League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 625 Chapter623 Shooting yourself in the foot

Without any controversy, Kyodo Monastery passed two resolutions,

The first item is the resolution to ban the use of elemental magic within the psychedelic forest.

The second item is the decision to preserve the vastaya's habitat as much as possible without interfering with each other.

The rules of the decision cannot bind everyone. At least the people of the Balance Temple will not abuse elemental magic when they are practicing in the psychedelic forest. Even if others abuse magic, the guardians of the Balance Temple can stop it in the name of 'Korean'. Such behavior.

From this moment on, maintaining peace in Vastaya and Ionia has become an important goal of the Temple of Kinkou.

After living in Longji Mountain for less than half a year, Lester finally embarked on the journey to Presidio. Ji Bai stayed in Longji Mountain, and Lester only took Shi Si with him, teaching the secret skills of Longyinliu along the way. , I have to say that Shi Si's martial arts talent is indeed good, but compared to Ji Bai, he prefers to be lazy, so his skills are inferior.

The two came to the inn and asked for two rooms.

"You still need a flying scythe that fits your hand. Wait until Presidenton finds a blacksmith to customize one for you."

Naturally not refuting Lester's decision, Shisi nodded and continued to maintain the independent posture of the golden rooster motionless.

"I will be back before tomorrow. You can take care of lunch and dinner by yourself. You don't have to wait for me. Get some sleep."

Shi Si couldn't stand now and couldn't help but ask.

"Lord Leicester, where are you going?"

"Go and inquire about Presidio's information."

After waving his hand, Lester left the room. Shi Si watched the man close the door and could only grit her teeth and continue practicing. No matter what, she needed to learn the true skills.

For Lester, this is just daily life on the road.

There was still a month to go before Presidium. When he got there, he didn't know where the circus was. He just happened to meet a young assassin from the Navoli Brotherhood in the village, so naturally he didn't let him go. reason.

Arriving at the tavern, Lester quickly found the middle-aged assassin wearing an anise ring. The man was sitting alone at the table by the window, drinking.

"What would the guest want?"

The Vastaya Khajiit girl with a kind smile came forward to greet her. Lester smiled back and threw out two silver coins.

"Two glasses of wheat wine, a grilled steak, and a glass for the brother in the hood, and the rest is your tip."

"OK, just a second."

When the tiger girl put the wheat wine in the tray on Carlisle's table, Carlisle turned back and glanced at the stranger who was eating steak. It only took two seconds for Carlisle to confirm that he had never seen the stranger before.

Obviously, they are enemies rather than friends.

"The guest over there invited you to drink. He probably wanted to make friends with you."

"Friends? Haha, where did the friends come from..."

With a sneer, Carlisle didn't even touch the wine glass. He stood up and was about to leave, but when he heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him, his expression couldn't help but change, and he quickly rolled on the spot.

The steak knife that was used to cut the steak flew past his cheek and pierced the wooden wall of the tavern, piercing the wood three-thirds of the way.

After wiping his face, Carlisle was shocked to find that there was a blood stain on his cheek.

He actually didn't dodge the knife, or in other words, the man deliberately didn't aim it at the back of his head, otherwise he would have been dead.

Amidst the screams of the tiger girl, the indifferent voice of a stranger came from behind.

When the tiger girl finally shut her mouth and fled, the tavern was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"Drink the wine obediently and come over and talk to me. I won't embarrass you."

Standing up from the ground, Carlisle took a deep breath, returned to his table, picked up the wheat wine, and drank it in one gulp. He went straight to the wooden table where the uninvited guest was, sat down gently, and quietly watched the man scratching the food with his fingers. He picked up the remaining half of the steak and chewed it slowly.

Seeing that the dispute did not occur further, the tavern became lively again, but most of the vigilant people still looked at the two people who were having conflicts from time to time.

On the other side, the tiger girl found the shop owner to explain the situation. The shop owner was a strong middle-aged Ionian man.

Coming down from the second floor, the shop owner first took a look at the tavern where nothing unusual had happened. Then he suppressed his anger and came to the wooden wall. He gripped the handle of the knife and tried to pull it out, but unfortunately he couldn't hold it in because his face turned red. It was successful, but it made many people laugh.

Glancing at the man sitting eight meters away eating steak, the shop owner finally realized something.

"Give those two two more glasses of ale and say it's my apology."

Unexpectedly, the shop owner decided to give in, and the tiger girl could only nod.


Carrying the tray again to the wooden table where they were sitting, the trembling tiger girl placed two large glasses of ale on the table.

"That, that, this, this is the boss's apology, I..."

"Okay, we're just talking, don't be so afraid, let's go."


Turning his attention back to Carlisle, Lester smiled, raised a large glass of ale, and took a swig.

"When you are away from home, don't refuse other people's kindness."

"I have no enmity with you, but you force me to stay here."

Carlisle also raised his cup and stared at Lester.

"To be honest, I don't see the good intentions of this."

"The Navoli Brotherhood, hey, is not without grievances and hatred...

A long time ago, your organization had a problem with me. To be honest, it would not be an exaggeration for me to kill you. Now I am just too lazy to use the knife. Don't challenge my patience. I have killed too many people like you. Among them There are a lot of hard bones...

I just don’t know if your bones are hard or soft. "

Although his tone was still very calm, Carlisle felt cold all over, and the fear in his heart could not be suppressed.

Lester smiled with satisfaction and said lightly.

"Isn't that right? You should be glad that I didn't seek revenge on you.

As a reward for buying you a drink, tell me now, where is the nearest stronghold to you? "

"What are you going to do? You don't think you can deal with a group of us by yourself, do you?"

"It's nothing, I just borrowed some pocket money and inquired about some things. I was worried that I had no channels. No, I just happened to meet you. I'm lucky."

Carlisle was stunned. He never expected that someone would actually rob the Brotherhood. This was really the first master taking advantage of the situation to steal a bride, and sleeping with the second master at gunpoint.

"You want to kill someone?"

"It depends on the situation. If you cooperate, maybe I won't kill anyone. After all, I don't want to continue the hatred unless someone doesn't open their eyes.

Of course, you are only responsible for leading the way. No matter whether it goes well or not, as long as you don't take action with me, I will not kill you. Instead, you can try to let your companions kill me. How about choosing to die here? Or choose to lead the way? "

Taking a deep breath, Carlisle took off the octagonal bone ring and placed it on the table.

"No one wants to die. I joined the Brotherhood just to make money. Since you have a feud with the Brotherhood, then I will quit the Brotherhood. Of course, I will lead the way for you, but I will not go back there again. .”

With a toothy smile, Lester raised his glass.

"Wise man, come and have a drink."

Carlisle forced a smile.


Shi Si stayed awake until late at night, when the woman guarding the door heard the movement outside the door, and she couldn't help but feel refreshed.

When he opened the door, he happened to see Lester, who had been away for a day. It could be seen from the dampness on his body that the man must have taken a shower.

"Silly girl, haven't you slept?"

Shaking her head, Shi Si asked carefully.

"Did Lord Leicester get the information?"

Thinking that the woman in front of him had been waiting for him all day, Lester's eyes softened a bit.

"Come over here and I'll tell you the good news."

With a happy expression on her face, Shi Si nodded quickly, locked her own door, and then locked Lester's door, making the man's eyes look a little strange.

Lighting the candlestick by the moonlight outside the window, Lester threw a bag of gold coins on the table.

"This is the money stolen from the Navoli Brotherhood. We will not be short of money to spend next."

Picking up the money bag and weighing it, Shi Si opened it with curiosity and took a look, and her eyes were immediately dazzled by the bright golden light.

"They're all gold coins!? Lord Lester, did you kill all those killers?"

"No, they killed a dozen people, and a few people survived. I think they will come to us soon with more killers to deal with us."

Her face was stunned, Shi Si never imagined that this would be the result.

"Shi Si, it's up to you to protect me from now on. This is also a part of spiritual practice."

"Ah? But, I haven't slept yet today..."

"Of course you can sleep, it's your freedom."

Lester smiled.

"But if those killers come to me and encounter me anywhere, this personal teaching will be over. You can return to Dragon's Back Mountain obediently. When I leave Ionia, I will tell you the secrets of the Dragon Hidden Flow." It is left to you in the form of a scroll."

Unexpectedly, the situation was so serious, Shi Si couldn't help but be extremely vigilant, and she was not even a little bit sleepy.

If she really returned to Longji Mountain in despair, Ji Bai would have to scold her to death. He would never think of raising his head in front of his sister again in this life.

"That's the first good news just now, and I have the second good news for you.

Don't be nervous, it will take at least a day for those killers to recruit new companions to kill me. "

Knowing how 'good' the first news was, Shi Si had no expectations for the second good news.

In fact, the second good news is really good news.

"I learned from the Navoli Brotherhood that the Smiling Circus of Presidence had left Presidence a week ago and went to the Balua Province across the sea in the east. They will wait until they meet the contemporary Kalma Finally, I plan to go to Baru'e Province to find out about the Smiling Circus.

This means that as long as you persist long enough, you will have more time to study. If you are talented enough and perform well, I can also teach you some other secret skills. How much you can gain depends on you. Hard work and talent. "

"I understand, Lord Leicester, I will do my best in the coming days!"

Shi Si solemnly declared. After hearing this, Lester smiled with satisfaction. As long as he had enough sense of crisis and encouragement, he believed that the lazy Shi Si would be able to shine and live a different life.

"Okay, it's getting late. Let's go back to the room. I'm going to bed."

Shi Si shook her head.

"Lord Leicester, in order to protect your safety, I cannot leave your side for half a step."

"Then I have to take off my clothes. I like sleeping naked the most. Do you mind?"

Her face suddenly turned red, Shi Si shook her head, feeling secretly happy.

I'm not afraid that you like to sleep naked, but I'm afraid that you like to wear pants.

"I, I don't mind. Now you are my protector. I have to follow you even if you go to the toilet."

These words made Leicester stunned. Would it be fun to poop while being stared at?

Looking back now, why do you suddenly feel like you are rebelling against General Yijun?

But the words had already been spoken, and he could not refute the other party, so he could only let nature take its course.

The Presidence of Navoli, the heart of the Born Land, the most prosperous and beautiful place in the continent of Ionia, now welcomes two guests, Lester and Shisi, who are heading eastward.

Because of the Navoli killer's pursuit, the two people's schedule was seriously hindered. The journey of just one month actually took three months, but for Lester himself, he didn't care. Anyway, it was not the one who suffered. he.

In the final analysis, the two most important things in this trip are to get Syndra and to investigate the situation of her daughter. Now Syndra will have to be a few years older before she can awaken her power, and it will take at least another three or four years before she can pick the fruit.

The daughter's situation is even more outrageous. It will take more than fifty or hundreds of years to be born. In other words, there is no rush to make an agreement with the Temple of Balance and the Palace of Eternal Life about the psychedelic forest. It will take a few more years and a few less to have a little impact. None, this is the calmness and arrogance of the immortal species.

Now, Lester has gradually become accustomed to the thinking and lifestyle of immortals. He finds that it is ridiculous to use the thinking of short-lived species to speculate on the life of immortals, just like a beggar guessing that the emperor uses a golden bowl to beg. Meaningless.

Compared to the main purpose, there are two secondary tasks. One is to train the next generation of Dragon Hidden Style successors and teach the Dragon Hidden Technique, and the other is to investigate the situation of the Smiling Circus. The former is ongoing, and there is no point in worrying about the latter. .

After all, no one can be sure whether the clown in the Smiling Circus is Sakho, not even Leicester.

Under uncertain circumstances, Lester was not prepared to disrupt his own steps. According to his guess, Sacco should have obtained the power of the devil and become immortal, even if he had to wait a few more decades. , Shaco will still be alive and kicking around to scare people.

In this case, it is better to slow down and let the Navoli Brotherhood become the whetstone for sharpening Shisi.

As for how to deal with Sako after finding him, he didn't believe that Evelin, who had been training for thousands of years, could not deal with a sunny boy. No matter how outrageous the devil's strength was, there would be a slow growth process, and it was first-come, first-served.

"This is the Palace of Eternity, Lord Leicester, we are here."

Shisi's words brought Lester's thoughts back to reality. Looking at the eternal palace, Lester's eyes became a little deeper.

"Karma, I haven't seen you for a hundred years. I wonder if you still remember me."

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