League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 598 Chapter596 Walking the dog and pulling on the rope randomly, leaving only the dog and no

Immortal Fortress, Black Thorn Rose Street, Luo Lisha's mansion, a woman wearing a women's aristocratic dress is waiting outside the door.

In the mansion, the magical secret message that required blood to be deciphered had been opened and thrown on the table.

Luo Lisha, who hadn't read the letter yet, played with the dark red metal ring in her hand for a while, symbolizing the supreme power of the Emerald Leader, and sighed softly.

"After so many fights, this time I actually sent the [Lord Lord's Ring]...

According to the rules of the Emerald Territory, anyone recognized by the previous lord can gain the allegiance of the Black Iron Guards and the Blades of Night when they obtain the Lord's Ring.

It seems that little Xina has really encountered trouble that cannot be solved this time. It seems that I will not be able to stay idle for some time in the future. "

Putting down the Lord's Ring, Luo Lisa opened the secret letter and read it carefully with a frown.

[Sister Rose, by the time you read this letter, I have already failed in the battle and cannot continue to maintain the rule of the Emerald Territory.

According to brother Lester's plan, I gave you the token of the ruler of the Emerald Territory. Please take the token with you and go to Fidelite as soon as possible with the help of the messenger Elikotra to preside over the overall situation and control the army. Change to prevent riots in the Emerald Territory.

Elikotra will give a detailed report on the specific affairs and my personal experience. Elikotra is the eldest daughter of the Jelist family and the contemporary controller of the Night Blade. She can be fully trusted and will assist. My sister does all the rest.

I hope we will see each other again one day, all for brother Lester...]

Putting down the secret message, Luo Lisa suddenly became jealous of a certain man.

"Obviously she is in danger, but she still cares about others. What a good girl, but she falls in love with such a heartless bastard... Anyway, this body is idle now. Let's go to Jade Collar, maybe it can help me. Sheena,

Because I have been in a cold war for so long about Little Luo Yi, maybe this is a good time to ease the relationship. "

After making the decision, Luo Lisha directly put the Lord's Ring on her right ring finger, changed into clothes that were convenient for traveling, and left the mansion.

Elikotra Jarist, who was standing at the door, saw the target of her trip walking out of the door and gave a respectful aristocratic salute.

"Ms. Luo Lisa, have you made a decision?"

Although Luo Lisha had already put on the ring, Elikotra, who was strict in her work, still confirmed it. After all, some words that were not spoken clearly could easily cause misunderstandings. In the process of getting along with the people in power, they could not play word games. is the most dangerous behavior.

If Luo Lisa didn't accept it, she would have to find a way to get the ring back at all costs and use the second plan.

Nodding slightly, Luo Lisa took a look at the dignified and beautiful woman in front of her.

Judging from the sense of threat coming from her body, this woman does have some abilities.

"You are Elikotra Jarrist?"

"Exactly down there."

"follow me."

Seeing that the woman was about to turn around and return to the mansion, Elikotra couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Ms. Luo Lisa, aren't we going to the Emerald Territory?"

With a mysterious smile, Luo Lisha went straight back into the house.

"Mages naturally have their own ways. Come with me, and I will let you see the world of a top mage."

Noxian calendar, 887 AD.

Targon, Bari Village.

Lester got up from the bed and covered Diana and Leona with the quilt.

After being moisturized, the two women fell asleep with lingering charm, but Lester's face was a little gloomy.

As early as the age of thirteen, the two girls became official believers of the Burning Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect.

Now that the two women are eighteen years old, in order to ensure that his bloodline mark can completely control Diana and Leona, he has trapped the Sun Spirit and the Moon Star Spirit in the bodies of the two women for his use. He has made preparations Eighteen years,

During this period, even when Xina was attacked by Misha and transformed into a fallen angel and was forced to be sealed outside the lord's castle, he did not return to the Emerald Territory, not for any other reason but to prevent his previous efforts from being wasted.

If Sheena hadn't arranged for LeBlanc to take over the Emerald Territory in advance, the current Emerald Territory would have been out of control. Even so, LeBlanc, who was not familiar with the Emerald Territory, still caused some setbacks and losses to the Emerald Territory.

He had already sacrificed too much for this day, and this time, there was absolutely no room for mistakes, especially when the Justice Star Spirit had already attacked him.

Opening the window, a cold wind blew into the house from the window, and Lester woke up a little.

"The top of Mount Targon, this is the last level. I must make the Sun Spirit and Bright Moon Star Spirit completely on my side within fifteen years. To this end, I will do whatever it takes."

"Are you ready? Climb to the top, master the power of the giants, and become the Chosen One."

On the mountainside of Mount Targon, under the starry sky, snowflakes were flying all over the sky.

Lester looked at Leona and Diana with complex eyes. After living intimately for so many years, he could only push his lover to the unknown cliff with his own hands. No amount of psychological preparation could offset the guilt and pain in his heart.

"If you fail, you will probably stay on the mountain forever, because that means the giant god has discovered my existence and knows my purpose..."

"Dad, I live for this day, don't I?"

Diana smiled freely.

"My parents have long been sleeping on the Titan Mountains. As an orphan, I can enjoy life safely until I grow up, and also enjoy the happiness that a woman and wife should have. I am very satisfied in this life, even if I die in I won’t regret it even on the mountain,

On the contrary, Dad doesn’t have to feel any psychological burden. Just treat this matter as a transaction between you and me.

No matter it was false or had ulterior motives, you gave me your loving kindness. For eighteen years, I just walked on the path I was destined to take. There was nothing to be afraid of. "

"Thank you, Cortana."

Lester hugged Diana, looked at Leona who looked serious, and spoke hesitantly.


As soon as he said the nickname, Lester's mouth was blocked by Leona's lips, and they didn't separate until a minute later.

"Lester, this is my own decision. As Xiaona said, you don't have to have any psychological burden.

Although you are really despicable and have used Xiaona to plot against me from the beginning, we have lived together for so many years and we know each other well. I know that you are not actually a bad person.

To reach this point today, it can only be said to be fate. Neither you nor I can change it.

Your appearance in my life changed my original life trajectory and gave my life for the first time a color other than that of the giant god of the blazing sun. Now I am very satisfied.

What's more, this mountain climbing is to get closer to the giant god of the sun. Even if you don't ask for it, I'm afraid I will do it myself one day in the future. I'm afraid I won't have the ability you gave me at that time, and the ending will definitely not be better than now. "

After Diana, Lester gave Leona a deep hug. Diana on the side also hugged the two closest to him. Beyond the physical body, the three of them had already established a deeper bond.

Perhaps this is the last time we hug each other, and everyone can feel the reluctance and nostalgia of the others.

"You two, please."

Unfortunately, no amount of reluctance can stop the established fact.

Watching the two figures walking further and further away, Lester knelt on the snow, held each other's hands, and prayed to the stars.

"Soraka, if you can hear my voice."

"Even if they fail, please spare their lives..."

In the universe beyond the starry sky, the majestic dragon composed of countless galaxies suddenly stopped. The dragon-binding rope straightened instantly, causing the war protoss Panson to stumble and almost be dragged down.

Even the Star Rose Crown and the restraints of the Dragon Binding Rope cannot completely seal the power of the Forged Star Dragon King.

It's a pity that Pantheon, the God of War, doesn't care about this. She only feels that she has caused offense.

In an instant, Pan Sen, who was already in a bad mood, entered a state of rage. The plump golden breastplate on his chest and the dreadlocks on the back of his head were filled with divine power, and the Xingcai Divine Spear stabilized his figure.

"Dragon! Why do you always go against me!"

Glancing sideways at Pantheon with eyes the size of a galaxy, the starry sky dragon named Orurian Sol made a sound like the stars trembling.

"Small and useless stars, why are you always so disrespectful of great things?"

"We need your power, but you always resist us! After all these years, you still can't recognize your current status!"

Like an angry owner pulling on a disobedient dog's leash, Panson pulled hard on the dragon-binding rope in his hand.

The unobservable supreme law was released through the Dragon Rope and the Star Rose Crown. The irresistible force caused Orurien Sol to crash into a certain planetary belt, destroying dozens of sparkling ancient creations.

The planet that was supposed to turn into fire and disappear like fireworks in a billion years, tens of billions of years, or even longer, disappeared and became cosmic dust.

Aurian Sol slowly stopped his body and let his tail go around the last planet that was lucky enough to escape the mass extinction.

The Dragon of the Starry Sky looked at the war protoss without saying a word, which in turn aroused the war protoss to become violent.

Pan Sen once again pulled the dragon-binding rope, and the starry sky dragon's body swung uncontrollably again. The planet that survived last time could no longer survive this time and turned into a dazzling light in the starry sky.

"When will you learn to obey? Remember, you are the destroyer of these planets, dragon. You say you love your creation deeply, but in fact it is just a lie. You don't care at all! Without us, we can maintain this universe. Stable, everything has long been destroyed by darkness!

Just relying on you and your race alone, nothing good will happen in this universe! "

"You are just a group of despicable thieves, hateful fraudsters, and cowards who play tricks on mortals. Why should a majestic creature obey a fool who should have turned into dust in the universe long ago?"

"Dragon! You deserve to die!"

Pan Sen, who was completely angered, began to mobilize the astral power on the dragon-binding rope.

With the Star Rose Crown on the head of the Dragon of the Starry Sky, the Dragon-Binding Rope accelerates to extract the power of Orurien Sol. Through the complex and dense secrets of the astral world, the power of Auririan Sol is exerted in reverse through the transformation of the Dragon-Binding Rope. To the Dragon of the Starry Sky, bring pain to the Dragon of the Starry Sky.

The starry sky dragon in severe pain began to roll, and the war star spirit let out an indifferent laugh. Only the star rose crown was impacted in the starry sky dragon's struggle, and the crown gold shavings that constructed the secrets of the star world turned into comets and drifted towards the other side of the deep space. , allowing Orurien Sol's consciousness to be restored in an infinitesimal amount of time.

The Star Casting Dragon King, filled with anger in his heart, seized the opportunity he had been waiting for for nearly ten thousand years. The anger in his heart was too pale compared with the murderous intention in his consciousness.

In just an instant, the dragon of the starry sky twisted its head and grew into a dragon's mouth composed of galaxies. The dragon's mouth faced the war star spirit standing in the sky.

The hair on his hair stood on end, his soul trembled, and his divine body was almost shattered by the killing intent.

Feeling the fatal threat and the vast murderous intent, Pan Sen saw the dragon's mouth where countless planets exploded, and his smile completely froze. The war protoss desperately pulled the dragon-binding rope, but the dragon-binding rope lost its effect at this moment, at least in the case of the giant dragon. Outbursts of anger have no effect.

The entire universe seemed to be silent for a moment, and countless space turbulence and broken galaxies became victims of the Dragon King's wrath.

An energy explosion that penetrated the universe spewed out from the dragon's mouth, and the war stars in the attack orbit melted away within a billionth of a second. Only the star gun that Pan Sen finally threw with all his strength escaped and escaped. Opened the breath of destruction belonging to the Dragon King.

Aurian Sol didn't close his mouth until his breath disappeared into the far reaches of the universe.

"Noisy little bug...the world is finally quiet."

Before Orurien Sol could use his divine power to attack the out-of-control dragon-binding rope, without any warning, Justice Star Spirit Castis appeared in front of Orurien Sol in a flash.

The female-looking star spirit grabbed the dragon-binding rope, cutting off the starry sky dragon's chance to struggle.

Looking around, Istis couldn't see any trace of the war protoss. Only the star-colored divine spear flying towards the astral temple indicated that there was a female war god with dreadlocks leading a dog leash everywhere in the universe just now. Walk the dog.

It's okay to walk myself to death, but I go around calling others trash every day, but I'm not much better.

"Pan Sen is dead?"

Aiming his nostrils at Istis, Orurien Sol snorted.

"I hope it dies completely. What, is it you, the little bug, who is here to insult me ​​this time?"

"How did you kill her?"

After checking the Star Rose Crown through the dragon-binding rope, Istis was puzzled to find that there was nothing wrong with the Star Rose Crown, and it was even less likely that Orurian Sol would lose control.

"I just sneezed and it was chattering right in front of my nostrils, so it died."


"What, you don't believe it? Come on, let go of that damn rope, stand still, and I'll show you."

"I believe."

Ori Riensor:…

"I'll be here with you from now on."

"I would rather have the little one running around and jumping around. At least she can make me feel some fun."

"Twilight has her own things to do. Even we have a hard time finding her traces."

Brothers, please give me some support, anything. Let me see how many people are reading this book. It’s no different from a stand-alone book every day. It’s extremely uncomfortable.

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