League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 745 Chapter743 Hilko thinks life is sweet

Lester first found Che'er in the flying tribe's settlement. After some lingering and tenderness, Lester got the news that Aullon had successfully changed his gender during the chat.

"You mean, that romantic guy from Ahllon really reshaped his body??"

"Not only the body, but also the soul has been reshaped by Omelia... She is now called Los Tanis. You will understand if you go and see."

Lying lazily on the feather bed, Che Er looked at the man who conquered Vastaya Xari with his body with a complicated expression.

In this way, the entire Vastaya was eaten to death by Lester and there was no way to escape.

"You just have to be prepared to be eaten by Los Tanis. After all, strictly speaking, all of Los Tanis's desires are concentrated on one point... Well, you know what I mean, right? I just Don't get involved, lest you spoil your interest."

Taking a deep breath, Lester left the flying race settlement and went to the land race settlement.

The vastayas of the land-based tribe are the same as the vastayas of the flying tribe. Both males and females are full of curiosity and enthusiasm for Lester, but they only dare to look at it from a distance and dare not approach it. It is like a pilgrimage. The two people gathered on the road looked forward to it.

Lester had no doubt that as long as he named a Vastaya at random, the Vastaya would clean himself up and come to his door with a pious look. It can be said that the current Omikayalan can definitely satisfy certain requirements of the island country. The group’s otherworldly delusions.

If there is no special power bonus and no restraint, I am afraid that he will become the Skeleton King of the Three Kingdoms in less than ten days and a half.

Unfortunately, for Leicester, if he didn't have a stunning beauty like Che Er, or a heaven-defying ability like Syndra, the popular civilian sports would be just the spice of life.

Walking along the lively village road, Lester soon saw the largest wooden house. He couldn't help but quicken his pace. Seeing Lester walking towards Xia Rui's big house, the vastayas could only lick their lips. Pulling away regretfully.


Arriving at the door, Lester knocked hesitantly, but there were rapid footsteps inside the door.

"You're finally here!? Let me be healthy!"

The door suddenly opened, and a pair of strong little hands directly grabbed Lester, who was stunned, and pulled him into the room. It turned out to be a plump short girl with big golden waves, and a chest that was more suffocating than the magnificent barrier. Just like the reactive armor of a heavy tank, hanging so casually in front of the car body, the thick reactive armor makes every anti-tank rifle eager to make achievements full of determination to fight to the death.

Facing this heroic girl who was as proud as a master, Lester couldn't help but feel lost.

"Hey, you brat, I've been waiting for you for a long time. I thought you forgot our agreement when you haven't come for so long... Why are you still standing there? Are you not satisfied with my current appearance or something? Omelia? This guy promised me that you will definitely like it. If you don’t like it, I will still have to make trouble for Omelia. Damn it, I have been busy with work during this period and it’s almost killing me..."

Half-coerced and half-pushed by the girl, he was pushed down on the sofa. Lester finally came to his senses and grabbed the girl's restless little hand.

"Let me slow down...are you Ahlstrom?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, then grinned, revealing a row of shark-like sharp teeth, which made Lester's heart skip a beat.

"of course not."

"Then you are..."

"I'm Los Tanis, who is Aullon? We really don't know him."

As she spoke, a look of impatience appeared on the girl's excited face.

"Okay, stop talking these useless nonsense. I see you have your arrow ready. Lester, let me ask you if you want it? If you don't want it, I will fight a civil war. Let's kill Omelia first. After you have done it with the marine tribe, you will do it with Cheer's flying tribe again. When the time comes, Omikayalan will be turned into a mess. It depends on how you end up!

Don’t forget that the land-based tribe is the largest force in Omikayalan! "

These words can still vaguely reveal part of Ahlstrom's characteristics. With Lolite as a lesson learned, he doesn't have any psychological burden now.

I originally thought that Los Tanis was just a hungry wild wolf who would be full after being fed, but I didn’t expect that Lester directly stabbed the big shark’s lair. This unique war continued without sleep. It lasted for a whole week, and the newly built houses were reduced to ruins.

Lester had to put in all his strength before the tireless Lostanis muttered, 'That's enough, please let me go, brother.'

After dealing with the problem of the land group, Lester dragged his slightly tired body to the area where the ocean group lived.

Although the inland sea of ​​Omicayaland is in the interior of the province of Navoli, the Great Trench is connected to the ocean abyss of the outside world. Strictly speaking, the trench is the second way to enter and exit Omicayaland, except that except for the Ocean Race, No one outside could cross the dark abyss, and over time no one mentioned the abyss.

Compared with the land-traveling and flying groups, the oceanic ethnic group leads a relatively closed life. Perhaps due to aesthetic differences, the oceanic ethnic group has less genetic exchange with other vastaya.

The three major marine ethnic groups in Vastaya are the Vastaya Mackerel, the Vastaya Ray and the Vastaya Mackerel. As the Sharks moved their entire clan to the waters of Mount Targon, the only remaining ethnic groups living in the Great Trench were There are two types: mackerel and ray people.

The Mackerel Man is shorter and stouter, with protruding eye sockets, sharp teeth and sharp mouth. Its body is covered with indigo fins and scales, while the Ray Man's cheeks have gills that open and close, and its body is covered with ferocious... fish bones and brightly colored scales,

It wasn't until after seeing the sharks and rays that Lester discovered that the sharks were actually the 'mermaids' that best suited human aesthetics. At least he was willing to deal with the little splashes of the sharks, but he was unwilling to waste his time on the sharks and the rays. On people.

O'Melia's residence was built on the beach. Lester was surprised to find that O'Melia's residence felt like a beach hotel.

"Are you here? It seems that you are quite satisfied with Los Tanis. This is good, as it will save me a lot of trouble."

When Lester found her, the childish three-person cat girl was comfortably sunbathing on a lounge chair wearing silk underwear similar to a bikini. This guy turned out to be the most laid-back of the three.

"You will actually enjoy life."

"Of course you need to get more sun after reshaping your body, otherwise you can't expect me, a cat-man, to patrol the fish-man territory every day, right?

It's enough for me to make these aloof fish people understand what the Noxus Empire is. Otherwise, you can try to deal with the old leader of the Mackerel and Ray people, maybe you can get a group of thugs from the sea. . "

Coming to the side of the lounge chair, Lester blocked the sunlight shining on Omelia, and his condescending eyes were scrutinizing. If there was anyone in Xia Ruili who could attack Lolita, Omelia was the most suspicious.

"The fishmen are exempt. How much do you know about the sacred tree?"

Not paying attention to Lester's gaze, Omelia spoke calmly.

"No more than you. If you don't know, I must not know. It's useless to ask."

"Instead of thinking about this, it's better to try to fulfill the agreement between you and me."


"Although you came to me last, I don't mind and I won't be angry. I don't even know where to find such a good helper. Just be content."

Omelia sat up, leaving some room for Lester. Lester was a little hesitant. He always felt that he was too passive these days and didn't even have any masculinity.

If I get bitten by this group of Xiarui every day from now on, what's the point?

Do you still have the aura of an imperial emperor?

"If you still want Vastaya's magical knowledge, just pretend I didn't tell you otherwise."

Sitting down on the recliner, Lester gritted his teeth.

"Yes! Why not?"

Omelia curled up her lips and lay down.

"I don't need to say anything more about what to do next, right?"

When Lester returned to the roots of the sacred tree, his body had lost a lot of weight, and his cheekbones were somewhat sunken. The man's haggard appearance shocked Shia, and Ahri hugged him even more distressedly. Lester cried loudly, which greatly pleased his old father.

"We've only been gone for a while, you, why are you like this!?"

Lester waved his hand, picked up the pear-shaped little Ahri and shook it, making a face, and the little Ahri burst into laughter.

"It's okay, I just accidentally fell. It's too dangerous here. It's better to come to Ionia less often in the future."


After resting for a week, Lester returned to his original state. Without saying a word, he rode Sia away from the terrible place known as Omikayalan and written as the Demon's Den of Ecstasy, and then left the Land of the First Life without looking back. .

At this point, Lester just wants to live a peaceful life for a few days without the interruption of women, and by the way, let the three-year-old Ahri receive some necessary preschool education, mainly to get along with more people and make some good friends.

It is not a good idea to send Ahri to Fidelette to receive an aristocratic education from an imperial princess. His strength and power are strong enough. There is no need to put Ahri under unnecessary pressure, and there is no need for Ahri to sacrifice for politics. Himself, this is also the kind of treatment that people with extraordinary power can only have in Rune Land.

Only by giving Ahri a complete childhood that is neither noble nor humble can Ahri truly grow up. Piltover, known as the "City of Progress", is the perfect city. As long as Ahri's identity is not exposed, Ahri can The raccoon dog will not be destroyed by the compliments and slanders of the stars.

When Ahri grows older and can distinguish right from wrong, Lester will let Ahri choose her own future path.

Lester, who had made his decision, said solemnly to Shia who was flying towards him.

"Take me to Blue Smoke Manor in Piltover."

Zu'an, Xiacheng District.

The processed products of the alchemy factory leave the factory workshop and are sold all the way to the upper city and even around the world. However, the exhaust gases flow downwards and permeate every corner of Zaun, allowing every Zaunian who participates in the production of the products to fully breathe. The wonderful alchemical exhaust gas has greatly improved the happiness and participation of the people of Zaun.

The pungent smell of exhaust also reminds every Zaunite, 'Why don't you work harder when life is so hard? ’, allowing more Zaun people to do their best, full of motivation and determination to climb out of Zaun and become people in the upper city.

Most people in Zaun believe that ‘as long as you work hard enough, you can leave Zaun and become a skinny guy enjoying the sun and sea breeze’.

The young man named Hilko also thinks so and works hard, but the direction of his efforts is slightly different from that of the workers in Zaun. The workers are begging for food from the factory owners, while he is competing with the factory owners for food.

Since his father died in the factory due to work, the Alchemist Baron did not pay half a penny in compensation. His mother was seriously ill. Because she had no money for treatment and was not qualified to pass the Sun Gate Bridge, she coughed to death in bed. He knew that the road ahead of him would be more deadly than the poisonous gas in his lungs.

So deadly that if he makes one wrong move, all his efforts will be in vain, taking his life with him.

Fortunately, he still has a good brother he can trust who is willing to share the breathless pressure with him and take revenge by the way.

Turning his head and glancing at Fandel who was leading the gangsters and the Alchemy Baron's bodyguards in a bloody battle downstairs, Hilko took a deep breath and put on his white linen gloves.

He knew that Fandel wouldn't buy much time for himself, so he had to do the best thing in the shortest time, and what he had to do now was to ask questions from the mouth of a murderous alchemist baron. Information that is enough to strangle one's own neck.

In less than a second, the young man with thin cheeks straightened his body, suppressed the unconfident worry on his face, and tried to make his facial expression colder and harder than the steel in the factory where youth and blood were wasted. ,

After patting the hem of his clothes, Hilko signaled the worried gangsters to leave. He walked a few steps to the Alchemist Baron 'Snake Black' who was tied to a chair with a rope, and took out a scalpel used to save people from his pocket. .

As the title says, Viper Black's body is slender, and his cold eyes narrow like a viper spitting messages. Even Black, the alchemist baron who is famous for squeezing low-level workers, is a well-known figure, not just a living person, Viper Even the dead are not spared.

"Xilko, I can tell you that if you come here for your father's compensation, I can give you three times the compensation. After all, you have wasted so much effort to come in front of me, which proves that you are not a soft person. Egg, and I always like men who speak with strength, untie the rope and leave immediately. I can forgive your offense to me. The money bag will be delivered to you at eight o'clock tomorrow. Maybe we can cooperate in the future. possible,

But if your knife dares to touch even a hair on my head, I can guarantee you that you are dead, your friends are dead, and those gangsters outside the door will die as worthless as your father. , even if I die, my men will stuff your bodies into cement piers, because you have no idea who you are messing with. Don’t even think about using street gangster methods to threaten me.

One minute to either kill me or untie me. "

After saying that, Blake closed his eyes and had no intention of communicating with Hilko.

Faced with too heavy pressure, a few drops of cold sweat dropped on Hilko's forehead. It was no surprise that he, a little gangster without any trump card or foundation, would be controlled by several factories and three font sizes in just a few words. The gang leader closed the door on the dead end.

Just like whether he let go of the poisonous snake or not, the poisonous snake would never let him go. He was not prepared to use the ordinary way to question a person who was destined to die.

"I actually really want to know, after one of the two snake heads is chopped off, will the other head choose to take revenge? After all, the food eaten in the stomach is dead. If one person loses his share, can he get more? "

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