League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 665 Chapter663 Having no choice is not a choice

Where Ingersoll couldn't see her, Fradley grinned, her big tail swaying, looking very courageous.

[It’s my husband, and he’s much older than you]

Almost unable to hold back his desire to complain, Lester also had a little more smile on his face.

"Miss Fradley, are you willing to become husband and wife with Ingersoll?"

"My lord, I do."

After receiving Fradley's reply, Lester looked at Ingersoll who was smiling undisguisedly, his face darkened, and his sudden change of expression shocked Ingersoll.

"Ingersoll, don't laugh so early. Miss Fradley has blocked everything for you. Once you make a mistake, you can't go back on it. You can't go back on your word, and you can't abandon Miss Fradley. Otherwise, when the time comes, I can't forgive you."

Knowing that Lord Demon Face was not joking with him, Ingersoll swallowed dryly.

"Then, Master, if something goes wrong between me and Miss Fradley, will I...will...die?"

Seeing that he had frightened the child so much, Lester's expression softened a little.

"Well, after all, I'm not a demon, so I won't execute you for this kind of thing. But now the Emerald Territory is doing business with Freljord, especially since there is a shortage of permanent intelligence officers in the territory of the Frostguard clan. If you If you dare to abandon Miss Fradley, you can go to the North and live with the Freljord people. When the time comes, I will arrange a marriage for you with a War Mother, and you will be the War Mother's little wife."

Now that things have come to this, how can Ingersoll refuse.

The key is that he doesn't dare to refuse.

"Well, Master, I am willing to love Miss Fladley just like Kelvin loves Megan, and I will never abandon her!"

"Okay, okay, I understand that Megan sacrificed her life to feed the tiger in the past, but in the future, Fradelli stood up and made the decision. Yes, yes, I make the decision. You will get married tonight, okay?"

Lester narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Lovers will eventually get married."

[I understand Megan sacrificing her life to feed a tiger, but what does it mean for Fradelli to stand up and take charge? Could it be that Fradelli also secretly made a wish to her master to be with me? Before I expressed my love, the master had already agreed to Fradley's request? 】

Just when the dizzy Ingersoll was confused, Lester spoke.

"Fradili, you and Ingersoll can retreat and call Kelvin."

The two of them bowed and left. Kelvin, who was wearing a large hood and covering himself up, carefully walked into the Lord's Hall, knelt down on his knees, and actually kowtowed to Lester.

"Sir, my appearance is a bit scary. In order to avoid disturbing you, I will not take off my hood. Please forgive me."

Parame, who had always maintained an indifferent expression, changed his expression, and looked at Kelvin as if he were looking at a dead person.

"You rude person, how can you allow a slave like you to make decisions for the Lord without permission?"

Feeling the fatal threat coming from behind, Kelvin did not dare to raise his head or refute. He just leaned to the ground silently. He had seen with his own eyes how the black-armored soldiers killed him like chopping melons and vegetables.' Of the same kind, he will naturally not be arrogant enough to think that he can use the power given by others to deal with others.

For him, as long as he can get out of here alive and return to Megan, it is a victory. Otherwise, he can abandon everything, even his own dignity.

"Parame, it doesn't matter, he is also thinking about me."

After Lester spoke, Parame, who was ready to punish Kelvin at any time, regained his indifference and bowed his head to Lester in a submissive manner, with a look of shame on his face.

"Master, it was my subordinate who overstepped my bounds, and I am willing to accept the punishment."

Lester shook his head.

"You are wrong. I am actually very happy that Didist's descendants can maintain my dignity in this way. Parame, you remind me of Didist again. He is not good at expressing emotions like you, and his heart is burning. And loyal but not inferior to anyone.”

She never thought that she could be praised by her faith. Parame's beautiful but cold facial features were tangled together like an iceberg. The woman opened her mouth and suddenly closed it tightly. At this moment, Parame's performance was different from her own. His temperament and appearance are completely inconsistent, forming a strong contrast.

It's rare to see the iceberg beauty showing such an appearance, and Lester, who took a few more glances, was a little concerned.

"Parame, but it doesn't matter."

After receiving Lester's approval, Parame blushed and lowered her head.

"I, I want to say that if the master hadn't helped connect my ancestors, Ancestor Didist and Ancestor Vida, I, I'm afraid there wouldn't be me... So, if the master has a life-saving grace for me, Parame will naturally Protect the majesty of the master with your life..."

Lester also didn't expect that the senior liaison officer of Night Blade would actually care about this. It can only be said that Parame's focus is a bit strange.

Although this is biased, there is some truth in it.

I really want to discuss the recent development of Didist's family with Parame. Lester also knows that now is not the time. After all, there are many things that cannot be discussed openly. The best time is in the silence of the night. Talk time.

"Pamela, I already know your passion and loyalty. The empire should be proud of you."

Lester, who was preparing to become emperor and take complete control of Noxus, also had to learn to say some crappy words.

"I am willing to serve my master with all my heart! Even until death!"

As soon as the enthusiastic Palame interfered, the topic went a bit far away, and Lester had to turn the topic back to the protagonist Kelvin. After all, he was still lying on the ground obediently, and it would not be good to leave him dry all the time.

"Kelvin, get up, take off your hood, and let me see what you look like without any offense to me."

After hearing this, Kelvin stood up obediently and took off his hood and turban, revealing an ugly face covered with lilac patches.

Lester nodded and looked at Kelvin's appearance carefully. Generally speaking, except for his facial features, Kelvin had become another species.

We can call Kelvin the 'Demon Crystal Clan' for the time being. In a sense, the Demon Crystal Clan is a sibling of the Shell Clan, but one is a crystal constructed by the Great Will of Crystal using underground creatures to 'consciously' use crystal mines. Life, one is a mutated human being that is completely integrated with crystal energy,

Judging from the achievements of the Crystal Will in creating species, the mysterious existence located deep underground in the Odeon Canyon of the Crystal Trace and with whom he has reached a cooperation agreement cannot be underestimated.

Lester rubbed his chin and collected his thoughts for a moment.

Perhaps the next step should be to test whether Kelvin and Megan have reproductive isolation. If the Demon Crystal Clan can normally intermarry with humans and give birth to offspring who inherit the energy of the Demon Crystal Clan, I am afraid it is really possible for the Demon Crystal Clan to breed into a new species. Race.

Correspondingly, the Demon Crystal Clan has great potential and can rely on devouring energy-rich flesh and blood to increase its strength. This means that as long as the Demon Crystal Clan is given enough time, the Demon Crystal Clan can reach the extraordinary realm in a short time. Therefore, the Emerald Territory must There are necessary means to control the Demon Crystal Clan,

In general, the current Demon Crystal Clan is a double-edged sword. If used well, it can play a big role. If used poorly, it will backfire on the Emerald Territory.

You have to be careful about this matter. The prerequisite for the Emerald Territory to create a large number of Demon Crystal Tribes is to master the weapons to destroy the Demon Crystal Tribes. This is a prerequisite. Kelvin is the best experimental subject, and Megan is the one who controls Kelvin. The handle of the article.

At this moment, Lester didn't realize that he had become the protoss he hated most to some extent.

"Kelvin, I already know what happened to you. You can insist on controlling the power that should not belong to you. This is your ability and the value of your survival. I heard Ingersoll say, are you willing? Serving the Emerald Territory?"

With the approval of the superior, Kelvin relaxed a little and his body was no longer tense.

"Yes, sir, I am willing to serve the Emerald Territory as a way of repaying Lord Ingersoll and...your kindness of reinvention."

"Idiot! How can Ingersoll deserve to be compared with Lord Demon Face!?"

"Parame, calm down."


When Lester looked at Kelvin again, a strange smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth.

"Serve...hehe, Kelvin, do you know your situation?"

His body trembled, and Kelvin raised his head to look at the aloof Demon-faced Lord. His eyes seemed to penetrate his soul and made him feel cold all over.

"S-Sir, I, I know, I know..."

"Tell me."

Gritting his teeth, Kelvin whispered.

"It was your Excellency and the Emerald Territory who gave me a second life. I did not turn into a monster like other 'Netherworld Demons'. Instead, I had my own sanity and was a valuable survivor. As Your Excellency said, I did not die. It's because I'm still useful to the Emerald Territory, otherwise your soldiers would have killed me long ago.

From the moment I understood the true power of the Emerald Territory, I understood that I had no choice but to be loyal to you and the Emerald Territory.

Sir, I don't want to die, but I can't go against the will of the Emerald Leader. If my life can help you, you can just take it. I only have a humble request. I don't dare to ask you to agree to it. I just ask you to accept it. Think about it,

I beg you, sir, to properly arrange for Megan. She has suffered a lot for me. At least for the rest of her life, she should live happily..."

After saying this in one breath, Kelvin lowered his head again, like a prisoner awaiting the sentence of death.

"Kelvin, don't always keep your head down. You should know that Noxus hates cowards the most. Keep your head up."

Raising his head with difficulty, Kelvin found that he didn't know when the Lord of Demon Face stopped exerting terrible pressure on him.

"I don't need you to die, and I won't let you separate from your lover. On the contrary, I still support you and Miss Megan living together. After all, in the history I know, there are very few people like you. Such a profound emotional experience as Miss Megan.”

Hearing this, Kelvin's face lit up, but the man didn't act too rude.

"Sir, it is the greatest honor and blessing in my life for Megan and I to be recognized by you."

Lester shook his head.

"Kelvin, please remember that these are not free gifts. You also understand how special your situation is. You must cooperate with the alchemist master to conduct various physical tests and do your best to prevent you from becoming an exception as soon as possible. Then , use your life to be loyal to the Emerald Territory, and never betray,

I believe you will show more excellent qualities. This is what I expect from you. Don't let me down. "

"Sir! Thank you very much! I am willing to give my life to safeguard the glory of the Emerald Territory!"

There was a little more smile on his face, and Lester softened his serious tone.

"In the past two days, you will first undergo some basic physical tests with Ingersoll, and then I will arrange for you to carry out the first mission. During this period, Miss Megan will go to the Immortal Fortress for physical repair."

"Body repair?"


After receiving Lester's signal, Parame said coldly to Kelvin.

"In the days before meeting you, Megan suffered a lot of torture and ravage. Currently, she has serious physical problems. In addition, Megan has also lost her fertility. If she maintains her current condition, Megan I’m afraid I won’t survive more than three years.”

Kelvin's face turned pale, but Lester sighed.

"Even I don't want to see a reversible tragedy happen. As long as you remain loyal, Megan's body can not only fully recover, but she can also get the best treatment in the empire and enjoy a high-quality life...

Kelvin, don't be in a hurry to thank me, and don't make worthless promises with your mouth. I don't believe in promises, only practical actions.

What choices you will make, I will evaluate starting from your first mission. "

With a heavy expression, Kelvin left the Lord's Hall and went all the way to a side room of the castle where Ingersoll had settled.

If it were in the past, he might still be happy that he could live in the majestic and mysterious main castle. Now that he really lives in the castle, the man is not happy at all. The big house and the small house are just houses for people to live in. There is only one person who can make a house a home for him.

Kelvin knew very well that Lord Emerald and Lord Demon Face wanted to use Megan to control him. Who knew the truth about Megan going to the Immortal Fortress to "repair her body", but if he really refused , not to mention whether he has the courage, but talking about Megan's physical problems, he can't just watch his lover die.

Even if he refused the Emerald Territory's help, he was not sure he could find the right person to heal Megan.

Therefore, this is destined to be an unsolvable and powerless question. Megan is destined to go to the Immortal Fortress and experience an unknown road. He is also destined to be loyal to the Emerald Territory for Megan, running around and completing the tasks personally arranged by Lord Demon Face. Task.

Just when Kelvin was a little entangled and troubled, Kelvin suddenly remembered the days before he met Ingersoll. The man gradually calmed down and let go of worrying about gains and losses.

"That's all, if it weren't for the Emerald Territory and Lord Demon Face, I would have been a dead man long ago. The result now is like a dream to me. I should be more content. With the size of the Emerald Territory, it would be better to crush me to death. It’s easy to crush an ant to death. As long as I work wholeheartedly, Megan and I will definitely be able to live a good life.”

With a relaxed smile on his face, Kelvin opened the door and hugged the thin woman waiting at the door with a worried look on his face.

"For me, this is enough, enough..."

Thank you to the reader [Old Cat Loves Fox] for the generous reward of 500 points.

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