League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 708 Chapter706 This Ionia takes jujube pills

"The secret stronghold in the jungle has been uprooted, and all the trophies have been handed over to the military. Most of them are gold and silver jewelry. There are very few gold coins that can be circulated directly..."

"Are any of the missing soldiers alive?"

Lester closed his hand and looked at Camille with a calm face.

The atmosphere was stagnant, and Camille shook her head with a solemn tone.

"All the missing soldiers have been found. They are all warriors of the empire. They did not betray the empire's intelligence or interests until their death.

These warriors were tortured and killed by the killers of the Navoli Brotherhood... Even by the torture standards of the Night Blade, those bastards in Navoli went too far. I think it is necessary to punish Navoli The Brotherhood takes unlimited revenge. "

Camille observed Lester's expression calmly. She didn't notice anything strange about the man, but she instinctively felt that the man was very angry...and dangerous.

"Camille, put the other things aside for now, and I'll leave this to you."

Lester closed his eyes and rested his head on the back of his chair.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. There is no need to show any mercy to the Brotherhood of Navoli, a cancer that grows in Ionia. Let them know that the price of offending the empire is an endless pursuit. Night's Edge All the resources in the province of Navoli are at your disposal."

Kneeling down on one knee, Camille saluted and accepted the order.

"Teacher, I swear on my life that the bastards of the Navoli Brotherhood will regret what they have done!"

When the overall situation on Philo Island was decided, Leicester left thousands of people to maintain the empire's rule. As the imperial fleet set sail again, a month later, the fleet successfully arrived at Linyi, the most developed west coast port in the Land of the First. Camille and her team also separated from the main force and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Because the Empire had previously blocked news on Philo Island, this time the Ionians understood that their land was being invaded by the Noxians. Soon, news of the Noxian invasion spread throughout Nasa. The province of Worli has flowed into the ears of the elders in the Palace of Eternal Existence.


As the sun set over the Western Mountain, the monks of Shuoji Temple rang the evening bell of the temple several times, bringing a sense of uneasiness amidst the peace.

A dozen elders practicing in the Palace of Eternal Existence gathered in front of the Palace of Reincarnation and discussed for a while, and finally selected a monk to stand up.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, the monk in yellow-brown robes wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and pushed open the heavy wooden door of the Hall of Samsara overnight. The monk first bowed from a distance, and then knelt down with a respectful expression. Next to the old man in front of the incense table.

"Karma, we need your guidance."

"The cruel Noxians are raging everywhere in the beautiful new land. Their troops are slaughtering our people. Should we stand up against the Noxians' butchery?"

The current Kalma is over eighty years old. Since ten years ago, Kalma has reduced the number of meetings with those who are thirsty for guidance, and spends all day in the Temple of Samsara, reciting scriptures and meditating alone.

Nowadays, the old man has silver hair, and the wrinkles on his face are like the ravines formed by the wind and rain in Shuanglong Mountain for hundreds of years, but his eyes are brighter and energetic.

"As early as forty years ago, I understood that this disaster was inevitable in Ionia."

Opening his eyes, Karma looked at the monk with a low eyebrow and a calm gaze.

"The yin and yang are in harmony, and the peak must decline. The spirits of mountains, rivers, vegetation, and trees have their own trajectory, and the same is true for the roads between countries. Even if Noxus has not invaded, there will be other strong men who will lead their troops. As monks, we People should not interfere too much in worldly affairs. Let what comes and what goes go. Whether it comes or not is not something we need to consider."

Although he had long expected that Karma would not interfere with the Noxian invasion, the monk did not expect that Karma would be so resolute.

"But, Karma, shouldn't the Ionian lands be guarded by the Ionians? What's the point of letting outsiders occupy our land?

If Karma comes to pull the strings, the guardian of Ionia will surely be able to drive out the Noxians and restore peace to the newborn land. "

Hearing this, Karma's eyes narrowed, and the divine light in his eyes made the monk's heart tremble.

"Let me ask you, are Ionians really Ionians?"

The monk was stunned. He knew all these words, but he couldn't make sense of them when they were put together.

"Karma, I don't quite understand what you mean. If Ionians are not Ionians, who can be called Ionians?"

Karma sighed.

"Thousands of years ago, groups of refugees came out of Wolregard. They crossed the ocean and came to this uninhabited land. They built the first wooden house. At that time, they could be regarded as Are you Ionian?"

The monk's face turned red. In this case, he could only be regarded as a Volregardian, so how could he be considered an Ionian?

"It seems that you also understand the stakes."

Karma looked at the monk with a godly look and said calmly.

"The Ionians in your mouth, in the eyes of the Ionian spirit, are just the first group of outsiders who forcibly occupy this land of birth. The land of birth is the land of birth from beginning to end. The land of Ionia The spirit never belongs to anyone, it belongs to nature and harmony, do you understand?"

The monk nodded, unable to refute Karma's words.

"Whether it's a Volregardian or a Noxian, as long as they set foot on this nascent land, they are all protected by the spirit of Ionia. Only factors that violate the way of harmony will be protected by the spirit of Ionia. Only the spirit of Onia will intervene,

Let the secular war be left to the secular world. If the Ionians can expel the Noxians, heroes belonging to the Ionians will appear. If the Noxians are destined to rule the First Land, then Let the Noxians rule,

All we have to do is stand on the road that belongs to us and watch the flowers in the world bloom and fall. Only in this way can we stick to morality and our true intentions. "

The incense candles in the Hall of Samsara were still burning, but the monks had already left. Karma sat cross-legged on the futon, looking across the corridor of memories, and in an instant she was back nine hundred years ago.

Only he knows Karma's bitterness.

The swordsman who became a demon because of seeking his master, the young warrior who returned to his soul due to the disaster of soul blooming, and the ice mage who aliased "Liszt" and froze the entire magic garden.

It seems that from that time on, the man named Lester has formed an inseparable bond with the spirit of Ionia.

Since Lester himself said forty years ago that he would not destroy the balance of Ionia, what would happen if I was left in Lester's hands? Could Noxian rule be more threatening than those evil spirits descending from the sky?

Speaking of which, since the alien stars began to interfere in the development of Runeterra, how many people know about the disasters that Ionia has suffered?

Vastaya Xari, whom everyone respects and admires, is just a test subject by chance. The various Vastaya are just the by-products of human-animal hybrid incest. The chaotic race is just a blood curse. The ruins How many magical testing grounds are buried underneath? How many mortal blood and tears are buried in the ruins of the ancient battlefield?

Not to mention, after the death of Emperor Willow, the golden tree that replaced Emperor Willow will soon wither. What kind of impact will the violent natural magic have on this land?

After tearing apart the glamorous beauty, the real Ionia is already riddled with holes, but mortals just don’t know it.

The Ionia Spirit is indeed powerful, but it can only protect itself from so many forces. Its extraordinary power has been stolen, and the power of the Ionia Spirit has been declining. The more it touches the red line of fate, The greater the backlash you receive.

In a daze, Karma saw through the cigarette that his life was about to end.

It's time for reincarnation again. For at least twelve years, the Palace of Eternal Life will lose its blessing.

Closing her eyes, Karma began to meditate.

"Perhaps Karma can see some changes in the next life, Lester, even the spirit of Ionia is looking forward to your changes."

In the face of the Noxian invasion, the Palace of Eternity did not take up the banner of resistance. Instead, news of Karma's death and reincarnation came out soon after. Amidst the mourning, the Navoli brothers The leader of the association, Yeying, sent an envoy to the Kinkou Temple in a hurry.

In the Hall of Balance, the thirteen-year-old Ku Shuo carefully covered his face and stood behind his father, observing the scene where the three giants of Balance gathered together. This was the first time he had seen such a large battle since he was a child.

On the left is the contemporary Fist of Shadows, the Grand Master of the Dragon Hidden Style, You Qin. On the right is the contemporary Furious Heart, the founder of the Demon Ninja Style, Kenan. His father, Twilight Eye Lin Zhu, is armed with two swords. In the middle, the three of them looked at the female messenger of the Navoli Brotherhood.

His eyes were fixed on the white bulge on the female killer's chest. Kushuo's eyes widened. The blood in his nose flowed out uncontrollably, and his throat was filled with the smell of rust.

He calmly covered his face with a black turban, raised his head and stuffed his nostrils with the turban, saying that he was suffering.

It's all because his father didn't let him peek at his senior sister's big boobs since he was a child. Otherwise, how could such an embarrassing thing happen?

"The three teachers of Balance are at the top, and the one below is named Xuemei. The purpose of coming here is to convey the Lord's will..."

Stepping forward and handing the letter to the disciple of the Kinkou Sect, Xuemei waited patiently for the Eye of Twilight to review it.

Taking the letter, Twilight Eyes Lin Zhu frowned and read the letter, then handed it to Kenan and Youqin next to him in turn.

Noticing that Eye of Twilight had finished reading the letter, Xuemei knelt down on one knee, glanced at the other Kinkou disciples in the hall, and spoke righteously.

"The barbarian armies of Noxus are pressing down on the border, the empire is cruel and cruel, and the land of my birth has been deprived of its people. Every province in Ionia is clearing the snow in front of its door, and the eternal palace is cowering, regardless of the overall situation.

In this vast new land, only the Brotherhood and the Kinkou are responsible for protecting Ionia. Today, it is time for both of us to put aside our past prejudices and form an alliance to fight against the Noxian barbarians.

If Master Eye of Twilight is willing to advance and retreat together with our Brotherhood, Lord Night Shadow will fund one hundred thousand gold coins for the development of the Kinkou Sect. By then, the Kinkou Sect will be in the light and the Brotherhood will be in the dark. We will work together to unite with Ioni. Warriors from various tribes in Asia drove the imperial barbarians out of Ionia! "

Hearing this, Lin Zhu sneered. Ye Ying's words sounded nice. Wanting to use 100,000 gold coins to bring down the Kinkou Sect would be too disrespectful.

Who knows that this time the empire enters the country, it has nothing to do with temples and temples, and it has nothing to do with the martial arts of balance. Unless it offends the empire like the Brotherhood and takes the initiative to put its head in for a beating, otherwise it is just a matter of trying to get the Noxus Empire to attack you. trouble,

Even if the Kinkou Sect did not have that ambiguous relationship with the Empire, he would not consider bringing the Sect and the Brotherhood together.

The Navoli Brothers, right? I usually do a lot of things like cheating on your father, but now when I get beaten, I take the initiative to talk and share the pressure. Am I your father or are you my son? Do I care if you die?

With a plan in mind, Lin Zhu took his eyes away from Xue Mei's white snow thrower and looked at Kenan and You Qin.

"I wonder what you two think of this matter?"

Seeing Youqin looking at him, Kenan knew that he was the senior one here, so he spoke.

"The way to balance is to balance the two worlds. The steel sword kills human souls, and the spiritual sword kills ghosts. If you interfere with worldly grudges, you will violate the ancestral teachings and must not be done."

Hearing what Kenan said, Youqin also nodded and stood firm with an indifferent expression.

"The Brotherhood has killed members of our sect many times on weekdays, but the Empire has not done anything to harm the sect since entering the country. After thinking about it, Lord Night Shadow really shouldn't condescend to join forces with us, the Kinkou cultists.

Lord Night Shadow still spent 100,000 gold coins on the Brotherhood himself. With the Lord's power, he would be able to expel the empire in an instant and return Ionia to a pure land. "

Under the cynicism, Xuemei, who looked ugly, knew that the possibility of forming an alliance was slim, so it was better to stand up.

"At present, there is a great enemy. As the face of Ionia, you are still worrying about the gains and losses of the past. Little do you know that the barbarians of the empire want to see Ionia divided like this. You don't want to think about it. If the empire really fights against the dragon, Jishan, with the harshness of the empire, how can we allow people like you to maintain the so-called balance between the two worlds?

You can't even protect yourself, but you still think about your so-called balance. You are really stupid! Since you are unwilling to form an alliance and are willing to be cowards, I will take my leave! "

Except for Ku, who looked pale and said he was a little regretful, no one from the three giants present allowed Xuemei to leave, and the impromptu meeting ended in nothing.

After driving the disciples and Ku Shuo, who had lost too much blood, out of the hall, the three giants held a second meeting.

Lin Zhu sighed, feeling that it was too difficult to be the leader of the Balance Sect.

"Given the relationship between the Empire and the Kinkou Sect, we are destined to be unable to stand on the opposite side of the Empire. You two, now that the matter has come to this, I wonder what you think?"

"I am only responsible for the Kinkou Sect and will not interfere in the empire's war against Ionia."

Kennan was the first to express his stance. In fact, based on his relationship with Lester, if the Empire's reputation hadn't been so bad, he had even considered taking the initiative to help the Empire capture Ionia.

In his opinion, how can a guy who can be kind to the yordles rule a country be mean?

"Before the Fist of Shadows, I was first and foremost the leader of the Dragon Hidden Flow. Now that Master Lester is here, I must go and see him. As for what happens next... we will talk about it later."

Not surprised by You Qin's choice, Lin Zhu sighed softly again, always feeling that the Big Three of Balance could fall apart at any time.

"In this case, I would like to ask Your Excellency Youqin to help me carry a letter to tell Lord Leicester that the Balance Sect has no intention of being an enemy of the empire."

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