League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 627 Chapter 625 The Investigation Mission of Smiling Circus

Noxian calendar, 909 AD, late autumn.

Baru'e Province, Tiwase Port,

The last cross-sea cargo ship retrieved its anchor, raised its sails, and slowly sailed away from the port, heading towards the famous Longmen Port of the Noxus Empire.

The sky gradually darkened, and the flaming clouds beyond the horizon turned into layers of dark clouds. Thunder flashed deep in the sea, and soon it started to rain lightly.

In the single cabin, after dinner, Lucius put the steel suitcase containing the murder equipment under the bed.

The locked suitcase contains advanced combat equipment, including but not limited to various hallucinogenic and anesthetic agents, magic steel punches, demolition explosives, and underwater breathing equipment, which are sufficient to deal with most emergencies.

As the senior assassin of the Emerald Night Blade, Lucius has rich experience in reconnaissance and combat, is proficient in multiple languages, is familiar with the customs and habits of many national teams, and is best at infiltrating and gathering intelligence.

Compared with the ability to investigate, the ability to kill is less important. After all, most of the time, the Night Blade needs important information, not a person's head.

After standing out among a group of outstanding killers, Lucius successfully received the most special investigative task. Judging from the task description alone, it was actually the same as a paid vacation.

The mission is called [Investigating the Missing Sako]. The location of the mission is not fixed and the time is not limited. The purpose of the mission is to investigate the whereabouts of Sako.

According to the prompts given by his superiors, Sacco was most likely working as a comedian in the Smiling Circus. The reason why he immediately boarded the cargo ship after arriving in Balu'e Province was precisely because the members of the Smiling Circus were also there. on this ship, preparing to return to Piltover with him.

Lucius has seen some of Shaco's information, but more information is highly confidential, and even he has no right to access it.

In fact, he knew that if he listed the documents and files about Sacco, it would be enough to cover an entire wooden wall.

Shaco is a figure who lived more than 900 years ago. The characters and relationships involved are complicated. He is also related to the real Demon-faced Lord of the Emerald Territory. Many secrets will keep people who should not know forever. Naturally, he will not Will over-investigate the internal causes of the incident.

What he has to do is very simple, confirm whether the comedian in the Smiling Circus is Sacco, if so, he will hide and track it, if not, report the situation.

There was no secret infiltration, no special assassination, no frame-up or torture to extract confessions during the whole process. Compared with the previous tasks, it can be said to be very simple.

Therefore, there is no need for any combat equipment. Lucius has already investigated the crew and passengers who boarded the ship. Although he does not know if there are any colleagues who are disguised like him, at least there are no difficult characters on the surface.

Picking up the small mirror, Lucius looked at the face in the mirror and adjusted the last smile.

From the moment he put down the mirror, he was no longer Lucius, but Albenor, a merchant from Noxus. Being able to live in a single cabin was enough to prove his identity and wealth, not to mention that he also deliberately prepared Noxian merchants. Certificate of Merchants issued by Texas.


There was thunder outside the cabin. Lucius walked out of the single cabin and walked to the deck.

There are four floors in the cargo ship. The higher you go, the more prestigious your status becomes.

The Smiling Circus is different from the single-room cabin on the second floor where he is located. The circus members are located in the multi-person cabin on the third floor. This is information he has already gathered. As for the personal habits of the circus leader and the situation of the circus members, Further observation and analysis is required.

Lucius looked around, his eyes bypassing the relaxed-looking sailors, and finally settled on the back of a middle-aged man with a short hair on the edge of the ship.

"Your Excellency Albenno, why are you out?"

Lucius looked at the sailor who was talking to him. He recognized the sailor in front of him.

The young sailor in front of him has been very friendly to him since he got on the ship. Of course, this is directly related to his generous spending.

"The weather is not very good now. Will there be a storm soon?"

Lucius appropriately expresses the concerns of a wealthy businessman who doesn't know how to sail.

"Of course not. In fact, thundering in this sea area is a normal thing. It may be related to the magical elements of the Ionia continent. Thunder does not make it rain easily, but the sea style at night is very refreshing."

"So that's it, then it doesn't matter if I go to the edge of the boat to look at the scenery, right?"

The sailor smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry, Mr. Abeno, on this ship, no one will stop a person who likes to enjoy the night view on the sea... By the way, do you need me to bring you some small drinks to enjoy the night view?"

Lucius smiled. This is the benefit of being generous. Greedy people will always open the door to convenience for themselves inadvertently.

"What are they? I won't eat anything that's not good enough."

Appropriately showing the arrogance of the wealthy businessman, Lucius secretly observed the sailor's expression and felt happy.

Not knowing that he had been seen through by the man in front of him, the sailor looked around and deliberately lowered his voice.

"A distinguished guest like you will naturally not drink the low-quality rum that only us sailors drink..."

In fact, I can get the captain's rare red wine, which is a specialty red wine from the Thorn Winery in the Thorn Fortress of the Noxus Empire. I wonder if you are interested? "

"Oh? The red wine produced by the winery of Thorn Fortress? How old is it?"

"The captain keeps bragging about a hundred years, but in my opinion, fifty years should be enough."

Nodding with satisfaction, Lucius said calmly.

"Tell me, how can I drink that precious bottle of red wine?"

"Hehe, I only need three imperial gold coins, and I am sure to convince the captain to bear the pain and give up."

Lucius was secretly stunned. The heart of this wine holder might not be the black gold of the Shining Silver Mountains, and there would be no trace of white in it.

The public price of a bottle of 50-year-old Thorn Winery red wine in the market is usually one imperial gold coin. It has to be said that the sailor and captain are really shady. They must have realized that their own people are stupid and have too much money. There is also a business certificate issued by the empire. I am afraid that I may not be able to get off the boat to feed the fish.

After all, a businessman with a huge sum of money but without any protection is no less attractive than a senior worker in a dark alley on the street who can only afford three pieces of cloth.

He took out three imperial gold coins from his pocket, and in the sailor's glowing eyes, Lucius put the gold coins back into his pocket.

In just a few seconds, he saw what it meant to be disappointed.

"Get it here for me. If you are right, that bottle of red wine is really a product of the 50-year-old Thorn Winery. These three imperial gold coins will be yours."

"Well, Lord Albenno, if I don't have these three imperial gold coins, I'm afraid I won't be able to convince the captain... Why don't you think about it again?"

Seeing the sailor's attitude, Lucius's face turned cold on the spot. He knew that if he continued to pretend to be the victim, the sailor in front of him would probably contact other sailors and throw him off the cargo ship.

“You idiot, are you threatening me, or do you think I have never drunk the red wine from Thorn Winery?

Three gold coins can't stop the rotten heart of money. I tell you, if you can't get it, get away. Don't waste my time!

Do you really think I will be blackmailed by you? If you think you're done with me, try it and see who will get off the boat and feed the fish! "

Seeing the gentle and good-natured Lucius changing his face at every turn, the sailor felt a little regretful for a moment, almost forgetting that this fat sheep was a barbaric businessman from the Noxus Empire.

The empire can conquer most of Valoran, so businessmen who dare to go to the outer continent to do business and make money are not easy to deal with. Maybe there are companions in disguise among other ship passengers.

Otherwise, how could the businessman in front of him dare to fall out with him like this?

The sailor who secretly cursed the barbarians of the Noxus Empire suddenly put on a smile.

"Hi, Mr. Albenno, it was my fault just now. The main reason is that I have never seen so much money, and I felt a little stupid for a while. I apologize to you.

Just wait, I'll bring you the red wine right away, and I'll give you a piece of beef jerky as an apology. "


With a cold snort, Lucius ignored the sailors and came to the edge of the ship under the gazes of many sailors.

The middle-aged man who had been looking at the sea turned to look at Lucius.

"Few people dare to go against the greedy crew on the ship like this. Sir, there is no doubt that you are a true warrior."

Lucius looked at his target and said calmly.

"That's because they don't understand the real Noxians. Even if they throw me off the ship, they will only get a lifelong pursuit. The empire's trade certificate is not just a pass, otherwise It won’t be so difficult.”

Fredericso extended his hand in a friendly manner.

"Fredlisso, Piltover, leader of the Smiling Circus."

After pausing for a second and expressing hesitation and affirmation appropriately, Lucius took his hand.

"Albenor, merchant from the Noxus Empire."

Letting go of his hand, Fredlisso looked at the dark sky again. Just like the circus at this moment, he couldn't see any light or future.

"Mr. Alberno, I also imagined that I could rely on a giant creature to lift my chest and raise my head. Unfortunately, this is just a fantasy after all. For the sake of family and life, I still have to run around with the circus. Once I stop, I will be hungry.

I wonder if you have had similar experiences? "

This, he really doesn't have.

Lucius thought about it. He was sent to Blade of Night by his family since he was a child to receive the most brutal training. After mastering the skills of assassins and spies, he began to carry out missions.

Relying on the reputation of his family and the reputation of the Night Blade, he became a stand-alone assassin. Whether in the Emerald Territory or the Noxus Empire, he could always find an effortless way to do whatever he wanted to do.

At his level, money has long lost its meaning. Personal connections and changes in power are what he needs to consider.

However, these words must not be said in front of Fredlisso.

"There was a time when my family banished me and deprived me of everything. That was my darkest moment. I was even reduced to the point where I had to compete with beggars for food and beat away wild dogs with wooden sticks.

It wasn't until I earned my first pot of gold by moving bricks on the dock that I had enough to eat. "

When he said this, Lucius didn't blush or breath, and looked serious.

There was a resonance in his heart, and Fredlisso was also interested in talking.

"So how did you get to where you are today?"

"Patience, wisdom, and luck, these three are indispensable."

Lucius slowly sipped the hot chicken soup.

"Being more patient than my enemies allows me to defeat them. Being wiser than myself yesterday allows me to make fewer mistakes. I believe that I can get good luck, so that I can have enough confidence to continue on.

Any failures and mistakes that cannot defeat me will make me stronger. As long as I keep working hard, I will always be able to complete the path I want to take. "

exclaimed Fredlisso, who applauded.

"Mr. Abeno, you are truly an admirable person. I have met many Noxians, and people like you are not that common."

"You are exaggerating. I just achieved the qualities that an Imperial man should have. It's not a big deal. But you, I can see that your circus must be very successful. Otherwise, I wouldn't have returned to Piltover so late." husband……"

After blowing rainbow farts at each other, the greedy sailor brought beef jerky, red wine and two sets of drinking utensils, and set up a small table on the deck. The weather was calm this time, so there was no need to worry about the table and stools tipping over.

Lucius personally opened the bottle cap and took a sip. After nodding, he threw the three gold coins on the ground. The sailor nodded and picked them up and left.

For greedy sailors, dignity is nothing compared to money.

"It's still early, and it's not easy to meet a friend you can talk to. I would like to treat Captain Fredlisso to a drink. I wonder if Captain Fredlisso is willing to give me this honor?"

Taking the initiative to speak, Lucius looked at Fredlisso, who smiled and nodded.

"How dare I refuse Mr. Alberno's kindness? Wait a moment, I will ask my team members to get some other food."

Smiling and nodding, Lucius made a gesture of please and watched Fredlyso leave.

After a while, Fredlisso came to the deck with a relatively short and dull boy. The dull boy held a large bag of dried fruits and peanuts in his arms. Although it did not go well with the red wine, the night was just right. Lu Hughes didn't bother to care about this.

"Captain Fredlisso, who is this?"

"Oh, his name is Sacco, and he's the comedian in the group."

His pupils shrank, and Lucius smiled calmly.

"After all the hard work, why not let this little brother sit down too..."

"That's not necessary... Sako, go back after you finish moving your things."

Fredlisso interrupted Lucius directly. This somewhat rude behavior made Lucius aware of the unusual meaning.

This leader seems not to be targeting himself, but the young man.

Without saying anything, the boy named Sako nodded and left alone.

The two drank half a glass of red wine and slowly started talking.

"Captain Fredreso, I don't know why you didn't let Sako sit down and have something to eat with you just now. I think that young man is quite good."

With a long sigh, Fredlisso whispered.

"Mr. Albenno, you don't know that Sacco hates communicating with others, and when he is in a low mood, some unfortunate things will always happen. So for your safety, I can't let him go up. table."

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