League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 613 Chapter611 State Funeral

"The Noxus Empire's First Legion, Third Legion, and Thane Legion were all annihilated.

Led, Thain, and Yeager died on the battlefield,

Facing three times the enemy, Thain fought to the death and strangled the Emperor of Demacia, Dulles Jarvan, with his own hands in the midst of thousands of troops, and died with thousands of bullets piercing his heart..."

"The Hand of Noxus is well-deserved. It's a pity that one of the generals who governs the country is missing. With him, we will save a lot of effort."

Early in the morning, Lester, who was checking information in the lord's library, received bad news from LeBlanc.

Glancing at the books that Lester was reading, LeBlanc found that most of these books were about ancient cases of magical transformation of the human body.

She knew that Lester was very leisurely, because the Emerald Territory's plan to control Noxus was led by Sheena, but she did not expect that Lester was so leisurely that he read such a book with no practical significance.

The changes of the times are not only reflected in the replacement of magic elements, but also in the scarcity and extinction of magic materials and magic plants.

As the saying goes, a good woman cannot make a meal without rice. If you want to reproduce the human body modification surgeries in these ancient magic books, you have to go back thousands of years.

There was some curiosity in her heart, but LeBlanc didn't show it.

"I haven't forgotten that you asked me to take a good look at Thane. He himself was unwilling to leave with the mage I sent to rescue him. If he dies, he can't blame me."

With a sigh, Lester felt a little melancholy that he could not meet the hero Thane in person.

"I know, of course I won't blame you. In fact, if Thane really abandoned his men in order to survive, I would look down on him. This may be fate...

By the way, how do the Demacians place Thane's body now? "

"Demacians really want to know how a person can obtain Thane's strength. To this end, they have recruited Demacia's most outstanding group of medical scientists to decipher the source of Thane's power through dissection of corpses.

They simply can't understand that, in addition to his special physique, most of Thane's strength comes from the black cutter and the magic steel armor made by Kal'ath Anvil. According to the information brought back by the spies I arranged, there are already many Dema West Asian soldiers went crazy from exposure to black cutters and steel armor.

Now those two relics of Thane have become taboo evil objects recognized by Demacians, and are locked in the Forbidden Demon Vault...

What, you're still interested in Thane's body? However, Thain's corpse is indeed suitable for making war puppets. As long as a few more magics are attached, the dead Thain will be stronger than the living Thain. "

I thought that Lester wanted to use Thain's body to refine the undead puppet, but who knows, Lester shook his head.

"Thion has done enough for the empire. I don't want to disturb his rest anymore. It's just that Thane cannot become a research material for the Demacians. He should be buried in the Immortal Fortress with dignity for future generations to admire."

"Oh? What do you want to do?"

Looking at Lester with interest, LeBlanc sat directly in the man's arms and hugged his neck.

"How are you going to bring Thane's body back?"

Holding LeBlanc's delicate chin, Lester smiled coldly.

"Although the three major legions of the empire have been annihilated, Demacia is still severely weakened. In addition, the young emperor Jarvan II has just ascended the throne, and people's hearts are floating...

Don't forget, although the Emerald Territory has never sent troops to Demacia, it is still a part of Noxus. If you want to continue the orthodoxy of Jarvan's blood, the little king of Demacia has no choice. "

The domineering and strong aura made the woman's body soften, and she exhaled softly and fell into the man's arms.

"You are really bad... After this incident, do you want to sit at my place?"

"No, once the warlord threat in Noxus is quelled, I plan to return to Ionia for a visit."

Half a month later, the envoy of the Emerald Territory walked into Demacia's palace with his head held high, came to the front of the palace, bowed slightly, and handed over a diplomatic letter.

"Your Highness Jiawen, as you can see, this is what our Jade Territory demands.

A country that advocates bravery and loyalty will never allow its generals to wander outside. Only when the fallen leaves return to their roots can General Thain and others rest in peace.

I know that the great and ancient Light Shield family also maintains the courtesy to heroes. The dead are the most important, and real swords are used to judge the superiors on the battlefield. It would be a bit disgraceful to humiliate the corpse after death.

Lord Demonface has always admired the Lightshield family's respect for heroes. Demacia has also erected a monument to commemorate heroes. I think your majesty should be able to understand us.

If one day, Demacia's great general dies on the territory of Noxus, we will also send the hero out as a gift. "

Listening to the talk of the messenger at the bottom of the steps, the underage Jarvan II was dressed in white, with a sullen face and said nothing.

Damn it.

With a blank letter, he wanted to hand over his father's murderer, but he couldn't kneel down in front of him. The Noxian barbarian in front of him didn't take him or the kingdom seriously at all.

The unspeakable shame made Jarvan II want to ask the guards to drive the rude person in front of him out of the palace. However, his remaining reason warned the young emperor that although the dog in front of him was arrogant, he had the confidence to be arrogant.

The behemoth behind the messenger can turn a piece of paper into an army at any time.

At that time, I'm afraid it won't be something that can be solved by sending away a few corpses and a few evil weapons. If the country is really lost and the eastern defense line falls into the hands of the Emerald Territory, the Light Shield family may encounter an unbearable crisis.

After all, in this world, the strong are still respected, and they can compete with Noxus, but now Demacia cannot afford to offend the Emerald Territory.

[Time, I need time, I will repay the humiliation doubled in the future]

With the decision made in his heart, Jiawen II smiled with difficulty, and asked the ministers who had been paying attention to the young emperor to look at each other and shake their heads secretly.

Since you want to give it away, you have to be more generous, or refuse it categorically and beat the dog messenger out. This reluctant attitude of whether to give it away or not will only increase the laughing stock, and the baby emperor still can't calm down.

He was just an impatient little emperor. For ministers like them who were born into noble families... it was definitely not a bad thing.

Jarvan I was a man of great military prowess, but he could seize power all day long and interfere with the families of great nobles at will. This was not very comfortable for his ministers. No one liked a paralyzed man who had to pressure himself all day long and voluntarily raised money from his own family. emperor.

In this situation, as long as we work hard, we might be able to restore the former co-governance of the Silver Council aristocrats. Then we would no longer have to look at the emperor's eyes, and at the very least we would just retain the title of Jarvan's royal family.

As for the threat from the Emerald Territory...

The Emerald Territory has maintained a neutral stance since its establishment. Except for the unfortunate Heidi people who harmed the Seraph of the Emerald Territory, no one in Valoran knows that as long as they are not stupid enough to provoke the Emerald Territory, there will be no threat.

Compared to the Emerald Territory, the Little Emperor is easier to deal with...

Undercurrents surged under the palace hall, and above the throne, Jarvan II finally spoke.

"Demacia naturally understands the meaning of a hero to a country, but General Thane is a life-and-death enemy to our country, and to me, he is a father-killing enemy.

Anyway, a gift is not appropriate. As for the remains of General Thain and others, I can only secretly transport them outside the country and hand them over to you. What do you think? "

The messenger smiled slightly. This time the man didn't even bend his waist, he just nodded.

"That's alright. Thank you, Your Majesty."

It was October 1st, AD 901, in the Noxian calendar, and the sky was gloomy.

The gates of the immortal fortress are wide open.

On the occasion of the founding celebration, the Noxus Empire secretly retrieved the remains of several generals from the Emerald Territory, and held a state funeral ceremony for the leader Thane.

Four expensive pure-blooded war horses walked forward slowly. The horses seemed to know that they were pulling the glorious hero. The horses' hooves were lifted gently without making any noise.

The heavy open-air carriage behind him was covered with an expensive fur red carpet. Thain, who was sleeping on it, put on the broken magic steel armor again, but the exposed limbs were also riddled with holes, making countless silent admirers with misty eyes. , covering his mouth tightly.

There are countless gunshot and sword marks, countless wound scars, and most of the jaw has been almost torn into pieces. The giant is like an ancient statue, using its broken body to tell the story of its past glory.

No one could imagine what kind of brutal battle such a mutilated corpse had gone through during his lifetime, and no one could imagine that such a pillar of the empire died silently in the war against the Demacians.

Before this, most people did not know the meaning of the Hand of Noxus on the Western Front. Now, before the Imperial High Command has issued an obituary, witnesses have already understood the true weight of the Hand of Noxus on the corpse. .

The Noxian people holding flowers followed behind and came all the way to Conqueror's Square to watch General Thane's body being placed in the magic crystal coffin in the center.

All the nobles and warlord leaders in the empire were invited, and the richest and most powerful Noxian dignitaries gathered in the Conqueror's Square, silently lowering their heads in silence for the great general.

The new leader of Noxus, Brown Darkwill, personally issued the obituary for the Hand of Noxus.

"This era is an honor, because this era has witnessed a great general who belongs to the empire. His name is Thain, who comes from a small mountain village in Drekan.

Before he joined the army, he was a conscientious lumberjack, and the Drekan Lumber Camp was proud of him. When he heard that the Empire was finally going to take revenge on the despicable Demacia, he resolutely put down the lumberjack. , picked up the battle ax, came to the Immortal Fortress, and walked into the Conqueror Square,

He could not tolerate cowards who bullied his compatriots and had never been on the battlefield, so he killed the recruiting officer without hesitation, committed a capital crime in full view of the public, was captured without mercy, and was escorted to death row by the soldiers.

When everyone proposed to hang General Thane, it was my father, the great Commander Burnham, who interrogated him personally. Commander Burnham asked him: What are you doing all this for?

I still remember the solemnity with which Commander Burnham mentioned General Thain to me. It was the anger that burned through all cowardly actions like a raging fire.

General Thain said: I don't want to be a martyr, nor do I want to be the person who changes the empire. I just can't tolerate cowards harming the interests of the empire in front of me, that's all.

He said: Our ancestor Roxy has always relied on the glory of fighting to the death to stand on the earth. This is the glory that belongs to Roxy alone, but I can't see it now. In this case, I might as well die and leave this world. A country that disappoints me.

He used the simplest and plainest language to make Commander Burnham understand that the recruiter who insulted the new recruits on the Conqueror's Square deserved death just like other imperial cowards who only bullied their own people!

Since then, Commander Burnham understood General Thain's noble will, took him out of death row, let him put on armor, pick up a battle ax, and embarked on a counterinsurgency journey to the Dalmo Plain in the north.

From beginning to end, General Thain acted according to the oldest martial spirit of the empire. When he walked on this glorious land, he never had any selfish desires in every word or action he made.

He is the purest Imperial man, the purest Roxy warrior, the right hand of Noxus, and the military soul of the Empire!

Whether it's killing the recruiting officer or fighting to the death on the battlefield, even if it costs the entire army to be annihilated, we still have to capture the head of the Demacia Emperor, for no other reason than for the sake of Roxy, whom the Empire has long forgotten. Spirit……"

Lester followed Sheena who was wearing a mask, silently listening to Brown describe Thain's great achievements, and gradually integrated into Thain's glorious life.

Different from the tower-pushing maniac in the game who shouts "pest" and always uses "one axe, two axes, three axes" to make people laugh, the Thain in front of him is a living interpretation of Noxus' most important character in his life. Precious character, solemn and heavy, like a silent stone monument.

Lester understood that the name Thain was not ridiculous. Every time he swung the ax, he was determined to die.

From the moment he steps onto the battlefield, Thane will only move forward and fight all the way until the moment when his life ends.

This virtue is heavier than gold, more brilliant than crystal, as pure and transparent as perfect ice, without any impurities.

This kind of character is a precious quality whether in the previous world or this world. It can allow a person to sublimate himself and transform from a mortal to a great person who is respected by others.

There is no doubt that Thane is such a person. In fact, in the great country of Noxus, there are many pure warriors like Thain.

Unlike Demacia, which is benevolent and moral, and can be called the moral standard of modern society, Noxus is brutal, cruel, and always likes to launch wars and invade others, but the struggle for survival has never stopped since the birth of mankind.

The law of the jungle and survival of the fittest has always been the main theme of this world.

Without any disguise, such purity makes it even more eye-catching.

Perhaps, this is the real reason why the Emerald Territory has not put aside the name of Noxus to honor its independence to this day.

Lester, really like Noxus.

Like it very much.

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By the way, the system inexplicably deleted the character card of the protagonist [Lester], and I can’t reply to it. I’m too lazy to update the character tag. If you have any questions, you can chat with me directly in the group.

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