League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 481 Chapter 480 In the End, Nobody Knows Galio's Pain

Noxian Calendar, 330 AD, Autumn.

The city-state of Demacia has accomplished a feat. A 31-meter-tall giant of the forbidden magic stone appeared on the southern outskirts of the Demacia Plain. The Fearless Pioneer and the Dragon Bird Knight finally let go of the cordon, and only kept the colossus within five miles. Within the range of the giant, countless Demacians flocked to where the giant was, admiring the glory and miracles that belonged to Demacia,

On this day, the great King Dulles himself will name the Colossus.

In the sky, dragon and bird knights are flying in the air.

Following the royal carriage, the carriages engraved with various aristocratic family patterns drove into the southern suburbs one by one, and stepped onto the viewing seats built on wooden platforms.

Hundreds of adult bulls are imprisoned in temporary stalls with thick hemp ropes on them, waiting to shoulder a great and sacred mission.

Leicester, Durand, Teresa and Miranda accompanied King Jarvan, and sat firmly on the special seat. Under the special seat, including the demon family, came from thirteen The aristocratic children of this big family began to greet each other politely. Miranda's elder brother, Bercosam Crownguard, in his capacity as Captain of the Fearless Pioneer Sword, commanded the first shield of the Fearless Pioneer to guard around the viewing platform to prevent any A dangerous situation arises.

At the position where the eyes of thousands of people gather is the shocking colossal statue that reaches the sky.

The square face with Chinese characters is in line with most Demacians' imagination of perseverance and bravery. The round-headed colossus wears a golden crown (gold powder is brushed on the magic stone, all gold is gold powder), symbolizing the defense of royal power The determination and strong physique extend from top to bottom in the form of layers of forbidden magic stone square rocks, highlighting the absolute power of the colossus with simple and powerful lines.

The shoulders of the stalwart seem to be wearing golden armor, shining brightly in the sun together with the knees and the 'T'-shaped breastplate on the chest.

The broad golden wings are filled with the texture of precious metals, overlapping like metal blades and extending to a higher place behind him. There is a full and huge tail at the back of the thigh, supporting the giant's stalwart body.

The giant clenched his fists with his fists up, as if he was a heavy crossbow ready to attack a city, expressing dynamic pressure with static movements.

Seeing that the sun had risen high, the Fearless Pioneers finally made a new move.

First, the eighth and sixteenth shields were lined up in two rows, holding high the mithril equipment known as the "iron wall" [Sparkling Steel Kite Shield] and smashed it on the ground, standing on both sides of the avenue, followed by the second and third shields. , the soldiers of the fourth shield held their swords and shields solemnly, and under the leadership of the shield guard, they opened up a steel road leading to the base of the colossus for the king in the form of a human wall.

"Mighty Glory!"

Berkosam, with short brown hair and a resolute face, was wearing mithril plate armor and led the most elite first shield formation to form another small triangular protective circle. Seeing that the matter was completed, King Jarvan stepped off the viewing platform , under the guard of the first shield formation, walked towards the base of the colossus with the steps already built. When King Jarvan came to the foot of the giant statue, the soldiers of the first shield formation had already protected the base.

The old man stroked the instep of the colossus, and his body began to tremble involuntarily.

He recalled what his father, the former king Argostan, once said. At this moment destined to be recorded in the annals of Demacia, he decided to tell all the people of Demacia what his father left him.

"My father, the former king of Argostan, once said a word to me when he was still alive."

The birds and beasts had already been frightened away by the killing spirit of the army. In the silent venue, the voice of the old man was not loud enough, but it was enough for the nearby noble children to hear. The people of Demacia farther away could only lip-sync. , As for the outsiders, they can only look at Galio's righteous appearance at most.

"He said, 'As long as the Dauntless Vanguard stands, Demacia will never fall'."

Listening to the voice of the old man, all the fearless pioneer soldiers straightened their chests with all their strength, this is the honor they deserve.

The old man took a deep breath, and suddenly amplified his voice. Although the old man's voice was a little broken, it made the people of Demacia in the distance feel a little of the king's grace, but the outermost foreigners frowned. Because they heard the farts of the audience ahead, and the farts would herald a fetid storm to come.

All they could do was hold their breath, because covering their noses would be too rude for a Demacian.

"But I want to say that the defenders of Demacia are not just the fearless pioneers, all the soldiers of Demacia, all the people of Demacia are the defenders of the glory of Demacia!"

"We are dedicated to our duties and loyal to our motherland. Every Demacian is the founder of Demacia and the immortal cornerstone of Demacia. It is like this holy colossus, built by all of us Demacians. Yes! Without any Demacians, this giant statue would not stand here! Many of our craftsmen died. Although they were not soldiers, they were also on the battlefield, and they won great battles! For Germany Marcia fought for more chances of victory! They and you are heroes!"

King Jarvan took a breath, and roared with all his strength.

"Galio! It is the glory of every Demacian!!! For the guardians of Demacia! Cheers!!! Joy!!!

Even outside the majestic and sacred walls of the enchanted stone in Demacia, evil mages can do no harm to our people and warriors! ! ! "


"Long live the king!!!"

"Long live Galio!!!"

The people of Demacia began to throw out the garlands they had prepared in their hands. Many young people in Demacia wept with joy, while the old people covered their faces and wept bitterly.

Even though they were persecuted by mages a hundred years ago, and they have never seen mages on weekdays, people can still hear about the evil deeds and horrific crimes committed by mages in their daily life, and all the darkness and darkness of Demacia. Grief is caused by damned mages, everyone believes it.

Although I don't know how important Galio is on the battlefield, and I don't know if I ate more than two years of dry bread at home to make Galio, but Galio is good after all, as long as it can cause damage to mages All things are good.

Those dozens of craftsmen who fell at Galio's feet and paid their lives for Galio, their sacrifices are full of lofty meaning.

Everything is worthwhile, something worthy of praise and admiration, and the courage to dedicate oneself is the best quality of Demacia.

The cheers of the crowd broke through the sky, and Dulles glanced at Captain Jian and his junior, whom he relied on the most, and the latter nodded understandingly.

King Jarvan slowly returned to the viewing platform under the protection of the first shield formation, without revealing any flaws.

The bullpen was opened, and dozens of cattle herders comforted the cattle while fastening the bridles of the cattle, tied them to the stone ring at the base of the colossus with hemp ropes, and tied them tightly to death.

After the hemp ropes of the hundred bulls were connected to the base, the cattle herder waved the whip and began to drive the bulls away.

More than a hundred ropes were suddenly tightened, like the hard strings on a strong bow, making the unique sound of rope pulling.

"It's moving! Galio is moving!!!"

Amidst the cries of cattle one after another, the giant wheel under the sill cart began to turn, and the 31-meter-high giant of the forbidden magic stone left the place where it was born for the first time, and was pulled by the herd of cattle to face the viewing platform. direction to move away.

Galio, was born.

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