League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 469 Chapter 468 Behemoth

"Obviously we came at the wrong time."

Surrounded by a dozen tribal warriors and three dogs, Lester had to draw his long sword as a gesture of friendship.

"Hey! Who are you! What are you doing in Avarosa? Where are you going? You'd better not play tricks, or you won't regret it!"

The leading female warrior holds a two-handed wooden axe, has a cropped head, and her right eye is covered with sea urchin-shaped tattoos like ghost symbols.

"Friends of Avarosa, we are travelers from Demacia, and now we want to go back to Demacia, and we will not stay here for long, and we have no malice towards Avarosa."

Soraka took the initiative to negotiate, while Lester stared coldly at the tribal fighters who were about to move around. His cold and murderous aura made the tribal fighters dare not underestimate the man in front of them. The process of confronting the man reminded them of Xue The deadly Frostwolf at night, but the threat he brings to himself is exactly the same as those bearmen who like to sacrifice to the god of thunder.

The female warrior and the other tribal warriors looked at each other and said threateningly.

"Why are you telling the truth? Listen, you are not welcome here! If you don't want to die, you'd better leave Weskar!"

"But taking a boat is the best way to go to Demacia. We came to Weskar to go south by boat..."

Soraka held the staff and tried to explain, but the female warrior waved her hands impatiently, and glanced at the handsome Lester.

"What does it have to do with us if you want to go to Demacia! What's more, the sea of ​​ice has long been blocked by the Ice Son's wolf ship, and you can't go anywhere! If you are caught by the Ice Son, you can only become slaves. Or it might be taken a fancy to by a war mother..."

Holding back the somewhat bewildered Soraka, Lester took the initiative to put away the Demacia sword.

"We are not enemies, and we can even be friends. You are going to fight the Winter Claws soon, right? I will join your attack to defeat the Winter Claws. As a trade, after the Winter Claws recede, you need to provide a ship. Ship to take us to Demacia."

"Just you? Man, how much do you think you are worth? Dare to say such big words? Haha, ah, ha."

The female warrior cast a sideways glance at Lester and laughed, and the surrounding tribal warriors also wanted to boo, but couldn't help but recall the man's cold eyes just now, and grinned uglyly, unable to smile at all, which made a person embarrassed The smiling female soldier was a little embarrassed.

Lester smiled slightly, untied the long sword and handed it to Soraka.

"I know that the Freljord always speaks with strength, so I will use the simplest way to prove my strength. If any of you can beat me in a hand-to-hand one-on-one, I'll give that Demacian sword to that tribal warrior and quit Avarosa, but if none of you can beat me, then take me to your Warmother and let's close the deal , how? No matter what, you Avarosa will not suffer."

Nodding with interest, the female warrior swung the ax on the ground and scratched her nose with her thumb.

"Interesting, who is going to teach this kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth a lesson?"

Ten minutes later, there was a group of people lying on the ground, and the female soldier with a bruised nose and a swollen face got up from the ground. The original sea urchin tattooed right eye and the purple-blue panda left eye complemented each other perfectly and were extremely harmonious.

"Ahem, boy, you are quite capable, and you are indeed qualified to meet Carlisle Warmother. What's your name?"

After shaking his numb right hand, Lester had to admit that these tribal fighters had rather tough skins.

"Lester, you will soon remember the name."


Noxian calendar, 256 AD, December 15th,

On the west coast of the Freljord Sea of ​​Ice, on the ice field south of Weskar, a tragic fight is going on,

Thousands of Freljords waved their weapons for their tribe and their war mothers. Blood stained the pure white snow red and penetrated deeply into the land, continuing a blood feud for thousands of years.

At a later position, the Iceborn mage was hiding behind the battle formation and cast a terrifying spell. The spell exploded in a dense place, bringing huge damage and deterrence to the active forces of both sides.

Carlisle was riding on the back of a pure-blooded northern warhorse, with a warhammer made of pure ice attached to the right side of the horse's belly. The woman's face was as cold as ice, because she saw her deadly enemy Mabel Warmother riding her Juvask The wild boar made a provocative gesture of cutting its throat to itself, and saw the behemoth Behemoth slowly advancing towards the battlefield.

After seeing the behemoth Behemoth, the Iceborn mages of Avarosa began to give priority to attacking the huge war beasts with sharp claws and giant palms, but the Iceborn mages of Winter's Claws were not idle, using various All kinds of ice shields protected the Behemoth Behemoth, and the gorgeous ice magic exploded on the shield, unable to hurt the behemoth at all, but made the blindfolded behemoth start to restless, following the sound of the master's flute Constantly approaching the main battlefield.

The Beastmaster of Winter's Claw rides on the back of the giant Behemoth. The Beastmaster's body is only wrapped in a thin layer of cloth, and he is covered with witchcraft-like garlands and animal horns. His body was particularly eye-catching in the crowd, but the surrounding Ice Sons looked reverent.


Putting down the bone flute, the beast driver tore off the cloth that blocked the sight of the giant beast, and stood tall on the giant beast's back, and the beast driver blew the war horn.

In an instant, the behemoth that gained vision turned red eyes, rushed into the battle formation like a heavy tank, easily tore apart Avarosa's spear array, and its giant claws tore the tribe warrior's body into pieces. fragments, Avarosa's morale plummeted.

And there are three such giant war beasts.


When the behemoth Behemoth was raging, two gorgeous blue streamers flew from Avarosa's rear army formation to the behemoth at the front, and the magic shell broke through the belated magic shield attack unexpectedly. On the giant beast's body, the magic ice crystal exploded at the impact point of the giant beast's body, piercing through the thick animal skin of the giant beast, and stagnating the Behemoth giant beast's attack like an ice sea urchin.

"Kill them all!!!"

Accurately hit by the Ice Dragon Cannon, knowing that his life was not long, the stiff beast driver broke the earthen pot that had been prepared, and the specially prepared blood flowed from the head of the Behemoth Behemoth into the mouth of the Behemoth Behemoth , the man made a more fanatical voice, and stabbed the dagger he had prepared into his chest.

"Baby! Smell my blood? Smell!? Kill! Destroy! Trample everything you see!!!"

The beast driver swallowed his last breath, climbed on the giant beast's back, completely lost his mind, and the Behemoth giant beast entered Avarosa's army with another round of ice dragon shells, giving Ah The Varoosas took heavy casualties.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!!"

The clamor of the behemoth made Carlisle stagnate. She never expected that Winter's Claw, who has always regarded Behemoth and Beastmaster as treasures, would use such a desperate method.

"Tell Leicester it's time for him to show his worth."

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