League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 683 Chapter681 Sea of ​​Heart

"Lester... wake up... wake up..."

The familiar yet unfamiliar voice echoed in Lester's mind. The voice suddenly disappeared before the identity of the speaker could be determined, and the man's consciousness became groggy for a moment.

After the dizziness subsided, Lester opened his eyes vigilantly, only to find that he had entered a dark and cold world.

This place did not look like a spiritual space, nor did it look like an illusion imposed by the enemy. Lester tried calling the names of Evelyn and Janna, but the two women who had never left him did not give any response.

This space has exceeded the scope of his cognition, and is more mysterious than the astral crystal world created by the crystal will.


After Lester's voice fell, the sound of dripping water suddenly came from the dead space. The sound of dripping water gradually became denser and turned into pitter-patter raindrops. Lester watched silently as the blood rain falling from the sky dyed his body red, and he slowly lifted his head. beginning,

I don’t know since when, countless broken corpses appeared in the sky. Each corpse was in an abnormally miserable state. Their eyes were gouged out, and their bloody eye sockets were staring at Lester, hollow and resentful. , as if he had been tortured endlessly before death.

Among these corpses are barbarians who died on the Dalmo Plains, Freljord tribesmen who died on the ice fields, civilians frozen by ice crystals in Heidi City, and sand bandits in the Shurima Desert.

These corpses have different shapes and different death conditions, but they have one thing in common, that is, they died at Lester's hands.

Being stared at by hundreds of thousands of dead souls, Lester, who was covered in blood, remained unmoved. His expression became increasingly indifferent, and he walked forward without retreating.

If he had been frightened by the people he killed, he would not have lived for so many years with peace of mind.

"I can kill you once, but I can kill you a thousand times, ten thousand times.

A dead person should look like a dead person. Get away, so as not to suffer any more pain. "

"Gudong Gudong..."

As if they heard Lester's words, countless heads opened their mouths as if they wanted to curse, but before they could make a sound, the heads fell down.

Rolling heads overlapped in the boundless sea of ​​blood and formed a skull throne, while the floating corpses turned into chains blocking Lester's body, seemingly waiting for Lester to climb.

Frowning, Lester raised his head and looked at the Skull Throne through the diffuse blood mist.

A looming figure is sitting on it with its legs spread wide. It is dressed in a savage and violent human skin blood-cloth. A ferocious double-handed sword is close to the throne. Its handsome face is full of cruelty and madness. A pair of scarlet His eyes seemed to be brewing with boundless anger, trampling on everything in the world with a stern look, and even the stars shrank and trembled under such a gaze.

Lester responded indifferently to the bloodthirsty gaze of the shadow. The face of the shadow on the throne was eighty-nine times similar to his.

In other words, it's another possibility for him.

Understanding this, Lester has a new feeling. As long as he ascends the throne, he will have unrivaled power, which is enough to break all his difficulties.

Lester lowered his head and blocked the road with chains. There was only the Skull Throne in front of him. He seemed to have no choice but to ascend the throne.

But he has been a human being for two lifetimes and has stumbled all the way to where he is today. How can he be willing to follow the path that others have arranged for him?

Raising his head again, Lester looked directly into the scarlet eyes above the throne.

"People don't live just to kill. Killing without reason means nothing to me."

‘Click! ’

The chain blocking the road suddenly shattered, and a dark road appeared ahead.

Lester did not step forward directly, but looked back. The road behind him had disappeared, replaced by a bottomless abyss with no visible edges. With just one glance, Lester seemed to have been hit hard, almost Fall down.

Instead of continuing to challenge the abyss, Lester quickly turned around, but with a little more understanding in his heart, he stepped forward and crossed the Skull Throne.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps...

When the sixth step was taken, the scarlet world had disappeared, and it seemed as if we had arrived in a warm forest. Everything as far as the eye could see was full of vitality, with countless birds and animals dancing happily in the forest. The abundant fruits are lowered on the branches, waiting for someone to pick them.

After a quick glance, Lester's sight was fixed on the simple and vigorous old tree. At the bottom of the tree root, another 'he' was wearing a green robe and stirring a delicious cauldron, using the spoon in his hand from time to time. He scoops up delicious soup and feeds it to the birds and animals around him, showing a natural and harmonious look.

Within sight was a beautiful scene of human beauty, but Leicester knew that this piece of green, which symbolized vitality, did not give him any sense of comfort or satisfaction. Instead, it gave him an uncontrollable sense of disgust.

Unlike Elena's love for life, these greens are a blasphemy to life.

"Unfortunately, this is not the real world as I see it."

Lester kept walking forward, and the beauty quickly disappeared like the mottled peeling wall, revealing its true appearance of putrefaction.

The reality is far more disgusting than imagined.

The so-called woods are rotten fleshy rocks with pustules growing on them. The attractive fruits are green human-headed fly eggs that are as big as eggs and are parasitic on the fleshy rocks.

In the blink of an eye, the birds and beasts transformed into various corrupt mutant creatures with sores on their heads and pus on the soles of their feet. The 'Lester' who stirred the vat had turned into a humanoid sarcoma with a big belly and rotten body.

Under Lester's gaze, another amiable 'Lester' squeezed the lavender pustules on his body from time to time and sprinkled them into the dark green cauldron. After the flies flew into the cauldron with maggots and spores in their mouths, Selflessly sharing the bacterial soup mixed with germs to other corrupt organisms, devoting his excrement like a loving father.

The other corrupted creatures also injected eggs and excrement into the split abdomen of 'Lester' as if they were repaying their fortune, and used their rustling movements to replenish what 'Lester' had lost by maintaining the cauldron. Energy has allowed 'Lester''s life to reach a perfect balance and become a truly immortal and great being.

Unfortunately, there is a slight gap between this kind of immortality and the immortality Lester understands.

Quickening his pace, Lester continued to move forward without entering the warm disease forest.

One step, two steps, three steps...

It wasn't until the seventh step that Lester stepped into a world composed of nebulae and lightning. In this world, all secrets and wisdom are invisible, and magic spells are rare in the material realm. and basic elements have turned into bubbles of knowledge visible to the naked eye and within reach,

Upon closer inspection, magic in the spiritual realm, magic in the fairy realm, and even astral magic were all hidden in the nebula, like an eye waiting to be opened and staring at him with its eyes closed.

As long as you desire, you can touch it, as long as you touch it, you can master it. Since the beginning of the world, all the principles of the formation of the universe can be answered. This is the supreme treasure house of wisdom, and it is also the door of truth that every scholar is eager to open.

In this world, Lester did not see another self, or in other words, he was another self when he touched the intellectual bubble.

This is the most perfect example. All unknowns will be solved here. Lester even has a feeling that he can easily find a way to reverse Runeterra and become the supreme master.

There is no need to ask anyone for help, all regrets can be made up for, and there is no need to worry about failure. All efforts and plans are as ridiculous as a baby's desire to understand the mysteries of the starry sky compared with this true solution that is within reach.

"The great thing about wisdom is that it is infinite, and the terrible thing is that once you fall into it, it is difficult to get out. And I hate being restrained. I'm sorry, although I am eager to get these things..."

Letting go of the soft bubble of knowledge and letting the bubble of knowledge carrying the true solution slowly go away, Lester still failed to burst it after all.

"But I enjoy the process of my own exploration more. Whether it is conspiracy or wisdom, if it is given by others, it is only someone else's thing and can be taken away by others at any time. What's more, people should be proud of their own choices in life. I don’t regret making this choice.”

After the words fell, countless purple lightnings suddenly appeared in the nebula and rushed toward him. Lester stood still and calmly watched the power that could destroy the planet erupt in front of him. When the dazzling light dissipated, the nebula world had disappeared. ,

One step, two steps, three steps...

It wasn't until the ninth step that he felt a sudden dizziness, and Lester suddenly found that he had arrived in an unknown pink garden. The garden was filled with intoxicating mist, and the graceful figures were wrapped in gauze. The lotus steps move lightly, half-covered and half-covered, showing the charm of a woman.

Within a few minutes, Leicester was surrounded by everyone. From Jisi, Tali, Margaret and others nine hundred years ago to Xena, Misha, LeBlanc and others today, there were thousands of people. Each woman licked Lester's body with her eyes seductively, and her slightly heavy breathing expressed desire. The nearest few women leaned on Lester's chest like octopuses, moving up and down. Walk.

The real touch came from the body's senses, and Lester, who was almost unable to control himself, calmed down.

There were familiar and unfamiliar faces in front of him. Lester looked around and saw that all the women who had had a relationship with him were here.

Looking around at the charmingly smiling Yingying Yanyan, Lester was a little surprised that he had left so many romantic debts, but now was obviously not the time to think about this.

Taking a deep breath, seeing these people's actions becoming more and more excessive, Lester closed his eyes and said solemnly.

"The universe is so big, and the earth is equivalent to a grain of dust. Then I can't help but wonder, what is the meaning of human existence? What is the meaning of our lives? Under the concept of space in the sense of relativity, is there a more basic concept? "Space of space"? Absolute standard, undistortable? Why does this universe have the smallest unit, the Planck scale? Is there a real circle? Why can't it be divided by 0? How to prove that we exist in three-dimensional space..."

The women were stunned and looked at each other with doubts. Something seems a little wrong with this development?

Lester, who remained calm, protected his vital points and continued to tell his summed up life experience.

"As a person, don't think about being a saint or a sage. You should be a great saint or a great sage. Only in this way can you know how to live without hurting others, bring out your own potential, enrich your soul, be an interesting person, and keep society running. It has its own laws, and human beings have talents in all aspects. If everyone can make full use of their talents, society will be civilized and people can live happily..."

Facing the nagging man, the women took a few steps back at the same time. Elena, the leader, looked a little strange.

It is obviously the thing that the man desires most, but now that it is in front of him, the man says incomprehensible words, which is too strange.

"Lester, don't you like us? Don't you want to be with us all the time?"

Hearing this, Lester finally opened his eyes, a look of surprise flashed across his face, and then he shook his head unwaveringly.

"Of course I like you, and I want to be with you, otherwise you wouldn't be here."

"Then why don't you get closer to us?"

Facing Elena, who was the most ideal in his heart, Lester sighed and looked a little worried.

"Because I know you are not them, I want to ask, who are you? Why do you appear in front of me? What is your purpose? Why are you the only one who chooses to appear in front of me to communicate with me?"

Elena was stunned for a moment, and then took the initiative to hold Lester's hand.

"But isn't this a rare opportunity? The women you like have returned to you, and I have recovered my body from the runes. Does it matter whether it is true or false? It's better to close your eyes and enjoy it. As for who I am, I And why it appears in front of you, maybe you can find the answer yourself, after all, even if I tell you in person, you may not believe it."

"In this case, please forgive me for refusing. Although I don't know your purpose, I know very well that you are enemies rather than friends. In this case, do you think I will comply with your ideas?"

I thought this would be the end of the conversation, but 'Elena' chuckled softly, stretched out her catkins and wrapped them around Lester's waist.

"Whether you believe it or not, I am different from other guys. I will not interfere with your life and will, nor will I let you do anything.

In my opinion, nothing is important. The only important thing is you and me. You choose me and I choose you. We have the same characteristics and should be the closest partners. "

As Elena's words fell, the other women turned into mist one after another, and the mist condensed underneath her, forming a double bed.

Elena pushed hard, but Lester refused to lie down.

"Since you said that we should be partners, then partners should not lie to each other, so... what if I refuse?"

The woman squinted her crescent eyes and smiled.

"You will leave here and return to the real world. As for what will happen next, no one will know, but I am certain that you will lose an excellent opportunity, an opportunity to understand us."

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