League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 889 Chapter887 Rat in the ditch

In order to facilitate the maintenance of drainage pipelines and guide wastewater, the sewer structure of Zaun is a standard tunnel-type sewer. Maintenance workers only need to conduct pipeline inspections in the corresponding areas to solve most problems. This is precisely because the people of Zaun have experienced the pain of being flooded. Fear, no one cut corners when building the sewer system. The engineering standards were even better than the design specifications. The wide and complex drainage channels were enough to avoid most floods in Zaun.

But this was a long time ago after all. As the air in the sewers became more and more polluted, the casualty rate of sewer cleaners skyrocketed. Soon no one was willing to risk their lives to clean the sewers. The sewers became dirtier and dirtier, and a vicious cycle began. After that, the sewers of Zaan have become a restricted area for life. After all, not everyone can afford to wear a high-end breathing mask.

Even if Lester has never been to Zaun's sewers, he knows that too clean sewers are not consistent with the actual situation.

"Is there someone dedicated to cleaning up here?"

Finn responded somewhat cautiously as Lester shook his head.

"As far as I know, there is no one in charge. Even a desperate lunatic would not go into the sewers of Zaun."

"Then how come Zu'an's sewers are so clean?"

"Maybe it's because of the special design structure?"

"Is it possible that a big rat is doing the cleaning?"

Baron Finn was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded vigorously.


Seeing how Baron Finn agreed with him in a serious manner, Leicester was sure that Baron Finn was not a very smart guy.

"Take me to a place where rats are rumored to be infested."

While Lester and Caitlin were wandering around the sewers with Finn, a large hunched rat weighing about a hundred pounds was concentrating on playing with a jar of dark green bio-acid.

The big rat sometimes added some unfriendly-looking chemical liquids to the acid tank, sometimes used a quartz stick to stir rapidly in the acid tank, and sometimes danced on tiptoes with his hands raised in excitement, and soon the acid tank was It started to boil, and streams of yellow-green gas evaporated from the tank and hit the big mouse's little nose.

The poisonous gas that was enough to corrode a human's chin was inhaled into the nasal cavity of the big rat. The big mouse slowed down the movements of his hands, squinted his eyes contentedly, enjoying the influence of the gas, and his beard stood up one by one.

When the acid tank stopped spitting yellow-green poisonous gas, the big mouse took a deep breath, picked up the acid tank and drank it in one gulp.

After a few gulps, the big mouse put down the acid tank, wiped his mouth with his hand with satisfaction, and grinned.

"Huha~ This glass of juice is so delicious~ Eminem~ Eminem~ I want to drink it~ I want to drink it~ Get more! Get more!"

After mumbling a few words to himself in poor and sharp Zaunian, the big rat tiptoed to another branch of the sewer. Unlike the [canteen] just now, this sewer was filled with a mess of machinery. Parts, there is also a not-so-decent workbench against the wall. There are many crudely made homemade tools on the workbench, and it seems that every tool is filled with the smell of lubricating oil.

"Hehehe~ I can do it~ Tucci can do it~ Eminem~"

The big rat picked up a piece of rusty angle iron that he had torn apart from somewhere. He first spit out his saliva and smeared it on the palm of his hand. Then he smeared it on the angle iron with his palm, and scraped it with his sharp fingers to remove the rusted part. It was pushed to the ground, like soft mud.

"Old Kueller, old Kueller can do it, I can do it, Eminem~Tucci can do it~"

Surprisingly, the big rat who was talking to himself put on goggles and cut metal with a gas welding gun he assembled himself.


While the big mouse was concentrating on cutting, four or five rats that were almost as big as the rats at the Bilgewater Slaughterhouse came to the big mouse with scraps in their mouths, and placed the treasures they had found from the garbage in their mouths. On the ground, the rat raised its head and squeaked to report the situation.

When the chirping rat closed its mouth, the big rat who could speak human language stopped what he was doing, took off his goggles, and his sly rat head revealed an expression of anthropomorphic dissatisfaction and shock.

"What? Someone destroyed the fence and broke into Tuqi's kingdom? No, no, Eminem, Old Queller said that humans are very cruel monsters, and humans will destroy Tuqi's kingdom. What should we do? Picture What should Qi do?”

Seeing that the big mouse was a little panicked, the little mice also started to get restless and offered suggestions to the big mouse one after another. They seemed to be much more anxious than the big mouse.

"Kill humans? Kill humans~ Eminem, you are right, Twitch must defend Twitch's kingdom, and Twitch must kill those intruders! Weapons, Twitch needs weapons!"

After his mood stabilized, the big rat put down the welding gun and turned off the gas tank. He took out an alchemy hand crossbow from a rusty metal box with a combination lock. He checked the crossbow arrow and poured venom into it. The big rat raised the hand crossbow and shot an arrow. The crossbow arrows stained with corrosive venom penetrated deeply into the iron sheet, making a "squeaking" sound. If someone was hit by this arrow, they would probably turn into bones on the spot.

"Eminem~ Take Tucci with you~ Take Tuki with you~"


From time to time, the chirping of rats could be heard in the increasingly complex sewers. I don’t know since when, there seemed to be more rats around, and they seemed to have some kind of malicious intent.

Caitlin pulled out the Hex charged pistol hidden on the side of her thigh. For some reason, she actually felt threatened by these big rats that were watching her.

"Mr. Lister, otherwise we should go back. Now that we know about the anomalies in Zaun's sewers, we should let a more professional exploration team investigate."

Finn, who had followed all the way here, looked unhappy. He originally thought that the steel and welding rods blocking the sewer were the work of some Zaun workers, until Lester removed the delicate-looking metal welding rods with his bare hands to expose another passage. When he came out, he realized that things were not as simple as he thought.

Not only were the mice here huge, but they also had clear divisions of labor. More than once, he saw a big cat-sized mouse shuttle through the pipes with certain metal materials in its mouth. It didn't look like it was aimless at all.

"You're all here, don't you want to meet the owner of this place?"

Lester glanced at the little mouse hiding in the pipe and peeked at him, and smiled at Finn.

The mice here seem to have undergone some degree of genetic mutation, which is mainly manifested in two aspects: increased intelligence and increased body size.

Of course, the rats here are incomparable with the Rune Demon Rats under the Shining Silver Mountains. The Zaun Ditch Rats can only be said to have begun to develop their intelligence and formed a certain social structure, while the Rune Demon Rats have fully grown into A new force with a unique racial culture, otherwise it would not be so troublesome for the Emerald Territory to annihilate them.

Now that he has penetrated deep into the world of sewers, Lester is 90% sure that the owner of Zaun's sewers is the big rat Tucci who can only speak human words.

To be honest, Lester is quite interested in Twitch, a vague non-human hero. He can occupy the entire sewer system from the gap that Piltover and Zaun have no time to take care of. This is not something that a mouse can have. Wisdom, if we can figure out the reasons for Tuqi's evolution from this investigation, we may be able to open up a new path for racial evolution.

In a slightly depressed environment, Lester spoke.

"I heard that there have been many serial killings in Piltover over the past few decades. Most of the victims died from open crossbow wounds or corrosive venom. The cases are still unsolved. Ms. Lin is very concerned about this. How much do you know about this matter?”

Caitlin was stunned for a moment by Lester's sudden question. As a lover of criminal investigation, this type of case has always been her main research object. It's okay to talk about the details without mentioning the details.

"You should be talking about the giant rat killer case. In this serial killing case, more than thirty victims in different areas have been fatally attacked. Currently, only three people are alive. The limbs and organs of the survivors have been exposed to chemical poisons. Materials are severely corroded and life cannot take care of themselves.

According to the confessions provided by the survivors, the attacker was a giant rat that uttered human words. Because the words were too ridiculous and the three survivors suffered from severe traumatic stress disorder, the law enforcement officials did not use the survivors' testimonies. . "

"As far as I know, Zaun's sewers are merged into Piltover's sewer system. Have the law enforcement officials considered that the killer invaded Piltover through the sewer system?"

Caitlin shook her head.

"Piltover's sewer system has limited pipe diameters from the beginning. If it is a child's size, it may be possible. An adult's size cannot pass through the pipes at all, so the law enforcement officer investigating the case did not consider the murderer. It is possible to commit crimes through the sewer system..."

Before Caitlin could react as she was speaking, a crossbow bolt soaked with dark green corrosive venom was shot from a dark place, aiming right at Caitlin's chest. Lester grabbed it casually and held the crossbow bolt in his hand. .

The venom tank attached to the alchemical crossbow shattered, and the venom that was enough to melt flesh and blood poured on Lester's hand, but it only made Lester's palm slightly red. Under the horrified eyes of Caitlin and Finn, Lester threw it away Alchemy crossbow arrow, looking towards the tunnel entrance not far away.

"Tuki? How about we come out and talk?"

"Amu~ Do you know Twitch's name? Human, why aren't you afraid of Twitch's juice? Human, you'd better tell Twitch everything you know, otherwise Twitch will kill you~"

The rats swarmed and made a scalp-numbing sound. Accompanied by the slightly sharp Zaun language, a figure with a hunched back emerged from the shadows. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an unimaginable rat-man.

The rat man is about 4 feet 9 inches tall. He is wrapped in a tattered wasteland-style cloak that he didn't know where to pull from. His sharp teeth are ticking with light green saliva. He holds a very dangerous-looking crossbow in his right hand. Judging from the venom tank at the arrowhead of the crossbow, the main killing effect of this crossbow is not physical damage.

Thinking that she was almost melted into a big hole by the rats like the other victims of Piltover, Caitlin became furious, raised the muzzle of her gun and aimed at the ratmen, ready to fire at any time.

"Liszt...Master, can I kill this stinky rat?"

As if aware of Caitlin's hostility, the rats around Tucci began to become restless, grinning at Lester and the other three.

"Believe me, it's more useful alive than dead."

Lester shook his head and motioned for Caitlin to put down the gun.

"With me here, you will not be in any danger."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"call out!"

The second alchemical crossbow arrow flew towards Finn. Finn, who was in danger of death, raised his arm to try to block the alchemical crossbow arrow, but a shadow of his hand caught the crossbow arrow one step ahead of Finn.

Seeing that his second sneak attack still didn't work, and even the most feared juice by humans was unable to cause harm to the man not far away, Tucci was shocked and angry, and prepared to give orders to the rats to launch an attack together.

"Amu~Human, who are you? Tucci is asking you something!"

This time, Lester didn't speak. His body turned into an afterimage. He grabbed Tucci's back collar and snatched the alchemical crossbow away.

Tucci, who had no power to fight back, was lifted up in mid-air by Lester and lost all his majesty. The restless rats did not attack Caitlin and the other two because they threw rat traps.

"Eminem! Let me go! Human! Let Twitch go!"

Tucci struggled violently, but was helpless in the face of the iron-like grip. The rat man couldn't help but secretly hate himself for sewing this handsome cloak too strong.

"Twitch, you'd better keep these rats away."

"Why should Twitch listen to you?"

Tucci stared, and the man said nonchalantly.

"Because if you don't obey, Shushu will die."

Facing Lester's naked threat, Tucci squeaked unwillingly twice, and the rats retreated into the pipeline, but Lester could feel that the rats did not go far.

"I just like obedient rats."

Lester put down Tucci, but did not return Tucci's alchemical crossbow. Instead, he picked it up and played with it.

Tucci's crossbow has an exquisite and simple shape, and its arms are made of some kind of elastic metal.

There is no need to manually wind the weapon. As long as the mechanism in front of the trigger is turned, the high-pressure gas tank can complete the winding work independently. The user only needs to install the new crossbow arrow in the groove to activate it quickly, so that the crossbow arrow is filled with venom. The corrosive liquid in the tank flies towards the target,

As long as you have enough hand speed, this extremely powerful alchemical crossbow can even function as a repeating crossbow. Lester, who is accustomed to the empire's advanced inventions, now sees a unique beauty in the alchemical crossbow.

"Did you make this thing yourself?"

"It was made by Tuqi, human, you'd better give Tuqi's crossbow back to Tuqi!"

"It's okay if I give it back to you, but you can't attack me and my followers with the crossbow anymore, otherwise, I will break your head."

Considering that he couldn't beat the human in front of him, Tucci could only nod in frustration. Fortunately, the man was also very honest and actually returned his beloved crossbow to him.

"Take me to your lair."

At this point, Tucci could only reluctantly lead the way.

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