League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 732 Chapter730 I am not the father of vastaya

Just when Lester had a headache, Vigus, who had dozed off while covering her mouth, opened her eyes and cast a curious look at Lester.

"I think if you want to stabilize the situation, you'd better not let this big guy leave here."

"Why do you say that?"

Lester looked at Vigus with some surprise. Vigus shook her toes and pointed to the ground.

"The black shadow told me that there is a scary thing sleeping down there. Maybe if you take this big man away, that thing will wake up. If the black shadow is scared of something, your men probably won't be able to deal with it...but I I just really like this smell.”

Generally speaking, anything that Vigus likes is not a good thing.

Leicester was convinced that Vigus's warning was not groundless.

Who knows that after the idle researchers on Fuguang Island have eaten and drank enough, they like to study some dangerous things in dungeons and secret vaults.

Thresh, the prison head who was tempted by evil things, is a good example. Mordekaiser's skull was also suppressed by the Hylians, as if Blessed Light Island was really some kind of Five Fingers Mountain Leifeng Pagoda, but it ended up being suppressed by Foye. Ge's wife was knocked to the ground with a sword, the safest paradise turned into hell, and all the monsters and monsters escaped.

All in all, no one can say for sure whether there is some demonic Bai Suzhen suppressed under this ancient temple built by the Twilight Brotherhood.

Although poor kid Yorick is a member of the Twilight Brotherhood, he has never really been exposed to the core secrets of the order because he was jealous of others. It is useless to ask.

Therefore, Lester could only give up the idea of ​​taking Yorick away for the time being.

"Sir Yorick, since you can't leave here for the time being, can you give me part of the Holy Spring of Life?"

Noticing Yorick picking up the big shovel vigilantly, Lester took a deep breath and spoke sincerely.

"I know the importance of the Holy Spring of Life to you. You need the Holy Spring to fight against the fog here, but I have a better way to prevent you from the fog, so that you can save the Holy Spring of Life and save more people. life."

Taking the Holy Stone Staff from Syndra's hand and handing it to the silent Yorick, Lester said in a deep voice.

"I think you also noticed how we were able to avoid the fog all the way to the cemetery.

As you can see, this is a staff made of holy stone. The holy stone originates from the holy spring of life and has a natural restraint effect on the fog and undead ghosts. My subordinates can gradually transform this cemetery and establish the holy stone array. Fa Lai suppressed the fog until the cemetery completely returned to calm.

The effect of doing this is far more meaningful than using your precious holy spring of life to forcefully fight against the fog. "

Yorick rubbed the white stone staff that made his body feel cold. He was very familiar with the power of the Holy Fountain of Life.

The material of the staff is probably the holy white rock that absorbed too much life force and changed when the holy spring of life was not polluted in the past.

These rocks have lost their life energy, but they retain the death-restraining properties of the Holy Spring of Life. By actively stimulating it in a special way, they can indeed fight against the fog.

Returning the holy stone staff to Lester, Yorick stared at Lester without blinking.

"How many of these stones do you have?"

"A lot. As long as there is enough time, the cemetery will no longer be invaded by ghosts and fog."

Hearing this, Yorick nodded and put down the pointed shovel.

"What do you want spring water for?"

"Save people, many, many people, and my daughter. If you are willing to promise me, Lord Yorick, we will be the best friends."

Lester's serious look convinced Yorick that the man was not lying.

Yorick has not heard the word friend in countless years, and he has never had these two words.

Although he has no expectations, he is willing to try to continue to trust others.

"Save people, okay."

As he spoke, Yorick was about to take off the quartz bottle hanging on his chest. This move startled Lester, who quickly stepped forward and held Yorick's hand.

Yorick looks tall and thick, but inside he is a simple and kind loner.

Seeing that Yorick was a little confused, Lester quickly explained.

"Before removing the Holy Fountain of Life, I must first ensure your safety.

Yorick, if you are willing to believe me, I will arrange for my people to enter the cemetery, start with the renovation of the ancient temple, and create a home for you that is not invaded by the fog. What do you think? "


Yorick nodded his head, trusting Lester a little more in his heart.

After successfully reaching an agreement with Yorick, and with Yorick's consent, Vigus wanted to rest for a while in the Ancient Temple of Burial Souls. Leicester could only leave Vigus behind and return with Syndra and others. aslet,

Finding O'Connor, Lester told the reliable old soldier about the situation in the cemetery.

After many discussions, except for guarding the town of St. Leicester and Aslet, all exploration activities of the Sentinels of Light were cancelled, and the purpose of the operation was changed to establishing a transportation line to the Great Tomb Area to ensure the safety of the Holy Stone. stable supply,

By then, the large burial area with the Burial Spirit Ancient Temple as its core will become the second stronghold of the Sentinels of Light, and Yorick will also become an important combat force of the Sentinels of Light. Lester believes that Yorick can work well with the Sentinels of Light.

At the same time, Lester began to seek support from the empire headquarters, including but not limited to more logistics supplies, construction materials, and magic craftsmen.

It is not easy to establish a stable transportation line. The stone requires horse-drawn carriages to transport, and the magic materials used to build the Holy Light Array cannot be wasted.

Under such circumstances, the Sentinels of Light could only act steadily, building a simple sentry tower protected by a holy stone array at regular intervals, regularly arranging manpower to clear the ghosts and black mist along the way, and doing their best to maintain a supply chain. A road for livestock and mortals.

Manpower is not as easy to deploy as the outside world. In addition, the Soul Burial Ancient Temple, which has been eroded by fog for a long time, is far more unusually hard. The renovation project of the Burial Soul Ancient Temple by the construction craftsmen is more time-consuming than expected.

After the project stabilized, Lester did not sit idle. Instead, he led a group of powerful light sentinels and took Thain's body to find the soul-inducing tower in Mirror Claw's mouth. Through Mirror Claw's soul-inducing spell, he successfully Thane found his missing soul.

After regaining consciousness, Thain learned about the development of the empire over the years from Lester's mouth, and quickly accepted the reality of the changing world.

After surrendering to Lester's status as emperor, Thane did not directly return to the Sexter family. Instead, he returned to the Immortal Fortress under Lester's arrangement to participate in deeper magical transformation.

For Thane, who had already died once, it was enough to pick up the battle ax again and serve the Empire on the battlefield.

At the same time, the long-awaited ancient temple of buried souls has finally completed its preliminary transformation. Without the Maiden of the Mist being harmed, Yorick will no longer be corroded by the mist and attacked by ghosts, and has a place to live. .

After reaching the agreement, Lester successfully obtained less than one-fifth of the vial of the Holy Fountain of Life from Yorick.

Ten years passed by in a flash, and Lester, who had already eaten up Yuwei, said goodbye to Vigus who chose to settle in the basement of the Ancient Burial Temple for a long time. After arranging for the sisters Syndra and Qianjue to return to Fidelite, Lester returned to Omikayalan alone.

The Sacred Tree is still in a semi-dead state, and Lolit has not yet awakened. Fortunately, after the empire took the initiative to seal the psychedelic forest with magic, the deterioration of the Sacred Tree was significantly slowed down.

"I hope it helps."

Coming to the exposed tree roots, Lester took a deep breath and unscrewed the cap of the bottle, then slowly poured the bottle mouth.

The droplets like colorful pearls slipped from the mouth of the bottle. The moment they touched the roots of the tree, the holy spring of life burst out with a white light, and the withered tree roots regained their luster at a speed visible to the naked eye. Immediately afterwards, the tree roots quickly thickened and pierced into the soil, and even the treetops sprouted countless golden buds.

The mutation did not stop the sacred tree, its branches began to sway, and countless golden light spots fell from the sky, turning into the purest natural magic elements, making the vastayas of Omikayalan cheer.

Retaining the last three drops of the Holy Spring of Life, Lester tightened the cap of the bottle again and looked relaxed. In such a large battle, it seemed that the Holy Spring of Life had played an unimaginable role.

Returning to the water pool, Lolita, who was sleeping on the water lily, had already woken up. The man took off his clothes and walked down to the water pool to cleanse his body, and then slowly stepped onto the water lily.

The two people, who had not seen each other for a long time, embraced each other and enjoyed a moment of tenderness.

"My hero, your figure shines brighter than the sun, so that our daughter can be born smoothly, Vastaya will not be destroyed, and we will get more time... Lester, where did you come from? The fountain of life obtained?”

Slightly letting go of the man, the fox girl blinked her golden eyes with tenderness.

"One of the monks who survived the disaster on Fuguang Island chose to help us."

Lester smiled slightly and pointed to the quartz magic bottle containing the holy spring on the shore.

"Now it seems that the effect is remarkable."

The two of them came to the root of the tree hand in hand. Lolit raised her right hand, and the golden bud poked her head out of the tree wall. She first 'sniffed' Lolit on the left, and then took the initiative to lean to the right, Les. Te opened his arms and hugged the half-human-sized golden flower bud.

Lester could clearly feel the intimacy and joy in the golden bud.

"It seems that our daughter likes her father more than her mother."

Lester hugged Lolita as well.

"It's just that we haven't seen each other for a long time. If we saw each other every day, I wouldn't be so happy."

When the flower buds retracted into the tree wall, Lester sat down on the grass, rarely relaxing.

"For at least thirty years, the sacred tree will not wither and our child will be born."

After Lolite's words, Lester, who had just relaxed, stood up directly, his mind going blank.

"That is, soon? Lolita, you mean?"

Lorette smiled affirmatively and pulled Lester to sit down again.

"Two years at most, one year at least. I don't know the specific date, but what is certain is that our children will inherit our best traits.

You know, the sacred tree almost died because of our children. "

After finally suppressing the excitement in his heart, Lester took a deep breath and forced himself into a meditative state.

"I didn't expect the Holy Spring of Life to be so effective. Luo Lite, do you think the Holy Spring on Fuguang Island is related to Emperor Willow? Speaking of which, there is also a tree spirit named 'Maokai' on Fuguang Island."

Luo Lite shook her head with a solemn look on her face.

"The origin of the World Tree is a secret that even Vastaya Xari does not know. However, judging from the state of the sacred tree, perhaps Emperor Liu is really related to Maokai and the Holy Spring of Life."

Lester breathed a sigh of relief and stopped baselessly inferring the relationship between the two. For him, the most important thing at the moment was to wait for his daughter to be born from the bud - he just hoped that there wouldn't be someone wielding a big mallet in the bud. The Hand of Ionia.

Considering that Lilia was conceived by the Dream Tree, and the Dream Tree has disappeared like Ivern, the possibility of having a silly roe deer with the fox girl using the tree is very small.

Of course, if it was really Lilia, he would treat Lilia as his precious daughter.

"Before our daughter is born, I plan to live in Omikayalan for a while and meet Xia Rui who is sealed in the village of the ancestors. The forces of Omikayalan should also be integrated.

Lolit, judging from the current situation of the Xiarui people, what is the possibility that they will be willing to comply? "

After thinking about the 'Vastaya Infestation Plan' so far, Lolit smiled slightly.

"Any power has a price, especially the immortal Xia Rui.

Xia Rui itself was born from the mutated spirit and flesh, and was born in compliance with its own desires. It is difficult to go against its own desires.

Over the years, I have been using the sacred tree to plant your breath of life into the Xiarui people. Their souls have been marked with your mark.

In essence, you have become the 'father' of all Xia Rui, and I think they should be willing to obey your orders. "

"Hey, I didn't expect that an unwarranted slander would turn out to be true. Maybe I shouldn't arrest that guy."

Recalling the book that he had banned, "A Thousand Days and a Thousand Nights: The Biography of King Lester, the Ancestor of the Vastayans", Leicester was speechless.

Is it possible that the third-rate writer who arranged his own story is really some kind of great prophet?

When Lester sighed, the curious Lorette became more lively and cheerful, and began to ask what Lester meant by the slander.

Feeling that he had nothing to hide, Lester revealed the literary works that had been banned when he first established the Emerald Territory nine hundred years ago, allowing Lorette to learn about Lester's past stories for the first time. The laughter was out of control.

In the next more than three months, Lester completely put aside all worries and worries, and performed the most sacred life exchange in the Garden of Eden with Lolita under the protection of the sacred tree. The buds conceived in the tree trunks also appeared from time to time. He took the initiative to stick his head out and make out with the two of them.

Time soon came when Lester passed through the seal.

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