League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 717 Chapter715 Battle of Grus Village (Part 1)

The air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder. Under the enforcement, most of the residents of Grus Village had been forced to move away, and the remaining Ionians were preparing for the upcoming war, just like the same Just busy ants.

If someone could look down at Grus Village from a high altitude, they would find that a tall tree wall has been erected around Grus Village. The buildings inside the tree wall have been renovated in a mess, and the buildings are scattered at different heights. The wiring is extremely complex.

Under the sun, with sweat dripping from his back, Teli followed the herb picking team through the long street filled with horses and stone piers. The entire Grus village had been torn apart by the people of the Third Militia Legion, and the building materials were turned into fortifications. Part of it formed an unbreakable line of defense with the plants spawned by the spirit caller.

There are more than a dozen double-armed ballistae designed by craftsmen set up on the towering stone building. The muzzle of the cannon is facing the direction outside the village. Spike pits have been dug in many places, and passively triggered defensive magic has been arranged... Originally, there should be more of these magics deployed, but for some reason, most vastaya don't seem to want to participate in this war.

Without Vastaya's magical assistance, it would not be so easy to just rely on spirit summoners and temporarily summoned mages to set up the battlefield. Perhaps a war of a few hundred people can have a decisive effect. Once the number of people reaches tens of thousands, it will be better than nothing. effect.

Logically speaking, everything in front of him should bring a sense of security, but Te Li always had a bad feeling. The physical and mental exhaustion made the man feel a little exhausted.

After delivering the herbs collected in the morning at the garrison camp, Teli lowered his head and walked with the other herbalists to the big pot in the village where the smoke was lingering. Different from the past, at noon today, Teli actually smelled the aroma of meat for the first time. The sun really comes out from the west.

Noticing the identity badge of [Special Herbalist: Te Li], the soldier who had always had a sullen face forced out a smile and gave Te Li a large bowl of stew. There were so many pieces of meat floating in the bowl.

Nodding gratefully to the soldier, Teli carried the bowls and chopsticks to the wooden table and sat down under the jealous eyes of others. The sounds of other people's comments suddenly reached his ears.

"Have you heard? General Brest and the others fought while retreating, but their retreat was cut off by the Noxian dragon birds, causing heavy losses. General Brest's whereabouts are still unknown, and only the first soldier who retreated in advance was The Second Militia Corps successfully withdrew,

Counting the defeated troops of the First Militia Army, we only have less than 40,000 soldiers here.

The Noxians followed closely behind, and it will take less than a day or two to fight over. In my opinion, our good days have come to an end. I just hope that I will die quickly by then, and I will not die without arms or legs. If you are alive, then you have to suffer..."

"Who says it's not? Our time is really tight. In the plan, the two militia legions will jointly attack the Noxians along the Fantasy River. They must buy at least ten days for the third militia legion. As a result, both The large army was defeated in one day, and the village was rebuilt in less than four days. Even if we work hard day and night, there is nothing we can do?

The defense line of Grus Village is not even a third complete. According to General Trollope's plan, two more lines of defense must be built in the village to give those martial artists enough room to maneuver. Have you ever seen Trollope? General Pu’s face is too scary..."

"Well, to be honest, I really have no confidence in this war. Even the main army led by General Brest cannot last for a day. What can those martial artists do? Let me tell you, instead of fighting Noxus If you are going to die, it is better to save this small life. The worst is to go to other provinces. I don’t believe that the Noxian people’s appetite is big enough to swallow the entire Newborn Land in one mouthful.”

"Hush! If you say such things during a war, will you risk your life?"

"I'm just telling the truth..."

"Anyway, I just hope that General Trollope and the others still have backup. If we really count on martial artists and ragtag soldiers like us to resist the Noxians, maybe Presidence will really be doomed..."

Teli sighed secretly.

Before the enemy came, the resistance army's heart was already broken.

Amidst the gloomy clouds, Teli made up his mind, put down the empty dishes and chopsticks, and walked all the way to the room of his immediate superior.

When he opened the door, he saw Wilder frowning and making statistics on the herbal bags on the ground.

Turning his head to look at the visitor, Wilder relaxed his brows.

"I've relied on you to lead the team into the mountains these two days. It's been really hard. It's rare to have a good meal. Did the cook add some meat to you? I specifically asked you."

Nodding gratefully, Teli mustered up the courage to ask.

"Added, thank you for your kindness, Chief Wilder. Actually, I came here to ask, how are you going to fight this battle...?"

"Logically speaking, this doesn't seem to be something a herbalist should worry about."

Smiling slightly, Wilder sat down on the chair and sighed.

"Sit down first. I don't know why you thought of asking me such a question?"

Sitting down opposite Wilder, amidst the aroma of herbs that filled the room, Teli decided to show the only thing he had - sincerity.

In his opinion, Wilder should not be put in jail for telling the truth.

"Chief Wilder, I, I want to survive this war and return to my wife and son alive. I want nothing more than that."

Staring into Wilder's solemn gaze, Teli whispered.

"Nowadays, many people are not optimistic about the outcome of this war. I can often hear those pessimistic remarks while eating. No one in the legion has ever cared about this. It is as if... it is as if this war has never been It's like it has nothing to do with us,

Whether we support or oppose, whether we are optimistic or pessimistic, the Legion doesn't care. We are all like worthless chess pieces. We will not have any impact on this war except building houses here and picking herbs... In this case, So what are we here for?

Chief Wilder, I'm afraid of death. I want to return to my family, but since I'm here, I want to do my best. Even if I die on the battlefield, I want to die with some understanding. ,

But everything I have experienced now tells me that my faith and determination seem worthless. I have never been regarded as a needed member. "

As they looked at each other, Wilder's eyes gradually became complicated, and without saying a word, Wilder just picked up the wine bottle on the table, poured a glass of mead for Teli, and poured another glass for himself.

Teli was stunned.

"You are a man, Te Li, for saying such words that are enough to kill your head. I'll give you a toast."

After drinking the somewhat bitter honey wine, Teli looked at Wilder who had a look of helplessness on his face.

"As you can feel, the focus of this war has shifted.

From the moment the First Militia Legion and the Second Militia Legion were defeated and General Brest disappeared, we lost the chance to defeat the Noxians on the frontal battlefield.

There is not enough time to operate and build. Even with the addition of the Second Militia Legion, Grus Village cannot become a line of defense against the Noxians. To the east of Grus Village is a flat plain, and there is no place for Presidian. Danger can be defended,

Therefore, Grus Village is the only place where we can hold back the Noxians. If we want to win this war, we must find another way. "

The strength of the mead was stronger than expected, and his head was a little dizzy, but Te Li's thinking was clearer.

Thinking of a certain possibility, Te Li's heart skipped a beat and his face was horrified.

"Hold on...can you say...can you say..."

"Yes, we want to assassinate! Hold back the Noxian army in Grus Village, find the empire's commander-in-chief and kill him! Of course, it would be better if we can capture him. This is our victory Only chance!"

Wilder, whose eyes are like daggers, is sharp and murderous.

"The protagonists of this war are not the Second Militia Legion and the Third Militia Legion, nor are they the hard laborers you put together temporarily, but the martial arts masters and assassins of the Brotherhood!

At that time, we and some martial artists will hold back the Noxian frontal troops in Grus Village. The most elite martial artists and Brotherhood assassins will form an assassination force to jointly attack the Noxians from the north and south.

In addition to the assassination troops targeting the imperial commander, you, me, and them! "

Wilder pointed to the camp through the wall, where tens of thousands of Ionians were lingering on the edge of the battlefield. No one liked to be the victim, which was why no one told them the truth.

"We are all expendable pawns! We may be defeated... but we will never surrender! If you dare to invade the First Land, the Noxians must also pay the price with blood!"

His face was as white as gold paper, and Te Li's voice was trembling.

"Even...even if the assassination is successful, what if the Xansians become angry and want revenge and the army invades the border?"

Staring at Terry, Wilder whispered.

"If we have to consider so much during the war, we might as well surrender directly. We will offend the Noxians anyway, so we can just keep our hands tied. Why fight...

Instead of being a timid coward, it is better to think on the bright side. Perhaps if the current commander-in-chief of the empire dies, the empire will fall apart and collapse without attack.

After all, the current commander-in-chief of the empire came to power through forced labor. The former commander-in-chief Darkwill was driven to the border of the empire. As long as he is not stupid, he will not give up his status as an immortal fortress and commander-in-chief and choose a bitter and cold land to settle down. As his border lord.

By then, even if a civil war does not break out, civil strife will definitely break out in the Empire, and we will have enough time to integrate the power of the First Land to deal with the next Noxian invasion.

When Noxus regains stability, even if Darkwill invades the First Land again under the banner of revenge for the former commander, the one who greets them will not be the First Militia Legion and the Second Militia Legion... Ionia, Not so weak. "

Teli, who looked a little better, thought about it for a moment, and found that Wilder's speculation was quite reasonable.

Since the frontal troops are no match for the Noxians, they can indeed try to capture the thief first. Without the backbone, this glorious expedition will be meaningless for the Noxians.

Having said that, it was still a bit uncomfortable to hear with my own ears that I, who was ready to die in battle, was being sacrificed as a meaningless pawn. The most important thing was that Wilder, whom I trusted, still spoke in a high-sounding way.

How could he maintain his consciousness under such circumstances? It's just a sad self-impression.

Now it seems that it will not be a big deal if this 'Glorious Resistance War' lacks a herbalist who only knows how to collect herbs and make medicine kits. After all, if it takes time, he can only block the Noxian's sword. Less than three seconds.

He can't control others. Before the war comes, he can find a suitable opportunity to run away. There is no psychological burden anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Te Li said seriously.

"Chief Wilder, I understand. Assassinating the Imperial Commander is indeed the only way we can get the Noxians to retreat now. Don't worry, I won't say anything nonsense."

After giving Te Li a thoughtful look, Wilder waved his hand and started to chase people away.

"Well, go ahead, don't think too much, just finish your work, but don't forget that you are a native Ionian."

The heavy iron-clad wheels pressed all the way, and the empire's ruts left indelible traces on the land of the newborn land, which also explained the incompetence of the Ionians.

After a night's rest, the 14,000 Noxian Imperial Army who set out again finally slowed down their pace of conquest. Amidst the flying dragons and birds in the sky, the village of Grus, surrounded by tree walls, appeared at the end of the line of sight.

Four dragon-scaled horses snorted, and in the luxurious carriage that could be regarded as a mobile fortress, Lester took the telescope from Syndra's little hand and fixed his sight on the familiar tree wall.

According to the War Stonemason's intelligence, Grus Village is a quite large town, but now it has become another obstacle hindering the army's progress. If you want to go to Presidium, you can't avoid Grus Village. This nail in the way.

This cross-sea expedition brought a total of 32,000 soldiers, 8,000 were stationed on Philo Island, 5,000 were stationed in Linyi, a port on the west coast opposite Philo Island, and a permanent military base was established next to the Huanxi River. In the camp, there were four thousand soldiers guarding the fleet.

All the way till now, the number of troops is less than 15,000, but the morale of the Imperial Army has risen instead of falling, because the Noxian flag is only "a wall away" from Presidium, the destination of this expedition. .

As long as the village of Grus is captured, Presidence will be at your fingertips. The empire that has mastered the waterways will be able to continuously transport soldiers to the new land. When the empire completely captures the province of Navoli, the entire Ionia will also be It becomes a matter of time.

Taking a breath, Lester put down the telescope and said in a deep voice.

"let's start."

Three simple words started the war.


The sound of brass horns came from high in the sky, and as the Dragon Bird Knight landed in the battle group, Ingehauer Sext, who had been thirsty for battle for a long time, finally received the action order from the commander.

"All Imperial regiments obey orders! After breaking through the wall, defeat all resisters head-on! Demonstrate the bravery of the Empire with iron blood! Long live the Great Noxus Empire! Long live Commander Lester!"

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