League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 705 Chapter703 Eastern Expedition to the New Land

Noxian calendar, 947 AD, early summer.

At the seaport of the military port east of the Immortal Fortress, there is a forest of guns and flags covering the sky.

Thousands of dragon birds flapped their wings and landed on the reinforced deck.

Tens of thousands of sealed wooden boxes containing war supplies were transported onto ships by dock workers, lowering the waterline of deep-sea ships.

The Cold Weapon Legion, the Musket Legion, the Magic Legion, and the siege troops belonging to the Empire's secret forces completed the boarding mission nervously and orderly.

After more than three months of preparation, sixty-four large magical five-masted warships, guarded by the Fallen Star and another twenty-four escort gunboats, carried more than 32,000 Noxian Empire advance troops. Take the lead to set sail and ride the wind and waves towards the east.

Amid the cheers of the dock workers and the people of the Empire, the Imperial flag became farther and farther away until it disappeared beyond the horizon.

After that, more soldiers from the empire will take up arms and go to another continent in the east with the courage to sacrifice and embark on a journey of conquest. Every imperial person is deeply proud of this.

Under the leadership of Commander Leicester, the empire embarked on a new journey.

The imperial fleet traveled all the way eastward, riding the wind and waves,

During the more than three months of sailing, I encountered many pirate fleets entrenched in Bilgewater. Except for two unlucky pirate fleets that happened to be blocking the route, they were perfectly 'cannoned' by the imperial fleet for no reason. Besides, no pirate who is short-sighted would dare to fly the imperial double-edged ax flag.

Just kidding, if the Imperial fleet doesn't aim its guns at itself, it's a waste of time. Who dares to stir the beard of this ferocious tiger of the Empire at this time?

After the bad news that the two big pirates and hundreds of people were defeated in one shot came back to Bilgewater, more than a hundred pirates of all sizes in Bilgewater stopped their jobs and industries and started to fight. He returned to the island and became a good baby, setting off a wave of new births. It is expected that pirates will not have to worry about recruiting sailors in the next ten years.

Apart from the encounter with pirates, the imperial fleet encountered no minor incidents along the way.

In October, the imperial fleet successfully arrived at Philo Island, the westernmost island of Ionia. When warships flying the imperial flag appeared on the sea level, Ai, who lived on Philo Island, The Oonians finally realized how dangerous their situation was.

The Imperial fleet, which had not docked, proposed negotiations. Hundreds of village elders discussed it in quarrels for several days. In addition to notifying Karma of the Hall of Eternal Life about the Noxian invasion, they actually There is no consensus reached,

Most of the village elders chose to stay put to avoid angering the Noxians. A small number of village elders were prepared to verbally persuade the imperial army to leave after the Noxians landed. Only a few villages chose to pick up the heirlooms in their hands. Pitchfork, leading a passionate village guard, prepares to resist the invaders along the coast.

Although I have long been aware of the lazy regime of the Ionians, the degree of procrastination of the Ionians is still far beyond imagination.

Seeing that no feedback was given after waiting for a week, the Imperial Fleet, under Lester's order, directly sent hundreds of small boats to carry out forced landings. Facing some resisters who were overconfident, they targeted the gunboats in the no-man's land along the coast. A powerful deterrent,

The broken rocks hit the sea and made waves. Among other things, at least many Ionians realized that they should not use their ancestral pitchforks to insult powerful enemies.

The three thousand people who landed first quickly established an initial camp under the bewildered eyes of the Ionians to provide necessary safety conditions for subsequent landings. After the camp was established, Lester took Syndra Get off the ship,

As for the accompanying sheep spirits and wolf spirits, they cannot be separated from their physical bodies in the magic container, and can only lie obediently in the 'coffin' and be transported to Omikayalan.

"Syndra, do you have any special feelings about returning to Ionia again?"

In the camp, Lester turned to look at the 'girl' who still maintained her appearance in her twenties, but in his heart he was sighing at the ruthless passage of time.

Strictly speaking, Sindra should be nearly fifty years old now. Even if she is not fifty, she is at least forty-seven. Judging from her skin and appearance alone, Sindra shows almost no signs of aging. .

If he really put a wrinkled old woman, he would have no idea, but the fifty-year-old Sindra would have no problem. Men are really superficial things based on their appearance, and they are hopeless.

Not knowing that her teacher Lester was criticizing the bad qualities of men, Sindra seemed to be in a good mood.

"I don't have any special feelings. My parents have left long ago. I just don't know how Ewad is doing now...

In any case, they live well without me, which is enough for me. The reason why I came back here is just because the teacher wants this rich land. "

"Commander, there are people from the village, saying they want to negotiate with the commander."

"Bring him here."

Lester soon saw the old man he wanted to 'negotiate' with - a fat, white elder wearing a 'noble' feather robe and a crown.

He has gray hair, is about fifty years old, has two eyes, one big and one small, and looks extremely arrogant. Most of his teeth have been gloriously sacrificed, leaving only three intertwined old teeth that are still standing tremblingly. The position actually goes well with the rat-like gaze.

Following the elder were two slightly uneasy village warriors. Judging from the iron swords in the hands of the warriors, it should only be of some comfort.

"Noxians, you should not pollute the sacred virgin soil with your dirty souls. Before the spirit of Ionia sends down the divine punishment, Noxians, retreat and remember to stay. Your sacrifices to the Ionian spirits..."

The arrogant elder made no secret of his hostility and his arrogant posture, which made Leicester feel like he was the loser.

Too lazy to say a word to the elder who was living in a dream, Lester looked at Syndra and sighed in Ionian.

"So, even if I don't come, there will always be someone to break this false peace. When you have a big enough fist, it will be difficult for you to tolerate such an idiot jumping in front of you, and this idiot can still have such a A large area of ​​beautiful and fertile land,

I have traveled to the First Land many times, and every time I feel regretful. Although Ionia has a beautiful environment like Eden, the Ionians do not know how to use it. Such a waste is really intolerable. "

Syndra was also a little speechless about the fact that the village elders did not know the so-called virtues.

Under the protection of Kalma, most Ionians have never experienced a real war. They are like sheep who have never seen a tiger. Naturally, they do not know that there is another place in this world that likes to use human heads to fight. As a favor gift.

"Teacher, it is a good thing for the Ionians for you to rule this land. In my opinion, it is better than letting the Ionians continue to live in a muddle-headed way under the rigid regulations of the village elders. If we go on, it is better to liberate the minds of the Ionians, eliminate these worthless failures, and make Ionia a part of the empire."

Lester had a little more smile on his face.

"You're right. Since Karma doesn't want to take care of it, I'll take care of it."

The village elder understood what the two people said, and pointed at Syndra in disbelief.

"You are an Ionian? Why did you betray the First Land? Why did you succumb to these savage and filthy Noxians?"

Syndra took a step back in disgust, and her face turned cold instantly. Before Syndra could say anything, Lester hugged Syndra and kissed the woman's cheek under the watch of the old fat man. Said to the guard.

"Cut the old one and let the two little ones go. The old man will send the little ones back. Half an hour later, we will start suppressing the nearby villages and towns."


With one blow of the knife, the yelling fat man's body and head were separated in the blink of an eye. The two young samurai's legs were trembling and they ran wildly with the elder's dead head, which brought about the worst result.

As if they saw their own ending from the eyes that refused to close, the other dozen elders started to explode.

"Elder Haishan, are you dead? His head was chopped off just like that?"

"Executioner! Butcher! I've said it before, we don't have to take any chances. The Noxians are here to kill us! We must resist!"

"Why don't you two protect Elder Haishan? What do you do for a living?"

"What's the use of scolding them? You should be thinking that the Noxians are coming, what should we do!?"

"What should we do? Are we still waiting to be killed?"

"Spread the news and let everyone know the evil deeds of the Noxians. In addition, call all warriors and young adults and send out the weapons in the warehouse. It's time for the children to take up arms and fight!"

The village elders reached a rare agreement. After searching for a long time, the village finally gathered an army of one hundred people. Among these one hundred people, at least half were young soldiers holding pitchforks and logging axes, and the rest were He was holding a rusty dagger and long knife in the warehouse. Only the hunter took out his own hunting longbow, which looked like the same thing.

More than a hundred people ran out of the village in a hurry. Under the instructions of the elders, they lined up in three rows. With dung forks in front of them, the warriors with rusty swords crowded together to protect the hunters behind them, but they didn't know that they had just blocked it. In the hunter's arrow path, the Ionian warriors who were arranging their troops met a ten-man team from the empire.

Standing with their palms in front, the team stopped moving. The leader of the Imperial team looked coldly at the hostile Ionians and issued a warning in proficient Ionian.

"I am Harkros, the Tenth Commander of the Noxus Empire! I was ordered by the Grand Commander of the Noxus Empire to occupy Philo Island, and now I am here to take over the defense of your village!

I hope you will put down your weapons! Any senseless resistance is like hitting a stone with an egg, and any behavior that offends the imperial soldiers will be sentenced to death!

As long as you lay down your weapons and voluntarily become a part of the Empire, I guarantee you this as a soldier of the Noxus Empire! You will not be threatened by any life or property! "

"Don't listen to their nonsense! There are only ten of them! Kill them!"

Under the clamor of the elders, the improvised army launched an attack on the imperial soldiers.

"call out!"

When the first hunting arrow came out of the string, ten imperial soldiers formed a charging formation, holding shields in their left hands and swords in their right hands, and charged into the crowd against five or six weak arrows.

Just like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, the Ionian rebels left corpses all over the place in just a few breaths. Brutal death came to them, and the Ionian village guards were so excited that most of them turned cold. He immediately dropped the weapon in his hand and fled towards the outside of the village.

Seeing that the resistance of their own organization was instantly disintegrated, the village chief and elders did not care to continue supervising the battle. The two groups of warriors mingled among the villagers and tried to escape in the chaos.

"There is no need to pursue! Our mission is to suppress this village and arrest the leaders to wait for punishment. Remember, we are not bandits. We are here to let the Ionians understand the greatness of the empire and make them ours. Be part of it!

Unless you encounter a rebel armed with a sharp knife, anyone who dares to violate military discipline and bully innocent villagers will be dealt with according to military law! No mercy! "


Ten soldiers in groups of two began to chase the easily identifiable village elders. As for those who fled outside the village, they were quickly caught by the soldiers surrounding the village.

There were a total of five villages within a hundred miles of the landing site, each with a population of about three to four hundred households. It took the imperial army two days to complete the suppression. The villagers were confined to their homes, and all village elders were arrested. They gathered in a warehouse where many torture instruments were placed.

Soon, the old guys in Ionia met the preacher that Lester had arranged in the army.

The female killer who was born in the Edge of Night wears a slightly revealing black and red military uniform. Her plump breasts and perky buttocks attract men's attention all the time. Coupled with her beautiful face and seductive temperament, The elders of Ionia, who had never seen such a battle before, were red-faced and extremely embarrassed.

"One, two, three... Fifteen in total. It's still too many. We have to eliminate some of the useless waste."

There were only a few torches emitting light in the dim warehouse. The female assassin with a dark and pretty face was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed and a dangerous smile. She spoke fluent Ionian, but the words in her mouth made her... The fifteen elders felt terrified.

"Everyone, the empire is planning to merge five villages into two for unified management. After the merger, each village only needs two local elders to assist the empire in its governance. In other words, only four people here can make it out alive.

Now, you can recommend yourselves to me. Raise your hands to speak. I will evaluate the role you can play from all aspects to decide on these four candidates. Please seize this only opportunity, because,

The empire will not give waste a second chance! "

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