League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 638 Chapter636 God of Magic

When I go to school, I always feel that the days go by very quickly. Whether it is the magic class in the morning or the magic crystallography craft practice class in the afternoon, it requires a lot of time and energy. However, Sindra is happy because it is the time for her and Precious time alone with your own teacher.

The only problem is that this knowledge does not become easier because of hard study. On the contrary, the more you learn, the more questions you have.

The vast array of magic and magic crafts made Sindra feel like an idiot who didn't understand anything. If it weren't for a great teacher who knew everything, she would never have been able to understand how far she could go.

"Rune magic originated from the Hylian civilization on Floating Light Island. It is a great method of using magic created by the mages and wise men of Hylian civilization by studying and simplifying the world's runes.

The basis of rune magic is these simplest element symbols. Each symbol can play a small part of the unique role, such as energy storage array nodes, energy gathering array nodes, guidance array nodes and release array nodes. Even if you magnify it countless times, it is just composed of these flat symbols.

A single symbol may not play an obvious role, but once multiple element symbols are connected with an element network, an elemental array with complete functions and fixed characteristics can be constructed.

The elemental array can transform the four basic elements into the power attributes and power forms you want. Once you learn the advanced knowledge of rune magic, you can also build a dark elemental rune array on your own, and its power will never be weaker than what you have now. The power of arcane magic at your disposal.

Although it has not been completely eliminated, the emergence of rune magic has indeed greatly flattened the gap caused by personal talents. As long as you have a very small magic talent, you can gain as much power as an arcane mage through acquired efforts, allowing mortals to Also possesses the power to kill gods.

It is worth noting that rune magic is completely different from the arcane magic I first taught you.

First, arcane magic relies more on personal magic talent.

Take yourself as an example. You have powerful dark element magic talents. You don’t need to have any magic knowledge reserves. You only need to communicate and guide the dark elements through meditation, and those elements will spontaneously be used by you and become you. source of strength,

Rune magic requires sufficient theoretical knowledge to guide and use magic elements. The entry threshold is much higher than arcane magic, but the growth potential is not small.

Second, arcane magic's use of elements is slightly rougher than rune magic, and the results cannot be perfectly reproduced.

In actual combat, the arcane magic mage will be stronger than the rune magic mage in the early stage, but the rune magic mage in the later stage will definitely be stronger than the arcane magic mage, unless the arcane mage has extraordinary talent and can be defeated by talent. Overwhelm all enemies, but unfortunately there are very few such talents. I have only seen two such people in my more than nine hundred years of walking in Runeterra.

If you also release the same spell attack and use arcane magic to launch it, you may get many different results in multiple attempts. The results are uncertain, but if you use rune magic to build a magic circle, even if it is a A hundred times a thousand times, the rune array will only get the same result.

For a mage, such a certain result is enough to gain a critical advantage in actual combat. Any "out of control" or "unclear" situation is something that every mage must try to avoid. Remember this.

Third, compared with rune magic, arcane magic has a single function and a single available element.

Most of the time arcane magic can only superficially use piles of magic elements to attack and defend. Under the suppression of strong elemental talents, it is impossible to develop other elemental talents.

But rune magic can be used in all aspects of life, such as using fire elements to make fire and boil water, using water elements to clean the body or relieve body congestion, etc., or to combine multiple elements to achieve combat or non-combat goals. , very practical,

Next I will explain the general-purpose magic symbols..."

Sitting next to Syndra, Lester was holding a notebook and writing and drawing with a pen. Sindra stared at the knowledge points in the notebook, asking questions from time to time, waiting for Lester's patient answers. They look like they complement each other.

The two did not avoid the old butler Smedley in their daily teaching. Because Lester dismissed all the maids, the old butler with white hair and beard and dignified appearance could only go into battle in person, waiting for orders at any time.

Except for having never seen the various top-secret instruments in the basement, the old housekeeper almost completely understood the details of the daily life of the two distinguished guests, which naturally included the magic teaching work.

The shock from the beginning has passed to Gujing Wubo. No matter how knowledgeable the man named 'Lester' expresses, now Smedley will not express it on his face, but will express the reverence in his heart. It manifested itself in every aspect, and I finally understood why the head of the family, who valued self-respect above life, would kneel down and put down his dignity in front of the man in front of him.

If I had to use one word to describe Lester, it would be the God of Magic who walks in the world. It is not only due to the oppressive force brought by the behemoth of the Emerald Territory, but the man himself is enough to give people endless of shock and fear.

Like other Piltovers, Smedley, who grew up in the upper city, believed in science and hated any superior gods and magic. Now he is willing to admit Leicester's specialness, and even became an outstanding person while passively observing. The theoretical mage,

After Smedley discovered the changes in himself, he suddenly understood that it was not that he hated magic and liked science, but that he hated things that he could not witness, obtain and use.

No matter how much people like science, they will never really give up the ability to roll fireballs with their hands. The reason why the Piltover people despise magic is precisely because of the unique arrogance of the Piltover people. They can't get it, so they hate it.

After figuring this out, Smedley found that the world in front of him seemed to be broader than he had imagined. Unknowingly, the old butler's temperament became more reserved and gentle, like water in the abyss.

While Smedley was holding the clock, Lester in the garden pavilion glanced at the position of the sun and handed the sketched notebook to his lover.

"...Okay, that's it for this period of magic learning. The important content is all in the notebook. Remember to read and review it if you have nothing else to do.

In the next month, even if it is the holiday I give you, take a good rest and go out to play with other people. If you only study and don’t play, smart children will become stupid. I don’t want my best student to become a stupid person. girl. "

Holding the thick notebook carefully with both hands, Syndra, wearing a lavender floral dress, asked carefully.

"Teacher, um, can you go shopping with me this afternoon?"

Shaking his head, Lester stood up and winked at Smedley. When the old housekeeper went to arrange lunch, he looked at Syndra softly.

"Teacher still has important things to do during this period. Let's wait for the Evolution Day. At that time, the teacher will take you to visit Piltover and Zaun. Aren't you familiar with the Feros family's crystal industry and Zaun's alchemy factory? Are you interested? Let’s take a field trip.”

Evolution Day was just a month away, and Syndra knew that this promise was not far off.

With a little smile on her face, Sindra nodded expectantly, but heard Lester continue.

"I almost forgot. On Evolution Day, the Maltz family will hold a family banquet. We are invited guests and we must not lose etiquette.

There is still time to find Aunt Dorothea to customize a new evening dress for this holiday. "

Dorothea is the private high-end tailor of the Philos family. She has a professional textile team that specializes in making clothing for members of the Philos family.

According to the customs of the Philos family, evening gowns can only be used once, which means that previously used evening gowns cannot be taken out and worn again.

"What about the teacher's evening gown?"

Scratching Syndra's delicate nose, Lester smiled.

"Of course I have to take care of my evening dress myself. The little girl only needs to dress herself up beautifully so that the teacher can look good and have a long face..."

Okay, it's almost time. Let's go have lunch together. The teacher will leave in the afternoon. You are here to help the teacher take care of the belongings and don't let the thief steal our treasures. "

Determined to tidy up and become more feminine during the holidays, Syndra nodded vigorously.

If she remembered correctly, Aunt Dorothea also knew how to do makeup.

In Freljord, a hundred miles east of the Frostguard Fortress, there is a mountain barrier that stretches thousands of miles and is connected with the northern shore of the Sea of ​​Ice and the Coldfall Mountains to protect the fortress.

The high peaks of the snow-capped mountains block the cold wind that freezes everything in the far north, like a piece of beautiful cold jade dotted on the earth. The Freljord people call it the Frost Jade Mountains. According to ancient rumors, the Freljord The ice phoenix of De once perched on this ice peak, bringing rain, snow, wind and frost to the land of Freljord.

Just as the sky was covered with snow and the dark clouds and cold moon were shadowing, a man carrying an exaggerated sword led the Yodel witch and her magical cat out of the portal that suddenly appeared, and directly entered the cave where the frost bear hibernated.

The sudden appearance of the two people and the radiance of magic made the male frost bear with beautiful silver-white fur widen his eyes, and stood up straight on his feet in bewilderment.

The man was none other than Lester, who had taken advantage of the Bandle City Witch Transit Station to go directly to the portal.

It is not impossible to cross the continent of Valoran and reach the Frostguard Fortress in a month. As long as you ride Shia and let Shia use wind magic, you can do it in a week. But in that case, it is still possible. Not as useful as Yodel Witch.

Even in the warm bear cave, the temperature was still far below freezing. Yumi, who was climbing on Nora's shoulders, shivered and curled up into a ball, shrinking directly into the owner's witch hat, no longer as lively as before.

"Little Lenny, do you really don't need my help?"

Nora, who was holding the door magic book, adjusted her witch hat and asked again.

"I have seen the Frost Witch Lissandra from a distance. She is a very scary elemental mage. If I go with her, if we can't defeat her, we can just use the magic book to escape."

Lester smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to fight with Lissandra. I just want to discuss with her about letting her go. There won't be any danger.

Nora, don’t you just need some potion ingredients that grow in the Frost Jade Mountains? Just wait for me here after you collect the medicine. I'll be back soon. "

Knowing that Lester did not want to involve himself in danger, Nora nodded although she was a little worried.

"Okay, then little Lenny, you have to be careful."


The Frost Bear, who had been ignored for a long time, tentatively growled and tried to escape, but was met with the man's gentle gaze. His feet were as if they were filled with lead and could no longer move even half a step.

"I just need a mount to go down the mountain. Little Bear, would you like to give me a ride?"

Feeling that he had been insulted by the man, the adult Frost Bear roared again, but his body retreated involuntarily.

At this moment it felt mortally threatened.

"Little guy, you can understand what I'm saying, right?"

Frost Bear was stunned for a moment, then shook his head quickly. Nora, who witnessed this scene, covered her face and couldn't bear to look directly.

The man's smile became gentler.

"Just be obedient and take me down this mountain. As long as you are obedient, I won't hurt you."

Seeing the man getting closer and closer, Frost Bear, who had no way out, roared angrily, raised his paw and smacked it with all his strength, but the man caught it in his hand.

The frightened Frost Bear wanted to break free from the man's restraints, but found that his right palm was not moving at all.

"It seems that Little Bear is not very obedient."

Lester held the bear's paw in his left hand, stepped forward, and punched the Homo erectus bear in the abdomen.

There was silence for about a moment.


There was an overwhelming feeling of vomiting in the abdomen, and the corners of Frost Bear's eyes suddenly became wet. He covered his stomach with another bear's paw and screamed for mercy. The tearful little bear looked at Nora and couldn't bear it.

"Ask me again, obedient or disobedient?"


When the pain subsided a little, Frost Bear lowered his head and prostrated on the ground, expressing his surrender.

"Little Lenny, do you need me to let Yuumi use healing magic to treat it?"

The kind-hearted Yodel Witch took the initiative to ask. Lester glanced at the pitiful Frost Bear who was crying and nodded.

"That would be troublesome."

"Yumi, come out and help heal me."

"Meow meow, it's so cold outside, I don't want to go out..."

"Then I canceled the thermal insulation magic in the hat?"

"Meow, how can you meow like this? Bad master!"

Yuumi finally got out of the witch's hat, shivering and cast recovery magic on the frost bear who had abdominal pain.

When the recovered Frost Bear happily recognized his position and turned over on the ground to expose his belly, Lester patted the bear's head and signaled the bear to stand up, then straddled the Frost Bear's neck.

"Go down the mountain."


The enslaved Frost Bear looked back at the kitten that had healed him, and waved his bear paw humanely to say goodbye.

I haven’t touched the keyboard for three days. I went out to the supermarket to buy some food and got infected. I’m still suffering from fever. The most terrible thing is that all the medicines in the drugstore are out. I can’t even buy the most common cold capsules. I can only hold my hands under the quilt. Menghan resisted.

Now my body is in terrible pain, and my brain is still fighting for territory with Murphy's new brain. However, the manuscripts saved in the computer have been sent out, and I can only work hard. If I unfortunately stop updating this month, it will probably be G Don’t CUE (doge)

All in all, everyone should try to reduce the number of times they go out and delay the time of virus infection.

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