League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 659 Chapter657 Brewsterburg

Brewster Castle is located in the plain area between Nokland and Valkos. It has thousands of hectares of fertile land and is a food-producing area that is not inferior to the Valoran Plain.

On a village basis, farmers cultivate enough wheat fields to support hundreds of thousands of people, plus potatoes and sweet potatoes grown on marginal lands. Brewster's agricultural products have always been the food supply base for the southern border of the empire.

A hundred years ago, Brewster Castle was a neutral zone between the Old Kingdom of Glen and the Old Principality of Valx.

In order to deal with the powerful Noxus Empire, the Kingdom of Gran and the Principality of Valkos chose to co-govern peacefully in Brewsterburg. They signed an alliance and jointly managed the land on the border between the two countries. During the war, Brewsterburg was rarely seen. a prosperous and peaceful city,

Even when the Noxus Empire invaded, the barbaric soldiers did not excessively destroy the cultivated land in Brewster Fort and the surrounding areas. This allowed Brewster Fort to retain the integrity and prosperity of the castle after the war, allowing more of people chose to settle in Brewsterburg.

After the Noxus Empire completely conquered the two southern countries, Brewster Castle, adjacent to the giant city of Nokland, became the second most important strategic location, and there was a faint trend of developing into a giant city.

Thanks to the important strategic position of Brewster Castle, this large castle has a total of 60,000 permanent troops stationed in it. It echoes with Knockland to the east and is at odds with each other.

If someone chooses to besiege the city, it will only take seven days for the supporting troops to arrive through a forced march. If they choose to attack by force, with Brewster Fort's favorable location, at least five times the number of troops will be needed to capture this dangerous city.

On this day, the peace that belonged to Brewster Castle was broken by the reconnaissance scouts. The guards guarding the city gate did not dare to neglect, and quickly moved away the roadblocks, watching the lightning-fast scouts riding into the main castle.

Ignoring the fast horse that fell to the ground foaming at the mouth, the scout jumped off the horse panting and sent the urgent military information to Vlad, the general who defended the city.

In the main hall of the main castle, Vlad frowned and put down the secret message in his hand, with a somewhat unpleasant expression on his face. This look made the others present feel a little jump in their hearts.

"Take him down and have a good rest. Ingersoll stays and the others go out."

Although the others were somewhat dissatisfied with the lord's preference for Ingersoll, they did not dare to raise objections and could only retreat in silence. Ingersoll released his detection magic and personally confirmed the safety of the environment. Only men sit together.

Compared with the solemn look before, Vlad's face looked very excited. He actually took a bottle of frosty margarita and filled it for Ingersoll and himself.

"That Lord is coming. His legion is less than a week away from here. This place is about to become the territory of the Emerald Territory... It has been fifteen years since I came here. I never thought that I would be able to wait until such a day."

Hearing this, Ingersoll also had a smile on his face as he picked up the wine glass.

"Yes, we have been waiting for this day for so long that we have almost forgotten my true identity. Fortunately, everything is worth it."

"For Lord Demon Face, for Jade Territory! Cheers~"

"For the master!"

The two of them clinked their glasses together, poured the silver-white high-grade tequila into their mouths, and allowed their throats to be burned by the hot liquid, enjoying the unbearable pain.

Frost Margarita does not have the mellow aroma of Imperial Scarlet, but it is most suitable for drinking in the comfortable environment of the south, which can remind them of the past days in the Night Blade training camp.

"The only question is, how do we give this castle to that gentleman quietly?"

Vlad put down the silver wine glass, with some worry on his brows. Ingersoll thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

"At least we must arrange a dignified death for the loyal General 'Vlad', and we must not expose your Kiritail's secret. Kiritail's camouflage ability is a shady trump card. Once discovered, the consequences will be disastrous. When necessary, a major cleaning can be carried out.”

This time it was Ingersoll's turn to pour the wine, and Vlad smiled and nodded as he watched his partner fill it up for him.

"'I' will definitely die. Needless to say, Vlad is loyal to Lord Timothy and will definitely not surrender without a fight. What's more, these 60,000 soldiers defending the city are not something easy to handle,

We must maintain the integrity of Brewster Castle as much as possible, and on this basis, let the adults control this place smoothly... I wonder how far you Night Blade can go? "

Although they are old partners, Vlad also knows that there are some secrets that he can never touch. He has always made a clear distinction between friendship and career.

Smiling slightly, Ingersoll took out a tube of strange lavender potion and stood on the table.

Vlad's eyes were fixed on the alchemy potion. The expensive alloy seal was attached with a magic seal. Through the thick quartz tube, Vlad saw a purple light spot like starlight.

"According to the master's wishes, all those die-hard elements who cannot be persuaded to surrender will be eliminated. The noble officers who sit on the fence do not need to have any reservations. Vlad, many people will die this time, many, many people, and what we need is to cause chaos. , only chaos can conceal the truth..."

Picking up the strange potion, Vlad was a little confused. He instinctively felt that it was not a good thing.

"This thing looks weird enough. Can you please explain this?"

Now that he has revealed the top secret, Ingersoll will naturally not hold anything back.

"Of course. This potion is called [Crystal Nightmare]. It is the latest product of the Fidelite Alchemy Workshop. It is said to be a mixture of Hex Crystal and some ancient magic potion. The method of use is internal injection. The incubation period of the mutation It ranges from one day to a week,

Depending on the willpower and mood swings of the injector, the injector can obtain super vitality and crystal power through the potion. The entire person will be strengthened by combat and become a bloodthirsty killer who has lost part of his sanity.

There are quite a few death row prisoners in the dungeon, and I think they will not miss this opportunity for revenge. By the way, this time I am also responsible for recording the experimental data of the medicine. Alas, it is still a bit troublesome. "

"Can the injector be controlled? Will it cause harm to our people?"

"Because this thing is a first-generation product, the Crystal Nightmare is not controllable, but it can guide the injector to form an inherent hostile impression through language and thinking. To be honest, I don't have much experience.

Anyway, it’s best not to take this risk. Before creating monsters, we must make arrangements in advance to avoid accidental injuries...

By the way, maybe we can let 'Vlad' die from such a monster, as long as we find a suitable scapegoat, this matter will be easy to handle. "

Vlad, who nodded, did not deny Ingersoll's suggestion.

"How many of these are there?"

Ingersoll smiled.

"Twenty sticks are enough for us to do something. As long as the key defenses are not destroyed, slight damage to the castle is not a problem..."

The two chatted for a while and decided on some matters. After drinking all the frosty margaritas, Ingersoll stood up and left.

Recovering his usual dignity, Vlad said solemnly to the guards.

"The enemy is about to approach the city. Call all senior officers immediately. I have something to announce."


"Damn it, there's obviously going to be a war, why am I still here to serve these stinky rats in the ditch?"

"Who the hell am I asking? Besides, guarding the dungeon is better than dying on the battlefield.

Stop sleeping! What an idiot! It’s time to eat, damn bugs, accept my gift, don’t mind the stench, don’t wait until it’s expired! "

The voice engraved deep in his soul made Kelvin open his eyes of hatred. The environment in front of him was still a damp and dark underground prison. Dark green moss and plaque grew on the walls near feces and urine, becoming a... Food for rats and bugs,

Even the blazing torches in the corridor could not dispel the darkness and coldness around them. The stench from the soul tortured everyone's olfactory system and destroyed the survivors' remaining desire for survival.

There are countless cold and mutilated corpses here,

This is the most desperate hell on earth in Brewsterburg, but it has been torturing the souls and bodies of a group of innocent people.

Castor means "unredeemed" in Valoran semantics.

The prisoners here are all poor and miserable Castor.

Including himself who had his newlywed wife taken away from him.

Here, Castor is not even as good as a mouse. At least the mouse can still have freedom and enter and exit the cell at will.

Struggling to get up from the ground, dragging a lame leg and his hands bound by shackles, Kelvin staggered to the cage fence and patted the cage with his hands.

Even if he was in hell, even if he had lost everything, he didn't want to die.

When you die, all possibilities are completely lost.

"Please, please, sir, give me food..."

The prisoner struggled to make a sound with his dry throat, which was burning like a flame, and finally said the only words that could keep him alive.

"Hey, it turned out to be Master Kelvin who was talking. I thought it was a mouse that turned into a spirit."

"Mouse? You think too highly of this guy. Even a mouse can live a more comfortable life than him, right?"

As if he felt that his words were not offensive, the guard outside the cage continued.

"Lord Kelvin, I'm afraid you don't know that your new wife Megan was abandoned by Lord Tuttle after she got tired of playing with him. In order to visit you, Miss Megan actually agreed to our conditions and voluntarily joined us. Spend a long night,

Hey, we promised her that as long as she can persist for a month, we will let her in to see you. There are still two days left before this month. Don't die before then, otherwise we will be in trouble. Explain to Miss Megan,

After all, we have to count on you next month to help us impress Miss Megan. I asked for fifteen copper coins to find a prostitute. The generous and kind-hearted Miss Megan never asks for money... By the way, is the mounting technology getting better and better? alright? After repeated attacks, even I couldn't last three minutes..."

Under the humiliation of the dungeon guard, Kelvin gritted his teeth and looked at the ground with blood-filled eyes and hatred. The man's hands were tightly clenched together, and his long nails pierced the dirty flesh.

At this moment, the physical pain was nothing compared to the pain in his heart. Unfortunately, he could do nothing but continue to beg for mercy.

"Please, sir, give me food."

"Haha, even though his beautiful wife has suffered such humiliation, this coward still wants to eat. He is really a waste."

"If Miss Megan sees her husband like this, do you think she will completely give up on this useless man?"

"Hehe, it's hard to say."

"When we get tired of playing, we will trick that idiot Megan into a prostitute and let her make money for us..."

The two dungeon guards holding the large iron basin outside the cage looked at each other and smiled. They worked together to tip the iron basin for night use. The pig food, like wriggling white maggots, flowed from the edge of the basin into the stinking stone trough, which was worth mentioning. The slot is filled.

Kelvin let go of his hands, buried his head in the stone trough without hesitation, stuck out his tongue and swallowed the liquid food that smelled of urine.

Amid the roars of laughter from the dungeon guards, Kelvin licked up all the liquid food in the stone troughs, then shrank back to the corner and closed his eyes.

[Megan, at least I have to see you one last time before I have the courage to die]

His vision slowly fell into darkness, and the body's self-protection mechanism allowed Kelvin to quickly enter a state of sleep.


A strange voice emerged from his ears. Kelvin, who had already suffered all kinds of malice, shuddered and ignored the voice in his ears as if he couldn't hear it. It seemed that he could avoid the malice in this way.

"Kelvin, do you want revenge?"

"Want the power to kill them?"

"Or do you want to be a real coward and die in humiliation?"

"You only have one chance..."

Opening his eyes suddenly, Kelvin's bloodshot eyes stared intently at the hooded man who had appeared outside the prison at some point. Through the hood, Kelvin could only see a pair of cold, ice-blue eyes. Eyes.

At this moment, he knew that the mysterious man in front of him was far more terrifying than those evil guards.

Such a being would definitely not be the one guarding that side.

"Who are you?"

The hooded man's voice was as emotionless as his eyes.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that I know everything about you. I know how much you desire revenge, so I came in front of you."

Gritting his teeth, Kelvin moved his body to lean against the bars of the cage for the first time before eating.

Even if the man in front of him is a devil, even if he needs to sell his soul, he admits it.

As long as it can give him strength and the power of revenge...

"Please, give me power."

"Tell me, what would you do if you had power?"

Without any hesitation, Kelvin whispered with hatred and murderous intent from his soul.

"The guards of Castor, and... Tuttle and those soldiers who bullied me... all deserve to die!"

Taking out the precious syringe, the hooded man's cold voice softened a bit.

"Stretch your arms out, endure the pain, and you'll get the strength you want."

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