League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 478 Chapter 477 There is no war in Oren Garden, only scandal

Before building the colossus, the most important thing is to build a giant metal slate cart to move the colossus, and use the metal slate cart as the base to build the colossus.

Otherwise, build the colossus directly on the flat ground without building a base, and no one will be able to lift the colossus and put it on the cart.

After many discussions and simulation tests, the masons decided to use the magic stone cement mixed with steel bars to complete the production of the base pallet. The pallet has an exquisite lever mechanism similar to a jack. When it needs repair or maintenance Stone pillars can be used to prop up the base, and the giant cylindrical rollers made of mithril can be used to move it. In order to cover up and protect the inner mithril, several layers of magic stone marl were painted on top of the mithril.

It took two months to complete the production of the base. The scaffolding and wooden towers became taller and taller. The stonemasons began to build the main body of the colossus. The project was on track. After reporting the progress of the colossus project to King Dulles, Rice Tet finally got some free time, getting rid of the little tail that was following him.

He came to Oren Garden.

Unlike the relaxed and lively Pale Angel Square of Emerald Collar, and the beautiful and gorgeous Magic Garden of Ionia Presidium,

Oren Garden is solemn and solemn. Most of the visitors are Demacian youths who want to serve the country and join the army. A small number of them are elderly people. Few people play here.

With respect to Oren, the founding marshal of Demacia, young people will bow and offer a bouquet of admirable Clivia, and leave silently. The descendant of the heroic soul guarding Demacia.

During the war, many white-haired people watched the cold tombstones of black-haired people, silently swallowing the pain in their hearts. These family members who could not even see the ashes could only find the last comfort in Oren Garden, not all Everyone can enjoy the glory of Demacia, but there are always people who need to stay in the dark and cry silently.

A tall marble humanoid sculpture stands in the center of the garden. The statue wears heavy Demacian plate armor, its majestic face is lifelike, and it holds a Demacian steel sword in its hand. The Marshal looks into the distance and guards the land.

Next to the statue of Marshal Oren stands a monument of heroes, engraved with a sentence of Marshal Oren.

[The steel sword is easy to break, but the soul of the army is immortal]

Countless Demacian soldiers regard short but powerful words as their life motto, practice the mission of soldiers with their lives, and take pride in bloody battles and horse leather shrouds.

Sitting beside Oren, Lester put down the bouquet in his hand and looked up at the blue sky.

"Obviously I am from the same era as you, but now I am presenting flowers to you. This is the charm of the dead, right?

It's funny enough to say, General Oren, obviously you liked to use a warhammer the most during your lifetime, but they put a ridiculous long sword in your hand. According to your size, you should at least give you a broad sword. Yes, the long sword is as cute as a small toothpick in your hand. If you knew that you would be like this after death, you would definitely be angry, unlike me, who would just laugh. "

Oren looked into the distance and ignored the man.

But the man continued to expose Oren's scandal relentlessly.

As the imaginary enemy of the Emerald Collar, Edge of Night has done a lot of work on the Generalissimo of Demacia. These things will be placed on Lester's desk, making Lester laugh for a long time.

It was a rare happy day.

"What you are most afraid of is Bobby attacking your lower three lanes. For this reason, you secretly commissioned a blacksmith to invent the unique Demacia mithril crotch armor, in order to prevent Bobby's magic shield and iron head from giving you Brought a crippling blow, but considering that you didn't marry a wife and have children, it seems to be no different from a crippling blow. I don't know if the mithril crotch armor has been handed down. At that time, Morris also specifically studied what would happen if you were assassinated. , how to break your mithril crotch armor."

The man's smile was very relaxed, as comfortable as talking to an old friend.

"Do you still remember the night when you and Kraken came to the Emerald Leader to participate in the Lord Selection Ceremony of the Excalibur? I personally selected the beauty to serve you. That kid from Kraken was self-reliant enough to directly refuse the service of the beauty. He left descendants, I will think he is an old glass.

In the end, I didn't expect you, an infatuated guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to be able to play so many tricks. Maybe this is the reason why your ex-wife left you? No matter how powerful a woman is, she can't bear five hours of rushing to the stomach, right? In addition, Demacia does not allow open brothels, perhaps because of guilt, you did not accept another woman, what a pity, Oren, if you have children and grandchildren, I must give your scandal to the public. They shake and shake. "

Oren raised his long sword angrily, wishing to slash at Lester.

Of course, this is an illusion.

Lester knew it was an illusion, he smiled, while Oren was still looking at the sky arrogantly.

Oren is dead, so he can't do anything, and the dead man doesn't work sometimes because the mouth grows on the living.

"By the way, although you didn't leave any heirs, Bobby is still there. Haha, I don't know if the lovely Bobby will have some opinions on you if he knows about your scandal. I have been talking about Bobby for a long time. It’s been a long time since I saw Garlic Poppy and Little Cannon Poppy.”

Lester stood up, the smile on his face gradually froze, the man turned his head mechanically, behind him, a small carrot head with twin ponytails was growing its mouth, the cute pointed canine teeth were as white as jade, and the blue-purple joe The big hammer in Del's hand fell to the ground with a 'plop'.

Looking at the 96 cm small carrot head, the man looked at Oren sympathetically, this time the Generalissimo really wanted to cut himself off.

"What you said...is it true?"

"Er, it should, possibly, probably, be true."

Bobby picked up the hammer again, stared at the man again with wide-eyed suspicion and scrutiny, wrinkled his small face and thought for a while, then clapped his hands in a sudden realization.

"I've heard for a long time that a very powerful guy has come to the Crownguard family. It turned out to be you, Lester. I didn't expect you to live as long as the yordles."

"Ahaha~ I've been recognized now, I actually feel happy."

Jodl rolled his eyes and shrugged helplessly.

"Your portraits have long been posted by Lulu and Tristana in Bandle City. Your news is hotter than the missing Xiao Miaomiao. Of course, except for Laura, Dudu, Tristana and Lulu Besides, no one really cares about you."

Poppy leaned his hammer against the bench and sat next to Lester, which made Lester refrain from leaving and sat down again.

He hasn't had a good communication with Poppy yet, and he hasn't seen Poppy during this period of time in Demacia, so he probably returned to Bandle City.

"They heard that you were missing, and they were very anxious, and they asked for news about you everywhere, especially Lulu, she didn't even look for you in Wonderland, she cried out anxiously several times, what about Dudu and Laura? Persuasion is useless."

"Lulu is a good boy, and so are Dudu and Laura, and everyone is a good boy."

The smile on Lester's face dimmed quite a bit, and he could read some unusual atmosphere from the man's lost expression. With a roll of his eyes, Bobby decided to skip this heavy topic.

"Anyway, it's a great thing to get news about you. It seems that I have to go back to Bandle City again and tell Lulu and the others the good news. It won't be long before Lulu and the others come back to you , By the way, will you leave Demacia soon?"

"No, I guess I will stay for a while."

Lester shook his head, Bobby heaved a sigh of relief, and then thought of the topic at the beginning again, his face became a little weird.

"Lester, that, is what you said about Oren true?"


"Why are you apologizing to me?"

"I'm apologizing to Oren, come on, let me tell you about his scandal, don't spread it~"

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