League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 674 Chapter672 The power of law beyond power

Lily, who had her back turned to Leicester and Sheep Spirit, sensed a fatal threat and her body couldn't help but tremble. She had to interrupt the spellcasting if she wanted to avoid the attack. However, interrupting the spellcasting would waste the results achieved.

Although the low-level lemures transformed by infecting humans with worm blood are stronger than human soldiers, the disparity in numbers is too great. Hundreds of lemures cannot completely defeat the human coalition forces outside the city with their own fighting instincts. Only she personally controls and uses obsidian. This can only be achieved by strengthening the skull.

However, if she did not avoid it, her true body and soul would be attacked by the God of Death in this world. As a former native of Runeterra, she would definitely die, and even the possibility of returning to hell and reincarnating would be wiped out.

"Don't be afraid, just leave it to me."

Just as Lily was hesitating, Lester's reassuring voice came from behind.

After appeasing the female demon, Lester took the initiative to stand in front of the sheep spirit's arrow path and blocked the sheep spirit's attack with his body.

"Little Yang, I have been looking for you for a long time, and you are finally willing to come to me."

The bow string was tightened by three points, and the sheep spirit's voice was particularly cold.

"So, it's a shame that you chose her."

Slowly approaching the sheep spirit, Lester said softly.

"There is no choice or no choice. You are all my wings. If one of you is missing, I won't be able to fly."

"Are you still saying these nonsense to this day?"

"Haha, it seems now is not the time to joke."

Sighing in disappointment, Yang Ling lowered his eyes and loosened his bowstring.

"call out!"

The soul-stirring arrow that left the string made a sharp sound and hit Lester right in the heart.

With a muffled groan, Lester, who endured the pain that ripped apart his soul, still kept a gentle smile and continued to move forward.

Knowing what was happening behind her, Lily lowered her head with a ferocious expression and greatly enhanced her control spell.

"My arrows are composed of the energy of the underworld. After being strengthened by the soul-capturing bow, they will cause additional damage to the soul. Even you cannot hold up three arrows. After three arrows, your soul will return to the underworld with me. Withstand the judgment of mother.”

The sheep spirit turned its head to avoid the man's sight, put the second soul-stirring arrow on the bowstring, and aimed at the female demon from another world with his peripheral vision.

"If you still think that I won't kill you, you are totally wrong... I'll give you another chance and get out of my way."

But the pale Lester shook his head, his steps still firm.

"Since you don't want to hear jokes, let's talk about something practical.

Little Lamb, you also know that this world that is riddled with holes can no longer be sustained by repairing it. Even the Mother of Masks cannot expel Mordekaiser who invaded the underworld. In order to calm down the disputes in this world as soon as possible, selling a few souls can how?

Rather than continue to let this world rot, it is better to overthrow and rebuild it directly, and build a Garden of Eden where there is no interference from gods and demons, and mortals can live happily. I have the ability to do all this, and I have the determination to do it all, and nothing can stop it. I,

Little Yang, please work hard with me. You know that the Mother of Masks and the masks she creates will die sooner or later at the hands of the evil evil lord, including herself.

I know that the rules of the underworld are not perfect. Repairing this sunken ship is a path destined to have no future. Otherwise, Mordekaiser will not have the chance to take root in the underworld. The Mother of Masks has fought with Mordekaiser for thousands of years. Instead of expelling Mordekaiser, it actually made him stronger, which is enough to explain the problem. "

Without refuting Lester's statement about the Mother of Masks and Mordekaiser, the sheep spirit shook his head.

"I can only say that you are just thinking. There will be no Garden of Eden in this world. No matter whether there are gods or demons, there will never be a Garden of Eden... Wherever there are humans, there will be disputes, but this will not change. "

The second arrow pierced Lester's abdomen. Lester's vision went dark and he stumbled forward. When the sheep spirit took out the third arrow, he jumped forward and hugged him tightly. Sheep spirit.

Accompanied by the light fragrance of the flower of the other side, the cold and soft downy touch came from Mirror Claw's small body. Lester instantly found a familiar yet unfamiliar position in the soft short hair. He couldn't help but hold it tightly with his big hands. The balance point where the sheep spirit becomes slightly warped.

The sheep spirit's eyes widened, and the spirit body without any feelings instantly lost any strength, and could only lean its body completely on the man's arms.

"Little Yang, you are so cruel, you are trying to murder your own husband."

Talking witty words to divert his attention, Lester, who was in great pain due to the severe injury to his soul, took the initiative to use the technique, as if to transfer the pain to the palm of his hand, he increased the force. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the lamb's hand seemed to feel better than before. Even better, it's tight and elastic, you can hold it with your open hand and you won't be able to put it down.

For Leicester at this moment, having a point of strength can be regarded as finding a little comfort in the heart-wrenching pain.

I don't know what Lester is thinking at this moment, as if he has regained his human body and returned to the material realm. The sudden warm touch makes the sheep spirit's thinking enter a stagnant state, and the soul-stirring arrow in his right hand is transformed into the purest underworld energy. Dissipated in the air, the sheep spirit could no longer use any strength. The soul-stirring bow slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

At this moment, the sheep spirit nestled in Lester's arms seemed to have returned to the night when the wolf was driven away. It was the first time since she put on the mask that she felt the warmth of the human world, and it was also the first time that she felt that someone would really force herself. Resist the erosion of the underworld and get close to the extremely lonely self.

Although the wolf also loves her, she knows that the wolf is just the force that separates her. The wolf falls in love with the sheep because she loves herself. She is just deceiving herself and others. She is still a lonely watcher, alone from beginning to end.

The wolf was just her last hope when she was in despair. Now before she completely despaired, someone appeared in front of her.

This man pursues his ephemeral traces, maintains his dilapidated temple, and whispers various whispers to his statue in the quiet moments. Although she does not show up, she is always by his side every time the man looks for her. That was when she was most relaxed and happy.

Even if he showed his weapons to him, even if he hurt him again and again, he still chose to hug himself tenderly.

Now, because of her duty as the God of Death, she has hurt the only man in the world who cares about her...

What should she do?

Pushing away the unsuspecting Lester, the sheep spirit took one last look at the man after Lester fell to the ground, and then stepped back without looking back. The sheep spirit even forgot about the soul-stirring bow that never left his hand.

Watching the sheep spirit escape from him, Leicester endured the severe pain and picked up the white short bow on the ground and stood up. After taking a look, he closed his eyes.

The moment he picked up the short bow, the mourning of countless souls came to Leicester's ears, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only the cold death energy endlessly flowed into his body from his right hand, trying to let the vitality-filled spirit flow into his body. The body turned into a skeleton of bones.

"Even if you are a hardened warrior, if your body does not have the means to recover, you will probably die in less than a second."

The originally saturated life energy actually surged again. At a certain moment, Lester even felt Elena's presence again. He had forgotten the last time he felt Elena's breath. .

For most people, the deadly energy of death is just equal to the overflowing vitality in the body for Lester. The two mutually reinforcing energies of vitality and death are strangely blended together, which is consistent with the concept expressed in the Yin-Yang Fish Tai Chi Diagram. Pretty much the same.

"Life and death, endless reincarnation... In addition to the ability to obliterate souls, this short bow also has the function of drawing souls to the river of the underworld for reincarnation. This short bow itself has the concept of life and death. No wonder it can easily accept me The life energy in the body,

It is simply impossible to achieve this level through enchantment. How on earth was such a powerful weapon created? Could it be Ornn's craftsmanship? "

After opening his eyes and finding his balance point, Lester was no longer directly interfered by the death energy of the short bow. All obstacles were suppressed by Lester to the lowest point where he would not be affected.

Taking a deep breath, Lester pointed in the direction where no one was and pulled the bow string. A white arrow full of life energy suddenly appeared. The woodwork in the Lord's Hall actually began to take root and sprout, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The vine flowers, and even Lester's own pain, eased a lot.

Seeing that the Lord's Hall was about to turn into a botanical garden, he was not sure what the consequences of shooting this arrow would be. Lester slowly relaxed his bowstring, dissipated the life energy, adjusted his body, and then opened the bow again. As he died, Qi condensed, and this time a black arrow appeared on the bowstring.

In an instant, the death energy far beyond the underworld suddenly spread. The plant buds that were still vibrant just now withered and died in the blink of an eye. The wood rotted and the metal products became rusty, as if they had been left aside for thousands of years. When the situation changed, Before the situation worsened, Leicester relaxed his bowstring without hesitation, dissipating the terrible death aura.

Even so, the Lord's Hall has become unrecognizable. It does not look like a place where people can live, but more like a decayed and dilapidated monument that has lasted for thousands of years.

This power has exceeded his knowledge and understanding, far beyond conventional magic and spells. Even the black rose and the forbidden spells recorded in ancient Shurima cannot compare.

This kind of energy is probably on the same level as the 'source power' of the world runes. If you have to give a definition, it can be described as the power of law.

With lingering fear, Lester put down the short bow of Sheep Spirit, his eyes a little complicated.

He can indeed do many things with this bow, but compared to him, the sheep spirit needs this short bow more to deal with Mordekaiser's underworld army. If the sheep spirit refuses to come and get it, he may have to run to the underworld himself. One trip.

With this thought in mind, Lester drew his bow again, and the life energy condensed into a white arrow. However, the man turned the arrow and aimed it at his instep.

After shooting an arrow, Lester shuddered as if his soul was soaring.

"It really has the effect of healing the soul."

The riot outside the city continued until dawn and did not stop. On the contrary, it became more and more violent. The crazed soldiers spread out and rushed out of the west camp, killing in other places with purpose and formation.

Even if the coalition forces were brought in, they could not suppress the disaster caused by this formation.

Glinton, who had gone crazy, cursed everything in front of him, slashed with his sword like a maniac, and died in the riot at night.

Senior, who had lost his command, knelt on the ground dully. The sword blade was full of gaps, and there were stumps and broken arms wherever he could see. In the wisps of black smoke, blood flowed into a stream along the lower ground. The West flows all the way.

Unable to withstand the huge losses, the coalition soldiers had completely collapsed and could no longer be gathered together. The Tarknus Legion suffered the most heavy losses. Senior could not see a single living Tarknus soldier when he looked up.

"Haha!! Where are the people!? Where have they gone!? You all come back!!!"

Senior, who was crying and laughing, was close to collapse. He had followed Glinton in battles all his life, and his hands were stained with countless blood, but he had never encountered such a weird thing.

He didn't know where the enemy came from, he didn't know why his colleagues came with their swords, he didn't know why the iron army with strict military discipline turned into a madman who couldn't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy overnight, and he didn't know how to defeat these madmen. monster.

How could he win if he knew nothing about the enemy? This was simply a despicable massacre.

Everything in front of him hit Senior's heart again and again like a siege hammer. Suddenly, it was Brewster Castle beating the drums. Senior's face suddenly turned livid when he heard the drums. He looked up. Heading towards Brewster Castle, the next moment, the man seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly opened his eyes wide and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The war drums thundered, the hinges slid, and the steel suspension bridge of Brewster Castle was slowly lowered. The deputy commander of the Dark Guard Legion, Daskell, led a thousand black-armored soldiers to line up in front of the castle suspension bridge. The elite warriors of the Emerald Territory pulled out their weapons coldly and used The cold light prevented thousands of desperate Southern Empire Alliance troops from collapsing.

Overwhelmed by the momentum of the Black Armored Army, the defeated army, which lost its organization, could only give up the idea of ​​charging forward.

Recalling the face of the Southern Empire coalition forces when they attacked the city a few days ago, Daskel smiled coldly.

"You want to attack the city with just such a small number of people. You think too highly of yourselves... All soldiers obey orders! Prepare to charge! Follow me and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!"

"Sir! We are not here to attack the city! We are here for help! Please save us! We are willing to surrender! I just ask you to let us into the castle! Those monsters are coming!"

The leading captain immediately dropped the saber on his waist and fell to his knees on the ground. Others also reacted and dropped their weapons one after another, raising their hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Yes! General! We don't want to be enemies of the Emerald Territory at all! It was Timothy's group of imperial rebels who coerced my family, so I had to join his army! Please have mercy on us, General!"

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