League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 870 Chapter868 Sandstorm Cage

In the past, Fielding had heard people in the escort say that the Ionians were very powerful. But now that the sword mark was close at hand, Fielding realized that this 'powerful' was not for ordinary people, even for him. Among the masters I have seen, very few can execute this sword.

Fielding's expression was gloomy and uncertain. Seeing that Yasuo and others refused to give in, and there were other people supporting him, he gradually gave up the idea of ​​​​killing people to silence them.

He just wanted to earn some credit, but he didn't want to work hard for it. If he had to pay for it, wouldn't it be like drawing water from a bamboo basket?

With a smile on his gloomy face, Fielding put the knife back into its sheath and said politely.

"If I had said this earlier, it wouldn't matter. We are just poor people who want to eat more...

Since you are not willing to go with us, we can only part ways... Ram, ask who is willing to go with them, let them go, and order all the food for them by the way. Not even one day less will be enough for the three days' share. "

The wind warrior looked at Yongen, who shook his head slightly and motioned for everyone to cooperate with Yasuo.

"Brother Yasuo, can you call Aunt Maxine?"

Seeing that the crisis seemed to be gone, Thalia lowered her voice in embarrassment.

"I'm afraid they'll detain Aunt Maxine."

Yasuo nodded, taking Maxine's matter to heart, and left with the member of the escort named Ram.

About an hour later, Yasuo came back with Maxine and others.

Counting the members of the escort team, there were only more than one hundred and twenty people in total who chose to join Yongen's team. How many of them stayed voluntarily because of Fielding's intimidation or because they did not trust the Ionians? It’s unknown.

For Yongen, this is the best ending without killing. If he kills traitors such as Fielding to save people, it will be more gain than loss.

After gathering their luggage and supplies, Yongen's team left overnight.

In order to get the Ionians to leave as quickly as possible, Fielding did not do anything with the survival supplies and gave them enough food rations.

Three days of rations is more or less. Considering that we have already walked more than half of the distance, as long as we don't get lost, we can reach Wekaula safely before the sandstorm rises. Of course, the premise is that we are not affected by the void. Interference from alien beasts.

Riding a void-turned lavender sand wolf, Void Apostle Andre clung tightly to Li Qing's back, constantly directing the tide of void beasts to attack Li Qing, putting Li Qing in a dilemma.

In order to take down the unreasonable monk in front of him, Andrei slowed down his invasion of the Khalisai area and mobilized more than 95% of the void creatures to the southwest. Unfortunately, the monk controlled The power was too strong, and he could only use numbers to slowly consume the monk's physical strength until he was exhausted.

For Li Qing, the purpose of attracting hatred for Yong En and others has been achieved. Now what he needs to consider is how to escape the siege from the endless tide of void beasts.

It had been four full days since he started to fight the Void Beast without sleep. His physical condition declined rapidly. Even with the blessing of the dragon spirit, he could not hide his fatigue. It was precisely because of this that Andre did not Give up pursuit.

Seeing Li Qing once again besieged by void creatures, a look of compassion appeared on Andre's lavender face.

"Why are you still struggling? The fate of the void is also fate. Since you are already desperate, why don't you want to join us and instead commit murder? I think you are also a practitioner. Don't you know the truth of obeying the destiny?"

"For no reason, I was born as a human being and I should fight for humanity. I don't want to be like you, neither a human nor a ghost."

After smashing the Void Sandworm's head with a slap, Li Qing knew that it would be difficult for him to completely get rid of the entanglement of the Void. He immediately decided to capture the thief first and capture the king first, and kill the Void Commander hiding in the beast tide at all costs.

"Shuoji Xiaokong! Shenlong help me!"

He clasped his hands together and clapped hard. The applause was like thunder, and it echoed between heaven and earth like drums at dusk and bells in the morning. All the creatures in the void froze, frightened by the vast power of the dragon spirit.

In an instant, a terrifying dragon roar came from Li Qing's body, and his body seemed to be ignited with a divine fire from the spirit. The unprecedented power of the divine dragon burned Li Qing's body.

His body and organs, which had been tempered for many times, were fine, but his fragile eyes could not withstand such strong energy infusion. Soon the eyeballs were overwhelmed and annihilated in the reciprocal impact of energy.

The world suddenly went dark, and just when he thought he would stop there because of losing his eyesight, Li Qing discovered that his 'eyesight' had actually broken away from the shackles of the body's senses, reaching a state of selflessness in the world, and his body became relaxed. stand up.

Within a radius of a hundred meters, he could actually 'see' how many vertical lines there were in the mutated compound eyes of the Void Sand Beast.

"Udyr, I finally see it. Is this the realm where humans and souls are united?"

It was obvious that the monk had his back turned to him, but Andre felt the murderous intent soaring into the sky, his face changed, and he controlled the Void Sand Wolf to retreat without hesitation.

Li Qing turned around and struck out with a palm. The wind of his palm tore apart the void beasts along the way like a heavy hammer. He just broke through a straight path leading to Andre, and marked the mark of the dragon on Andre's car.

"Now that you're here, why rush to leave?"

Space seemed to be no longer an obstacle. Li Qing jumped up and rushed straight towards Andre's position. Although there were many obstacles, it did not affect Li Qing's ability to lock on Andre.

Before his consciousness returned to the lavender sea, Andre's last consciousness was that earth-shattering kick.

After Andre was killed by Li Qing, the void beasts returned to their respective consciousnesses and dispersed one after another, away from Li Qing, the irresistible god of death.

After the void beast left, Li Qing sat cross-legged on the spot, glanced at the disappearing moon halo in the western sky, and entered a meditative state.

"I've been dragging it out for four and a half days. The rest is up to you."

"Ready to go!"

After Yongen and others left, Fielding seemed to have changed his face, no longer hiding his true nature, completely forgetting all the promises he made when asking for support.

This temporary team of escapees was finally controlled by the old bandit and ushered in the long-awaited rape.

In one night, Fielding skillfully used all the resources at hand to gain the loyalty of the escort and established an unbreakable ruling order.

Not only were their livestock and property plundered by the guards, but for a mouthful of food that was less than what the Ionians gave them, they even had to watch their wives and daughters being humiliated, and those who resisted would be killed without hesitation.

The original order collapsed in an instant, and Khalisei Samin, who had forgotten what viciousness was because of the courtesy treated by Yongen and others, finally realized that the most terrifying thing was the compatriots he recognized more.

But now there is no regret medicine to take, and the chance to escape has passed. The Ionians did not dare to stand up and say a word when they came forward. At this moment, they are like ostriches who just bury their heads in the sand and cry secretly.

Fielding will not allow anyone to leave his team, and only the cold bones can escape safely.

At dawn, the wailing and gnashing team headed westward. The escort mounted the animals, but the owners of the animals staggered behind them on foot like slaves.

Finally, the smell of blood from the corpse attracted the top predators. Without Andre's control, all the void beasts followed the Queen's most primitive instructions.

Conquering all things, transforming the environment and plundering resources, the three population goals are rooted in the soul of every void beast, allowing all void races to play their role to the best of their ability and serve the Purple Sea.

At the beginning, it was a Void Vulture hanging in the air. Without the wind warriors, the guards shot more than a dozen arrows but failed to shoot down the uninvited guest. Staring at the Void Vulture high above, Fielding's eyes emerged. There was a ray of haze. It had been a full day and a half without encountering an invasion from the void. Unexpectedly, the hateful Ionians had just left and the void monsters came to find them. He also became the unlucky ghost in the rear.

Gritting his teeth, hating that the Ionians had left too quickly and that he had not yet had enough of being in power, Fielding looked at the leader of the escort he had appointed.

"Let's take the livestock and leave here immediately, the void monster is coming."

The captain of the escort team, who had just enjoyed the nourishing life of a bandit for a night, felt his heart skip a beat. He looked at the compatriots behind him with a hesitant look on his face.

He had already worked very hard to learn to be a bad person, but even so, he only had time to transform the concept of 'compatriots' into 'slaves' in one night, making him regard 'slaves' as 'victims' who could be discarded at any time. There are still some difficulties.

"Then what are these people going to do? With their speed they definitely can't keep up with us."

Fielding said coldly.

"If you can't keep up, you will die. If they didn't buy time for us, how could we escape the pursuit of these monsters?

Everyone, listen to me! The void monster is coming! If you don’t want to die, run with me! Just run past the people around you and you'll survive! "

Hearing this, the escort was shocked at first, and then they understood what Fielding meant. They grabbed people for people and food for food. When faced with resistance, they directly drew their swords and chopped. Void had not yet launched an attack. The people from the escort team actually opened fire on the sand people.

Fielding smiled coldly. Facing the threat of the void, the idiots in the escort were just scapegoats worth using. He immediately stopped hesitating and rode Scarash to the west.

"Fielding, you bastard! I curse you to die!"

There were curses coming from behind, and even the vicious words seemed a little funny because they were so weak.

From the time he took a saber and beheaded his first person at the age of fifteen, he understood that cursing and blaming were the most powerless and cowardly manifestations in the world.

“If people can be cursed to death, wouldn’t this world be full of good people?”

In the desert city called Vicoula, where the branch of the Kohalis River originated, Nasus was taking Camille and others who had returned from Koharise to introduce the famous "World Destruction" in the history of the Shurima Empire. Sandstorm】Forbidden technique.

Sixteen giant eight-meter-high pillars together form an arcane beacon, which can receive huge energy transmitted from the solar disk at any time.

Under the pillar, Nasus stroked the pattern of the pillar with the Icathian element style with a complicated expression. He really did not expect that he would be able to use this forbidden technique one day in his lifetime.

"Speaking of which, the creator of the forbidden art [World-Destroying Sandstorm] is closely related to Icathia. I wonder if the Shuriman people today have forgotten the name 'Nezuk'?"

Jax took over, pondering the familiar name in his mind.

Even in terms of the length of his life, Nezuk is considered an 'unattainable' elder.

"Nezuk, he is the great elementalist of Ixtal and a member of the Ascended Ones. Nezuk is loyal to the Shurima Empire and possesses arcane power that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Ner'zuk once created the [Monolith] Fortress to resist the void forces during the Icathian Void War. After the failure of the monolith plan, Ner'zuk devoted himself to resisting the void forces, and eventually became a darkin tyrant after the void was sealed. He established a brutal arcane kingdom and built himself a secret and magnificent mausoleum. So far, no one has found where Nezuk's mausoleum is. "

"That's right."

Nasus smiled, a proud look on his face.

"Others only know that Nezuk is a hero who resists the void, a cruel and violent dark descendant, and a great elemental mage. But they don't know that Nezuk is also a peerless genius in the fields of formations, elements, and magical equipment.

If it hadn't been for the Void Disaster in Icathia that caused Nezuk to lose his heart as a mage, Nezuk would have achieved unprecedented achievements and created a more concise method of engraving magic instruments. It's a pity that Nezuk still has Before he could leave the crystallization of his wisdom, he became a demon.

Before the Void Disaster broke out in Icathia, Nezuk served as the vice-president of the Shurima Empire's Arcane Association. The president was only a nominal figure for the royal family. The real power of the Arcane Association rested with Nezuk. In his hand, the fortress [Monolith] was also built by the Arcane Association. This is Nezuk's authority. "

Camille listened silently to the top-secret information from Nasus, but she was thinking about whether she could find a way to bring back the magic crafting technology and arcane technology left by Nezuk to the empire.

Considering that Sivir, the princess of the New Shurima Empire, would be her sister sooner or later, Camille temporarily gave up the idea of ​​using small means.

"This magic pillar was created by Nezuk and is called [Pillar of Elements].

Through elemental resonance, the pillar of elements can conduct, enhance and control magical energy of any attribute, and construct magical energy into any spell.

Using the elemental pillar as a node, the sweeping wind and sand can be accurately contained outside the range east of Vicora. Even the void cannot break through this layer of magical defense without any cost. They can only find a way. Launch a small-scale attack from the underground world,

Unless a large number of void wormholes are built, it is impossible for the void forces to invade the New Shurima Empire on a large scale...

I heard that Lord Yongen and Lord Li Qing took the initiative to stay in Kohalise to help the remaining sand people in the area evacuate to the west. A week ago, I organized manpower to help the Kohalese people evacuate the area, and the rest were They are some people who are unwilling to leave their hometown. Their persuasion is useless and they can only give up.

Commander Camille, if Lord Yongen and others cannot come back on time..."

Camille said solemnly.

"Your Excellency Nasus, just follow the original plan. Since my men have made their choice, they must have the consciousness to risk everything. They must not delay the important task of blocking the void due to indecision."

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