League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 872 Chapter870 Dragon Monk

After being delayed for a long time by the void, there was only half a day's journey to Vikaola. Yongen's heart became more and more anxious. If Vikaola's plan had not changed, today's noon would be the time when the forbidden spell would be activated. If he couldn't do it in Arrive at Vikaula before the forbidden technique is activated. By then, I am afraid that no one will be able to reach Vikaola alive, and everyone will be strangled to death by the forbidden technique.

A spell that could be called a forbidden spell by the ancient Tsar Azir was definitely not something that human beings could resist, and he didn't think that Camille would be open to people like him who 'leave the team and make their own decisions'. This meant The forbidden technique will definitely be activated at noon.

There is only one situation that can make him feel at ease, that is, the team will no longer be dragged down by the void. Unfortunately, this is simply impossible.

"Those monsters are here again!"

Yongen turned around, and sure enough, there were more than a dozen void beasts running towards him from a thousand meters away behind him. They were not many in number, but they could not be ignored. It was not that they could not be solved, but once they stopped, there would be more soon. Many monsters surrounded and killed him.

"Brother, I will stay and deal with these monsters. Don't stop, let alone wait for me. Rush to Vikaula at full speed. I will try my best to hold off these monsters."

Yasuo suddenly grabbed Scarash's bridle, jumped to the ground, and handed the bridle into Thalia's hand.

"This time everyone is in danger because of me, and I am the strongest in the team. I should stay here to break up the aftermath. Everyone, if we can still see each other alive, Yasuo will apologize to you."

Seeing the determination in Yasuo's eyes, Yongen's lips trembled. He had always expected his brother to become an upright man, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

Most likely, this will be the last time he meets Yasuo.

In the brief silence, thousands of words finally turned into the brother's only hope for his younger brother.

"You brat, you must come back alive. We are waiting for you in Weikaola... let's go!"

Yongen, who had a sore nose, led everyone away without looking back. Yasuo smiled, took off the shakuhachi and put it in front of his lips.

"It turns out it's so hard to be a hero."

After sorting out his mood, Yasuo felt for the first time that he was so eager to play the instrument given to him by his master, as if this was the only way to express the complicated emotions deep in his heart.

Immediately, the desolate and vast music suddenly rose into the sky, and the ethereal atmosphere was mixed with tranquility, calmness and imperceptible loneliness.

The void beasts that were extremely sensitive to sound waves quickly locked onto the player and rushed toward Yasuo.

On the other side, the confused Thalia suddenly heard the familiar sound of the flute. Looking back, she could no longer see the man who changed her destiny.

Maybe there will be no reunion after this separation, and she didn't even say goodbye properly just now.

She wanted to go back, at least at this moment, she wanted to stand by his side and face everything with him.

Pulling the bridle and turning the direction, the girl resolutely passed by Yongen and others, turning a deaf ear to the surprised calls of others.

"That's enough, let's go."

Yongen whispered.

"Never let this noble sacrifice go to waste."

The void monster was already less than a hundred meters away. Yasuo then put away his shakuhachi and drew his katana, facing so many monsters alone and cutting off the rear for everyone.

Yasuo knew that he must be very cool at this moment. If the junior sisters in the dojo saw it, they might have to fall in love with his brother, but...

With a bitter smile, Yasuo knew that in this life-or-death battle, there would be no audience, only enemies.

For some reason, a simple and beautiful face suddenly appeared in Yasuo's mind. Judging from the outstanding people of Ionia, she was not a beautiful girl, but she was surprisingly impressive.

If that girl with a thin body but very strong faith was next to her, she would definitely look at her with admiration and dependence, right?

Perhaps earlier, he might have been a hero.

Perhaps he died gloriously here and he will become an eternal hero...

"Brother Yasuo! Let me help you!"

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from behind, and when I looked back, I saw that the girl was already in the yellow sand sky. She was not pretty at all, with a messy sand sparrow nest on her gray-faced head.

Yasuo opened his mouth in disbelief, completely destroying the warrior's mood of dying.

"Thalia?! Why are you back? My brother didn't stop you?"

"I forgot to say goodbye to you, so I came back. I guess I ran too fast and Brother Yongen didn't have time to talk to me."

Thalia jumped off Scarash and put her back to back with Yasuo, mobilizing magic in her hands to face the void beasts that had surrounded her.

Although she was clearly in crisis, the girl smiled happily and proudly.

"Now it seems like I can't leave."

Yasuo said angrily.

"What an idiot. You know you can't leave but you still come back. If you die here, haven't I been taking care of you for so long in vain? It's a waste of my kindness. I'm so angry."

"I'm very capable."

Yasuo didn't realize that Thalia still hadn't said goodbye, and Thalia didn't realize that she didn't want to say goodbye at all.

Obviously they were just talking useless nonsense, but the two of them felt that they couldn't say enough.

As if fed up with the two human beings, the void beast screamed and launched an attack.

"Brother Yasuo, I will build a rock hut and leave only one passage. In that case, you can only keep one direction."

After saying that, before Yasuo could forcefully say, "Just hide behind me," Thalia began to cast a spell. Earth and rocks rose up from the ground, forming three capping barriers and sealing Yasuo's mouth.

Staring blankly at the stone wall that blocked out the void beasts, Yasuo suddenly realized that maybe Thalia could fight better than him.

Opening his eyes, the boiling dragon spirit in his body gradually calmed down. After exiting the meditative state, Li Qing stood up and touched his empty eye sockets with a little regret.

After thinking about it, Li Qing directly pulled off a piece of red cloth and wrapped it around his eyes to prevent his appearance from scaring others.

The eyes will definitely not grow back, and they may not be useful if they grow back. From now on, I can only live as a blind man. Fortunately, losing the eyes does not affect my movements. It is actually more convenient to perceive everything in the world with the spirit than to observe with the eyes.

The demonic barrier in his heart disappeared in a flash, and Li Sin completely accepted his identity as a blind man.

"It's time to return to Vekora, I just don't know if things are going well with Yongen."

Perhaps because of the intimidation of the strong, the corpses of void beasts were everywhere within a thousand meters, but there was no trace of void activity.

Li Qing frowned. He wanted to destroy the corpses and prevent Void from using them anymore, but he didn't know what to do. He couldn't crush the thousands of corpses with one punch or one kick.

After struggling for a while, Li Qing had no choice but to give up.

Anyway, with his current strength, he can kill as many ordinary void beasts as he wants. The worst he can do is kill them later. There is no point in worrying about this except a waste of time.

Not wanting to stay any longer, Li Qing immediately galloped towards the west, faster than a horse galloping at full speed. At the same time, Li Qing also used his mental power to sense the movement of the void.

Passing through several settlements and towns, a few days passed, and no one could be seen except for some white bones and void plants that constantly spewed out void energy. Wherever the void passed, it was like marching ants passing through, and it could be said that there was no grass growing.

After casually destroying the void plants that were silently transforming the environment, Li Qing did not stop and continued to rush back. Finally, he discovered a large-scale activity of void creatures fifteen miles away from Vikoula.

Concentrating his breath, Li Qing lay on the hill and observed silently.

It seemed that a settlement had just been slaughtered, and the void creatures were happily eating flesh and blood. Judging from the number of corpses, it was estimated that there were thousands of people.

"The void creatures have advanced here. There is no village within ten miles. How can there be so many creatures? Could it be that Yongen's team is in danger?"

Thinking to no avail, Li Qing simply killed the nearby void beasts. After the void beasts were eliminated, Li Qing carefully cleaned the battlefield. Under observation, he did not find the samurai sword skirt of the Wind Control Swordsmanship Dojo, and did not even look at it. How many weapons are left.

The dead were all residents of Khali Sesha, unarmed old people, weak women and children, without exception.

"Is it because Yongen abandoned these people that they were killed by the void?"

Thinking of this, Li Qing felt a little more angry, but his reason told him that Yone and the warriors at the Gale Sword Dojo were definitely not such irresponsible bastards, otherwise they would not have stayed at all.

After calming down, Li Qing was more inclined to believe that something had happened to Yongen's team. What exactly happened would require further investigation to find out.

Before Li Qing could take any further action, a pillar of light suddenly rose in the western sky and broke through the stars. A storm surrounded the light pillar, causing a trembling sound like thunder.

The bright sky turned dull, the sun was obscured by magical clouds, and then Li Qing found that the surrounding environment began to become aggressive.

The wind and sand condensed into knives, and the earth swept into deadly hurricanes that moved at high speeds, grinding everything on the earth into pieces. Even the land was scraped off several layers.

Facing the sandstorm that fills the entire world, there is no way to avoid it, no escape, and nothing can be spared.

Even with the protection of the dragon spirit, Li Qing could still feel the destructive power contained in the sandstorm hurricane. Even with his physical strength, it was impossible to resist this natural disaster-like force.

"This is the power of mainland-level forbidden spells. Only spells of this level can stop these monsters."

Using the dragon spirit to protect his body, Li Qing carried the sandstorm all the way to the west, and soon saw the magic beacon above Vicora.

Large swaths of residential buildings have been forcibly demolished and replaced by clusters of sentry towers and fortresses. The heavily armed soldiers of the New Shurima Empire looked at the monks who came out of the world-destroying spell with horrified faces and raised their weapons. .

"who are you!?"

"I am Li Qing, a monk from Shuoji Temple who supports the Noxus Empire. Where is Camille? I want to see her."

After hearing that Li Qing claimed to be a supporter of the Noxus Empire, the soldiers relaxed a little and immediately went to report the situation.

In the renovated tavern, Camille made a cup of tea for Li Qing with her own hands, and secretly looked at the monk with an extra layer of blindfold in front of his eyes. After not seeing him for just a week, the pressure Li Qing brought to her was already different. And words,

If she had the confidence to severely injure Li Qing before they parted, now she had no desire to fight the blind monk in front of her, and had no idea at all.

As a transformer of the Life Magic Crystal, she can clearly feel how terrifying the dragon spirit enshrined in Shuoji Temple is.

Camille picked up the wine glass and knocked it on the table, smiling.

"The war is intense, and it's not time for dinner. I can't help you with the wind and dust, so I can only treat you to a cup of crude tea."

Li Qing picked up the tea cup and said calmly.

"For an ascetic, a cup of tea is enough."


Putting down the wine glass, Camille got straight to the point.

"I know you came to me to ask about the situation of everyone in the Wind Control Swordsmanship Dojo. To make a long story short, you successfully delayed the Void forces from advancing westward and bought enough time for everyone to evacuate, but Lord Yongen appeared over there. Got some questions,

Because their methods were too gentle, the Kharisai people who were fearful of power and unethical foolishly drove away the wind warriors. After being seized by a guy named Fielding, only a small number of sand people were willing to join Lord Yongen. action,

The survivors of the long journey have been placed in the rear, and the warriors at the Wind Swordsmanship Dojo are taking the time to rest. At present, except for the Wind Warrior Yasuo who voluntarily stayed behind and the sand people girl Thalia who has not escaped from the sandstorm, everything is there. The plan is to wait until the second batch of support from the empire arrives, then we can start the operation.

Mr. Lee Sin, did you see Yasuo and Thalia when you came back? "

Li Qing frowned. He didn't recognize Thalia, but he did recognize the wind-controlling swordsman named "Little Swordsman". He himself still liked Yasuo's character and style, otherwise he wouldn't Take the initiative to stand up and act with the wind warriors.

"When I came back, I only saw another team that was massacred by void monsters. I didn't see that kid Yasuo... To be honest, I don't think that kid has the ability to come out of the sandstorm. It's a pity..."

"Don't jump to conclusions yet. Yasuo may not necessarily die. Don't underestimate that young warrior. Do you know what the names of Yasuo are now given by the survivors of Halise?" ?”

"What name?"

"The Swift Wind Swordsman."

Camille looked at the vast glow outside the window, not trusting Yasuo, but trusting her teacher Lester.

Yasuo was a person that her teacher personally told her to pay close attention to and not interfere with. Because of this, she knew the name of the Swift Wind Swordsman before Yasuo received the title of "Swordsman of the Swift Wind".

If the Gale Swordsman really died in a sandstorm so easily, wouldn't he be the one who lost his teacher?

"Which person who can be called a swordsman is a simple thing?"

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