League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 609 Chapter607 The Three Cancers of the Empire

Fidelite, a meeting to decide the fate of Noxus is being held. There are only a few participants, but together they are enough to control half of Valoran.

Sitting on the conference table, Lester said in a deep voice.

"A divided Noxus is definitely not the result we need. We must find a suitable reason for intervention and use a sharp knife to cut through the mess to eliminate the worms in the empire. It is best not to arouse the resentment of the people of the empire...

LeBlanc, please briefly explain the current situation of the empire. "

Nodding to Lester, LeBlanc continued with a serious expression.

"The empire now has three problems that cannot be ignored, the imperial warlords, the old nobles, and the rebels. Compared with these three problems, the Demacians are not a problem. With the Emerald Territory as a barrier, the Demacians have no way to deal with the immortals. The fort caused no damage.

Let’s talk about the issue of the imperial warlords first. With General Timothy of Fort Calisto and General Jerry Ford of Valx City as the core forces, the five warlords in the south have secretly united together, and their sphere of influence is close to that controlled by the empire. One-third have vague thoughts of establishing their own country.

In this war against Demacia, the five southern warlords who were supposed to be the main force only sent 10,000 slave troops composed of the old, weak, sick and disabled. Otherwise, the Empire's Second and Third Legions would not have been defeated so miserably.

According to the information brought by the Assassin Council, the five warlords can gather a total of 150,000 troops. This is the main reason why the Immortal Fortress cannot attack them. "

After a slight pause, LeBlanc continued.

"Today's old aristocrats are different from the old empire's old aristocrats. The old aristocrats in the past were rich and wealthy, but they understood that cowards should not participate in wars and interfere with military power. Today's old aristocrats are all deadbeats who have never fought a few wars, but they are so arrogant to military power. Get involved.

Thanks to the blood ancestor Vladimir, these imperial pustules whose bodies have been transformed by blood magic have gained a long life. Although it is far inferior to Burnham, it still lasts at least fifty years longer than normal. Lifespan, if they can contribute enough works of art to be appreciated by Vladimir, these pustules can further gain physical transformation, extending their lifespan to a hundred years.

Relying on their own influence and colluding with the Blood Mages of the Scarlet Society, they continue to place mid-level and high-level officers in the Imperial Legion. These mid-level and high-level officers have no contribution to the war, but they are very good at squeezing the citizens of the Empire and grabbing the wealth of the Empire.

This group of borers controls many orphanages in the empire. Children who have lost all their relatives in the war and no one is willing to adopt them have become their prey.

People who like beautiful little boys will train the orphans in the orphanage to be personal male slaves. There are also many old nobles who prefer virgin blood. Those children with outstanding appearance will be raised as blood animals and supplied with new blood at any time as maids. Source of blood, those with poor appearance will be taken to a place where sex is sold for their benefit..."

When LeBlanc said this, Leicester had already closed his eyes. Sheena, who already knew the empire was dirty, lowered her eyes, while Misha raised her eyebrows and slapped the conference table with an angry look on her face, making a loud noise. .

"What a bunch of scum that will be cut to pieces! LeBlanc, as the mastermind behind the empire, haven't you thought about dealing with that garbage? You just let them do whatever they want?"

Knowing that Misha would probably target herself, LeBlanc first glanced at Lester, and then sneered at Misha.

"Little Misha, don't forget, before I completely fell to Lester, Vladimir and I were allies.

Half of the family forces in the old aristocracy are in collusion with the Scarlet Society. How could I fall out with my collaborators for the sake of those orphans who have no fathers or mothers?

I have seen too many tragedies. In the dark ages when Uzul was still alive, Yi Zi cannibalism and killing people to satisfy hunger was a common thing. Even Roxy's ancestors ate people when they were most hungry. Like that Compared with the barbaric and cruel era, what are the orphans who have food to eat and clothes to wear now?

They cannot be used by me, and they are also a drag on the empire. If they are not well-raised, they will naturally not be able to obtain a healthy body. Such people are just cannon fodder on the battlefield. On the contrary, they are raised as blood animals by the old nobles, which may be considered as good. A better life.

What's more, it's not like I haven't punished those pustules. There was a time when some people were not satisfied with orphanages and reached out to children in civilian areas. Naturally, I can't tolerate this situation.

In this case, I used the family controlled by the black rose to eliminate those pustules and cut off the paws of those dogs that crossed the line. Vladimir had nothing to say about this, otherwise he would think that those pustules were just Will you watch the orphanage and fuck around? "

Misha snorted angrily and said nothing.

She knew that LeBlanc was telling the truth. The Pale Witch was not a kind person in the first place. To do this for those children was considered kindness.

But even though she said that, she was still angry and couldn't swallow this breath. She wished she could fly to the Immortal Fortress and burn the empire's worms with fire.

With a sigh, Lester opened his eyes and comforted him.

"Misha, relax, those scum will pay for everything they have done. When we take control of Noxus, I will never let those poor children continue to suffer these sufferings. We are sitting here for This, isn’t it?”

"Lester, I will personally use fire to purify those filthy filth!"

Misha's golden eyes stared intently at Lester. Lester saw the angel's determination and nodded.

"As you wish, I will deliver them into your hands."

After receiving Leicester's promise, Misha calmed down her anger, and Leicester looked at LeBlanc again.

"LeBlanc, keep talking."

Regaining her composure, LeBlanc continued.

"The final trouble is the rebels. These rebels are very complex in composition, their whereabouts are unknown, and they are numerous in number. They often attack the empire's villages and logistics transportation in the name of bandits and bandits. They are difficult to guard against. Because of the rebels, the empire's sphere of influence There are also more real robbers and bandits inside.

According to the information I have, the three most important rebel forces are the Restorers of the Ancient Kingdom Valkos and the Kingdom of Gran, which are secretly funded by the Principality of Valoran and the Kingdom of Northland, and the Dalmor Plains. The band of barbarian robbers who come and go like the wind,

The barbarian bandit groups in the Dalmo Plain have been uprooted by the imperial warlord Thain. The banditry in the north has been suppressed. The banditry in the south is distributed in various mountain ranges that are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

On weekdays, the rebels broke into small groups and went out to plunder and attack villages. When an imperial convoy passed by, they united with each other and formed an army of nearly a thousand people to launch a surprise attack. After killing people and dividing the spoils, they dispersed again, which caused great damage to the stability of the empire. Big damage.

There are natural caves and dangerous passes everywhere in the mountains. It is difficult for the imperial soldiers to find their traces. Even if they launch an attack, they cannot gain a numerical advantage in the battle on the dangerous passes. Instead, they will allow the rebels to take advantage. "

"I have never been disappointed with Thane. Rather than letting Thane continue to fight the Demacians with his exhausted army, it would be better to let Thain deal with the rebels. I don't want to let such an imperial general who is good at fighting go to war. Die like this on the battlefield."

Knowing what Leicester meant, LeBlanc smiled.

"I can get Brown Darkwill to give Thain an order to withdraw the troops and suppress the bandits. As for whether Thain will listen to it, I don't know~"

"If he doesn't listen, I will have to go there myself..."

Standing up from his seat, Lester's face darkened with great power, and others also stood up.

"Then everyone, let's formulate the general policy for returning to the empire now. The specific action plan will be gradually broken down.

No warlords, old nobles, or imperial rebels can stop us from moving forward! LeBlanc, do you mind if we attack your ally Vladimir? "

The pale witch smiled seductively.

"My dear, you should say 'old ally'. As your little rose, I don't mind pushing my old ally one last time and sending him on his last journey."

The sky has darkened.

In the western part of the Knockmooch Plains, on the battlefield between Eternal Peak and Green Teeth Peak, Thane, who was stationed on the mountainside, received military instructions from the Empire's High Command.

"Cooperate with the Third Army of the Empire to withdraw from the battlefield in an orderly manner and return to the Immortal Fortress to rest..."

Beside the torch, Thain silently handed the secret order to Yeager. Yeager glanced at it by the light of the fire, and then glanced at the low-morale legionnaires in the camp.

Under the leadership of Thain, the corps indeed fought bravely and was invincible in every attack, but it was unable to endure hard battles one after another.

It is clear that our side has been winning, but the Demacians are fighting more and more, and their troops have become more elite.

With the dragon bird knights and the fearless vanguard holding the battle, the legion has no way to continue to achieve a greater victory. It can only retreat again and again. One wrong step will be doomed.

The number of enemies is increasing, but our own side has no way to replenish its troops. The Jade Territory's logistics supplies alone cannot maintain morale.

Knowing that the battle situation had reached its most dangerous moment and that the troops could no longer continue fighting, Yeager said softly.

"General Thain, our legionnaires are very tired now. The casualties are close to 20%. I'm afraid there will be no benefits if we continue to fight. It's better to return to the Immortal Fortress to rest before making any plans."

Hearing this, Thane glanced at the hopeful and tired eyes of his soldiers, and finally nodded.

With the command of the Immortal Fortress, he could not find any reason to continue fighting. He longed for glory and victory, but did not want to rely on the sacrifice of his soldiers to obtain these things.

The tired soldiers finally heard what they wanted to hear most, and their spirits were lifted.

"Everyone obeys the order! At dawn tomorrow, people will be crowned, horses will be hoofed, abandon all heavy objects, and evacuate in an orderly manner! Follow me back to the Immortal Fortress! Rewards will be given based on merit!"


The soldiers gave a small cheer, and Yeager also had a smile on his face.

The most tired person in the entire legion is actually Thain.

After returning this time, Thain can have a good rest.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

In the darkness, the continuous sound of arrows piercing the air made Yeager's smile freeze. Arrows rained down from the sky. Dozens of soldiers were directly penetrated by the arrows and died.

Looking up at the sky, a dozen flat-haired beasts raised by the Demacians were carrying the timid Demacians with their bows and arrows in a majestic manner.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!! Form a shield wall formation!!! Archers and mages are free to counterattack!!"

The soldiers crawling out from the pile of dead people quickly formed a shield wall formation to protect the soldiers from the rain of arrows.

Two groups of lighting magic rose from the ground and were suspended in the air, dispersing the darkness of the night sky. The dazzling magic light made the Demacia dragon bird flap its wings in panic. For a time, more than a dozen dragon bird knights were unable to stabilize the dragon bird. body shape.

"Fight back!!!"

The officer's roar echoed through the sky,

The crossbowman pulled the trigger, and the taut arm of the crossbow suddenly straightened. Hundreds of barbed crossbow bolts formed a scattered rain of arrows and shot towards the sky where the dragon bird knight was.

Several screams of humans and animals rang out, and three dragon-bird knights who died immediately fell to the ground. Another unlucky dragon-bird whose head was penetrated fell to the ground and turned into a ball of flesh.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The captain of the Demacia Dragon Bird Knight issued a retreat order. The remaining Dragon Bird Knights did not hesitate and controlled the somewhat restless dragon bird under their crotches to fly higher, avoiding the second wave of arrows.

This attack was originally intended to demoralize the Noxians. It was simply unrealistic to kill many enemies with the bows and arrows in their hands.

Especially now that the overall situation has been decided, Jarvan I, who will lead the expedition in person, will soon arrive, and all the Demacia Kingdom's troops responsible for containing the Empire's First Army and Third Army have already moved north.

As long as it takes more than ten minutes to hang the tail of the Noxian bastard, and once the two armies are encircled, nearly 40,000 Demacian soldiers can surround the place and easily strangle the Imperial Legion of less than 10,000 people.

Tonight, no living creature can leave the Shimmering Silver Mountains.

This is the anger that belongs to the Demacians and the revenge that belongs to the Demacian soldiers!

With a sneer, the Dragon Bird Knight bent his bow again and shot an arrow, saying loudly.

"You dare to slaughter my people in Demacia, you bastards of Noxus! You can't escape! Your Majesty will soon lead an army to surround this place! Today next year will be your death anniversary!"

The sound coming from the sky caused the morale of the Thane Legion to suddenly drop to freezing point. Thinking of the tracker who never left the sky, no one would doubt the words of the Dragon Bird Knight.

"It's over, we're done, we're all going to die here, surrender..."

A collapsed soldier didn't see a tall figure standing behind him.

The two-headed giant ax slashed through, and a big head rolled to the ground. Two seconds later, the headless body fell to the ground.

Glancing at the fearful and desperate eyes of the soldiers, Thane put down the black cutter in his hand and said coldly.

"Anyone who disturbs the morale of the army again in front of the battle line will suffer the end like this!"

"The matter has come to this! If we want to survive, we have to fight to the death! Jarvan's son will march in person, but it will be a great opportunity for us to capture the enemy chieftain! Follow me into the enemy's formation, take Jarvan's son's life, and the Demacians will retreat!"

Behind Thain, Yeager also shouted loudly.

"The mountain road is far away, the night is dark and the wind is high, the enemy has dragon and bird knights, we have no way to escape!

It's better to follow General Thain and fight to the death! Maybe we can get a chance of survival! "

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