League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 670 Chapter668 You can’t keep the person I want

"They feel that we who just launched the attack will not launch a second attack immediately. This is our first-mover advantage. This time we have two goals. The first goal is to kill Rowan Beerbom, and the second The goal is to rescue the new members, and I will personally go to the inner city to complete the task of killing Rowan, and you will be responsible for rescuing these two girls."

In a secret stronghold outside the Immortal Fortress, the candlelight of a windproof portable lamp was bright, reflecting four pairs of shining eyes.

After a secret and successful raid, the three fledgling Night Blade trainee assassins became a little more aggressive and confident. This was exactly what Camille wanted. Now these three young wolves have met. Blood, fangs exposed, strength will become more powerful.

As his commander said, only young wolves that have drank blood can become hunters surviving in the wilderness.

It is not easy to complete a series of difficult tasks with three novice supporters appointed by the commander. The support of the Emerald Territory will not be maintained without a bottom line, so she not only needs to consider the difficulties faced by the task itself, but also Prepare your own funds to maintain the operation of the secret organization, and try your best to tap the potential of your subordinates as soon as possible to promote their rapid growth and become unique talents.

Camille had considered all aspects before planning the St. Zachary blasting operation, and was able to successfully carry out the plan to the present. Only Camille knew how much suffering she had suffered.

"This is the appearance and characteristics of the rescue target. The black-haired girl Sheryl is the main target, and the other blond girl is the secondary target. The primary target cannot be mistaken. The secondary target can give her relief when she knows that she cannot do anything. .”

Camille pushed two hand-drawn portrait sketches onto the table with a map of the outer city. These two portrait sketches were of Cheryl and Lielle, whom Camille met in the east barracks of St. Zachary Orphanage. promise.

Secretly shocked that their boss was such a superb painter, the respect in the hearts of Dafan, Warren and Milne grew even stronger.

It seems that there is nothing in this world that Camille-sama cannot do.

Unaware that she had already reached the level of 'faith' in front of the three of them, Camille, who was focused on assigning tasks, moved away the two portrait sketches blocking the map and pointed at the small square marked on the map of the outer city.

"This is a small warehouse that houses the survivors of St. Zachary's Orphanage. The small warehouse is adjacent to Hasidy Commercial Street. It is currently under martial law. The warehouse was transformed into a temporary barracks by the craftsmen of the Beerbohm family. Enemies were stationed in large numbers both inside and outside.

The warehouse guards are divided into two groups. The outermost layer is stationed with two hundred-man teams from the Imperial City Guard. There is also a small group of elite mercenaries arranged by the Beerbohm family in the warehouse. In addition to cold weapons, these mercenaries are also equipped with self-purchased weapons. Emerald Territory's revolvers and smoke bombs, you must pay special attention to the enemy's firearm threats when operating...

After rescuing the target, I will hide the target in the No. 3 stronghold for a week. After that, I will return to the No. 3 stronghold to assign the next task. This is the entire content of this rescue operation. If you have any questions, you can ask now. "

"Sir Camille, I didn't have the nerve to ask last time... It's only been half a day. I want to know how you learned so much about the renovation of the warehouse? Does this headquarters have additional intelligence support?"

Warren's words resonated with the two of them. Every time Camille assigned a task, the enemy was like a half-dressed woman. There was no secret at all. It didn't matter once or twice, it was like this every time. , they inevitably suspect that Camille actually received intelligence support from the Night Blade - in their opinion, only the Night Blade can detect the color of a person's underwear.

Responding calmly to the probing gazes of the three, Camille shook her head.

"Except for the location of the warehouse, I did not receive any other intelligence support. I discovered all this information myself."

Regarding Camille's statement, Dafan patted his head and said he couldn't understand.

"Sir Camille, since you can detect the situation inside the warehouse, why don't you complete the rescue operation by the way? With your ability, sir, those guards will not be your opponent at all, right? After all, sir, you can take down Saint Zaga by yourself. Lee killed him."

Camille looked at Dafan and spoke unmoved.

"First of all, this task is within your capabilities and is a rare opportunity for training.

Secondly, what I need are subordinates who can complete the tasks for me, not lazy people who question their superiors and push tasks to themselves. Dafan, if I have done everything, what is the use of having subordinates? "

Being mocked silently by his two contemporaries, the blushing young assassin chose to lower his head.

"I was wrong, Chief Camille. I should not have questioned your decision."

"Do you have any questions? Milne, you seem to have something to say to me?"

Milne panicked under Camille's gaze.

"Well, um, Lord Camille, do you have someone you like?"

Somewhat surprised that Milne would ask such an irrelevant question, Camille thought for a moment and decided to cut off the inappropriate thoughts of several peers and subordinates as soon as possible.

"I have completely dedicated my body and soul to a great existence. Don't ask me related questions in the future. It will only make me bored."

"Okay, okay, I get it."

In an instant, there were three more lovelorn men in the world.

"Since there is no problem, everyone, get ready to take action."

The second night, it was dark.

"call out!"

The city guard holding a torch suddenly looked up at the night sky where the sound was coming from. The moonlight was blocked by clouds and the sky looked a little dark.


"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I must have seen it wrong."

After the soldiers patrolling the streets left, Warren cut off the magic steel wire on the crossbow and tied the end of the magic wire to the chimney with shaping potion. The simple but strong slide rope perfectly spanned the night sky. , connecting two buildings of different levels.

After doing all this, Warren calmly put on the enchanted ice silk gloves, used the right hand of the enchanted ice silk gloves to hold the crossbow gun that locked the wire track, and activated the magic circle engraved on the crossbow gun.

The Hex Crystal poured out a large amount of magic power and activated the magic circle. In an instant, the magic steel wire and the crossbow gun produced a disorderly and powerful repulsion. Before the surging magic power had time to go wild, it was perfectly controlled by the ice silk gloves. Flowing to the high end of the steel wire, the ability brought by magic formed a push that was enough to pull an adult strong man.

In less than five seconds, Warren followed the magic steel wire across a hundred meters of night sky and successfully reached the roof of the store next to the warehouse. After releasing the lock, Warren rolled and stood on the roof.

After confirming that no one had discovered him, Warren removed the crossbow arrow wrapped with the magic steel wire and switched the crossbow gun to the energy crossbow firing mode.

At the same time, the other two people also arrived at the predetermined position, jumped down directly, knocked down the mercenary, and pierced the mercenary's heart with the hidden sword.

Before he could issue a warning, Warren, who was at the commanding heights, triggered the crossbow and used two energy crossbow bolts to kill the two mercenaries who were about to draw their guns as a warning.

The four mercenaries on the east side of the warehouse were killed instantly.

From the beginning to the end, the three of them cooperated flawlessly, and the infiltration and assassination was completed in one go. I thought the plan could go ahead, but a lighting technique sprang up from the ground, illuminating the environment around the warehouse.

In an instant, the silent warehouse seemed to come alive. Footsteps came from all directions. With his eyes focused, Warren began to shoot the enemies approaching the warehouse.

"The enemy is on top of the warehouse!"

"Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow! Shoot him to death!"

"Idiot! Ms. Polly is down there! Are you looking for death?"

For a moment, the city guards on the ground were unable to do anything against Warren.

On the other side, a middle-aged horse-faced woman wearing an enchanted robe took the initiative to open the door of the warehouse and chuckled.

"Cute little mice, I have waited for you for too long. Do you want to play with big sister before you die?"

Dafan and Milne moved closer to each other quickly, lowering their voices.

"Milne, we've been tricked."

"Whether it's the enemy or us, time is too short. The opponent just added a mage and can't make any more arrangements. It's an emergency, far from a plan... Leave her to me, you can start from Go in on the other side and save people...don’t keep me waiting too long.”

"Okay, it's just that she is from Black Rose, so be careful."

"Oh, I got perfect marks in the [Demon-Breaking Assassin] course."

Dafan quickly retreated and turned to the other side, placed the alchemy bomb on the outer wall of the warehouse, and ignited the fuse.

Milne raised his enchanted crossbow to attack the female mage. At the same time, he pulled out the mithril hand thorn in his right hand and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the middle-aged female mage.

Feeling the power of the energy crossbow, the female mage couldn't help but change her face and raised her staff without hesitation.

【Holy Light Barrier】

The milky white shining shield quickly solidified, blocking the energy crossbow at the critical moment.

‘Bang! Bang! Bang! ’

Three crossbow bolts exploded suddenly, and a large piece of the holy light barrier that could withstand low-level magic collapsed.

"What kind of magic equipment is this!?"

The female mage with a horrified look did not dare to raise her eyebrows and quickly cast several defensive spells on herself.

In two breaths, Milne was in front of the female mage. The sharp edge of the magic-breaking silver thorn condensed into a point and stabbed into the female mage's heart.

The two people's eyes met, and the horse-faced female mage felt chills all over her body.


There was no time to take any countermeasures. The female mage could only use defensive magic to repel Milne. The three protective shields suddenly exploded. Milne lost his balance and flew out after being hit. He vomited a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

The horse-faced female mage also felt uncomfortable. The magical backlash caused by the self-destructing magic circle instantly caused the elemental levels in the female mage's body to become unbalanced, and she briefly lost her ability to cast spells.


The wall of the warehouse was blown open by an alchemical bomb. Dafan threw a smoke bomb that released paralyzing gas. He lowered his body in the smoke screen and rushed into the warehouse. He successfully avoided the first batch of musket fire with the help of smoke and waited until he rushed out. When the smoke screen erupted, Dafan had already entered the defense circle composed of mercenaries.

The sound of fighting came from behind. The female mage turned her head and quickly frowned.

The killer in black who entered the barracks from the other side is fighting with eight elite mercenaries in the warehouse, and has the absolute upper hand. The revolver cannot hit the agile man in black. In order to avoid accidental injury at close range , the mercenaries could only passively choose close combat, but they were no match for the silver sword held by the man in black.

Whether outside or inside the warehouse, the combatants on both sides showed a huge gap in all aspects. The war situation was deteriorating rapidly, and defeat was only a matter of time.

Originally, she said that she could deal with the guy that the Beerbohm family was afraid of, but the fact was that the guy didn't come, but three guys who didn't dare to show their faces came, leaving her in a hurry.

"Damn it, not only do they have advanced magic equipment, they also have such great skills. Who are they?"

Seeing someone breaking through her defenses, the female mage felt a sense of crisis and cursed secretly. She quickly took out a tube of precious dark blue calming potion from the potion bag, opened the cork and drank it in two gulps.

"You seem to have forgotten me? Miss Mage of Black Rose?"

The strong Demacian accent made the female mage move. Accompanied by the scream was a crossbow bolt flashing with silver light. She let go of the potion tube in her hand, and the female mage's eyes were fixed on the cold light approaching her.

It was not the energy crossbow bolt that broke the light shield before, but the demon-breaking crossbow bolt mixed with high-purity Demacia mithril.

As a mage of Black Rose, she is very familiar with Demacia Steel, one of the few magical materials that can restrain herself. Like the scarlet magic steel of the Emerald Territory, weapons made of Demacia Steel can easily tear through magic defenses. , allowing the mage to face the real harm to the body.

On the black market, an arrow mixed with mithril materials can be sold for more than a dozen gold coins. Even so, it is priceless and there is no market for it. No force will sell the anti-magic weapons they have because of lack of money.

[It’s actually a magic-breaking arrowhead made of Demacia steel! 】

At this moment, magical defense was useless, and using the body to dodge was unrealistic due to the short-term stiffness. The female mage only had time to tear open the flickering scroll that had been prepared.

The cracked scroll released powerful magical power, and the starlight weaved into an airtight cross-shaped star curtain in the blink of an eye. The body was wrapped in the star curtain, and the female mage disappeared on the spot and disappeared.


The Demon-Breaking Crossbow arrow passed through the dissipating magic starlight and bit deeply into the wooden door of the warehouse, causing the arrow feathers to vibrate.

"Escaped pretty quickly."

After relaxing, Milne took a sip of the recovery potion and walked to the warehouse door to retrieve the mithril crossbow.


"Solved, how are you?"

"Slightly injured, no big problem."

Holding an already unconscious rescue target on one side of his arms, Dafan casually threw a black-haired girl to Milne.

Milne took it, tied it behind his back with the safety rope he had prepared in advance, and put on ice silk gloves.

"call out!"

Glancing coldly at the frightened Imperial soldiers, Warren, who was at the commanding heights, changed his shooting mode, pointed his crossbow at the ground in front of the warehouse and fired a wire crossbow arrow, paving the way for the two of them.

Grasping their crossbows, the two stood up and flew quickly towards Warren's position. There were more than fifty corpses displayed outside the warehouse, and more than two hundred Imperial City Guards were stationary, hiding behind the buildings. trembling.

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