League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 857 Chapter855 Catalina doesn’t want a son-in-law

Battle reports from the north were sent back to Fidelette. News that General Ducao of the Empire’s Eighth Army successfully captured the Spine of Cold Wind gradually spread in Fidelette. Compared with the Third Army, which suffered heavy losses, the Eighth Army The Legion's performance was particularly outstanding, and the entire city celebrated all night long, praising the Holy Emperor and the power of the Empire.

It has almost become a certainty that Du Cucault, who was originally an imperial earl, will be further promoted. As a new noble of the empire, the more powerful Du Cacault becomes, the more his family's status in Noxus will naturally rise.

In the Noxus Empire run by Leicester, no powerful man can sit back and act as a vampire on the merits of his ancestors. If the old nobles do not continue to use their merits to maintain their noble titles like the new nobles, their fate can only be Losing his aristocratic status and becoming a commoner that he once looked down upon.

Because of this encouragement, the competition among the powerful families in the Noxus Empire is extremely fierce, and everyone wants to make meritorious deeds. However, in addition to meritorious service, marriage is also a way for the family to progress.

For most of the powerful families in Noxus who are above the threshold, the most noteworthy thing is not the rise of the Kakao family that has become inevitable, but the imminent coming of age ceremony for the daughter of the lieutenant general.

The legal age of adulthood in the empire is thirteen years old. According to the racial standards of Runeterra, sexual development becomes mature at the age of thirteen, which is enough to ensure that the body is not harmed. As for the degree of development after the age of thirteen, it is subject to various factors. The influence of these factors will not be discussed.

Before the age of thirteen, both boys and girls are children protected by the iron laws of the empire. Regardless of men or women, those who molest minor children in any way or for any reason will have very cruel consequences, ranging from public castration to long-term execution. He brings shame to his family and loses his qualifications as a human being.

Thirteen years old is a key criterion. After the age of thirteen, one can freely marry and have children. This provision has also become a necessary condition for the marriage of powerful people in the empire.

Generally speaking, if the eldest daughter of a noble family holds a coming-of-age ceremony, no one will think twice about it, but the situation of the Du Cacao family is special.

As one of the founding heroes of the new empire, Du Cacault established a new aristocratic family with his glory and brilliant achievements. However, Du Cacault's wife Soleanna Wright did not give Du Cacault After giving birth to a son, his two pregnancies were separated by a year, and he gave birth to only two daughters who were too late to bloom. After that, they had no more children.

For some unknown reason, Du Cacault did not remarry and devoted himself wholeheartedly to his work. Therefore, the property of the Cacault family is destined to fall into the hands of a daughter. The possibility of the eldest daughter Caterina maximum.

Although the empire does not stipulate that daughters cannot inherit titles and family property, the fact is that there are extremely few examples of women taking control of the family without being swallowed up and cannibalized by others, and those who succeed can be said to be rare.

Generally speaking, if Du Quecao wants to keep his huge family business, he will definitely need to recruit men. For ambitious powerful people, the best way is of course to express himself at Catalina's coming-of-age ceremony and win the girl. favor.

Therefore, when Du Quecao was victorious, the Noxian people were most concerned about the coming-of-age ceremony for Catalina, the eldest daughter of the Du Quecao family.

The outskirts of Fidelite, an imperial military restricted area.

The carriage with the emblem of the Kakao family stopped at the checkpoint. The female guard opened the door of the carriage. The first person to jump out of the carriage was a cunning girl in her prime. Following the black-haired girl out of the carriage was a young woman in her prime. The beautiful red-haired young woman is none other than Soleana Wright, the mistress of the Kecao family.

"Mom, hurry up~ Don't keep the soldiers waiting for too long."

Although urged by her daughter, Soleanna remained unwavering and maintained the dignity of a lady.

"Cassiopeia, I don't remember teaching you such disrespectful behavior."

Cassiopeia stuck out her tongue, her peach-blossom eyes were misty and dreamy, the corners of her lips were raised like a crescent moon, her long hair reached her waist, and her black hair was like a waterfall. The noble lady who looked like a little fairy in front of her made the guard at the outpost The imperial soldiers were stunned for a moment.

"Of course it's not what my mother taught me. It's what Teacher Doris taught me. The teacher said that strict women are boring."

Knowing that her second daughter was probably insinuating herself, Soleana frowned slightly,

She doesn't like the frivolous character. She has been trying to guide her two daughters to become noble ladies worthy of the name of the Kecao family. Unfortunately, some things are beyond her control. She is the master of the family. It was her husband, Du Cacao, not her, Soleana, who could only obey the arrangements of the family master.

Doris is an elite mage of Black Rose. Ever since Cassiopeia was detected to have a talent for magic, Cassiopeia has been studying magic with Doris at Black Rose under the order of Du Cecao. Soleana had met her a few times, and knew that Doris herself was a beautiful woman like a fairy, and she seemed to have a special status among the black roses.

Sometimes she really doesn't know what her husband is planning.

Speaking of which, I can only sigh at the wonder of the Creator. The eldest daughter Catalina followed her flaming red hair, but followed her father's cold personality.

The second daughter, Cassiopeia, had thicker and black hair than Du Cacao, but her personality was similar to hers. Therefore, the eldest daughter Caterina was closer to her father Du Cacao. Her daughter Cassiopeia was close to her.

She originally thought that her two daughters would grow up under the guidance of their father and mother respectively, but she did not expect that Du Quecao had already made arrangements for his two daughters.

Katarina was arranged by her husband to join the Blade of Night after she finished her aristocratic education at the age of six. She could not see him twice in a year. Katarina was destined to become an imperial soldier. No matter how long her arms were, she could not control her. He could only teach his second daughter Cassiopeia wholeheartedly, trying to train the second daughter to become the face of the Kecao family.

But a year ago, Du Cacao sent his second daughter, who had just gained some noble looks, to the Black Rose. It seemed that he wanted Cassiopeia to become the mage of the Black Rose.

Seeing that things were once again out of control, she tried to persuade her many times but to no avail. Regarding Cassiopeia's case, Du Cecao did not allow others to comment at all, and she could only watch Cassiopeia helplessly. Got on the magic carriage and headed to the Immortal Fortress.

Sure enough, in just one year, my second daughter has become a child who feels strange to me.

A year ago, Cassiopeia was dignified and steady, not as coquettish and frivolous as she is now. For Soleanna, the changes that happened to Cassiopeia were definitely not a good thing.

If other families saw the attitude of the two daughters of the Kecao family, I am afraid that everyone would accuse her of not being good at raising their daughters.

Thinking of this, Soleanna's tone became a little more serious.

"Teacher Dorothy's words may not always be right, Cassiopeia, frivolous girls are indeed not boring, but they can easily be looked down upon."

Cassiopeia's performance was that she didn't care.

"Mom, I'm looked down upon because I have no strength. Well, I'm not coming back this time to argue with my mother. It's all here. I can't wait to give my sister a big hug. Brother Bing, Can we go in?"

"Mrs. Soleana, Miss Cassiopeia, I have already informed Miss Caterina. I believe she will come out soon. Please follow me and wait for a while at the resettlement house..."

Seeing that she could no longer restrain Cassiopeia, Soleanna could only sigh. Now that her two daughters were becoming less and less ladylike, she could only believe that her husband would never make mistakes.

On the special training ground, a girl with long burgundy hair was dancing with her double swords, turning into an afterimage and rushing into the group of magic crystal beasts. The crystal armor that was difficult to penetrate was cut open by the double magic steel swords like paper. They are all dangerous places, and they can be killed with one blow.

Amidst the blood flowers all over the sky, the girl stopped and stood tall. Her pure white tights were as clean as ever, with no blood on them.

"Teacher Camille, did I pass the test this time? How much time did it take?"

A stern woman with short pale silver hair walked out of the shadows, holding a mechanical stopwatch in her hand and speaking in an indifferent voice.

"Twenty-two seconds, fifteen magic crystal beasts, Katarina, how do you want me to praise you?"

The harsh and inhumane trial does not tolerate any mistakes or hesitations. For the fully armed imperial soldiers, if they want to defeat a magic crystal beast that has been alienated by the life crystal, they must fight with 120,000 points of spirit for several minutes. Only then could she win. For Katarina, who aspires to become the top assassin of the Night Blade, she must kill fifteen crazy demonic crystal beasts within fifteen seconds, without being injured physically, and without sticking to her white clothes. Blood.

Such a trial is also extremely difficult for the members of Night Blade, but Katarina knows that for her teacher, it only takes five seconds to do this, not because of belief, but because of witnessing , she witnessed her teacher killing twenty magic crystal beasts in just five seconds, so she would treat herself strictly according to the standards set by her teacher.

At this moment, hearing that her score was less than twenty seconds, Katarina looked at the expressionless Camille reluctantly, and sincerely prayed to the Chief Assassin of the Night Blade, the legendary Shadow Swordsman who controls the largest intelligence network in Runeterra, to come back again. Give her a chance to try it out.

"I can do better! Teacher, please give me another chance!"

Camille did not look at Catalina, but turned to look into the shadows.

A dark shadow emerged silently from the shadows, revealing a cold and delicate face with cold white skin, short black hair comparable to that of a girl, and skin as tight as a baby, but he is Camille's confidant shadow warrior, and he is still the same after seventy years. Sheryl is as young as ever,

Sheryl, who was born in St. Zachary's Orphanage, is now sixty-eight years old, but her appearance and figure are even more perfect than those of a twenty-eight-year-old girl. Camille knows that this is not just the function of the life magic crystal, but also the most important thing. It's still a matter of mentality. Like her, Sheryl has an unwavering determination.

What is regrettable is that Lieno, who escaped from St. Zachary's Orphanage at the same time as Sheryl, died on the bed of sexually transmitted diseases twenty years ago. That was also the only time Sheryl took a long leave. Camille I secretly watched the meeting of the two sisters. In front of Sheryl, Lieno, who was only in her forties, looked like an old man who was over seventy years old. Judging from their appearance, the two were three generations apart.

To this day, Camille has not forgotten the tears falling from Lieno's eyes. Maybe she regretted her choice, or maybe she was able to see her friend for the last time before she died. Only Lieno knew why her tears were shed. , for Camille, this incident is worth remembering.

"Sir Camille, Miss Caterina's family came to see her. It seems that they came because of Miss Caterina's coming-of-age ceremony. They are currently waiting at the resettlement center."

Nodding to Sheryl, Camille waited until Sheryl retreated before looking at her cheap student.

"Katerina, opportunities will not always wait for you. Keep practicing. When you pass the trial, I will arrange a special mission for you.

If you can pass the special mission, I will introduce you to my teacher, His Majesty the Empire's only emperor. "

After hearing this, Katarina was ecstatic. In fact, under her father's arrangement, she was willing to come to Night Blade to torture herself day and night not only because she aspired to become the strongest Night Blade shadow-level assassin, but also because she wanted to become the strongest Night Blade shadow-level assassin. Because only those who become Camille's students are qualified to meet her life idol as the Blade of Night Assassin, the legendary strongman who personally created the Blade of Night, the Holy Emperor Lester of the Empire.

It's a pity that there are no groupies in Runeterra, otherwise, maybe we can understand some of Katarina's thoughts.

"Thank you, teacher! I will definitely work harder to complete the trials and tasks assigned by the teacher!"

"Well, your family has come to pick you up. I'll give you a week's vacation to finish everything you need to do. After that, you can train in peace."

Katarina got on the carriage, which drove all the way out of the Night Blade training camp and arrived at the security settlement.

The door was pushed open quietly. Soleanna, who was listening to Cassiopeia's talk about the life of a mage, didn't know it. Cassiopeia, on the other hand, sensed her sister's aura and turned to look at the figure who had appeared behind her at some point. Sister, her eyes lit up.

Noting that Cassiopeia had discovered her, Caterina felt a sense of humiliating frustration. However, it was rare for sisters to get together. Caterina quickly put aside her frustration and tried to become normal.

"Sister! I miss you so much~"

"Sister, it seems that you also have an unknown experience."

"Hehe~ we are each other~"

After the two sisters had spoken, Soleanna suddenly realized that there was someone behind her. When she turned around, she saw Katarina, whose temperament was as cold as ice.

After shaking her head for a moment, Soleana finally connected the indifferent girl with flame-like red hair in front of her and her lovely eldest daughter.

Duke Kao, you have done evil!

"Katerina, you...well, both of you are like this, how can I find husbands for you now..."

Unexpectedly, the sisters who heard this actually looked at Soleana at the same time and said in unison.

"We don't want a husband!" (End of Chapter)

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