The ice glue that imprisoned him receded below his neck, and Lester turned his head and began to look elsewhere. Soon he found the other eight icicles on his left and right, and there was a naked man in each icicle. There are many human beings, including men and women, old people and children. Others seem to be motionless in a deep sleep. Only the person in the center can move his head a little.

This seems to be a more advanced cell than the Raxstark Ice Cave?

Lester was a little speechless, after tossing and turning for a long time, he was still locked up.

Damn Void Spirit Evil Owl!

Nothing good has happened since meeting Void Ling Xie Xiao, and the man has become more determined to repay Void Ling Xie Xiao.

"Lissandra, is your patience just to sneak up on others if you disagree with me? And you just stripped me naked like this, isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

With a faint smile, Lissandra picked the thumb of her right foot and ordered Leicester's Dragon Bird.

"Your whole person is mine now. It doesn't seem to be a problem for me to strip you naked. Besides, I've seen too much about men, and yours is just a little special. It's no big deal."

Lester was sure from Lissandra's indifferent eyes that the woman on the chair really didn't care about this.

As expected of an old woman who has lived for more than 8,000 years, her words are rampant.

Seriously speaking, I'm afraid she has met more chicks than she has ever met.

Sighing, Lester said lightly.

"You lift your leg up."

"What's the meaning?"

Lissandra frowned, and quickly put the right leg that was raised on the left leg back to the ground, but listened to Lester's satisfaction.

"... Naked, tsk tsk, it's superb, that's it, it's fair now, by the way, don't you Freljord people have no underwear? Or do you not like to wear it? Do you want me to design it for you? One, with lace? I think you are suitable for the ice blue hollow style."

Lissandra was stunned, and the woman lowered her head in a daze as if she was reacting to something. Two seconds later, Lissandra raised her head numbly. Lester was completely submerged by the turbulent ice glue, especially the eyes, which were covered by dragon crystals. The liquid has been shocking for a long time, as if washing the eyes.

When the man lost consciousness and fell asleep, Lissandra stomped his feet angrily.



Opening his eyes, Lester stared blankly at the glamorous stewardess approaching him. It only took him a second to confirm that the oncoming stewardess was interested in him, but his brain still couldn't react, as if Many of his precious memories were quickly lost, which made him very irritable and restless.

"Sir~ would you like some drinks? We have cola, soda water, fruit juice, mineral water here. I personally recommend you to taste our freshly squeezed orange juice. It tastes very good~"

Glanced to the side in a strange way, a girl with short hair was calmly looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the plane window.

"Ma'am, give it to my sister. My sister needs your help more than me. I swear in the name of God. She has been thirsty for a long time since getting on the plane. You must be sent by God to save her... …Angel."

When talking about angels, two women appeared in Lester's mind, one with long black hair and one with short blonde hair. Both women had broad white wings. The child becomes his wife... Wait, so he seems a bit perverted?

When Leicester froze in place, the flight attendant Wendy covered her mouth and smiled wittily, and handed the orange juice in the paper cup to the girl who had turned her head just now with a displeased and vigilant face.

"Oh, sir, you are really humorous... My name is Wendy, what is your name, sir?"

"Lester Lee, my name is Lester, I am...back?"

Lester unbuckled his seat belt, stood up abruptly, and grabbed the girl who was about to drink orange juice. Her thoughtless behavior stunned the girl.

"follow me."

Seeing the seriousness of the man, the dissatisfied girl immediately put down the orange juice and stood up without saying a word.


Wendy, who was pulling the cart, got out of the way in a panic to prevent the man from hitting herself and the car.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry, go to the bathroom."

"Sir, you'd better think again? You can't even do that kind of thing in the toilet, at least...at least..."

After closing the toilet door, Lester first hugged the girl who was two heads shorter than him, and then said seriously to the stunned girl.

"Elena, do you trust me?"

The girl nodded without hesitation. Although she was a little confused about the situation in front of her, she was sure that she believed in the man in front of her.

"I trust you."

Glancing at the tactical watch disguised as a famous watch, Leicester said quickly.

"Okay, go out in a while, and you are responsible for holding the captain hostage and forcing them to make an emergency landing on the sea. The time must be controlled within eight minutes. After eight minutes, the military will send fighter planes to shoot down the plane. We will lose all hope of survival, the only way to survive. The possibility is to force the plane to land on the sea, so that the military has no reason to destroy the plane.

There are also killers sent by the organization on the plane. Be careful and find a way to sneak into the cab and lock the door. You don't need to keep anything. Leave the rest to me. "


Without saying anything, the moment Elena nodded, Leicester entered the best fighting state.

"I'll go out first, you wait for the opportunity."

Pushing open the toilet door, Wendy was hesitating whether to go into the toilet to organize a vigorous exercise in broad daylight, but saw the man who appeared from the toilet took off his tight suit and threw it to her, and took the initiative to greet a man in a blue shirt and black suit. old man.

"Be careful~"

Wendy was naturally reminding the old man to avoid being hit, but she witnessed in horror that the man she wanted to chase twisted the old man's neck, and a life was lost before her eyes, but the man left the old man and rushed towards the old man. other passengers.

"Oh! My God! Someone killed someone!!!"

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