League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 558 Chapter 556 Zaun, you should pay the protection fee

Emerald Collar, the giant castle of Lord Fidelet, belongs to the private chamber of the Lord Emerald Lord. The magic fluorite lamp on the wall automatically reduces the brightness, and expensive incense lingers in the room of more than 200 square meters, making the dark secret chamber There was an ambiguous pink cloud.

The majestic Lord of the Emerald Lord took off his magic steel mask a long time ago, his thick short black hair dripping with sweat dripping from his ears, swaying back and forth with the purple skirt that his master had shed off, until the sun set for the third time, and there was a long cry. After a long sigh, the crazy female beast is willing to let go,

The woman sat up somewhat dissatisfied, and after cleaning her body with divine power, she lightly kicked the man who had already been lying flat, and twisted the soft flesh around the man's waist with a dissatisfied expression.

"I've been waiting for you for almost 300 years, but you are so indifferent? You don't like me anymore, do you? Love the new and dislike the old, right?

Do you want me to find another man? Lord Leicester, you don't really think I have to be good, do you? Don't forget, now I am the lord of the Emerald Territory, you can find so many women, why can't I find many men? Do you know how many lovers a noble lady of Noxus has in her lifetime? "

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Lester sat up and gently hugged the peerless beauty in front of him.

"I don't know how many lovers the noble lady of Noxus will have. I only know that you will only want me, Xina, and other stinky men won't take a second look. How can they be as handsome as me? Not worthy of the noble and beautiful Miss Hina."

"Pfft~ Look at you, you're so pretty! An eight-hundred-year-old man has been coaxing me since I was four years old. Are you really not ashamed to say that now?"

"Hey~ What's there to be ashamed of? Isn't there Miss Hina, my good wife, please spoil me~ Don't be angry, okay?"


Patting his back as smooth and delicate as silk, the man's silent comfort made the angry woman look better, and Lester could even detect that the woman was clumsily hiding her secret joy.

Even a thousand-year-old woman would not hate her man for praising her beauty.

Of course he knew that Hina was speaking out of anger. In fact, he had explored the mysteries of his body long ago. Perhaps it was related to Elena. The women he had been in contact with would have a serious 'rejection reaction' to other men.

To make an inappropriate analogy, the feeling brought about by ordinary physical contact with the opposite sex is no less than that after watching Lao Ba’s video, Xue Lao Ba frowns and fucks Ollie in Sashuoli. Holding hands is like this, and even more so. Needless to say, in-depth contact, it is a double torture on the soul and the body,

Thinking about it, as long as people are not completely crazy, they will not accept that they eat shit.

Because of this, Lester is not worried that his woman will betray him, but fortunately, rejection does not appear in the same sex, which is also the advantage of too many women in Leicester.

When you are lonely, you can also solve the problem by doing some fake phoenix and fake phoenix things. You must know that the emerald collar and the witch Helena of the black rose have been secretly cooperating from the beginning, selling some quite advanced products to the whole continent through the channel of the emerald collar. The magic fairy wand, these magic energy rotors and the magic fairy wand were designed by Lester himself, and Xi Na and other lonely girls said it was good after using it.

Lester understands this very well, he has long seen that Xi Na and Xi Ya have some special contacts, but he will not reveal it.

This is also the reason why Xina didn't have such a big temper before, but this time she was a little angry. Without Shia's company in the long night, Xina, who had already experienced the joy of the boudoir, would of course hold back some resentment.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, wait for a little rest, and then I will take good care of Lord Demon Face Lord, be good~"

"Hmph~ Don't think I'll take your set, I'm no longer a child, do you think it's useful for you to coax an old woman who is almost eight hundred years old in this way? Humph~ It's almost a thousand years, you still put I'm being coaxed as a child, am I so easy to deceive?"

He really wanted to nod and say yes, but Lester didn't want to die young, so he had to give up.

The man couldn't help looking at Hina in front of him. The way the woman pursed her mouth reminded Leicester of the past days. He picked up a special pink berry from the Emerald Collar and fed it into the woman's cherry lips, watching the woman squint her crescent eyes , the man's eyes became softer.

The cute little Hina is still as easy to coax as ever, a pink berry can turn cloudy into sunny.

But having said that, he really owes too much to the woman in his arms, and now he can still control the emerald collar, thanks to Hina, who is also immortal and will never change until death, rules the emerald collar for him. Back to the Emerald Collar, who cares if you are the 'Master Leicester' who established the Emerald Collar? At that time, he might be beaten out of the city with a stick by the guards in the inner city, and fight with the black guards he built with his own hands.

"My good sister, lovely Miss Hina, the great Demon Lord Lord, don't be angry, ah, eat another one~"

"Hmph~ What's the matter with you? Tell me!"

The angry woman chewed hard on the pink berries that the man fed, and waited viciously for the man to explain.

"The main reason is that some things happened during this period, and it became hard to mention to anyone. After all, I am not an orphan with nothing to worry about. Two hundred and eighty-seven years have passed in the blink of an eye. The people I once knew The old man turned into stone tablets again... too soon, maybe I should learn to talk to the stone tablets?

I was listening to Milton tell the story of his adventures in the shipyard, but I closed and opened my eyes, and there was nothing.

It's ridiculous to say that my memory still stays in the era of Morris, Hector, Oren, Nadalz and Stendahl, but my body has arrived seven hundred years later, and everything has become strange Wake up, I don't even have time to remember the dead,

Even so, I have to move forward, keep moving until I can control my own destiny, fortunately, you are always with me on this road, so that I am no longer alone, otherwise I am lost, and I am afraid I will never return coming. "

The man's humorous and witty language revealed ease, as if he was talking about an unimportant matter, but Hina felt the same way, knowing what kind of burden these simple words carried.

In fact, she carries the same burden.

The divine power left by the righteous protoss in her body was like a bomb that would explode at any time. The divine power made her immortal and could stay with her man forever, but it also made her lose the peaceful life that ordinary people can have.

Only she knows how much she hates Fidelet, who she has guarded for seven hundred and seventy-one years. If the Emerald Collar was not entrusted to her by Lester, she would not want to stay in this cage for a second. long since left Noxus,

Ever since escaping from that log cabin, she has an adventurous spirit and wanted to visit more places, or enter the astral world, to rescue her sister Misha who has not returned so far, and to reunite her sisters.

Unfortunately, she can't, because only she can guard the land under her feet, and only she can be the only backing for a man, and this promise and entrustment have also become shackles that bind her feet, and she can't go anywhere. It has wings, but it can't fly anywhere.

The former man was her and her elder sister Misha, the backing of her father Chiram. Now her father has returned to ashes and ashes, and her elder sister Misha has returned to the star realm. There has been no news so far.

She even fantasized that she had to stay in the Star Realm because she was protecting her sister, otherwise, the Star God of Justice would withdraw her divine power, causing her to die instantly after losing her divine power.

She understood that her sister was also working hard for herself and Lester in the star realm she could not see. The three of them just wanted to make life better, which was the prerequisite for suffering and paying the price.

Now there is only Leicester left, so she must become Leicester's backing, and hold the core rights of the Emerald Collar tightly in her own hands, unshakable.

Lester feels tired, and she is also tired. If you have to shoulder responsibilities that you don't want to shoulder, then a long life will be a kind of torture. Where people can see, from the 'Lord of the Devil's Face' to 'Little Hina' in the arms of a man, from a ruthless ruler to a coquettish woman.

It's just that no matter how strong a person is, he will eventually be weak in front of others who have taken on more.

"Brother Leicester, I just want to know when will such days end? When will we gain the great power that can counter everything as you said, and sweep away all obstacles?

Elder sister, she hasn't replied to me in Star Realm, I don't know if she has, already..."

"It's coming soon, Hina, that day is coming soon, believe me, in at most three hundred years, we will get what we want."

Firmly holding the trembling hand of the woman, Lester knew that only he could give the woman enough strength to go on at this time, just as only Elena could give him the strength to go on,

No one is born strong, the reason for not crying is just because the person who can make himself weak can never come back, priceless tears become cheap things.

"Misha will be fine, one day, we will go to the astral world and bring Misha back,

Even if I can, I will let you and Misha meet your mother Mihira again. This world is full of extraordinary power. This power will bring us many difficulties, but it also gives us many opportunities, so we Be patient, take every step at a time, and would rather slow down than make any irreparable mistakes,

You preside over the overall situation in the Emerald Leader and accumulate strength. I will look for world rune fragments in the outside world and help the Emerald Leader solve the troubles.

When the right time comes, we don't need to continue to endure. I will gather all my strength and get back all the lost things. "

"Brother Leicester, will there really be such a day?"

Under the expectant eyes of the woman, the man nodded vigorously, and said the most heartless words with a solemn expression.

"I can give everything for this, including everything in the Emerald Collar, including... your life."

Stared blankly, Hina relaxed instead.

"Xina believes in you, Brother Lester,

Hina has always believed in you, so if you need to use my life to achieve your ultimate goal, please don't hesitate, don't be sad, just take my life. "


No one knew that the real owner of the Emerald Leader had returned to Fidelet, and no one knew that the great existence that established the Emerald Leader had transformed into a representative of the noble power of the Noxus Emerald Leader to Zaun.

It is related to the opening of the new waterway in the Valoran continent, and the emerald leader who has always liked to eat meat will naturally get a share.

In fact, the root cause of this trip is that the emerald leader's "patriarch who likes to sleep" is going to look for some "special things" in Zaun. As for these special things, some wise yordles are not included. This is probably only known to the ancestor himself and the controller of the emerald collar.

All the way through the majestic Shimmering Silver Mountains in the south of the Emerald Territory, the group arrived at the southern coastal city of Groft Trading Port in the Emerald Territory. The leading warship flagship [Meteor Star], under the protection of the escort fleet, the Meteor Star slowly sailed towards the east sea.

The escort fleet consists of three ship-mounted mortar ships and four light-type cannon ships. Including the emerald collar flagship Meteor, which is equipped with heavy mana cannons and ship-mounted howitzers, there are a total of eight naval warships beyond the age. It is enough to hang the navies of the entire Valoran continent as grandchildren, and the lineup is extremely gorgeous.

Force is a powerful means to gain the highest voice.

It is worth mentioning that the heavy mana cannon of the Meteor is the [Black Iron] that dismantled the burial ship cemetery. Lester also realized later that it was not easy for the fleet led by Milton to take down the burial ship cemetery. , the battle process can be regarded as extremely exciting, and Ma Qili, who led the way, also successfully witnessed the unparalleled battle at sea on the last voyage of his life.

The owner and sailors of the [Black Iron] are special cursed undead creatures. The Black Iron, which has been cursed by ancient times, cannot be defeated at all. Dodging the Emerald Collar's bombardment by sea is also very difficult for the Emerald Collar fleet, which is an era ahead of the Runeterra Navy, not to mention the fact that thousands of generations of pirate families live in the deserted sea castle on the island.

It can be said that apart from the Emerald Neck, no force in Runeterra can take down the Ship Burial Cemetery alone.

In the end, Milton and Memi personally led the team to the Black Iron and destroyed the [Pearl of the Abyss] on the Black Iron before defeating the Black Iron and breaking the secret of the immortality of the captain of the Black Iron, Thorndike.

Then the soldiers of the Emerald Collar slaughtered the pirate forces in the deserted sea castle in an orderly manner, and inbreeding all the year round. The result of the closed gene pool is that it is difficult to find living people with normal facial features among the pirates.

Regarding this bloody action, the soldiers of the Emerald Leader did not feel guilty or shaken. Killing pirates was no different from killing monsters. Since then, the Emerald Leader has successfully controlled the Castle of the Wild Sea and established a stronghold on the island where the Castle of the Wild Sea is located. , there is a stable offshore port in the south of the Watcher's Sea. Until today, the island where the Castle of the Wild Sea is located has become an indispensable part of the Emerald Territory.

The Emerald Collar's fleet salvaged many things from the sunk Black Iron, including the black iron's magic cannon, and later some immature imitations. Unfortunately, some ancient magic technology is really impossible Breakthrough, after all, even pirates are picking up off-the-shelf ones, and the effect of forced replacement is naturally unsatisfactory. They can only choose to transfer the undamaged magic cannons to the emerald collar flagship Meteor as the main gun.

In fact, this is the first time the Meteor has made its appearance in Runeterra.

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