League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 682 Chapter680 Immortal

As if being charged by a siege beast all night long, the tenderness and sweetness in the dream intertwined with the violent storm and suddenly dissipated. Parame, who was weak and sore, opened her foggy eyes and took a closer look, but it was already noon.

Parame looked sideways and saw that the person next to her pillow had already left. She was still feeling disappointed. When the woman turned her head again, she saw that there was no one in the room.

Seeing this, Parame couldn't help but panic. She was specially assigned by the Emerald Territory Archon Xina to be the personal affairs officer of the Demon Faced Lord. It was a serious dereliction of duty that she did not wake up when the master woke up.

But now is obviously not the time to blame yourself.

The life habit that had remained unchanged for more than twenty years was suddenly broken. Paramei, who was not used to it, rubbed her temples and took a deep breath before recovering. She tried to sit up from the bed while holding on to the soft mattress, but the woman discovered that His legs couldn't close together for a while, and his arms were trembling.

Recalling the various push-ups and crazy squats last night, the woman's pretty face couldn't help but blush, and then her body went limp and she fell into the warm bed again.

Fortunately, the heartbreaking pain has disappeared, and the remaining fatigue can be recovered with a little rest, but it will not affect work. It must be the unique ability of Lord Demon Face.

Just as the woman was struggling to get up again, the closed door opened, and Lester, who was carrying hot vegetable porridge, closed the door with his toes and sat lightly on the edge of the bed.

"It's been such a hard time, so just take a good rest today. I saw you were sleeping so soundly in the morning and I didn't have the heart to wake you up. Let's have something to eat."

Parame looked intently at the man who was blowing the spoon. The warm sunshine outside the window shone on the side of the man's face, but it was not as tender as the man.

It turns out that the cold and domineering Demon-faced Lord Lester still has this side? Is this how Lady Xina is treated? No wonder the women who have anything to do with Lord Leicester are obsessed with it.

When it stopped burning his mouth, Lester put the spoon to Parame's mouth.

"Come on, it's not hot anymore."


Opening her mouth to hold the spoon with a slight shame, Parame closed her eyes and used the tip of her tongue to wrap around and scratch the half-cold and half-hot metal of the spoon. She didn't let go until there was no trace left on the spoon.


At this moment, Parame suddenly discovered that in front of a man, her smart and capable self actually became more well-behaved than a cat, as if she had drunk an ecstasy soup.

The bowl of porridge quickly reached the bottom. She thought that Lester, who left with the bowl, would not come back again, but Parame never expected that the man would walk into the house with a hot water bucket.

"You were sweating all over last night. You must be very uncomfortable now. It would be better to wash yourself off before going to sleep."

Unable to find a reason to refuse, Parame knew that she was also obsessed with this feeling of being pampered.

Whether it's false feelings or trying to win people's hearts, at least in her opinion, she is not a doll that can be easily summoned in Lester's eyes.

"Then, that will trouble you, sir."

Wetting the towel in his hand, Lester lifted the quilt and helped Parame up, and carefully wiped the woman's body.

"Get some more sleep, we still have a lot of work to do next, so have a good rest."

Seeing that Lester was about to leave, Parame mustered up the courage to ask.

"Lord Leicester, then, am I considered your woman now?"

It was somewhat unexpected that Parame would ask such a question. Lester was stunned at first, and then smiled and shook the towel in his hand when Parame became more and more nervous.

"This is the kind of treatment only my women can enjoy. Little fool, since you have given yourself completely to me, I will be responsible for you to the end. Stop thinking nonsense. Your task now is to sleep well."


Seeing Parame hiding in bed with her blushing face like a hamster, Lester left the room with a smile on his face.

"Looking at it, reinforcements will be arriving soon."

Winterfell Castle, it has been a month since Timothy's army began to attack the city. In this month, the defenders of Winterfell Castle transitioned from full of confidence to despair.

The thick fog in the air is getting thicker, and there are piles of corpses under the high walls of the castle. A closer look reveals that most of the dead are the defenders of Winterfell Castle, and the corpses of the defenders are wrapped in skin like dried corpses. The bones seemed to have been drained dry, and not even a trace of flesh and blood could be seen.

Ignati Woods, whose face was as white as gold paper and whose right arm was broken off, stood on the tower of the fortress and looked down.

Seeing Timothy's soldiers rolling down from the ladder, witnessing their flesh and blood bodies being stabbed to death by spears, crushed to death by rolling stones, and burned beyond recognition by hot oil and gold soup, Ignati Woods knew that as long as he didn't In half a day, these dead Timothy soldiers dragged another body that did not look like a living person up from the pile of dead people.

These ferocious monsters, which only retain pink muscles and white bones, will hang up broken armor, brandish long swords and long knives, and attack the fortress again - if there are demons in this world, I am afraid this is what they will look like.

Even though Winterfell Castle had the upper hand, casualties began to increase in this high-intensity grind. The most terrifying thing was not the number of casualties. The fear brought by the resuscitators was the main thing that made the defenders of Winterfell Castle sway. reason.

Ignati Woods sighed lightly. Now he was not worried about anyone defecting. It was not because of his skill, but because Timothy's army blocked the road to surrender.

In one month, there were three rebellions in Winterfell Castle. The purpose was naturally to kill him and use his own head as a pledge of surrender. Among the three rebellions, two were stopped in advance and the traitors were successfully executed. One time, dozens of traitors were executed. The soldier abandoned his head and fled in a group at night. The group successfully lowered themselves from the city wall with a sling and defected to the enemy camp.

They thought that this desperate city defense battle was about to end. What no one expected was that the next morning, Hajie tied up all the defectors of Winterfell Castle and held them in front of the castle. , in the presence of thousands of people, he personally cut off everyone's heads.

To this day, Ignati Woods can still clearly remember the confusion and fear in the eyes of those deserters... In fact, at that time, he was also confused.

Since then, the hearts of the people in Winterfell Castle have stabilized again, because everyone knows the consequences of defecting, and also knows that those outside the castle will not let anyone in the castle go.

Surrendering has no meaning. Standing is also death, and kneeling is also death. Rather than being a deserter, it is better to die with more dignity.

So this war that is doomed to fail has been fought until now. The battlefield is like a millstone of flesh and blood, wearing away the will and life of every soldier defending the city. Unlike the defenders of Winterfell Castle, Timothy's monster soldiers are more like Enjoying war and killing is as disgusting as their faces that are neither human nor ghosts.

At first, Ignati Woods didn't know why Hajie, who was attacking the fortress, didn't use psychological attacks to capture the isolated city, but now he had some vague guesses.

Rather than saying that this is a siege to get the fortress, it is better to say that this is a ruthless massacre. Winterfell Castle is not the goal, killing is the goal... It is as ridiculous and weird as a clumsy horror stage play. , as far as he knew, Hajie was only warlike, but not someone who liked to kill.


The golden horn in the distance once again made a strong sound. With more than half of the casualties of the Resurrection Legion, the Knockland Knights, who had been preparing for the attack, formed a square formation and launched a charge. The first ones to bear the brunt were still the brave ones. Hajie and the other knights covered dozens of Resuscitator soldiers, carrying the siege hammer and approaching the city gate that already had a few cracks.

"Lord Ignati Woods, it's windy here, otherwise you should go down and rest."

The words of comfort from the attendant came from behind, but Ignati Woods shook her head.

"Even if I can no longer hold the sword, as long as I stand here, my brothers will have more courage to fight. This war is a blasphemy to life and courage. The enemy wants to kill us all, including me. , we have no retreat,

What's the point of going down to rest now? "

After hearing this, the attendant no longer tried to persuade her, but just stood with Ignati Woods in the damp summer wind, enjoying the rare peace before death.

On the west side of the city wall, Manan roared and slashed at the face of the soldier who was climbing the ladder. The blunt knife was full of gaps and smashed most of the resuscitator soldier's head, but there was no trace of the pink flesh on the soldier's deflated face. Instead of fear, he fell from the ladder with a crazy smile, killing three other colleagues who were climbing.

Manan didn't have time to breathe. He carried the damaged armor that had been repaired countless times and attacked the other resuscitator soldiers who had jumped onto the wall. After killing all the climbers, he had the strength to command the sickle soldiers. The ladder erected next to the city wall was knocked down.

"Push the ladder! Don't let them climb the city wall!"

"Any more kerosene? The battering ram is coming!"

"The last three cans left!"

"Use one can at a time!! If you can save a can, it's a can!"

"General Manan! Hajie is here!"

"Hajie! Hajie! Damn bastard!"

Breathing heavily, Ma Nan fixed his bloodshot eyes on the tall figure getting closer and closer. At this moment, even if it turned into ashes, he could still recognize the grimace that caused huge casualties to the soldiers, and spat out a mouthful of blood. After foaming, Manan loudly called to the reserve team under the city.

"Form a spear formation! Don't let the enemy get close!"

Throwing away the long knife that could no longer be used, Manan looked around and saw that he picked up a slightly broken spear. Hajie's heavy armor had been shattered. As long as he inserted the spear into Hajie's head, He can kill the opponent briefly.

Under the city gate, the resuscitators slowly approached the city gate carrying a battering ram. It was said to be a battering ram, but in fact it was just a blunt log with a thick trunk. More than fifty resuscitator soldiers used their shoulders to pull the ropes. The mallet was pulled and rocked back and forth, launching a violent impact on the city gate. This is also an important reason why the city gate can still persist to this day.

The heavy crossbow on the tower was not broken, but the crossbow arrows had been used up long ago and were reduced to scrap. There were very few arrows left in the reserve, and scattered arrows flew crookedly towards the attacker. After the resuscitator soldiers in the city hammer killed more than thirty people, the resuscitator army was quickly replaced by others. The cycle repeated, and the few arrows finally ran out.

There was no other way to stop the siege hammer from destroying the city gates than to burn the hammer itself with kerosene.

"Three! Two! One!"

The resuscitator soldiers finally arrived at the gate of the city. Fifty soldiers who looked like muscle devils were saying vague words and exerting force together. The rope tightened their shoulders and a deep scar appeared. However, the soldiers didn't care and shook their bodies. Let the gavel swing backwards, and then lean forward suddenly to hit the city gate with the gavel.


The city gate reinforced by steel hoops made a heartbreaking sound of wood cracking. At first glance, the city gate was still intact. Only the defenders who pressed their bodies against the city gate could understand the city hidden under the hardness. How many scars are there on the door?


A black earthen jar filled with kerosene hit the mallet at the city gate without any bias, and then a fire arrow accurately hit the black oil poured on the mallet.

The next moment, the fire dragon soared into the sky, the flames biting along the fire oil, and ran up the body of the resuscitator soldier, greedily licking the incomplete body of the resuscitator,

Unable to control the siege hammer anymore, the Resuscitator soldiers who were not burned by the flames turned around and ran away, while those who were too late to run were turned into black ashes on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, a nauseating smell of burnt meat drifted along the black smoke, but the soldiers on the city wall were still used to it.

Seeing the siege hammer being destroyed once again, Hajie let out a weird roar and moved forward with the shield in front of him.

In front of Hajie, another twenty-three ladders were carried by the resuscitator soldiers and set up on the wall stacks. After finding a stable climbing point, Hajie began to climb the ladders.

"Hurry up and push the ladder!!"

"It can't be pushed! They have so many hooks on it!"

Noticing the climbing position of the Nokland knights, Manan quickly led the crowd to kill the several resuscitator knights who had climbed up the city wall with his life, and successfully occupied a favorable position before Hajie climbed up.

After pushing several times, they failed to knock down the ladder, and it was too late to cut off the hook rope with a long knife. Dozens of people lined up in three rows under Ma Nan's order, aiming their spears at the position of the ladder, waiting for the terrifying monster to emerge. Come.

When they were about to reach the top of the ladder, Hajie, who had already experienced it, took off the big shield from his back. Holding the shield in his left hand and holding the knife in his right hand, Hajie gathered strength on his toes, found a foothold and jumped up the city wall in one step.

The next second, more than a dozen spears stabbed at him, most of them pierced the big shield.

Surprisingly, it only caused Hajie's body to tremble slightly, but he did not fall off the city wall. A small part of the spear head was stuck on the greaves and slid away. For a moment, the defenders were dumbfounded, and dozens of spears were ready to fire. The spear he fired actually failed to kill a single soldier who climbed to the top of the city.

Hajie, who found the opportunity, sneered and swung his long knife to cut off most of the gun barrels. Then he opened a hole with a charged shield and wiped off the necks of several people with the knife.

[His fighting skills are even more terrifying than last time]

Manan, who had been hiding behind the spearman, found the right opportunity and fired a shot, successfully piercing Hajie's head from the side.

With a 'pop', Hajie's body fell to the ground, but none of the soldiers present showed a relaxed expression.

No one knows if the next time the enemy climbs the city wall, he will be standing here.

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