League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 864 Chapter862 Void is also a choice

"Whoever has ears, let him hear. Behold, destruction is near. Only he who believes in our Lord will be born again and enjoy the kingdom of heaven... Whoever enters the kingdom of heaven will not die but have everlasting life. Come Come, join us and enjoy peace together..."

This voice is full of strange magnetism and extremely alluring, making people unable to help but want to continue listening and empathize with everything in the words.

Thalia, who stuck her head out, withdrew her gaze, not daring to look at the figure of the Void Prophet any more, feeling a little sad in her heart. What frightened her the most was that she really felt the sense of 'happiness' belonging to the Void Monster - that was desperate. The instinctive impulse that lies dormant in the mother's womb.

Under the mountain range, the apostle of the void in purple robes is as eloquent as ever. Even just a few words that are tired of hearing can make people's hearts sway.

Naturally, the Apostle of the Void would not be allowed to confuse people's minds. Commander Ravencase of the Shurima Mage Group stood up and loudly rebuked Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void.

"Stop talking nonsense here! You traitor to mankind, you have long forgotten how much blood and sweat your ancestors have paid to stand on the earth! Now you are working with the mortal enemy of mankind!"

Malzahar remained gentle as always, and his calm voice was more convincing than the emotionally out-of-control Ravencase.

"You are wrong. From the moment I can foresee the future, I have seen the end of the world and know that the heinous sins committed by mankind are unforgivable. Even if it takes another thousand or ten thousand years , humans will only live in the hell they weave!

Therefore, human beings are the cancer of this world. As long as there are human beings, there will be disputes. Desires blaspheme the sanctity. The land is full of violence. The hard-working cultivators work all day long but cannot have enough to eat. Those who plunder and plunder can be rich in wealth. Full, yin and yang are reversed, black and white cannot be distinguished!

Look, the earth is full of injustice. In this world full of sin, only the void upholds justice, tearing up the fig leaf of those in power and letting everyone understand that the reason why people are so miserable in life is not because they are born humble, but because they are born humble. It's because of the despicability of others!

Only the void, and only the great Queen of the Void, Belvis, can be absolutely tolerant. Whether it is a human or an animal, a man or a woman, a bird or an insect, Queen Belvis can give it a place that will not be blasphemed!

In the embrace of the void, you and I will not distinguish each other, and there will no longer be any distinction between high and low. There is no need to consider today's sorrow and tomorrow's livelihood. Enjoy peace and happiness in the embrace of the void, and do nothing in the dream of the void. What you want to do,

Because of the great potential of human beings, our Lord has favored the surrendered humans and allowed those who surrendered to retain their human bodies and join the void.

With such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, why not put down your weapons, put down your meaningless prejudices, and give a try to the beautiful world that you have never understood?

Why do you call it ugly when you have never seen its true face? Even at this moment, human beings are still showing their ignorant arrogance! No more words to say! You let the soldiers die in vain, just for the glory and wealth of a few people! "

After hearing these fascinating words, many soldiers of the Shurima Empire had already heard a voice different from that of the Void Prophet. It was a low whisper coming from a deeper place, promising unimaginable gifts.

In addition to the mage group formed by Nasus himself, the Shurima soldiers who went to the battlefield were roughly divided into two types. One was loyal to a certain warlord force. The warlord force surrendered to the Shurima Empire and obeyed the Shurima Empire. Civilian soldiers, this group of soldiers were relatively small and were deliberately dispersed, commanded by different officers.

The other type is the imperial soldiers selected by Azir himself and under the orders of General Kellogg who was conferred by Azir himself.

Compared with the former, the morale and loyalty of the imperial soldiers are higher. They are the main force in the eastward movement to resist the void invasion, and they also have the important responsibility of supervising and supervising the war.

It's a pity that for the Prophet of the Void, whether they are sand people warriors or imperial soldiers who are used to make up the numbers temporarily, they are meaningless.

As long as he is human, as long as he has pain, joy, and desire, he can use them. His magic weapon for victory is never soldiers, but the human heart.

"Go, dedicate the Andos Mountains to our Lord, and accept every void citizen you see!"

With an order, the void beasts that were ready to attack rushed towards the Andos Mountains like a tide. They braved the spell bombardment of the Shuriman Mage Group and pushed the battlefield to the foot of the Andos Mountains, frantically colliding with magic. Enchantment.

"Archer! Free fire!"

"Gun and shield soldiers prepare for impact!"

"Get ready for Lithology!"

Order after order was issued, Thalia shook her head, forcibly cleared out the few words Malzahar had left in her mind, and began to construct the rock magic.

Only by being on the battlefield personally can Thalia understand the cruelty of war.

Among all earth-attribute magics, the upper limit of rock magic is as high as the lower limit. A strong person can turn rock magic into a meteorite magic falling from the sky, while a weak person can only create finger-sized rocks to stagger and hit others.

A mage who can enter the mage group and reach the front line will naturally not be too weak.

Rocks the size of rolling stones were smashed down from high altitudes, crushing the void beasts along the way. As the earth shook and the mountains shook, lavender blood flowed into a river. Under the dual effects of magic and cold weapons, humans struggled to maintain their strength. The front made the Void Beast pay a heavy price.

Before joining the army, this scene was a nightmare that Thalia could not even imagine. Now that she had killed more bugs with her own hands, Thalia was eager to crush them more efficiently.

In fact, judging from the strange honor of the void beasts, the persuasion of Malzahar, the prophet of the void, is not very convincing.

“Swift rebelled!”

"He killed Tolan! Bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

"Are you crazy!? Ah!!!"

In the battlefield, the soldier whose eyes suddenly glowed with purple light turned backhand to kill his colleagues.

The soldiers of Shurima had to attack the enemy but also prevent the comrades behind them from attacking. For a time, everyone was in danger, and the stable front was crumbling.

Within a few minutes, Ravencase, the leader of the mage group, received the order to retreat. He no longer cared about the relationship between superiors and subordinates. With red eyes, Ravencase loudly rebuked Kellogg who gave the order.

"General Kellogg! Why retreat! We can still hold on! As long as there is a chance, we must hold on!

With the withdrawal of the Andos Mountains, the continent of Shurima will lose its natural barrier, and there will no longer be a dangerous place to block the front of the void army! How many people will die in this disaster by then? Can you bear such responsibility? ? Are you worthy of the honor bestowed upon you by His Majesty Azir? ! "

Hearing this, General Kellogg was also angry.

"I can't afford it! There are 30,000 people here! There are millions more people in the north of the Andos Mountains! Of course I can't afford it! So I will lead my soldiers to die here! Just to give You high-minded mage masters fight for time to evacuate! Even so, even if my soldiers are dying now, I still have to explain it to you, you stinking idiot!"

Ravencase was suddenly stunned when he was yelled at, but Kellogg was even more indignant.

"Of course I know what it means to lose the Andos Mountains! But we really can't hold on anymore,

People's hearts have been shattered. We don't know which comrade will stab us in the next moment! Under the evil spell of the Void Prophet, our soldiers have lost trust in each other. If this continues, we can only die here in vain! It's okay to die here, but it still can't change the result of the fall of the Andos Mountains!

Listen, you Master Masters are much more precious than us mere mortals! The purpose of asking you to withdraw from the battlefield is to play a greater role in the future! Now, shut your stinky mouth! Take your people and get out! Stop talking useless nonsense! Don't let me delay my death! "

"This war is not over yet, why did we retreat?"

"How do I know? Anyway, this is an order from General Kellogg. All we have to do is obey. I believe in General Kellogg's character."

"We're leaving, what are they going to do?"

"Maybe... they have another way to leave?"

The roar of the void beast still lingered in the back of her mind. On the bumpy carriage, Thalia huddled in the corner with her legs in her arms, listening to the chatter in her ears gradually overpowering the screams of her compatriots.

She didn't understand why she felt so heavy after surviving the battlefield.

Holding a small piece of rock, Thalia stared silently at the beautiful lines on the rock.

"To put it bluntly, we alone...may not be able to defend this land. If the Andos Mountains fall..."

"If the Andos Mountains are lost, it will be over. From Kohalise to the Dasai Desert, those tireless and fearless monsters will march straight in and destroy everything east of the Farajese Desert!

I don’t know how many people will die this time. Even the celestial warriors of the ancient Shurima Empire cannot defeat the void monsters. Let us deal with them. I’m afraid it won’t have any effect if not all of us die on the battlefield..."

"Don't say such depressing words. Maybe General Kellogg has another plan."

"Yes, we have to trust General Kellogg, and don't forget, we also have reinforcements from the Noxus Empire.

I heard that Princess Sivir’s husband is the Holy Emperor Lester of the Noxus Empire. If the New Shurima Empire is in danger, the Noxus Empire will definitely not stand idly by! "

"The Noxus Empire is really the most powerful country in the world. I heard that the Noxus Empire has unified Valoran and most of Ionia. If there is another country in the world that can If we can resist the Void, the only one left is the Noxus Empire..."

Upon hearing the term Noxus Empire, Thalia finally raised her head with difficulty, her eyes filled with hope.

"Malzahar, the Prophet of the Void, appeared, the Andos Mountains were lost, all the New Shurima Empire legions were wiped out except for the mages, and General Kellogg died gloriously on the battlefield.

Now the void army has crossed the Andos Mountains and divided into two waves towards the Miasma Jungle and Kohalise. "

After a pause, Camille continued coldly.

"His Majesty Azir ordered that all settlements in the New Shurima Empire quickly move to the large towns in the west. The large towns spontaneously recruited soldiers to defend against the void invasion, hoarded food, and waited for support.

The Sun Disk will release the strategic forbidden technique [World-Destroying Sandstorm] in the area west of Khali Sai and east of the Dasai Desert to block the invasion of the void.

Three days ago, Grand Maester Nasus arrived at Vicoula and began to set up anchor points for forbidden spells. It is expected that in a week, the land under our feet will become an impassable sandstorm hell. "

The Noxian reinforcements that had just walked out of the Great Sea Desert and arrived at Kohalise immediately received bad news from the Allies.

In the original plan, the reinforcements from the Noxus Empire would help the Shurima Empire Army stabilize the defense line of the Andos Mountains. They only had to block the void to the south of the Andos Mountains and wait until more reinforcements arrived. Directly destroying the Queen of the Void by decapitating her head and eliminating the threat of the void in Icathia can be said to be a quick and easy way to cut through the mess.

It's a pity that the plan can never keep up with the changes. Now the Andos Mountains have been lost before the first batch of reinforcements from the empire have arrived, which directly ruined Camille's established strategy.

"This is really the worst news I've heard in the last hundred years."

Jax was also a little helpless. This time the void's action was too unexpected. It was obvious that the new void master was far more cunning and difficult to deal with than imagined.

"Your Excellency Camille, what should we do next?"

"Bring me the map."

Unfolding the map, Camille thought for a moment and said in a deep voice.

"We definitely can't go to the Andos Mountains. Judging from His Majesty Azir's strategy, I'm afraid the key point of the second line of defense is here."

Everyone followed Camille's finger and looked, but it was Wikaula where Nasus was. Because the roads were different, they did not stop near Wikaula on their way eastward.

"The second line of defense consists of the Miasma Jungle on the border of Ixtar and the forbidden technique of the Shurima Empire [World-Destroying Sandstorm]. Abandoning the inaccessible Dashai Desert and the area east of Vikoula can preserve the vitality and provide a solid foundation for Our follow-up actions buy time,

In my opinion, we should return to Vikaula quickly, at least to stabilize the second line of defense..."

“What about the people living here in Kohalise?”

Yasuo, who had been watching, suddenly interrupted Camille. In the unspeakable silence, Camille looked at Yasuo and said coldly.

"We only have more than fifty people, and the Andos Mountains were lost ten days ago. Considering the speed of the void invasion, we don't have enough time to help the people of Khalisai evacuate.

Now that His Majesty Azir has given up on his subjects, all we have to do is accept this cruel result and use our strength in more important places. "

Sensing Camille's perseverance, Yongen patted Yasuo's shoulder and stood side by side with his brother to resist the invisible pressure exerted by Camille.

"But when His Majesty Leicester's envoy recruited swordsmen at the Wind Control Swordsmanship Dojo, he said that we should try our best to save the people of Shurima. Now that the sandstorm and the void have not yet arrived, we have to save the innocent people here. Are you going to abandon it and ignore it?"

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