League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 710 Chapter708 Women with bad wine tastes good luck

"Your Excellency Youqin, the Commander-in-Chief has invited you to board the ship from here."

The Meteor stopped in the distant river, and soon there were armored soldiers rocking a Noxian-style boat towards the boatman.

"Yan, Master Shadow Fist, it seems I can only send you here."

The boatman was an old man in his fifties, and he looked at the Noxians with a bit of fear. If it hadn't been for the Shadow Fist of the Kinkou Religion that made the request, he would not have taken the initiative to give these to Ionia. Barbarian soldiers who bring disaster.

"Thank you, father-in-law. This is a little thought from me. You are the only one who is willing to take me on board the boat to cross the river at this time. I am very grateful."

Youqin handed over the money bag that he had prepared, but the old boatman sighed, shook his head and refused.

"Lord Shadow Fist, an old man like me can't do anything but punt. Since Lord Shadow Fist is negotiating with the Noxians for our Ionia, how can I?" After collecting this money, please take it back, sir."

The old boatman was more determined than expected. Youqin could only purse his lips and nodded, jumped on the Noxian boat, and said goodbye to the old boatman.

When the boat approached the tall Meteor Star, a rope ladder for climbing was thrown out from the side of the ship. However, Yuqin did not climb the rope ladder. Instead, he stepped on the vertical hull in a few steps and jumped onto the bow of the ship. His movements were clean and neat. ,

After getting on the boat, Youqin looked around and saw an extremely beautiful female mage holding her staff and looking at her with some surprise.

"Your Excellency Youqin's skills are really amazing. My name is Syndra. The teacher has prepared food and wine. Please come with me."

"You speak Ionian very authentically, as if you were born and raised in Navori."

"I was born in the village of Scacias in Navoli, but later left Ionia with my teacher to learn magic."

"No wonder."

Following the long-haired female mage, Youqin asked cautiously.

"Miss Syndra, the teacher you are talking about is Lord Demon Face, Commander Leicester?"

After a pause, Syndra smiled and nodded in response.

"Exactly, the teacher has also told me a lot about the Ryūnyin Ryu. He is very satisfied that this generation of Ryūnyin Ryu can have such an outstanding successor as Youqin. The teacher has always been looking forward to meeting the current leader of the Ryūnyin Ryu sect. .”

Youqin chewed on Syndra's words and secretly sighed that the Lord of the Demon Face paid more attention to the relationship with the Dragon Hidden Flow than the identity of the Shadow Fist. It seemed that she had chosen the right wording when asking for an audience.

As a warship, the Meteorite does not have a too complicated and fancy hull structure. In addition to the artillery and magic cannon, there is only one double-layer cabin built on the deck. This is of course an additional addition considering Lester's noble status. The expanded area, among other things, can at least see sunlight.

Syndra stopped at the hatch and opened the hatch for Youqin.

"The teacher is in the room on the right, I won't go in."


The layout of the cabin aisle is simpler than Youqin imagined. Except for some potted plants that exude a delicate fragrance, there are no decorations.

There were three rooms in total from the end of the corridor. Youqin took a deep breath and opened the only hatch on the right.

When the door axis passed by, the warm light emitted by the magic crystal lamp floated towards you like a golden veil. There were not many furnishings in the space of tens of square meters. Except for animal bones and tapestries as basic decorations, There is only a long table in the room used for meetings or meals.

A variety of delicacies, fruits and vegetables have been prepared on the long table. Judging from the steam of the meat and vegetables, it seems that they have just been cooked, exuding an alluring aroma.

The man in rich clothes was sitting on a wooden chair looking at the sky through the window. On his shoulder stood a blue bird with its head tilted to observe him.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Youqin felt that the blue bird with lively eyes seemed to be smiling at him.

I don’t know what I’m laughing at.

"The hangers are there. Sit down when you come. Eat when you're hungry. You're welcome here."

Yuqin, who had hung up his cloak on the wooden hanger, was about to say something when the man preempted him. Lester turned around and nodded to the first seat on the right with a smile.

"There's nothing very good on the ship at the moment. There are only some temporarily salvaged seafood, chicken, duck and fish. I hope it will suit your taste."

"Thank you... Commander-in-Chief."

Taking a deep breath and almost getting lost in the man's eyes as deep as the stars, Yuqin pinched his thigh for a moment and quickly lowered his eyes to avoid Lester's sight.

Taking small steps like a lady, Youqin sat down next to Lester with his legs crossed. His heart was beating fast, and he didn't dare to look at the man's face. There was no trace of the boldness and ease that usually belonged to Shadow Fist.

Although she is only twenty-five years old this year, she already has a family and a man. It would be stupid to cause Lester's dissatisfaction because of her rudeness.

"Calling me Commander-in-Chief is too outrageous. Since you came to me as the leader of Longyin Flow, I am your master. You don't need to have any psychological baggage in front of your master. Treat me as a friend."

After pouring a glass of red wine for Youqin, Lester also picked up a genuine crystal cup.

"This is [Blood Rose] produced by Thorn Winery. The alcohol content is not high. How does it taste?"

Carefully picking up the crystal clear glass and taking a sip, Youqin tasted the mellowness of blood and the fragrance of roses from the wine at the same time. A stream of heat shot up from his lower abdomen and went straight into Tianling Gai, making his whole body feel warm.

Being able to perfectly combine three flavors in the form of wine, this [Blood Rose] must be no ordinary drink.

Youqin, who was about to praise a few words, found that she was at a loss for words after opening her mouth. She didn't understand red wine, so naturally she didn't know how to judge the quality of the wine.

Youqin scratched his head in embarrassment, his face a little red.

"Master Lester...Master, it's really delicious. Sorry, I don't usually come into contact with such expensive drinks. I don't know how to describe this special taste."

Lester laughed indifferently. This junior was actually cute and silly.

"You don't have to think too much. In the final analysis, wine is just a special kind of water. As long as it tastes good, eat it. Only when you are full can you have the strength to speak."

Under Lester's constant consolation, Youqin gradually relaxed. After testing a few times to confirm that Lester really didn't care about those rude actions, he returned to his previous bold image.

Holding the big chicken drumstick in her left hand and holding the crystal cup in her right hand, the woman gulped it down in one gulp, then put her arms around the man without any image, and used the pressure of the warrior uniform to 'coerce' her master to refill her cup, while she took three sips. He gnawed the chicken legs into chicken bones and threw them on the table, burping loudly, just like a foot-picking man who likes to go to night markets and eat kebabs.

Seeing that the current head of Long Yinliu looked like a different person after a few drinks, Lester, who was forced by the black-haired female warrior, did not expect that Youqin's wine was so poor, and he couldn't help but regret taking out the drink for a while.

Some people really can't drink, and that's not even mentioning the stronger [Valtaki Blood Rose]. If they really drank dragon blood wine, they might do something rebellious that would offend their ancestors.

After twitching twice, he found that he couldn't pull his hand away. Feeling the smile around him, Lester turned to look at the blue bird on his shoulder with its beak open and its eyes narrowed. He was speechless.

When did the pure and kind-hearted Janna learn to laugh at people's jokes?

Bad learning.

"Master, Master, can you have another drink? Please~"

Seeing Youqin sitting on her body and wrapping around her like an octopus, since she couldn't let go, it would be better to just get drunk to save trouble. It seemed like we couldn't talk today.

Lester sighed softly, and directly poured the half-full bottle of wine into the woman's mouth with his free hand. Youqin stared in disbelief at the round mouth of the bottle, which was as round as a drop of blood, and then Then he stared at the man's handsome face with blurred eyes,

After a few gulps of wine, there was a 'pop', and the completely drunk female warrior fell headlong into Lester's arms.

The world is finally clean.

"Originally, I wanted her to relax because she was too nervous, but now it seems that being too relaxed is not a good thing."

After confirming that Youqin's respiratory tract was not blocked, Lester carried Youqin and threw him into the bedroom next door. He thought about covering himself with a quilt and leaving, but found that the female warrior's ninja-like tights were too tight and could not be used. After having difficulty breathing for a while, the female warrior's face turned red and her body twisted around, looking as if she couldn't move comfortably.

It was not Leicester's style to just walk away in this situation. The helpless man could only remove Yuqin's kunai and flying scythe, allowing the woman to resume normal breathing.

After checking it, Lester took away the clothes that smelled of alcohol and asked the attendant to clean them.

By the time You Qin woke up, it was already the afternoon of the next day. The hungry woman got up from the bed and felt the coolness coming from all around her body. The confused woman grabbed the clean clothes on the bed. , his face changed.

"What is this place? How can I...wait...this is on the ship, Master Leicester and I were drinking...I, he...this..."

After re-confirming her current disarmed state, the woman's sharp eyes were filled with spring water before she knew it, and her tense body softened again.

"I am a woman with a husband. I have been in a dangerous period recently, and I actually did such a shameless thing... If I really got pregnant, how could I be worthy of Alec? I, I shouldn't have drank..."

The female warrior, whose face turned red and white, soon heard the door open. She thought it was her master, but it was her master's apprentice Syndra who walked in.

Sindra glanced at the bewildered woman with an expressionless expression, put the basin of hot water on the table with a thud, took out a towel from the cabinet and put it on the side of the table, pointing at the cabinet. The kunai and sickle blade inside.

"This room will belong to you while we are on the boat. The teacher asked me to get you hot water. You'd better clean yourself.

In addition, your weapons and equipment are all here. You don’t need to carry weapons with you on this boat. No one will pose a threat to you. When you are ready, you can return to the restaurant. The teacher has already prepared lunch for you. "

I wanted to ask myself what was going on now, but Syndra turned around and left without a good look. Youqin could only stand up silently and wipe his body with a towel to sort out his messy thoughts.

Judging from Syndra's attitude, it is estimated that Sindra has an affair with her ancestor, otherwise she would not give herself a face as a latecomer. In addition, Sindra also specially brought herself hot water. Clean yourself... It seems that the gun really went off last night.

At this point, Youqin can only hope not to win the bid.

Knowing that the matter was irreversible, that her drinking was not good, and that she could not blame others, Youqin could only puff up her cheeks and rub her temples. She had no idea how to get along with Lester next...

The more he thought about it, the more problems he had. In addition, his stomach made protest sounds from time to time. Yuqin, who was a little confused, sped up the movements of his hands. After cleaning himself from the inside out, he put on the clean clothes and thought After thinking about it, he still didn't bring the weapons in the cabinet, but only the secret letter written by Lin Zhu, the Eye of Twilight.

Returning to the room on the right, Lester was still sitting in his old position. The difference was that there was no strange blue bird on his shoulder, and there was no red wine on the table.

Youqin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the young master again. For a moment, he didn't know what attitude to use to face the man in front of him.

Fortunately, Master Leicester did not mention the embarrassing incident yesterday and kept his expression calm.

"Are you hungry after sleeping all day? Sit down and eat. By the way, tell me about the current situation of Ryuyin Ryu. Will there be any difficulties if Ryuyin Ryu is the first to join the empire as a representative of the Ionian martial arts sect?"

Sitting in his seat, Youqin became cautious again and handed over the letter with both hands.

"This is a secret letter from Lin Zhu, Eye of Twilight, to the Patriarch. The Balance Temple will not interfere in this war. Please see the Patriarch."

Lester took the envelope and opened it, while Yuqin continued.

"I can't guarantee the other sects. With Master Lester's identity and status, I think Longyinliu can join the Noxus Empire smoothly and no one will object.

The only question is whether the empire will supervise and control martial arts sects?

If the empire is planning to ban martial arts sects and completely absorb the Ryūyin-ryu, I think it would be better to slow down a bit. At least not to forcefully attack other martial arts sects until the empire completely stabilizes Navoli Province. There are many famous sects. and martial arts masters will pose a threat to the empire. "

Lester narrowed his eyes. There was not much useful content in the letter. Apart from reminiscing about old times, it was intended to express the Kinkou Sect’s surrender to the empire. Of course, this surrender was not without conditions. The only condition was that it could not interfere with the Kinkou Sect’s relationship with the two worlds. A balancing act.

These are all things that were agreed upon in advance, there is nothing to say.

Instead, Lester was more interested in the martial arts sect of Ionia.

"Tell me, which martial arts masters and sects will pose a threat to the empire?"


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