League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 662 Chapter660 The whole Brewsterburg turned into a mess

In the guard room of Castor Dungeon, three dungeon guards wearing thin cotton shirts were playing cards.

"It's been so long, why doesn't that brat Steinbeck come back?"

Seeing that half of the hourglass had passed, Fast turned down the bad cards in his hand and glanced impatiently in the direction of the cell door.

"Just deal with it casually. Is this kid really stupid enough to take that bitch seriously?"

Knowing that their boss was cheating, the other two dungeon guards did not say anything. Instead, they threw the playing cards in their hands into the pile, covering Fast's card.

"Did you start it in the dungeon in front of that boy Kelvin?"

"Hey, it's really possible..."

Listening to the two of them describing the likely scenario, Fast could not help but frown.

He didn't care about Megan's life or death, he just hated this feeling of losing control.

"Okay! Carlisle, go and see what's going on. If that idiot Steinbeck is really so horny, leave him alone in the dungeon overnight and let him guard the dungeon alone."

"I know Boss Fast."

"Put on your armor and weapons, and don't be afraid of trouble."


After watching Carlisle leave, Fast's expression relaxed a lot. He stood up and walked to the chair next to the fire to sit down. He poured himself a glass of mead and drank it in one gulp.

Time passed slowly, five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, but there was still no response from the direction of the dungeon.

Fast's face became more and more ugly, and Celest finally noticed something was wrong. He looked at the heavy and reliable iron door again. The only crack left that had not been closed turned out to be as weird as a man-eating demon. Terrible.

Shaking his head, Celast was annoyed at his sudden fear.

Can't make it through this night?

"Celeste, stay here."

"Boss Fast, I..."

Celast hesitated, but Fast's tone left no room for doubt.

"I didn't let you go down to check. You just need to lock the door. If Carlisle and the others come back to call the door, you can open it. When I bring someone over... there should be a major inspection in the dungeon. You are afraid of someone through such a thick door. fart?"

Now that the words have come to this, Celast naturally has no room to refuse. He still wants to continue to hang out in the dungeon, so naturally he cannot offend his boss.

"I see."

Fast picked up the long sword, took a deep breath and came to the iron door of the dungeon, preparing to close the steel door latch. The moment he raised his hand, Fast heard the devil's whisper coming from behind the door.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time... Fast."


The iron door was slammed open, and before he had time to react, Fast was grabbed by the neck like a chicken by a purple weirdo and held up in the air.

Confusion, confusion, and fear appeared on Fast's face one after another. He struggled to recognize the identity of the attacker from Kelvin's mutated face, and was instantly desperate.

"You...you are Kelvin!? It turns out to be you!??"

Grinning, Kelvin revealed his purple sharp teeth like a shark.

"It's so rare that Master Fast can still remember this little person like me."


With his five fingers together, the body of the 180-centimeter dungeon guard captain was separated, and his neck was crushed.

Resisting the desire to eat, Kelvin threw away Fast's head and stepped towards the last beast who was preparing to escape.

"Celeste, where are you going? Can I take you with me?"

At the same time, the only few battle mages loyal to Archduke Timothy had their throats cut off by the sudden Night Blade. Without the battle mages responsible for communication and vigilance, Brewster Castle became a hell on earth.

The clear silver moonlight shines in the dark corner, and humanoid monsters with hideous appearances and terrifying shapes are bent over and feasting, devouring human flesh and blood to satisfy their own desire for evolution.

The sudden terrorist attack completely threw the soldiers guarding the castle into chaos. Wave after wave of soldiers ran out of the barracks like headless flies, and many of them even didn't even wear pants.

The soldiers could not find the officer who issued the order, and the officer could not find the soldiers who obeyed him. There were only one cold corpse after another hidden in an inconspicuous corner. The fatal scars on the neck showed that there were other things besides monsters. Attackers hiding in the shadows.

"What the hell is going on? Where did those bastards go!?"

"Ahhhh!!! Monster!!"

"Help!! Someone help..."

"Counterattack with all your strength! Archers release arrows!!!"

"Who dares to run! Don't run! Come back! Ah!! Who dares to kick me! Ouch!"

The soldiers who had become a mess could only struggle to survive alone in the chaos. With the intervention of the Blade of the Night, the garrison stationed at Brewster Castle did not form an effective resistance organization. There were only dozens of scattered small groups. The large-scale troops found a corner that was easy to defend but difficult to attack, and struggled to resist the alienator's attack.

Unfortunately, monsters can heal their injuries and increase their strength by eating flesh and blood. Facing near-immortal monsters, it is difficult for soldiers to cause effective damage, let alone kill monsters. Facing monsters that become stronger as they fight, all resistance It's all in vain after all.

The steel gate of the main castle had already fallen down, and the three alienated beings who were following the blood climbed over the high wall and jumped into the closed main castle.

The aliens, whose strength has surpassed that of most elite warriors, use their evolved limbs to kill the completely desperate soldiers. There are fewer and fewer living people and more and more dead people. In the realm of souls that humans cannot see, Mirror Claws squat The spire of the main castle stared at the wave of souls falling to the ground like meteors. The lamb opened its cherry mouth and sang an elegy belonging to the dead.

The strong smell of blood drifted along with the night wind. Vlad looked down at the out-of-control fire outside the castle and frowned with concern.

Things seemed to be developing even worse than he imagined. It wouldn't be long before the evolving monsters would kill all the living people in the entire castle.

"The Crystal Nightmare... is really terrifying. It can actually turn a normal person into such a powerful monster... Only the Dark Guard can deal with this kind of monster, right?"

"After all, it is an alchemy potion that the master personally participated in developing. It is natural that it will be effective. It is just a pity. So far, no injector seems to be able to overcome the negative effects of the potion."

Different from the past, Ingersoll put on his own exclusive equipment. As for whether it would be seen by irrelevant people, it didn't matter. Anyway, everyone in this castle except Vlad and him would die. it's here.

The mutant under the tower raised his head, met Vlad's eyes, let out a frightening roar, and jumped away, looking for a way to board the main castle.

"What if we could overcome the negative effects of the potion?"

The screams of soldiers could be heard outside the door. Ingersoll pulled out the magic steel sword with sharp edge and magic-breaking magic, turned around, and turned his back to Vlad.

"There will be monsters that maintain their own sanity and continue to evolve."

"In that case, will there be no upper limit soon?"

"There is an upper limit. Before the alienated person gets the new Crystal Nightmare potion..."


The iron-lined solid wood door was violently knocked open, and the guards outside the door had turned into corpses. In the pool of blood, the two-meter-tall mutant opened his bloody mouth and roared at the two people.

"It's just a failure. It's not good to be too arrogant."

Holding a sword, Ingersoll rushed forward. Behind Ingersoll, Vlad's hands were glowing with magic.

It was daylight, and Lester heard the report outside the carriage.

"Master, ahead is Brewster Castle. Some kind of great changes seem to have occurred in the city. Many terrifying monsters have appeared and are killing lives."

"A scary monster?"

"Yes, many soldiers who escaped from the castle saw the monster with their own eyes..."

Tiknis opened her hazy eyes. The tearing pain had disappeared, and her body felt indescribably relaxed. The girl got up from the bed, shyly covering her body with the quilt, and then turned her adoring gaze. Place it on the man who has already sat up.

No matter from any aspect, the man in front of her is an out-and-out strong man. Facing a man who can see through her nature at a glance, she can't find any reason to resist, let alone any thought of resisting. She has already After asking her personally, this man didn't even care whether she would tell her father the information.

Being able to serve such a man is an honor for her of noble status.

Glancing at Tiknis who had surrendered, Lester said in a deep voice.

"Order, the Dark Guard is divided into two teams. The front team is the vanguard. It enters the city first to clear all obstacles along the way and save the castle defenders as much as possible. At the same time, it begins to investigate the intelligence of the monsters in Brewster Castle. The rear team is responsible for guarding the legion's baggage and stationed in place. .”


Pulling open the quilt in front of the girl, Lester hugged Ticnis who was trembling slightly. In the arms of the man who couldn't let go, the girl's breathing gradually became faster.

"Are you surprised?"

Nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, Tiknis blushed and whispered as if she was electrocuted.

"My lord, with all due respect, I thought you came here to launch an attack..."

The man laughed and stopped what he was doing, letting Tiknis's blood flow downwards to regain some of her ability to think.

"The legion I brought was only more than 10,000 men, and the soldiers led by General Vlad at Brewster Fort were 60,000. Plus, given the terrain of the fortress, it was impossible for me to defeat 60,000 with 10,000. Bar?"

"Well... Sir, it was Tiknis who was stupid..."

"So, if it was for an attack, I would definitely not bring so many people. In fact, I came here to discuss with Timothy the return of the southern fortresses. I can give him and his family glory and wealth, but I cannot I will not allow him to split the empire. If he does not listen to dissuasion, I will declare war on him on behalf of the Emerald Territory. By then, the people who will come here will not be these ten thousand people.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that such a strange thing happened in Brewsterburg. As a member of the empire, I naturally can’t just ignore the disaster of the people of Brewsterburg...”

Tiknis lowered her head. She couldn't see any signs of the man lying. Maybe she didn't have enough ability to observe words and emotions. At least on the surface, Demon Face Lord Lester came with good intentions and was not trying to compete with his father for power. Seizing power, this man, like her father, did not want the empire to fall apart.

Maybe my father is simply unfounded?

On the third day when the legion was stationed in place, unlike the previous Night Blade assassins, the person in charge of reporting this time was the deputy general who was dispatching the army.

"Lord, the matter has been found out. The monsters in Brewster Castle are very similar to the demonic creations of the Ghost Legion. The disaster suffered by Brewster Castle this time is probably inseparable from the group of undead creatures that invaded Fidelite."

The calm and calm expression turned serious in an instant. Lester's appearance frightened Ticnis, causing her to tremble three times.

Ghost Army? What it is? It sounds so scary.

It's a pity that Lester doesn't have the ability to read minds, otherwise he would have to say, 'Ghost Army? Isn’t that the best scapegoat?’

Speaking of which, Mordekaiser has done a lot of bad things in the material realm. Let’s not talk about the Black Mist invasion that originated from Shadow Island. When he was on Dragon Island, the Nether Legion summoned the dragon soul that shocked the world and took away Many revived skeletal dragons returned to the underworld,

The Nether Legion has attacked the Emerald Territory quite a few times. I don’t know how many disasters that guy has brought to the material realm. If it weren’t for the leaders of the big forces, in order to avoid causing panic, they all chose to bury the truth, plus Mordekaiser’s secret guidance and control, I am afraid that Mordekaiser has become the enemy of the mainland now,

For Leicester, there is naturally no more suitable 'black pot master' than Mordekaiser. Presumably Mordekaiser himself will not care, evil people will never hate notoriety.

Anyway, in the end, we will follow the route of arms race to fight for world hegemony. It is better to openly expose Mordekaiser who is secretly developing in the underworld. Facing the threat of Mordekaiser, the people of the empire will surely know who is more suitable to lead. The empire moves toward the light.

He has never had to compete with Brown Darkwill for leadership. He has followed the path of an upright emperor. Anyone who prevents him from becoming king will be a traitor to the empire and a lackey of the underworld.

"What were the casualties at Brewsterburg?"

In just a few words, Lester seemed to have exhausted all his strength and felt unspeakably heavy.

The adjutant who cooperated with Lester's performance covered his tears and expressed appropriate grief.

"Reporting to the lord, General Vlad and most of the officers have had their souls harvested by the slaves of the underworld. The hateful group of underworld demons slaughtered all the defenders in the castle.

Sixty thousand soldiers, a total of sixty thousand soldiers! Survivors... There are actually less than a thousand survivors... Until now, there are still many hidden underworld demons wreaking havoc in the city...

Lord, Brewster Castle... all life is in ruins... those demons from the underworld are simply not human beings! "

Ticnis covered her mouth in horror, while Lester sighed sadly and almost couldn't hold back his laughter. Of course, the souls in the underworld are not human beings.

After a while, the man's voice became harsh after finally regaining his composure.

"Order, the Dark Guard kills all the ghost demons, and the Legion immediately enters the city, gathers all survivors, and resettles them. Remember, be kind to every citizen of the empire, and tell them that even if Timothy abandons them, the Emerald Territory will also Will protect them."

Thanks to [Youxing Shen] for the 500-point reward, and everyone’s monthly ticket support.

Some readers have reported that my recent writing is not as interesting as before. I would like to apologize here. Just like running a marathon, long novels often face the problem of insufficient stamina, but I will try my best to make the story interesting. As fun as ever,

The number of words in this book is close to 2 million words (currently 1.98 million words). Fan authors in the same period have already made enough money to complete the novel, but I have not yet written the climax here (wry smile). On the qualified line Struggling hard, I can only say that the stall is too big, there is no way, I think the title indicates a thousand years, I have to write a thousand years, otherwise I will deceive the readers. Since I have taken this road, everyone has paid to see it. Here, unfinished work and coping are disrespectful to paying readers. I can only bite the bullet and continue writing. Unlike new books that are not on the shelves, there will be no psychological burden if I cut them off (please forgive me),

To be honest, the ninth volume was really difficult to write. The problem with the problem of glitches was very serious. This period in the League of Legends world line was completely blank. After that, Noxus invaded Ionia, the source of all evil. At that time, I should have written more vividly than now.

All in all, I didn’t have anything to draw from during this time period. I relied on all the past plots to deduce myself. It was completely original and as logical as possible. The story of Leicester dominating Noxus may be read due to his limited personal ability. It sounds a bit boring, but at least I am writing with my heart and will never be perfunctory. I hope everyone can be more patient. Thank you.

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