League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 867 Chapter865 Darkin Body Shaping Experiment

In order to show her kindness to mankind and to commend the achievements of the Void Prophet Malzahar and his disciples, the Queen of the Void Beervis gave Malzahar the ability to use the Void Network and appointed Malzahar as Lilac. The High Priest of the Sea, Malzahar became the most powerful person in the Void Empire under one person and above ten thousand people.

Through the void network, Malzahar can control all void creatures within a certain range through mental power, so that the ontological consciousness of void creatures can be immersed in the depths of the lavender sea and enjoy a peaceful sleep, while the body is unified and becomes invincible. A death-fearing berserker who will never give up until he achieves his goal.

In order to occupy the entire Shurima continent as soon as possible for the Queen of the Void Belvis, Malzahar divided his troops into two groups. He led other disciples to attack the elemental tower guarding the Miasma Jungle, and appointed the first disciple Andre. Continue to advance westward, capture the Xiaosai Desert and the Dashai Desert, and advance the troops to the territory of the New Shurima Empire.

Malzahar taught Andre how to use the Void Network, and Andre was the first Void disciple to win this honor.

At this moment, Andre learned from the Void Sand Eagle that there were strong men like Li Qing among humans, and the idea of ​​killing Li Qing and transforming the corpse into a void creature arose in his mind.

Andre raised his hands high, closed his eyes, stepped on the head of a giant void worm with his feet, and his palms glowed with purple light.

In the darkness, Andre's consciousness was immersed in the void network, passing orders to tens of thousands of void beasts by consuming void energy.

For a time, the void creatures within a radius of a hundred miles instantly received new orders, and even the intermediate troops in the Void Empire stopped what they were doing and moved quickly in the same direction regardless of the situation.

The Void Earth-Evading Beast that is digging the Void Insect Path underground swings its long tail upwards to clear the way for the Void Insect Tribe in the underground world.

The void hunter who hunts for life in the desert flaps his wings and flies towards Li Qing's position.

The human beings who have merged into the void and been completely assimilated are even more happy to control their respective void beasts to leave the habitat that is being transformed into the void. The opportunity to dedicate themselves to the queen does not always come, and naturally they do not want to miss it at this moment.

Stopping on a hill, the dragon spirit in his body seemed a little manic. Li Qing closed his eyes to calm the dragon spirit and listened to the voice coming from the spiritual realm.

After a while, Li Qing opened his eyes and used the breathing technique with a solemn expression, making the final preparations before the fierce battle.

The sky was getting dark, and even the bright moon was covered with a strange layer of lavender mist.

Under the starry sky, a silent wave was coming overwhelmingly. There was no other sound except the trembling of the earth. Li Qing could only see strange and ferocious void beasts coming from all directions and stopping. Thousands of meters away on the hill, staring at myself in silence.

At this moment, Li Qing suddenly felt powerless against the world, and his mind was in a trance for a moment.

"Submit, you will not die, merge with us, and enjoy endless happiness together."

A slightly hoarse man's voice suddenly came from the depths of his mind. Li Qing snorted coldly, took a step forward with his right foot and cracked the dark rock, raised his arms into a boxing stance, and looked like a torch.

"How can those who hide their heads and show their tails, those who practice martial arts, be greedy for life and afraid of death? What's more, it is still unknown who will live and who will die!"

"It is not a pity for stupid people to die."

As soon as he finished speaking, a purple wave surged in, vowing to kill Li Qing under the hill.

When the continent of Shurima was fully invaded by the void forces, the Noxus Empire was conducting a very important magic experiment.

The capital of Fidelite, the secret treasury of royal magic.

A batch of special weapons loaded by Zhenbing were escorted by the Empire's Arcane Knights to a secret research base in the suburbs. Under the watchful eyes of the Noxus Empire's top dignitaries, Arcane Knights who directly served the royal family were guarding everywhere. Monitoring everything with murderous intent.

Also watching the [Darkin Weapon Body Shaping Experiment] were [Faces of the Emperor] Sheena, [Seraphic Seraph] Misha, [Chief Professor of the Imperial School of Mechanical Engineering] Rambo, [Chief Designer of the Imperial Military Industry] Flower Rat, the clone of [Dean of Black Rose Mage Academy] LeBlanc, [Queen of Dark Elements] Syndra and [Phantom Demon] Evelynn,

Everyone present has earth-shaking power in the Noxus Empire, but no one dares to show arrogance at this moment, because the person who is conducting this magic experiment is none other than Lester, the Holy Emperor of the Noxus Empire .

After checking that the expensive experimental equipment was fully functional for the last time, Lester opened the first Zhenbing weapon box.

The lid was opened, and a blood-colored short-handled flying knife was safely placed in the long ice-blue ice crystal box. The total length was only fifteen centimeters. The bloody blade was like the moon. It had lasted for thousands of years and was immortal. The blade was as sharp as light. It broke hair when blown. It was exactly The fallen Ascended Nayafili was deceived by Maisha, the previous generation of Twilight Star Spirit, and was forced to be sealed in the flying knife.

The bloodthirsty demon blade Naya Feili was discovered by an imperial expedition team in an ancient Shurima magic tomb, and was secretly transported back to Fidelite, becoming one of Leicester's special collections.

Staring at the soft-shaped flying knives in the Box of Perfect Ice, Leicester was sure that Nayafili was not in his memory, and Aatrox and Raast seemed reluctant to mention Nayafili. With Li's arrogant appearance, Nayafili must not be a powerful character, let alone a powerful hero. His practicality must be discounted, so he is suitable to be the test subject of the first experiment.

Lester didn't care much about this Darkspawn who was different from Aatrox, Rhaast and Veruas. Success or failure was not important. What was important was that he needed to know that in actual operation, the Darkspawn would How much compatibility exists between the soul and the demon egg, and whether the body multiplied by the demon egg can become the carrier of the darkin soul.

Facing the call of the bloodthirsty demon blade Nayafili, Lester grasped the handle of the knife without hesitation and allowed Nayafili's power to drag his consciousness into the weapon.

In an instant, a burst of ecstasy rushed into the depths of Lester's consciousness, but a pink-haired little girl with a polished appearance pounced on Lester's lower body like a mad dog, scratching and scratching as if suffering from mania. scratch,

Although he felt no pain in the conscious world, Lester was not used to being treated like this by his little brother, so he simply kicked him away. However, the little girl bared his teeth and claws at him and held on to his calf. , old-fashioned and bossy, giving people the feeling that their brains are not very useful.

"Give me your delicious body!!! You are mine!!!"

As he spoke, he bit down on Lester's thigh and grinned wildly, as if he had taken some elixir to prolong life.

Lester, who had just stabilized his mind:?

He also knows a lot of dark descendants. He has seen crazy ones and stunned ones, but he has never seen a dog biting someone. Does this dark descendant who looks like a loli have some serious illness?

Lester mercilessly slapped the little girl on the back of the head. Nayafili, who was wondering why he couldn't swallow the soul of the container, wailed and hit Lester's suddenly hardened thigh, breaking two of his front teeth. , although it is in the spiritual world, the pain is real.

"Why can't I eat you!!! Why!!!"

Seeing that the ferocious-looking little girl was about to pounce on him again, Leicester directly held down the little girl's frantic head with one hand, and successfully prevented an irrational attack by taking advantage of the height difference.

"Are you Nayafil?"

The pink-haired little girl was startled for a moment, and then she showed a gloomy look as if she had suffered a loss for her old coin. With her pink-carved little face, she looked like a little adult in contrast.

"You know me! Then you won't give me food? Didn't you touch me just to become my vessel?"

Through the non-equivalent relationship between understanding and eating, the Loli in front of him once again proved that he has a clear mind. Lester was somewhat doubtful whether Nayafili was pretending to be stupid.

Just imagine which Darkin is not as cunning as a fox. He does not believe that Naya Feili is really such an idiot the size of a pea.

Of course, it is certain that she is weak and female.

Thinking like this, Lester was ready to test whether Nayafili was pretending to be stupid or really stupid.

"Of course I'm willing to let you eat it, but you're biting my hardest part, so of course you'll grind your teeth. When you eat something hard, you have to lick and suck it more until it becomes soft before you can bite it."

"That's it! You are truly an honest vessel! Serve it up quickly!"

Nayafil licked his lips with a happy face, and Leicester showed his weakness naturally, allowing Nayafil to rush forward and grab the handle.

Slowly, Lester's face became a little guiltier.

I thought Nayafili would at least be dubious about his lie, and it would take some more words to believe it, but he didn't expect that the dark descendant in front of him was as surprised as if he had obtained the truth. He didn't even need to say more, in order to eat him , his raw skills began to grow gradually, and he was simply a self-taught genius.

Leicester seriously suspected that Nayafili had been locked up in Maisha for too long and his brain had been damaged. He only wanted to break away from the seal and gain freedom.

After a long time, he still couldn't eat the man's hard bone. A somewhat irritated Nayafili opened his mouth and looked at Lester with a suspicious look on his face.

"You're not lying to me, are you?"

Lester patted Nayafili's head with a caring look.

"Silly boy, of course I lied to you."

Nayafili breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good...wait, you said you lied to me!?"

Lester looked innocent.

"You heard me wrong. What I said was, 'Good boy, of course I'm not lying to you.'"

"If you dare to lie to me! I will definitely make you suffer all kinds of torture!!! Hurrrrrrrrrrr..."

Nayafili became slurred again as he spoke, obviously still convinced.

The flow of time in the spiritual world is completely different from that in the real world. Lester is not worried about wasting any time in the spiritual world. Seeing that Nayafili chooses to believe it to the end, Lester also wants to see how persistent Nayafili is. Just lie down.

Unexpectedly, it didn't matter. Nayafil spent a whole week directly with Lester in the spiritual world. Seeing that Nayafil was still busy devouring his soul, Lester finally couldn't sit still. , picked up Naya Feli who was in his arms.

Nayafili looked at Lester impatiently.

"Don't bother me and eat you!"

"Nayafili, it seems that you can't eat me with your current body. I have another way for you to get a body and no longer be locked in this dark world."

Nayafili was overjoyed.

"Come on! Find me another container!"

"But what's in it for me?"

Nayafili was stunned for a moment, then frowned thoughtfully.

"I don't understand what you mean? Didn't you hold the Bloodthirsty Demonic Blade just to let me out? Why are you so embarrassed to negotiate terms with me? I didn't even negotiate terms with you?"

Almost being pulled into the same division by Nayafili, Lester rubbed Nayafili's fat baby face angrily, his movements becoming more and more aggressive, but Nayafili fell into deep thought unknowingly.

"I want you to eat me and take over my body, but you can't do it? I've given you my weakness. You can't make him soften and eat you. Is this also my fault? You can't Let me always pay for your mistakes?"

After frowning and thinking for a long time, Nayafili nodded in sudden enlightenment, his eyes clear.

"I understand what you mean. Tell me, what conditions do you want? As long as it is not too excessive, I will agree to it!"

Seeing that the fish finally took the bait, Lester no longer tried to hide it.

"Since I gave you the body, I have absolute control over it. Once you occupy the body I provided, you have to listen to me. Isn't this the truth?"

This time, Nayafili didn't even think, he nodded with deep understanding and sneered.

"Of course it is. Don't you have the right to control your body?"

Lester gave a thumbs up with an approving look on his face.

"That's really smart. That's it. From now on, Nayafili must listen to me."

Nayafili showed a smile of success.

"You still have to say...wait, why should I listen to you?"

"Because I gave you your body, and you said I have the right to control it. Of course you have to listen to me, or are you going back on your word? Don't want to be free?"

"Wait, let me think about it for a moment..."

While Nayafil was thinking about the logic of discourse, Lester was also exploring Nayafil's spiritual body.

Generally speaking, the appearance of the mental body is equivalent to a person's self-cognition. Putting aside the ugly demonic body that occupies other people's bodies, Aatrox's mental body is a young man with a handsome appearance and a hot temper. Astor is a cunning and patient middle-aged hunter.

The mental bodies of the two are relatively in line with their own personalities and age characteristics. The only difference is that Naya Feli's mental body is that of a twelve or thirteen-year-old little loli.

A loli dark descendant?

Are you kidding me? Does the Ascended Rite allow minors to ascend?

Or is it that Nayafili's mind has been affected and he has degenerated into a child's body, which is actually an adult's body?

Lester knew that if he wanted to explore this, he had to start with the hatching of demon eggs.

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