League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 492 Chapter 491 Our sect finally has a big inner ghost

"Giants live in those balls!"

"We can communicate with giant gods by looking up."

"The moon revolves around the sun, so the Sun Goddess must be stronger than the Moon Goddess!"

"Aside from the giant gods of the scorching sun and the giant moon of the bright moon, are there many other giant gods? Why don't they perform miracles?"

"Did we all pee in the wild and be seen by the giant gods in the sky? Ah, how embarrassing~"

Everyone expresses their own thoughts with each other. If you don’t look at the religious-style robes of Rakkor in Runeterra, such teaching activities are actually no different from modern universities.

Keeping the answers of the believers in mind, Lester looked at the frowning blond girl.

"Phyllis, tell me what you think."

Phyllis, whose name was called, glanced at the calm Stacey, stood up, and took a deep breath.

"I feel that the sun, moon and stars have always maintained a stable balance under the control of the giant gods, a balance with stars like the sun as the energy core. Once the balance is broken, a huge disaster will occur in this world. Perhaps, When the giant gods do not appear, it is because they maintain a balance in the starry sky, and the giant sun god is the key to maintaining the balance."

"Very thoughtful."

Phyllis sat down a little disappointed when she received a comment that was not even a compliment.

"Stacy, what do you think?"

The gray-haired girl stood up and said softly.

"The place we live in is just a small planet in the vast universe. Maybe there will be humans like us living on the surface of other planets..."

Phyllis frowned again, but Lester nodded encouragingly, giving the studious Stacey more courage.

"Those human beings may have power beyond our imagination. They left their planet and came to our planet. They exerted power beyond our comprehension and made us regard it as a miracle and become a god in our eyes..."

"Stacey! What nonsense are you talking about!? You are blaspheming the Titan!"

A Solari stood up and scolded the gray-haired girl, and Lester waved his hand.

"This is just a discussion. Regardless of position, anyone can speak freely. It is very rude to interrupt others. I hope there will be no next time."

After the blushing believer sat down, Lester looked at the gray-haired girl with admiration.

"Stacey, you are very good, keep talking."

"Okay, Mr. Lester."

After being praised by the man, the girl with a calm complexion finally had a little more blush on her face, and her starry eyes staring at the man were full of hope.

"I'm thinking, if we can also master the way to leave this world, can we see other wonderful worlds in the universe and stars with our own eyes... Teacher, can we do it?"

"We can do it, but we still have a long way to go until the day we do it. The difficulties and obstacles along the way, and the dedication and sacrifice along the way, all need human beings to stand up and overcome them one by one. Then, we Will master the brightest galaxy in the universe."

Satisfied to sit down, even if it was just a lie, the girl who had already got the answer she most wanted smiled sweetly.

"Thank you, teacher."

Looking around at the believers who were dissatisfied with Stacey, and then at Phyllis who was showing envy, Lester concluded.

"If you want to obtain the secrets and truth of the world, you can never let your thoughts stop. For those who feel that Stacey offends the giant god, do you think the giant god will care about this?

In a sacred place like Targon Peak, there will be places where filth is hidden. If the giant god really cares, will he let the filth survive? In fact, instead of punishing Stacey, the giant god would praise Stacey for having her own thoughts. Only humans would consider whether to blaspheme the giant god, but the giant god would not care about human thoughts at all.

Listen, if you want to get close to the giant god, there are two ways to get the giant god's approval. "

After resolving the conflict and malice for Stacey, Lester raised his first finger.

"Have characteristics similar to giant gods. For example, the choosers of the sun giant god need to have a bright will that is as dazzling as the sun; the moon giant god's choosers need a stealthy and decisive style of doing things; With an indomitable will, and a desire to fight and kill, the Chosen of the Guardian Protoss needs to have a vast and all-embracing heart of kindness..."

The heated atmosphere finally subsided, and Phyllis spoke.

"Mr. Leicester, what about the second method to obtain the giant god's approval?"

Under the longing eyes of the believers, Lester raised his second finger.

"The second way is to raise your right hand, wave it vigorously, come to the giant god, give the giant god an unforgettable big mouth, let the giant god treat you as an equal, not a lowly ant, believe me, I am the envoy of the giant god of the blazing sun, and I speak for the bright moon, and everything I say is an iron-clad fact."

Everyone except Phyllis and Stacey grew their mouths.

Now no one thinks that Stacy is a blasphemer anymore, because the biggest blasphemer is actually the messenger closest to God.


On the astral world, because the body was completely damaged, the Sun Protoss, who has returned to the will of the protoss, connected to the Targon Peak in the form of a golden light, quietly observing the daily life of Leicester on the Targon Peak. Rebel classroom.

The Bright Moon Star Spirit floated aside, with a rare smile on his face.

"Qiaoyue, what are you laughing at? (Astrological language, I won't repeat it later)"

Lie Yang shone with light, and seemed a little dissatisfied.

"I'm laughing. There's nothing wrong with what Lester said. No matter where you are, power is paramount. It's just such a simple truth that mortals will never understand. They always want to get what they don't deserve by asking and praying. Some things, as everyone knows, most of the things that can be obtained by praying are expensive prices that they will never be able to repay. Only after losing their thighs will human beings understand how stupid it is to mourn for their lost hair. "

"Instead of talking about these things, it's better to think about something more useful."

The man who is as soft as the moon is sitting in the air, but his eyes are fixed on the gray-haired girl in the star screen.

"I think I've found another suitable avatar, Stacey is the one for me, how about you?"

"That's a rebel, and your body is not damaged."

The Lieyang Protoss twirled several times in the air.

"So what, do you care?"

"Of course I don't care, but rebels need to pay a little price after all, so that human beings know that there are certain areas that cannot be violated."

"I don't even care that my believers rebel against me. Why are you so anxious? Lie Yang, you are just jealous. You are jealous that Stacey is better than your Phyllis. Lester also likes Stacey the most."

The Fierce Sun Protoss is still in the star world, flickering like a raging fire.

"Qiaoyue, how about we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"Don't you care? Just bet on the survival of the Bright Moon Sect and the Sun Sect."

"How to bet?"

"I think they have a strong sense of competition. If that's the case, you and I will attack at the same time, give Stacey and Phyllis divinity, and let them master the Moon Sect and the Sun Sect. All Rakkor people should Referee, see if Stacey did a better job or Phyllis did a better job."

"Interesting, I bet."


The sky is like iron, and the moonlight is like frost.

The cold wind is bitter, but it is difficult to take away the worries in my heart.

Holding a cup of hot tea, Lester leaned against the patterned stone pillars of the Temple of the Moon, accompanied by the shadow of the moon, enjoying a peaceful night.

For Leicester, who has been to most parts of Runeterra, the night sky above Targon is more beautiful than other places in Runeterra. This is the closest place to the universe. The sky is full of stars.

The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the stars can be picked by hand.

Don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of frightening the heavenly beings.

This ancient oriental poem is most suitable for this situation, especially when there are really a bunch of bloody bastards in the sky.

The man has been looking for a pair of golden stars hidden in the starry sky, and tonight is no exception.

Tonight's night sky is a bit blurred, gentle like the eyes of the children of the stars.

"You once said that the quiet night is the most suitable night for drinking tea. Originally, I didn't like drinking tea at night, but I developed the habit of not being able to fall asleep without drinking tea.

I have changed from a clumsy tea drinker to a tea fan who loves all tea. I have a good night tea from you, but I can no longer see your back. "

The dry and cold night wind blew through the temple, and the man's body, defying the severe cold, shrank, and he sipped the hot tea in the cup with a small sip. A warmth surged into his heart, dispelling the chill, which made the man feel that he was not Alone.

"Soraka, under the control of the protoss, I still can't go back to the Emerald Collar. With my current situation, I have no chance at all to resist the protoss' control. If I don't do things for the protoss, I will just Being locked in some dark ice cave by Zoe again is definitely not the result I want."

Having said that, the man talking to himself sighed.

"I don't know if Hina has received my message. If the Blade of Night hadn't become stupid, the current Master Dulan should have made extraordinary achievements in the Emerald Collar. Now that I think about it, I should work hard in the Emerald Collar. relatively strong,

To be honest, it is too difficult to compete with the gods with manpower. I am not the child of destiny, nor the protagonist. I am just a lucky one who was chosen, struggling to survive in the world.

I can't even be sure whether my journey of destiny will be terminated after falling below 500. This is a creation force even greater than that of the protoss. There is a good beginning but no good ending. This will disappoint many people. To put it bluntly, I am just lingering on my last days. "

"If there is no good ending, I will kill you~"

At some point, a star bubble emerged from the sky, and the bouncing Zoe sat down on the man's face, giving Lester a suffocation attack.

Forcibly pulling off the starry sky in front of his face, Lester slapped Zoe's butt hard angrily, making a crisp sound.

"Hey~ what are you doing?"

Zoe, who was covering her buttocks, stared wide-eyed. The Twilight Protoss was very dissatisfied with the man's sneak attack, but the man was even more dissatisfied.

"Okay, you guys are secretly watching me shit again, aren't you?"

"Slightly slightly~ I'm not that boring~ Hmph~ This time I came here to help Soraka convey the news she gave you, since you don't want to listen, then I won't say it, really~

Soraka is very happy to hear you talking about her every day, I'm almost bored to death, you can talk about her better than some old dragon. "

"Ahem...Miss Zoe, please forgive my rude behavior just now."

He hugged Zooey very gentlemanly, as gentle as Tom picked up a little white cat, and Lester's eyes were full of affection.

"What does she want to say to me, can you tell me?"

"Pfft~ You should really see what you look like now, it's so interesting."

The temper came and went quickly, Zoe put her arms around the man's neck with a smile, took a deep breath on the cheek, and made a "baji" sound.

"It's like this. There is a group of vastaya sharks living in the sea to the west of Mount Targon. For thousands of years, this group of vastaya sharks have lived an uncontested marine life.

Until one day, a void crack appeared in the depths of the seabed. The first person to observe this situation was Haoyue. He was sure that this void crack would not cause great harm to Runeterra, but it could not be ignored. Forcibly sealing it was very difficult. It may cause the crack to expand, so he signed a contract with the merman, and let the merman suppress the void crack.

Every once in a while, the [Tide Caller] of the Merman Race will bring back a [Deep Sea Pearl] that can be used as the magic material of the moon for the Bright Moon Sect.

In exchange, the Bright Moon Sect will send [Glorious Wanderers] to deliver the [Moonstone] produced by astral magic to the Tide Caller. Except for very few cases, the incarnation of Bright Moon personally sends the Moonstone. Wanderer] Most of the time it is Soraka~ Bright Moon entrusted Soraka to avoid trouble, and Soraka took advantage of the opportunity to live on the west side of Mount Targon..."

"Okay, you guys teamed up to bully Soraka, right?"

Lettus pressed his thumbs on both sides of Zoe's temples, a little bit of starlight came out, and Zoe rolled his eyes.

"She's willing too~ In this way, the tidecaller brought the moonstone back to the merman tribe, and put the moonstone on the sealing circle outside the crack in the void. The astral energy of the moonstone dispelled the darkness brought by the void. This kind of transaction lasted for a long time, and the void fissure has always maintained a small scale and has not expanded.

But the point is, Soraka went to Valoran to look for you after completing the moonstone transaction with the merman as a shining wanderer. It has been almost a hundred years since the human race traded, and Soraka was brought back to the star realm by you and there is no way to get down.

The current situation is that the void cracks in the abyss of the sea have begun to stir. Bright Moon created the moonstone, but no one can withstand the huge star power of the moonstone. Thinking whoever does the bad things will be responsible, naturally find You~ Who told you to bring Soraka back to the astral world?

Little Lailai, you have the power of the rune, and the power of the protoss will not cause fatal damage to you, so just go boldly and become a new generation of shining wanderer. "

"Then according to what you said, I just need to take the moonstone and wait for the Tidecaller to emerge from the sea to complete the transaction?"

Zooey shook her head.

"Of course not. In order to confirm the specific situation of the Void Crack, you need to follow the Tidecaller into the sea and go to the location of the Void Crack in the deep sea to complete the seal. At that time, I will give you a secret treasure that can breathe and move freely in the sea. You don't need to worry about entering the sea."

Hearing what Zoe said, Lester always felt that he was being arranged. According to the background story of Merin Nami, the Shining Wanderer didn't need to go into the sea at all. He was a little wary in his heart, but Lester's face was It's a bit more troubled look.

"Then what should I do about finding a suitable incarnation for Lie Yang? Don't you need to do it?"

Zoe shook her head.

"Lieyang is ready to choose Phyllis, and he is very satisfied with Phyllis, so Xiao Lailai, your mission has actually been completed."

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