League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 855 Chapter853 Riel the Iron Melter

In the underground city of the Immortal Fortress, in a magic testing ground controlled by the Pale Witch, the demon Evelyn was kneeling on the ground and hesitating, while LeBlanc leisurely hugged the man from behind Leicester, praying for his monarch. Introducing the man-made magic users made by [Magic Enhancing Technology].

"Magician No. 1, the most powerful [Iron Smelter] Riel, a Noxian with half of Leinland blood. His ability is to control all metals, including but not limited to twisting, reshaping, and smelting metals. Materials, even Demacian mithril and Noxian orichalcum, cannot resist Riel's will. If Riel is given enough orichalcum and mithril, Riel will be the strongest humanoid weapon on the battlefield."

"The second magician, [Earth Control Warlock] Gabriel, is a Shuriman. His ability is to activate the sand and soil, and create a swarm of sand beasts to attack. He is currently learning how to crystallize the earth element, and his potential cannot be underestimated. .”

"Magic user No. 3, [Daughter of Fire] Anne Tibbers, is a Noxian. Her ability is to control fire, give life and consciousness to the spirit bear [Tibbers], and make the spirit bear Tibbers huge. Turn into a magical beast that burns everything..."

Leicester quickly read through the student list provided by LeBlanc, his eyes rested on the names of Riel and Annie, and he sighed with some regret.

The [Magic Power Research Project] was established based on the failure of the [Demonization Project]. Ever since Lily became the Succubus Queen and had her own territory, he and Lily have been in a state of love and passion.

Because the leaders of the two forces knew the truth, the Noxus Empire had always conducted various py transactions with Lily in the hell world. Both parties complemented each other and cooperated for a win-win situation. One of the transaction contents was [Devil Power].

Putting aside the fallen angels who have fallen from the heaven world, there are many types of native demons in the hell world, including the relatively powerful dragon scale gargoyles, ice demons, Balor Balrogs, molten iron demons, corrosive fly demons and The middle-to-high-level demons such as the Heart-Deceiving Demon all have extraordinary powerful abilities.

Because the hellish creatures descended into the material realm and greatly destroyed the living environment, Leicester did not allow demons to set foot on the territory of Runeterra. However, this did not affect the empire's use of the power of demons.

As long as they pass through the relatively safe [Hell Law], the creatures in Runeterra can withstand the infusion of demonic power from a distance. As for whether they can withstand it, that is another matter.

The otaku LeBlanc has always been leading the research on [Purgatory Magic Craft], and the most important research project is 'how to keep the mortals in Runeterra in their normal form, and safely withstand and develop the power of demons'.

There are a total of thirteen secret experimental bases within the empire. The experimenters will release a portion of the demonic power at designated points for the 'demanders' to access. If they can survive the 'transformation', they will be eligible to have access to deeper power development.

It's a pity that the selected 'transformers' will gradually show [Devil Signs], and when their strength grows to a certain level, they will become completely demons, completely becoming slaves of the Chaos forces, losing all their sanity,

And if the demon's power does not advance, and its strength does not meet the standards required by the empire, even if it retains its sanity, it will be like worthless food, and it will be a pity to throw it away if it is tasteless.

Of course, Lily cannot be blamed for such a result. It can only be said that human existence itself has limitations.

What the empire needs are imperial soldiers who can control the power of demons, not monsters that degenerate into demons. If Lily's demon warriors are needed, Lester can directly open the gate of hell and let the demons descend to the world, turning Runeterra into the scorched earth of purgatory.

Failure after failure proved that without special means, mortals cannot resist the erosion of the laws of hell and are unwilling to continue to do evil in this matter. Lester could only terminate LeBlanc's demonization research, and LeBlanc could only Be able to step back and find a gentler approach.

In the end, LeBlanc really found a way that Leicester could easily accept. It was also very cruel, but it was still much better than the useless desecration of life.

[Magic Powerer] bypasses the powerful laws of chaos and avoids the demonization of mortals. It only retains a small part of the devil's root power. It adapts from the young body and gradually strengthens the devil's power through [Magic Enhancing Technology]. The best way to preserve sanity and advance strength has been found to be relatively stable.

The average age of registered magicians in the Empire today is under eight years old, and the total number in all regions is more than 2,000.

Experimenters are roughly divided into two types. One is those who voluntarily participate in experiments to gain strength in order to serve the empire. This is the case for Riel, who aims to revitalize his family.

The other type is orphans who are in trouble, regardless of race or nationality, only looking at talent and results.

The brave will not hesitate to take another path when they are desperate. Anne, who awakened her magic talent after being abused by her stepmother, is one of the best. Anne, who has the talent for fire magic, successfully obtained the power of Balor Balrog. As long as it develops steadily, Annie will definitely gain the power of the flame demon's law.

While Leicester secretly lamented Anne's misfortune, LeBlanc had already introduced the twenty-eight most valuable magicians.

"Which one do you want to see, I will arrange it."

But Lester shook his head and patted Evelin's thigh. Evelin rolled her eyes charmingly, transformed into a black cat and jumped into Lester's arms.

"Tell me how the Flame Daughter [Annie] became a magic user. Did our people interfere with Anne's growth?"

LeBlanc squeezed Lester's shoulders and teased.

"If you weren't in charge of the empire, I wouldn't mind creating some 'Anne-style tragedies' myself. Your majesty, the wise and mighty emperor, is in charge. It won't work this way, and that won't work either. Let's find some death row prisoners for experiments. There are still layers of approval required...

Let me tell you, Annie is just a girl with bad luck. Her biological mother, Amoline, is also a witch, but she disappeared inexplicably while fetching water from the river. Even our people can't find out where her mother has gone.

After Amorine disappeared, her father Gregory found her stepmother Liana and brought back a sister named Daisy.

At first Liana tried to please Anne, but Anne did not approve of Lianna. The relationship between the two did not become harmonious, but the contradiction became deeper and deeper.

The playful little Daisy accidentally slipped and fell into the surging river and was drowned. Lianna resented Anne for not protecting her sister and kept venting her anger on Anne.

In an extremely angry situation, Annie awakened her talent for fire magic. The magic bear left to her by her biological mother Amoline also gained consciousness under her raging power and became a huge shadow flame bear, destroying everything.

The out-of-control fire burned Lianna, her father and their home completely.

If it hadn't been for the fire that was raging with the fire element, our people might not have been able to find such an outstanding awakener as Annie. "

Lester breathed a sigh of relief knowing that Anne's tragedy had nothing to do with him.

"Why did Amorin disappear?"

"After all, it's at the foot of the Tiesha Mountains. It's possible that she was kidnapped by the Star Mage. But if the Star Mage invaded, they shouldn't just take Amorin away. In short, our people can't find out the reason. "

Since LeBlanc couldn't find anything, Lester could only put aside the whereabouts of Amorin for the time being.

When Leicester selected Riel as the subject of observation, LeBlanc began to arrange a duel between Riel and the hell creatures. After learning that if she performed well, she would have the opportunity to meet the Holy Emperor, Riel became full of fighting spirit.

Riel was the first to enter the arena, holding a huge blunt-tipped lance, and then the magic barrier was activated, isolating Riel from the closed hell pen in the ring arena.

"Unlock the seal and release the demon."

Following LeBlanc's order, the mage who controlled the hell pen released the seal of the pen. With a roar, ten hellhounds engraved with demonic runes ran out of the pen, and the ferocious dog leaders Corrosive saliva smelling of sulfur, and spitting hot flames from his mouth, surrounded the ten-year-old Riel. It seemed that he felt the devil's breath on the girl's body, and the hesitant Cerberus did not dare to take the initiative to attack.

"Is this little dark-skinned girl so good at fighting?"

Leicester, who originally didn't like Riel because of his Leinland origin, sat up straight and became attentive.

Cerberus is the most common low-level demon in the hell world. The typical lower limit is ridiculously low and the upper limit is terrifyingly high.

The one-headed hell dog, even a low-level demon like an idiot, can forcibly snatch away the legs and feet in his arms. The most powerful fifty-headed hell dog, Cerberus, even the king of hell, Lucifer, has to weigh before inhaling it. ,

But no matter how unbearable the hell one-headed dog is, it should not be an enemy that a ten-year-old girl should face, let alone deal with ten of them at once.

"Of course, as the most powerful magic user, if he can't defeat such a weak hell creature, my experiment will be meaningless. You must know that Riel's demonic power comes from the molten iron demon. Very compatible."

The Molten Iron Demon is a high-level demon that feeds on the lava of hell. As an adult, it is at least the leader of hell. A powerful person who has partially swallowed a large amount of hell's magic steel is qualified to shape immortal magic armor and become a demon lord who suppresses hundreds of thousands of demons. , and Lily, the succubus queen, is just a named demon lord, and there is still a long way to go before becoming a great lord.

Seeing that Leicester finally faced up to his research results, the happy LeBlanc grabbed the cat Flinn by the scruff of her neck, threw the lazy cat Flint aside, and adjusted her sitting position, then sat down. She sat in the man's arms and hummed comfortably.

The angry cat Fulin bared her teeth at LeBlanc, but she knew that LeBlanc's status was higher than that of her who was lazy and lazy, so she could only swallow her resentment.

In the arena, Riel knew that he was being watched by the greatest man in the empire at this moment, and the warlike blood in his body began to boil.

"For His Majesty! For the Empire! Kill!!"

It was not a slogan asking for credit. The girl, who was less than 1.5 meters tall, wore an extremely clumsy-looking heavy armor and took the initiative to charge against the Cerberus.

"Ho ho ho..."

Seeing that the unpredictable enemy was actively showing hostility, the ten hellhounds no longer hesitated. They opened their mouths and aimed at Riel, spitting out exploding fireballs.

"Iron Armored Formation!"

Without slowing down, Riel's special armor separated from his body as if it had self-awareness, forming a high-speed rotating steel shield around it.

The fireball hit ordinary iron armor and melted molten iron, but it did not break Riel's armor formation.

Before the molten iron fell to the ground, Riel controlled it and restored the broken iron shield. Not a single bit was wasted.

The fireball dissipated, and the shield array spread out from three directions, blocking all the Cerberus outside the front.

The girl stood upright and rotated at high speed like a drill. The lance smashed the three hellhounds that rushed towards her. The strong flesh and blood was directly cut into pieces by the rotating lance blade. Even the bones were crushed and transformed. As part of mincemeat.

The excited Leicester stood up directly holding LeBlanc. The pale witch hugged the man tightly to prevent him from falling. Leicester's breathing gradually became heavier, just like Riel who was killing the hellhounds wantonly in the arena.

Lester, who had the advantage of height, directly pressed his chin on LeBlanc's hair, his increasingly powerful heart pounding against his chest, but his eyes were always fixed on Riel who was moving forward.

Little did they know that Leicester was to LeBlanc like a lance was to a hellhound. Seeing that the cat Folin, who had not received any nectar for a long time, fell to the ground and exposed her belly.

For Evelynn, a [Concept Demon] demon born in Runeterra, unrivaled power and absolute violence are the best catalysts. Unfortunately, the current protagonist is neither LeBlanc nor her.

As the last Cerberus lance was crushed, LeBlanc also let out a high-pitched cry. The two battles came to an end at the same time, absorbing the essence of the victor.

In the arena, Riel, who was covered in blood, greedily absorbed the energy that flowed into his body after the death of Cerberus, feeling his body becoming more and more powerful.

Every time she kills a creature from hell, her strength will increase a bit. She cherishes this gift from the empire solemnly, and is eager to repay the empire with powerful force.

Three minutes later, the hell energy from the hell dogs was purified by the barrier, the hell animal pen was closed, and the arena barrier disappeared.

Riel raised his eyes and saw Rose, the principal of the Academy of Demonic Powers, following a tall and straight man. The man was wearing an iron-blooded and majestic imperial military uniform. He had a noble temperament and held power. He stepped on flesh and blood step by step. It seems to be trampling on everything in the world.

Even though he had never met His Majesty the Emperor, Ruier could guess the man's identity and couldn't help but take the initiative to greet him and kneel down to salute.

"Reil, the apprentice of the magician, meets your majesty!"

Lester bent down and rubbed Rui Er's hair stained with hell's flesh, and said in a deep voice under Rui Er's frightened expression.

"The empire is so lucky to have a warrior as powerful as Riel!" (End of Chapter)

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