League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 668 Chapter 666 The only chance

"Lieno, have you heard? There seems to be some instability in the outer city recently. It is said that several soldiers and wealthy businessmen have been killed by killers, less than two streets away from us."

At St. Zachary Orphanage, the daily prayer time had passed. Sherrill found Lieno who was 'enjoying the cool' outside the orphanage. The black-haired girl looked around and lowered her voice.

"Don't even think about escaping. There are many soldiers patrolling the outer city now. If you can't run far, you will be caught as a spy because you don't have a pass. It will be much worse than now."

Looking back at Sheryl, Lieno shook her head.

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid yet..."


The bell rang, and the two girls could only end their exchange and hurried back to the orphanage.

On the Leaning Tower of the Empire not far from St. Zachary's Orphanage, Camille, dressed in an assassin's hood, put down her enchanted monocular and took out a hand-drawn map to check the environment near St. Zachary's Orphanage again. Modifying the route of travel.

Behind Camille, three Night Blade reserve members who had just finished assassin training were waiting there with sincerity, no longer as arrogant as when they first met.

Whether it is will, force or brains, they have already proven in practice that they are no match for young girls.

After reviewing the battle plan for the third time, Camille found no omissions and focused on the three of them.

"Come closer and I'll explain the action plan again. I've got it all memorized."

"St. Zachary's Orphanage, which belongs to the Beerbohm family, is divided into three areas.

The western area where newcomers are placed is closest to the gate and is also the most laxly defended area. Its function is to screen out 'excellent slaves' for further training.

The East District houses the ‘primary slave products’. After pre-selection, the orphans of the empire will be transported to the East District, where they will be further developed according to the personal preferences of nobles or wealthy businessmen.

The West District is heavily guarded and is stationed with many thugs and thugs from the Beerbohm family. Most of the slaves there have completed the brainwashing work. There is no need to expend too much energy to rescue them during the operation. If necessary, they can be released early.

The most critical area of ​​operations is the dark zone underground in the West District. The dark zone extends in all directions, with many secret passages leading to hiding spots. The dark zone is also a key channel for the Beerbohm family to transfer slaves.

Our mission is to completely destroy the Beerbohm family's slave training base and destroy the underground passages in the dark zone within two hours. All blockers encountered along the way are enemies and can be killed directly. "

"Dafan, Warren, you two are responsible for infiltrating in disguise from the entrance to Dark Zone No. 1, and planting enough alchemical bombs in these three areas. Milne, you are responsible for using magic to coordinate, guard Exit No. 3, and protect everyone's safety. way back,

This is a top-secret operation hidden in the dark. If you die in the battle because of your lack of skills, you will not have any public identity and have nothing to do with the Emerald Territory. Do you understand? "

"Understood, Miss Camille."

"Now that you understand, go and prepare."

After watching the three people leave, Camille took a deep breath and pulled out the [Green Steel Shadow] magic crystal sword from her waist.

The dark cyan sword edge was like a shadow in the twilight, reflecting Camille's breathtaking eyes.

"It's time to clean up this dirty city."

The moonlight shines on the earth, adding a hazy silver mist to the outer city. During the curfew, a few imperial soldiers yawned and patrolled the deserted streets, sometimes cursing and walking to the corner to relieve themselves.

Unseen by everyone, Camille, who was dressed in night clothes and wearing a camouflage mask, quickly jumped on top of the high-rise building. She quickly bypassed the patrolling soldiers and arrived at the gate of St. Zachary Orphanage. She turned over and jumped So he entered the orphanage.

The sharp blade was unsheathed, and the invisible green steel shadow flashed past. The two guards guarding the gate fell to the ground. This sword was so silent that the two guards did not know what happened to them until the moment their lives ended. whats the matter.

Camille walked forward, not deliberately covering her tracks, but using the simplest and most effective way to search and kill the enemies in front of her.

There were gates, courtyards, brick houses, and courtyards as units. Camille, who alerted the snake, destroyed every door that could be seen. More and more people died under the sword. Only the defenseless nuns and orphans could escape. After a disaster, the smell of blood filled the air, screams came one after another, and soon a large-scale riot broke out in the courtyard of the East District.

One torch after another lit up, illuminating the dark orphanage. In the chaos, someone finally realized their situation.

"There is an intruder!"

"Damn it! Douglas and Randall are dead! Someone killed them!"

"Go and sound the alarm!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The heavy-sounding big bell was struck by the mallet one after another. The rapid sound of the bell woke up the sleeping orphanage and also woke up the orphans who were not asleep.

"What happened?"

Getting up from the bed, Lieno noticed that it was very noisy outside the room. The girl was stunned, feeling that something big was going to happen.

"I heard Sister Avril say that the continuous and short sound of the bell means an alarm. If I'm not wrong, there should be an intruder coming here... Lieno, stand me up, I'll listen to what's going on outside. There's some movement, Vera, don't sleep, come here and help."

Already knowing Sheryl's abilities, Lieno would naturally not refuse Sheryl's proposal.

The somewhat timid Vera overcame her fear, supported the eldest sister, Sheryl, and stepped on Lieno's shoulders.

Trying hard to lean her ear against the iron grille window, Sheryl's face looked particularly solemn.

"It seems like a lot of people have died, and those guards are full of fear... Damn it, the smell of blood is coming over, someone is really coming in. Sisters, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight, so put on your clothes first."

Jumping off Lieno's shoulders, Cheryl said while getting dressed.

"Don't make any noise next, Lienor. Knock down the stool and use the stool legs as weapons to hide behind the door. Wait for my signal at any time. If I raise my hand, you will hit the person in the crotch directly. Wei Put on your clothes and go to bed and pretend to be asleep."

"Okay, okay."

By the time Vera retreated into the quilt again, Lieno, who was stronger, had already smashed the stool and picked up a stool leg.

"What if a nun or an old abbess comes in?"

"Then don't take action now. When the time comes, we will say that we did it to protect ourselves."

"What if it's not them?"

"It depends on the situation. If the person coming is hostile, we definitely can't just catch him. Even if we die, we have to give it to the enemy... Anyway, just watch my actions."

The three girls stopped talking, and the room fell silent instantly.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. As time goes by, Sheryl always feels that the movement outside the room is getting smaller and smaller, as if the noise and screams just now are an illusion. Sheryl can even hear herself gradually speeding up. heartbeat.

The world returned to tranquility, but the feeling brought to the three girls was even more terrifying than before... It was as if everyone was dead, and the hairs on their bodies stood on end.

Suddenly, the sound of the door bolt being pulled was heard outside the door. Sheryl, who was focused on the environment, shrank her pupils, and cold sweat broke out from her forehead as if it was for nothing, and she couldn't stop it.


The closed door was slowly pushed open by the people outside. The first thing Sherrill saw was an illusory long sword. The sword was not stained with blood, but it exuded a strong smell of blood.

His eyes gradually moved up. A common night cloak on the market perfectly covered the visitor's physical features. Even his face was wearing a mask made of black iron. Only a pair of azure eyes gave off an indifferent light.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Sheryl always felt that these eyes were a little gentler when she saw her.

Vera covered her head with a quilt and shivered, while Lieno, who was holding up the stool leg, was so nervous that her palms were sweating. The girl had no idea that her heavy breathing had revealed her position, and she just waited intently for Lieno. Eno made no move.

Sherrill said tentatively.

"Did you kill those guards?"

The intruder was naturally Camille. At this moment, Camille had no intention of answering the question. The girl glanced at the three of them lightly, only staying on Sheryl for a moment, and confirmed that the building she was in was the Orphan Barracks in the East District. .

Unlike the other incompetent people, the black-haired girl was a little clever in being able to formulate such a rough plan in such a short period of time, but unfortunately it was just that, and she was not willing to stop for the other party.

The two people's eyes only met briefly, and Camille turned around to leave. She had no time to waste here.


Knowing very well that she just said nonsense, Sheryl tried to stop Camille, but Camille had no intention of listening and continued to move forward as if no one was around.

Gritting her teeth, Sheryl could only chase out and glanced at Vera who was huddled on the bed. Lieno also followed out with the legs of the stool.

"I know what you want! Take us! I'll show you the way!"

This time Camille finally stopped and asked without looking back.

"You know what I want?"

[It’s actually a girl? And still very young? Can someone my age be so powerful? 】

First shocked by the identity of the visitor, Sheryl gritted her teeth, scratched her head with her hands, and quickly expressed her inference.

"You came here to destroy the orphanage to deal with the Beerbohm family, right? I am familiar with this place and can lead you to the person you want to find."

Hearing this, Camille turned around and focused on Sheryl again. She knew how deep the Beerbohm family was hidden. It was impossible for the orphans in the East District to know who was behind the St. Zachary Orphanage. , I am afraid that by the time he finds out, he will have been completely brainwashed, and the obedient puppy will naturally not pose any threat to the Beerbohm family.

"How do you, a common slave, know these things?"

Not daring to hide anything, Sheryl said truthfully.

"It seems I'm right. In fact, I like to collect all kinds of information. I tried my best to get these things from the nuns, and there are also some inferences of my own. How about it, I'm very useful, right?"

Lieno looked at Sheryl blankly. She didn't expect that Cheryl was hiding so much information, but Cheryl didn't care about Lieno at all. She knew that this mysterious girl killer It is the only way to escape from Saint Zachary.

"I'll work for you if you take me away! Take me away! I don't want to stay here for a minute anymore!"

Someone with a background and backing would never appear in St. Zachary. Since he appears here, the black-haired girl must not have anyone to rely on. Such a guy can know so much secret information in the East District. It is not a little clever. ' can explain the problem.

There is no doubt that this is a personal talent.

This guy was born to be a spy. After taking a deep look at the pretty black-haired girl, Camille asked.

"……May I have your name?"

"Sheryl! My name is Sheryl!"

"Sheryl, before I come for you, stay alive and prove yourself to me."

With the last words left, Camille quickened her pace, jumped from the window, and left the house where the orphans were housed.

"What do we do now?"

At this time, Lieno had completely regarded Sherrill as a leader. Sherrill, who noticed this, was also a little happy. If she could really escape from Saint Zachary and follow the mysterious girl, Lieno would They are her most reliable team members.

There is nothing easier to control than a guy with well-developed limbs and a simple mind. Vera is easy to control, but Vera is not suitable to be a subordinate.

"Of course she will go back and wait. Since the adult said so, she will definitely come back to us, but we can't do that now."

Cheryl sighed.


Lieno was a little confused, but Sheryl's eyes looked at the locked doors in the adjacent rooms, and her eyes gradually became colder.

The dark-haired girl lowered her voice.

"The problem now is that I am afraid that many people have heard the conversation between the adult and us. If this continues, someone will inevitably snitch, and we will become a handle. I don't believe that the adult will come to save us when we are exposed. We, when the time comes, we will become outcasts and will undoubtedly die...

Hi, this is also a problem that the adult left for me. It gives me a headache. "

After thinking about this clearly, Lieno's face turned pale.

"Then what do we do?"

Recalling the orphan companions who entered Saint Zachary with herself, Sherrill said lightly.

"I remember that you told many people about your 'escape plan' during the days when you were beaten every day. Let's not talk about how many people believed your lame plan. I just want to know how many people showed the intention to escape. Willingness??”

Lieno lowered her head with a gloomy face and said nothing.

Unlike her, most of her companions have succumbed to the nun's persuasion and the dean's whip, and are preparing to become servants and slaves of the nobles. They fantasize all day long that they can be adopted by the great nobles.

Those who have abandoned their dignity long to enjoy the upper class life even if they suffer humiliation. In the eyes of these people, St. Zachary Orphanage is a rare opportunity to enter the upper class society, so how can they escape.

Those who would rather kneel down and be dogs to the rich are not willing to stand up and breathe the air with dignity.

As expected, Sheryl sighed.

"The dean must have been killed by that person. There must be a source of fire in her room. Lieno, if we want to survive, we can only rely on ourselves."

"What about Vera?"

"Do you know that every escape plan of yours was revealed by Vera?"

Lieno's body trembled, and after struggling for a moment, she lowered her head.

"I'll go look for it in the dean's room."

Sheryl didn't speak, she just closed the door silently and locked it again.

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