League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 611 Chapter609 The desperate reinforcements

Dawn is coming.

Jarvan I held up the telescope, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes. The emperor of Demacia felt heavy in his heart, as if he was dripping blood.

One square array, two square arrays, three square arrays, four square arrays...

Tens of thousands of soldiers rushed towards the slope like a tide, but they seemed to have hit an indestructible rock. Without exception, they all collapsed.

The thousand-meter steep slope and tens of thousands of broken corpses became obstacles to progress.

Three days and two nights passed, and except for a truce period in the middle of the night, the meat grinder never stopped.

In the telescope, the tall figure like the Hell Blood Demon was still waving the double-headed blood ax in his hand at the place where the two armies were fighting, tirelessly killing Demacia's soldiers, with an attitude of becoming more and more courageous as he fought.

The enemy general alone took away the lives of thousands of Demacians. Whether it was a joint attack, siege, arrow rain, or single combat, no Demacian soldier could withstand an axe.

Although the casualties of the Noxian barbarians have exceeded half, they still have the momentum to fight to the death and will not surrender at all.

This is a peerless tiger king leading a group of wolf kings to fight against his own army.

Jarvan I couldn't think of another word to describe the Imperial general other than invincible.

The recruits who had just joined the army for less than a year had never experienced such a bloody and cruel battlefield. Their officers died in battle, and no living friendly troops could be seen. From the beginning to the end, they had only one way to flee, and they had no courage to fight at all.

Jarvan I had no temper about the situation.

The enemy is really terrifying, especially the imperial general named Thain. In just one day, he has become a psychological shadow for the army of the Kingdom of Demacia.

The telescope began to drift, and finally settled on the silvery mithril plate armor at the foot of the hillside.

The morale of the Legion is now low, and only the Fearless Vanguard can change this situation.

Kill that devil and the Noxians will be defeated.

After three days and three nights of consumption, even an iron man could melt into water. He did not believe that under such circumstances, Thain could continue to compete head-on with his most powerful elite army.

"Be brave and fearless!"

"Until death!"

"The steel sword is unbreakable!"

"Glory to the Strong City!"


"United as one!"

"Everyone, let me kill you!!"

Inheriting the legacy of the former leader of the Fearless Vanguard Army, Chris, Chris's most trusted subordinate, Captain Sword of the First Shield Array, and now the leader of the Fearless Vanguard Army, Heslett, roared.

Before that, he had asked His Majesty the Emperor to fight countless times, but all he received was an order to stand still. He could only watch helplessly as his compatriots charged forward with courage, only to be defeated by the Imperial soldiers like a bereft dog, leaving behind Bodies everywhere fled in panic.

Whether it's dignity or life, everything in Demacia is being trampled by the Noxians on the hillsides.

He understood that in order to preserve the strength of the Dauntless Vanguard, His Majesty deliberately used the Royal Army to consume the energy of the Noxians, just to wait for the enemy to be tired and use the sharp knife of the Dauntless Vanguard to cut off the mess.

He understands, but doesn't agree.

But he is a soldier and must obey orders.

Only at this moment can he use the mithril sword to vent his anger on the enemy, using the most ancient method.

The scarlet iron tower stood above the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. Heslett gritted his teeth and accelerated his charge.

Closer, closer,

He wants to personally kill the enemies who have brought humiliation and pain to Demacia!

"No! Noxians are coming from behind! Your Majesty is in danger!"

The dragon and bird knight in the sky brought unacceptable bad news.


Huslett looked back and saw that behind his own military formation, Noxian soldiers all over the mountains and plains launched a charge towards Jarvan I's own formation. The Demacia military formation that was hit by the impact was in chaos for a while, and they fought hand to hand. Next, it actually caused a rout.

"It's the defeated troops of the Noxus Empire's First Legion and Third Legion!! They actually followed!"

"Legion Commander, be careful!"

The screams of Gibson from the First Shield Formation came from behind. Heslett turned around and saw that Gibson, his colleague from the First Shield Formation who had stopped the Imperial General for him, had been split in half by a giant axe, both man and shield. He was facing the Imperial General. The man's eyes were filled with blood, and he stepped forward with his sword.

The large kite-shaped shield reinforced with mithril failed to block the black double-headed axe.

[Kill them, chop off their heads, leave no one behind]

The repeated voices in his mind made Thain's consciousness even more chaotic. Only the pleasure and power brought by every killing, every slash, and every time the enemy was destroyed allowed Thain to maintain his desire to kill.

Now, he has found a new goal,

As long as the most proud fearless vanguard of the Demacians is defeated, he can lead the remaining soldiers to rush all the way into Emperor Jarvan's central tent and chop off the Demacian Emperor's head.

The black reaper turned into a bloody ax shadow, slashed from top to bottom, and collided head-on with the mithril sword.


The collision between magic steel and mithril erupted with a harsh sound, and many soldiers heard the collision that pierced their cochlea.


The stalemate did not last long;

The mithril sword that Heslett had placed high hopes on was broken with a sound. The leader of the Demacian Fearless Vanguard could only watch the ax blade slash along his face, and then the world fell into absolute silence. middle.

Pulling out the black cutter from the rotten skull, Thain directly struck the second axe. The mithril helmet rolled to the side with half of the rotten human head, and Thain held it in his hand.

The clarity of mind brought by killing powerful enemies allowed Thane to roar provocatively on the battlefield for the first time.

"Cowards of Demacia! Are these the soldiers you have high hopes for? Hahaha!!!"

Seeing his commander's head being carried by the enemy, the soldiers of the Fearless Vanguard were instantly furious.

"Legion Commander!"

"Let's kill this Noxian savage together!"

Immediately, a dozen soldiers of the Fearless Vanguard abandoned the enemy in front of them and rushed towards Thain like crazy.

The war has reached this point, and any tactics and formations have long been meaningless. Whether it is Demacia soldiers or Noxian soldiers, the only thing they have to do is to kill every enemy they see while saving themselves.

When Thane attracted the attention of most of the Fearless Vanguard soldiers, the Thain Legion, which had been severely damaged by the Fearless Vanguard, finally got a chance to breathe. Yeager, whose armor was already in tatters, took advantage of the opportunity to launch a counterattack, leading the legionnaires to kill He killed several fearless vanguard sword and shield soldiers.

On the other side, Thain threw the head in his hand at the person who came. When the person wanted to hug the head, Thain unceremoniously split the indestructible mithril armor with an ax, bringing fatal consequences to the soldiers of the Fearless Vanguard. one strike.

"His evil ax is too sharp! Our armor can't defend us, so don't take his attack forcefully!"

A soldier from the Dauntless Vanguard warned loudly, and others took it seriously. Many sword and shield infantry simply threw away the heavy shields in their hands and only used mithril swords to contain Thane.

Several times, the mithril sword pierced Thain's damaged armor. Unfortunately, the mithril sword could only penetrate the layers of magic steel armor shallowly, and then it would slide along the smooth armor. The film causes the force to deviate.

Even when he was besieged by four Dauntless Vanguard soldiers at the same time, Thain did not fall behind at all. Instead, he directly used his armor to resist the damage and killed two of them.

Facing an almost invincible enemy, even with the strong consciousness of a fearless vanguard, he began to doubt whether he could defeat the enemy in front of him.

Unfortunately, from the day they put on this mithril armor, they had no way out.

Either kill the monster in front of you, or die at the hands of the monster,

They never had the option of escaping the battlefield.

This is the mission of the military.

Led Sarapam threw away the steel weapon with the curled blade in his hand, picked up another Noxian long knife and continued to step forward, stabbing the Demacian man's chest with one knife, and brought out a handful of Blood flower.

The legion leader was surrounded by more than a dozen Imperial assassins and Samari red sword warriors. The killers who had killed Chris were now injured and exhausted.

The moment assassins and killers are exposed to the sun, they have lost the protection of the shadows. Even a sharp arrow is enough to take away the killer's life.

The killers wearing only light armor could only avoid the simple and crude attacks of the Demacia soldiers as much as possible, and found the critical opportunity to fight back with the weapons in their hands. The restrained battle caused heavy losses to the killers surrounding Leed, but they did not People choose to retreat.

There are still many enemies. After continuous battles, even the first and third legions combined only have more than 10,000 people. But all Noxian soldiers know that there is no room for retreat in this battle. The last time was The Thane Legion saved them, now is their chance to save the Thane Legion,

Even if such a rescue is likely to result in the annihilation of the entire army,

Even if they have never communicated with the Thane Legion, looking at each other across the Demacia army formation and the Thane Legion soldiers at this moment, they can understand what makes them willing to fight here.

It is the immortal military soul of Noxus, the glory of Roxy, the passion for victory, and the dignity tempered by iron and blood.

At this moment, the officers in the old aristocracy also forgot their noble status and devoted themselves like fanatical believers to this battle where there was no way out and they could die at any time.

Everyone followed Ryder, rallying under the Noxian banner.

"General Thane is right! There are no cowards in Noxus!

Even if we all die here today! Our descendants will also remember our achievements!

Come with me! ! ! "

Jarvan I looked coldly at the remaining Noxian soldiers behind the military formation, sneered, and took the Omen of Langton and the Halberd of Attama from the hands of his personal guards.

The emperor of Demacia put down his mithril visor and issued an outflank order to the cavalry and dragon and bird knights who were preparing to attack.

"Pass my command, take no prisoners in this battle!"

The Demacia military formation, which was stuck by the Noxus Empire Legion, was in chaos. Everyone was in a mess, shoulder to shoulder, swarming forward and waving their weapons.

Further to the rear, Demacia's four square formations that could still maintain their formation changed from the rear to the front. They all turned around and pressed head-on against the Noxian legions in the melee like a baggage.

The Dragon Knights bent their bows and set arrows, constantly harassing and attacking the officers of the Noxian Legion. Jarvan I led his bodyguards on pure-blooded horses and followed the cavalry to bypass the chaotic battlefield and arrive at Nok. Behind the Sars Legion.


The heavy charge horn sounded, and facing the golden light of the sun, Jarvan I, wearing mithril armor, rode into the battlefield on a war horse. The emperor of Demacia killed the first enemy with the Halberd of Atama.

As he expected, the morale of the Noxian soldiers who were attacked from both sides plummeted, their formations began to become chaotic, and their casualties increased.

He knew that in a few minutes, this remnant of the Noxian army that had underestimated its capabilities would become a pile of corpses and become his own merit.

The balance of victory tipped heavily towards the Demacian side in the blink of an eye. When the entire army was about to collapse and fight on their own, Leed also seized the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

"That's the emperor of Demacia! Let me kill him! The Demacians will collapse without a fight!"

The general's roar made all the surviving Noxian soldiers look at Jarvan I. Except for the Noxian soldiers who could not escape, all the Noxian soldiers rushed towards Jarvan I.

"remarkably brave."

Seeing that the Noxian soldiers were about to counterattack against him, Jarvan I gave the order for the cavalry to retreat without hesitation. The horse legs that came and went like the wind soon carried the knights away from the encirclement and suppression of the Noxian soldiers. , a charge took away hundreds of lives, but less than a few dozen knights died on the road to the charge.

When the Noxian soldiers focused their attention on the front again, Jarvan I repeated his old tricks and once again led the cavalry to charge.

"Surround and kill his horses!"

"Kuao Noise."

This time Jarvan I deliberately came to the front of the Imperial General. The armored war horse rushed into the crowd like a heavy tank. The horse's hooves crushed the heart of the fallen man. Atama's Halberd easily pierced the Imperial General's abdomen. .

Leed let go of the long knife in his hand, and tremblingly held the halberd shaft that pierced the armor and penetrated his lower abdomen with both hands.

He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he could only spit out blood. Leed couldn't say anything and just stared at the emperor of Demacia.

The condescending Jarvan I sneered.

"Leed Sarapam, you are a brave general, but not very smart..."

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Five Noxian soldiers armed with spears rushed towards Jarvan I at the same time. Jarvan I frowned and pulled the gun barrel hard, but found that he could not pull it back at all.

Under the horse, Leed held onto the barrel of the gun like an iron statue. If he wanted to withdraw the weapon, he could only pull his whole body to move it together.

No matter how strong Jarvan I was, he could not drag a man in heavy armor weighing three hundred kilograms on horseback.

"Damn barbarian!"

Seeing the five Noxian soldiers getting closer and closer, Jarvan I did not want to let go of Attama's Halberd in humiliation, so he could only raise Langton's Omen in front of him.


The first few spear points had no effect on the shield, and the last few Noxian soldiers could only turn the spear heads and thrust the spears into the gaps between the helmets of the war horses, and were immediately followed by the guards. Beheaded on the spot.

Amidst the screams of the horse, Jarvan I, who was wearing heavy mithril armor, fell to pieces and had no choice but to let go of Attama's Halberd.

Seeing Jarvan I fall to the ground, Leed fell forward. The imperial general, whose body was supported by his halberd, faced the direction of the Immortal Fortress and slowly closed his eyes.

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