Early the next morning, the two left Enkers Town and walked towards the village of abandoned children in the west. It was not easy to move on the snow-filled ice field. The thick snow seriously affected the speed of travel. Can walk slowly with one deep foot and one shallow foot.

Neither Lester nor Soraka spoke, only the whistling wind and snow could be heard.

In the snowstorm, Lester couldn't see the road ahead at all, and it would take years of a monkey to reach his destination in Demacia.

But to Leicester, everything doesn't matter anymore, because he already knows the current age from Soraka and knows everyone's ending.

His worst fears had brutally materialized.

In order to fulfill her promise, Vernes, who spent decades looking for herself and died alone, spent the rest of her life guarding Margaret and Alice in the Emerald Neck, waiting for her return to the fantasy snow of Ionia. Ji Si, who was preparing to welcome her in the Jade Collar Arena...

He couldn't even say good-bye to his women, and they turned into a handful of loess, which became the legend of Runeterra. For more than two hundred years, even Tali, who practiced black magic, might not be able to do anything about it. After all, there are very few black mages who can extend their own lives and reach the level of LeBlanc.

Counting from the day when Noxus was founded, two hundred and fifty-six years have passed. After fighting the Void Owl, he lost consciousness, and was imprisoned by the Protoss and Lissandra. , Runeterra has long since become a strange place, once-familiar people and things have become fleeting, and the faces that have lost their color are finally alive in the memory. In this black and white world, only he Still alive, alone experiencing the pain of immortality.

The curse once imposed on Margaret and the others will now be fulfilled on him, and he will continue to bear it until the end of his life.

Only now did Lester understand that a long life can sometimes mean a long pain.

It's like the loyalty and romance of being with Elena in a dream for a lifetime. Speaking of it, these two hundred years are just a dream after all.

After the pain and confusion, Lester struggled to keep everything in his heart. If he didn't do this, he was afraid that he would go crazy. In fact, if he didn't know that the powerful emerald collar is still alive today, he would directly crazy.

Meeting Misha, Xina and Xiya is what he desires most now. Of course, there is no need to say more about the angel sisters. It is not a problem for Xiya to live as a dragon for hundreds of years. This is the only thing that can cheer him up a little. reason.

As for Rose...whether LeBlanc behind her is still willing to succumb to her is still unknown.

"I don't know what's going on with Jax now. With his ability, he will always find a way to escape. I'm sorry old man, I can't protect myself, I really can't help you..."

Lester believed that if he went back to rescue Jax beyond his limits, he would be imprisoned by Lissandra for hundreds of years.

Unscrewing the cork of the leather jug, Lester poured two sips of cheap Freljord wine into his mouth. The crude and watery wine passed through his throat, and the burning sensation made the bitter man relax a little. Said that there is a trustworthy and reliable woman by his side, he can't be too depressed, it will make the woman who is like a good old man worry.

"Soraka, what does Zooey want me to do in Demacia?"

Seeing that the man finally cheered up a bit, the Unicorn Spirit was relieved a lot,

Vernes promised Lester to follow her for the rest of her life, and she promised Vernes that she would find Lester until the day Lester came out of pain.

What's more, even if he didn't agree to Vernes, Soraka is willing to help a group of humans who are watched and imprisoned by other protoss. Compared with the fate and pain that other humans bear, Lester's shoulders The burden seems to be heavier, and the complicated fate is entangled with many important people. As for how much of this mentality is to atone for the sins of his protoss companions, even Soraka himself can't see clearly.

Thoughts were fleeting in his mind, Soraka responded softly.

"According to Zoe, Demacia is now in the most critical period, and she asks you to find the answer yourself."

"...This is really her usual style."

With a bitter smile, Lester asked again.

"Will you leave when we arrive in Demacia?"

To Lester's relief, the Unicorn shook her head.

"I will leave one day, but I shouldn't leave so soon..."

The wind and snow were getting bigger and bigger, and the two had to temporarily approach the mountains and find a cave at the foot of the mountain to take shelter. It was only when they came to the entrance of the cave that they found that there was already an owner in the cave, and a strong smell of blood came from the cave.

"Drink, drink, hey! Hehehe..."

Five Freljord snow wolves, the size of calves, sprang out from the entrance of the cave. The beasts with grinning mouths half-opened their blood-stained mouths greedily, and stared at the two of them with green eyes.

It seemed that they were eating just now, and the snow wolf's blood-red saliva dripped into circles of blood-colored spots on the snow. The wolves surrounded the two tightly in the center, obviously not wanting to give Lester any chance to escape.

It took only one look at Lester to confirm that the strong wolf pack in front of him had already hunted many humans.

Soraka felt endless malice from the snow wolves' souls, and these wild wolves just ate people, which made her give up the idea of ​​influencing the evil wolves.

The woman raised the crescent staff to forcibly expel the snow wolf, but was stopped by the man.

"If you use mortal magic, you will hurt yourself. Try not to use it if you can. I will deal with them."

"But they are not easy to deal with. I am afraid that it is difficult for you to deal with such enemies in your current state."

Knowing that Soraka was worried about him, Lester shook his head with a smile, and lightly pressed Soraka's right hand holding the crescent staff. Soraka stared blankly at the gentle man in front of him. He wants to say something.

"It's just some minor injuries. It's nothing to me. I will heal myself soon. On the contrary, you are guarding me along the way. I want you to know that where I can , I also want to protect you, even if only a little bit."

It seemed that he was unwilling to continue to favor men, so the leader wolf let out an enemy howl, and the four snow wolves became more and more restless, ready to attack at any time.

Turning his head, Lester protected the stunned Soraka behind him, and smiled coldly at the wolf.

"Bastard, your enemy is here, see if your teeth are hard or my bones are hard!"

After the words fell, the first wolf howled angrily, and the four snow wolves rushed towards Lester at the same time.

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