League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 621 Chapter619 A place where things are different and people are different

"I wonder if you've heard of Omikayalan?"

Kennen frowned. He had traveled around Runeterra before encountering the Spiritual Awareness. At that time, he heard many vastaya people talking about Omikayalan. Later, he heard a lot about it after he gained a foothold in the Kinkou Sect. Without it, even the Vastayans rarely know their ancestral land.

"I know that place. Omikayalan is the Holy Land of the Vastayan people. It seems to be in the spiritual maze of the psychedelic forest. Could it be that the problem this time is with the Vastayan people?"

Nodding, Lester sighed and said worriedly.

"Actually, I also have a deep connection with Omikayalan. I am half a vastaya. This time I came to the First Land just to go to Omikayalan for business.

Vastaya relies on natural magic to thrive, and feeds back natural magic. The sacred tree that regulates the balance of magic has begun to wither due to the abuse of external elemental magic. Not only will it become more and more difficult for the Vastaya people to have offspring, but their magical power will also decline. will be greatly suppressed, which can be said to be the threat of national subjugation and genocide.

When I went to Omikayalan, several Xari were already preparing to gather vastaya and launch an attack on the world outside Omikayalan. Their purpose was to take back the entire psychedelic forest and expel all humans. "

His expression changed, and Kenan instantly realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Xiarui is going to lead Vastaya to launch a war against Ionia?"

"You're right, they were going to do this, but I stopped them. War should never be the future of Vastaya and the Ionians.

I know that once the war starts, the Kinkou Monastery and Vastaya will be in a fight to the death, so I am willing to help everyone sit down and calmly find a way to solve this problem. Neither you nor Vastaya, I hope receive any harm. "

Taking a deep breath, Kenan stood up from his stool and bowed deeply to Lester.

"Sir Leicester, thank you for everything you have done for Ionia. You stopped a meaningless war."

After helping little Kenan up, Lester pulled Kenan to sit down again, filled with emotions.

"You don't have to be so polite. Speaking of which, I have a close relationship with Kyouji Temple.

At the beginning, Lingjue and I discussed the morality of the Way of Balance, and we also contributed a lot in the establishment of the Balance Temple. Unfortunately, I was busy with affairs at the time, so I could only let my junior sister Huanxue join the Balance Temple and become the first generation. Shadow Fist,

If I remember correctly, Huanxue later went to Valoran to find me, and it was Huanxue's junior brother Avat who became the second generation Shadow Fist. "

At Lester's voice, Kenan's eyes also became a little deeper, as if he had returned to the past years.

"I'm afraid you don't know what happened next. At that time, you disappeared in Valoran. Master Huanxue knew that she would never see you again, so she returned to the Dragon Hidden Style and studied the martial arts of the Dragon Hidden Style all day long.

Master Lingjue and Master Avat personally came to invite the first generation of Shadow Fist to return. Master Avat was willing to abdicate. Unfortunately, Master Huanxue was already disheartened and did not want to be bound by the past in this world anymore.

In his youth, Master Huanxue only devoted himself to guarding the mighty Longyinliu, and refused all requests for marriage and courtship. He remained alone and had never had an affair with anyone else.

Until the day she rested, she returned alone to the hut where she grew up in Longyinliu. The elderly Lingjue and Avat and I watched her slowly close her eyes. She smiled at us and said, Only here can she feel the warmth of her brother-in-law and sister... Mr. Lester, are you crying? "

"I didn't cry."

The man kept smiling.

"It's just that the wind in Xuankong Temple was too strong, and the wind and sand blurred my eyes."

Without exposing the man's stubbornness, Kenan turned his head and looked at the green plains down the mountain.

This beautiful and harmonious land is the direction he desires to protect.

Presumably the reason why Master Huanxue has been in love with the man in front of him all his life is because the man regards Master Huanxue as a treasure.

In the final analysis, he is just a little yordle ninja. Although he can talk about the complex emotions of human beings, he does not understand them very well.

"The matter in the Psychedelic Forest is important. It will take a few months for Master Ji Bai and Master Obote to come back. How about staying in the mountains during this period? I will find you a place with the best environment in Xuankong Temple. You can also As a master, I can impart some experience to these incompetent disciples."

The man shook his head.

"No need for now, I want to go back to Longyinliu for a visit."

"Do you need me to introduce you? In order to avoid misunderstandings between you and those disciples of Long Yinliu."

"I'll just go and see for myself. It'll be fine."

"Well, no matter what, the door of Kyoji Temple will always be open for you, treat this place as your second home."

"Thank you, Kenan, I'll remember that."

Seeing Lester walking down the mountain alone, Kenan sighed.

"When will the evil fate of love end? It is better to be a carefree Yodel..."

Leaving the Balance Temple from Longji Mountain, Lester headed west, along the steep road on the mountainside, and searched for several days before finally finding the location of Long Yinliu.

The three characters "Long Yinliu" written on the black plaque with gold characters are majestic and majestic. The words reveal the magnanimity and magnanimity of a generation of masters. The towering sect courtyard wall isolates a dense forest along the mountain road, covering a huge area and not being deep. Bottomed out,

A dozen warriors wearing warrior uniforms jumped out of the dense forest with various weapons in hand, preventing Lester from taking another step forward.

It doesn't lose its edge, but it lacks the gentle and tolerant heart that used to be like moonlight.

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar place in front of him, Lester sighed and stopped.

The once down-and-out martial arts sect has now become a magnificent mountain sect, because he brought out the true inheritance of Master Yinlong in the village of the ancestor. The background of the game has changed drastically. The Kirigakure flow, which has received the inheritance of Ryuugakure flow, has become The first-class martial arts school in Ionia,

These things can be seen from the spirit of these disciples who are blocking the road, but this aggressive momentum is really unpleasant.

"Stranger! What are you doing here? This is not a place where you can come and go casually! Leave quickly! Otherwise you will suffer!"

The young female warrior at the head covered the lower half of her face, held a sickle in her hand, and showed no emotion in her words.

As the direct disciple of Master Yinlong, the master of the secret transmission of Yinlong, Leicester ancestor returned to his own sect, and this is how he was treated?

Can this be tolerated?

He's not a Ninja Turtle.

Looking around at everyone with a look of disdain, Lester's face darkened, and a terrifying aura rushed towards him, making more than a dozen Longyinliu disciples a little confused.

"Even your sect master dare not speak to me like this in front of me, but you, a junior, are so arrogant. How can a big sect of the Longyin style treat guests like this? Although I have never met Ji Bai, I didn't expect that in Ji Bai Under his governance, the current Longyinliu is so ridiculous that it cannot accommodate even a single traveler."

After saying these words, the disciples of Long Yinliu suddenly became full of hostility, and the leading female warrior even raised her eyebrows.

"Where does this brat dare to talk nonsense in front of Long Yinliu! Get him!"

The battle was about to break out. Lester snorted coldly and took the stance of Long Yinliu.

The first warrior struck out with a stick, but saw that the man who was in front of him had disappeared. The long stick was hit on the ground without any effect. When he turned around, the man had appeared behind him and struck with a punch.


After knocking out the first warrior, Lester raised his eyebrow-level long stick with his toes and swiped the stick, then swept the other two men away with a sweep from left to right.

Several flying knives came straight towards the door. Feeling the killing intent, Lester's face darkened. He used a stick as a spear to point at the flying knives and opened the flying knives. He stepped forward and stabbed the warrior throwing the throwing knives. , three points heavier.

A few warriors who were armed with long swords and other iron weapons wanted to rely on the power of their weapons to cut off the eyebrow-raising sticks, but they often found that their weapons were shaking involuntarily during the fight. When the enemy's three sticks were pointed out, the weapons were released. When he came out, the door was wide open. He was knocked to the ground with a stick and could not get up again.

The leading female warrior looked a little solemn,

In less than ten seconds, the warrior of Longyin style fell to the ground. Under the combined attack, he was no match for the man.

And...how could the man's posture at the beginning and his ghostly movement look so similar to the unheralded secret dragon invisibility method of Ryuuginryu?

Who is this man?

But now is obviously not the time to think about this. Seeing that the man is about to kill him, the female warrior no longer holds back her hand and swings the flying sickle, trying to force the man back.

"The Dragon Hidden Flying Scythe is not meant for you to use like this."

It’s okay to attack indiscriminately. I didn’t expect that these domineering warriors in front of me would actually kill me.

With a cold snort, Lester, who was really angry, lifted his stick on the flying scythe chain. The turned scythe blade barely passed the tip of the hair on his forehead and cut off a few strands of black hair, but the man's expression remained unchanged.

The eyebrow-length stick was like a burly man entangled by a femme fatale. Under the iron chain of the flying scythe, it was wound, drawn, and picked again. The chain hammer in the hand of the female warrior specializing in the flying scythe was released. He was actually disarmed by three strikes, five strikes and two strikes.

He circled the flying sickle twice with his brow-level stick. Lester slapped the long stick, and the long stick flew out from the shackles of the chain and stuck straight into the ground, shaking.

Holding the rotating chain hammer with both hands, Lester quickly controlled the rotating sickle blade. As he twisted his body, the man disappeared from the place like a ghost. When the female warrior saw the man again, The flying sickle has arrived at the front door.

From the beginning to the end, the female warrior could not figure out how the sickle blade disappeared and reappeared silently.

The sharp scythe blade polished by her own hands flew mercilessly like the scythe of death. The female warrior's legs felt weak, her lower body felt cold, and her brain went blank. She only felt that she must die.


The murderous aura brought by the whistling and the sound of breaking the air flew past her scalp, and the sickle blade actually moved from her face to her scalp at the critical moment. The female warrior stared blankly at her tied up hair like falling snow in the sky. , fell backward and sat on the ground, with a look of disbelief.

Even Master Ji Bai might not be able to use such a superb flying sickle technique.

"He is good at saying harsh words, but he doesn't have much real skills when it comes to fighting. It really disappoints me."

These arrogant and domineering juniors cannot be killed, and it is not very pleasant to teach them a lesson.

Turning the sickle blade faster and faster again, Lester looked at the closed door, as if he wanted to vent all his anger just now.

The dozen or so people who fell to the ground watched helplessly as the flying sickles turned into a whirlwind of blades that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, like a dozen long knives smashing into the door, chipping away at the thick door of the sect layer by layer, causing sawdust to fly.

When the door was riddled with holes, the man released his hands, and the flying sickle and chain hammer hit the scarred door hard, causing the door to fall into pieces.

The fine flying scythe could not withstand such a violent use and was directly shattered into metal shards.

The man stepped into the sect without looking back, as if he were in a deserted place, and went all the way to the core of the sect. He came to the ancestral hall enshrining the ancestor, and found the hut where Xiyue, Huanxue and Awat lived.

The boundless anger subsided slightly, and Lester was relieved that the cabin was well maintained and had not undergone any modifications. Everything remained as it was.

Such a huge sect is not without merit after all.

He drew a straight line with his toes at the door. Before entering the house, the man only left these words:

"Let the master of your sect come to me. Before that, if anyone disturbs you, I will not hold back. Whoever comes will die."

Until the end, the disciples of Long Yinliu could not figure out the identity of the visitor, and could only hope that Master Ji Bai would return as soon as possible.

After personally dealing with several tough Navoli Brotherhood assassins, Ji Bai received a letter from Kenan.

"Master Leicester is actually here. Is Master Leicester really immortal??"

Putting down the letter, Ji Bai looked surprised.

As a descendant of Avat's daughter who was adopted by Huanxue, Ji Bai has always regarded Huanxue as his real ancestor. Naturally, he also knows a lot about Huanxue's era through word of mouth.

As for the emotional story between Lester and the ancestors of Xiyue and Huanxue, Ji Bai has heard it since he was a child. This makes women yearn for unbreakable love since they were young, and they successfully found their significant other. Now they only have Life is complete if only one love crystallize is missing.

In the Jibai bloodline branch, the love story of Lester's ancestor has become an indelible love legend. However, most people hold a negative attitude towards whether Leicester's ancestor is really immortal. After all, immortality is too much. It's too horrifying to know that even Karma, the spirit of Ionia, will die, but needs to be reincarnated to recall the past.

It is obvious to all the Ionians how powerful Karma is, and it is unimaginable for anyone to be more powerful than Karma.

"Master Leicester is the key figure to truly revitalize the Ryūyin Ryu. With Master Lester, the Ryūnyin Ryu will be able to complete all the lost techniques! It's great!"

Without any further hesitation, Ji Bai mounted his horse and embarked on his way home.

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