League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 920 Chapter918 Responsibilities of Personal Guards

In the Navisk Temple, after witnessing Elvis's divine animal bone totem shattered into pieces, Lester used the Emperor's Powder to completely annihilate the fragments of Elvis's animal bone totem. After doing all this, Lester Putting down the emperor's cup, he sat on the edge of the altar and breathed slightly.

After confirming that the corrupt divinity in his body that was trying to compete with him for control no longer posed a threat, Lester began to review the battle just now and think about whether there was anything missing.

Strictly speaking, facing Elvis’ ontological totem is more difficult than facing Elvis’ concept of divinity.

The totem can bypass various defenses through a certain law of chaos and directly impose negative characteristics on his body and mind.

If corrupted to a certain level, it can directly affect his thinking and memory, making him a believer in the Lord of Corruption. The source of his power may come from the real Chaos Evil God. From this point of view, Elvis's animal bone totem It's like a repeater connecting Runeterra and the Evil God, which can amplify the signal efficiently.

Under the influence of the Law of Chaos, even his body will be affected, but it is only an influence, not a threat. With the rune of life, he is a natural enemy of the Law of Corruption, coupled with the killing of the God King himself The characteristics perfectly suppress Elvis, who has the two characteristics of [immortality] and [resurrection], not to mention that he is also one of the four chosen ones, with the body protection of the chosen mark of the Lord of Joy, Elvis Wes was definitely unlucky to meet him.

Having said that, the ability of the Lord of Corruption, the Chosen One, should not be underestimated. If another person were to face Elvis, if he could not resist corruption while breaking Elvis's immortality and causing fundamental damage to him, the outcome would probably be It will only become a [divine vessel] controlled by a totem, becoming the second Ramsden who has self-awareness but does not know that he has been completely controlled. The Nature Spirit Sect founded by Elvis is probably through corruption. Use methods to transform surface people into ancient spirit people to increase the number of ethnic groups.

In addition, the threat of Elvis is also reflected in the number and strength of the ancient spirit believers. Once Elvis brings the totem to the surface, with Elvis's AOE ability, he can definitely easily bring it to the surface. The entire Presidence and even the continent of Ionia are corrupted. When the time comes, the corrupted Ionians will become part of Elvis. I am afraid that not only the spirit of Ionia, Karma, will be able to stop Elvis. The cataclysm caused by Weiss.

Although he has crushed Elvis' animal bone totem now, it does not mean that Elvis is completely dead. Firstly, the Lord of Joy did not activate the God's Chosen Mark to notify him. Secondly, Navisk The power of corruption in the ancient city has not yet completely dissipated;

There is only one reason for this result, and that is that Elvis has not completely died. Elvis, who is rooted in faith, can use the surviving ancient spirits to be reborn. The method of rebirth is to reshape the animal bone totem. I don't know whether Lester should directly choose a container. What is certain is that as long as all the Ancient Spirits are wiped out in Navisk, Elvis will definitely die.

Without the direct intervention of Elvis and his container, Riven's follow-up raid on Navisk would have no trouble. If the Demonic Crystal Force couldn't clear out the Ancient Spirit even after he had destroyed the totem, the Demonic Crystal would There is no need for troops to exist.

The last question that needs to be clarified is where Elvis's totem came from. According to the inference of the Imperial researchers, the formation of the Navisk Temple should be an ancient formation involving space teleportation. This time the ancient spirit people The purpose of joining forces with the Navoli Brotherhood to jointly attack Navisk is to capture the temple and complete the ceremony. From this, it can be speculated that the animal bone totem of Navisk actually comes from the other end of the teleportation array.

The question is, where is the other end of the array connected? When he destroyed the heraldic barrier, where was Elvis planning to teleport to?

Lester stood up and began to inspect the temple circle.

Different from the latest records of Imperial researchers, after occupying the temple, the Ancient Spirits used a dark green amber-like crystal powder to repair the incomplete temple array. The repair material was not the same as the original array, but it was actually These crystal powders can be tried to be cracked in reverse, which has high research value.

In addition, the magic circle model has also undergone some obvious changes. It is a pity that Lester cannot get any effective information from the ancient spirit people. Otherwise, it may be easier to obtain the lost ancient magic technology.

Now that the energy transmission pipeline between the Natovila Falls and the Navisk Temple has been cut off, Leicester is not worried that the formation will be activated by someone with ulterior motives, so there is no need to destroy the temple formation. , but it is still necessary to guard the temple to prevent the ancient spirits from coming here to cause damage.

After the ancient spirits are annihilated, we may be able to repair and restart the magic circle and investigate the information on the other side of the teleportation point.

After sorting out the situation, Lester sat back on the edge of the altar and slowly closed his eyes. Now he just needs to wait for the Empire's reinforcements to arrive.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye, and the Noxus Empire Corps carried out an all-round purge of Navisk.

Under Riven's leadership, even the beast spirit altars hidden throughout the Forest of Ancient Spirits were uprooted one by one by imperial soldiers. Adhering to the concept of eradicating the grass and roots, the habitat of the Ancient Spirits was plowed several times inside and out. , until Lester received the reward from the Lord of Joy, the Imperial Legion stopped the annihilation war.

There will be a dedicated person in charge of the follow-up work of Navisk. After receiving the news from the Lord of Joy that Elvis, the chosen one of the Lord of Corruption, has been completely eliminated, Lester left the underground world of Navisk. , knowing that there was nothing to do in Lester for the time being, Ryze decided to go to Bilgewater to visit Mrs. Hegel.

It is very clear that Ritz, who has zero experience, will never forget the experienced Mrs. Hegel. Of course, Lester will not stop Ritz from finding an old lover to get together. Faced with Lester's half-smiling expression, he looks unnatural. Ryze chose to run away immediately.

Coming out of the ancient battlefield site, Lester, who put on Ionia-style casual clothes, and Riven, who was dressed as a sexy female swordsman, got into the carriage. The carriage soon left the depressing ancient battlefield and came to the ordinary The most common country road in Lei Xidian.

On the carriage, Riven placed the sheathed rune blade flat on her fleshy thighs, straightened her waist, put her hands together in front of her, and tried hard to maintain a solemn expression. The reason why it was said to be hard work was because of the girl's His eyes were always in an erratic state, and he didn't dare to look at Lester at all.

"Captain Riven, relax, I'm not a bad person."

"Oh, I understand, uh, I obey Your Majesty, ugh..."

"I forgot again. Didn't I say you should call me boss? I am a Noxian businessman, and you are the female guard I hired."

"Okay, boss, I understand."

"By the way, are you so nervous that you don't feel comfortable with this outfit?"

Lester rested his chin on one arm, with a slightly frivolous smile on his lips.

"A little, a little."

After Lester revealed his embarrassment, the heroic girl with short pale silver hair tilted her head. When her ears were red, her arms were unconsciously clamped on her chest that had not been damaged by the bra strap, but she didn't know that the arched The heart-shaped whiteness was just right for Lester to feast his eyes on, and obviously Riven had forgotten that she didn't bring a bra wrap.

Speaking of which, Riven's short and sharp warrior uniform was designed by Lester himself. The warrior dress with noble black and red as the main color fully embodies the cool style of the Ionians that is close to nature, adhering to the " Based on the principle of "less cloth, higher combat effectiveness", the girl's strong and plump body curves are shown as much as possible beyond the bottom line.

After becoming Leicester's personal bodyguard, wearing a chest strap with her day and night became Riven's unattainable dream.

"Your Majesty...Boss, do I look ugly in clothes like this?"

For some reason, Riven looked unsure.

"How do you say this?"

Riven pointed to her exposed belly with some embarrassment. First, he paused for a moment on Riven's cute belly button. Then Lester's eyes shifted to Riven's very strong mermaid line and abdominal muscles. Finally, he stopped. Consciously continuing down, he stopped on the girl's slender and powerful calves. It could be seen that Riven was training very hard. Otherwise, it would be difficult to maintain streamlined muscles due to the characteristics of the activation runes.

Riven, who was stared at by Leicester, soon had steam coming out of her head, and her eyes, as gorgeous as rubies, were filled with mist.

She didn't care about other people's eyes, but she couldn't keep a calm mind when it came to Lester's scrutiny.

"Your body is very beautiful. If anyone thinks your body is not beautiful, believe me, he must be blind."

"Yes, is that so? No man has ever praised me like this before. I thought men didn't like me like this. Your Majesty...Boss, you are the first person to say that I am beautiful."

After being praised by Lester, the girl was no longer shy. Instead, she scratched her head and smiled innocently, looking very happy.

Lester secretly felt funny, but he knew that the reason why no man praised Riven was because men who had special thoughts about Riven had already been sent to the front line by Xina, and they had already determined that Riven was the reincarnation of a certain girl. He How could he let other men get involved with his woman?

"That's right, you don't need to tighten yourself up all the time with me, just be your usual self. I am your boss, your friend and comrade-in-arms. You can treat this trip to Presidian as if you are with me. When traveling, you can tell me what you want to eat or do.”

"I see."

As if feeling Lester's sincerity, Riven completely relaxed, and the outgoing Riven began to take the initiative to chat with Lester.

In the evening, the carriage arrived at Presidio in Navoli and found a large hotel where the carriage could be parked. After booking a room, Lester and Riven had dinner together and walked down the refreshing and quiet stone alley. superior.

"Boss, I found that the warriors of Ionia seem to like to wear more revealing clothes. Is there any special reason for this?"

Looking at the towering mountains to the northwest, Lester said softly.

"I think you should have heard of 'spell power'."

Riven nodded.

"The instructor of the school once said that 'curse power' is a special energy used by warriors in Ionia. It can be used in conjunction with spells and can also strengthen weapons and bodies."

"That's right, 'curse power' can be said to be a developable physical energy unique to the Ionia continent. As long as it is practiced systematically on the Ionia continent, according to each person's talent, or more At least you can feel the presence of the 'curse',

Compared with people from the outer continent, Ionians who grew up in the Land of the First Born are more talented in the practice of magic.

One of the core principles of mantra practice is "a high degree of unity between man and nature." If you want to practice mantra efficiently, you not only need a suitable set of meditation methods to eliminate the six distracting thoughts, but you also need to integrate with nature and practice it personally. Under this concept, clothes become a 'restraint' that hinders the integration of the body and nature. Naturally, the less the better. "

Lester turned around and spoke nonsense to Riven seriously with an inscrutable smile.

"In order to practice, many warriors will find an uninhabited place to practice naked, so as to understand themselves and absorb the essence of the heaven, earth, sun and moon."

"I see!"

Riven nodded thoughtfully, looked down at her similarly cool clothes, and clapped her hands in realization.

"Could it be that the boss asked me to wear this outfit so that I can practice my 'curse power'?"

"You can teach me. When the time is right, I will find a waterfall to help you practice your magic."

"Did the boss also practice together with Master Ryze, who likes to go topless and only wear shorts?"

The sudden leap of thought caught Lester off guard. After clearing his throat, Lester gave Riven a loving blow to his head. The girl covered her smooth forehead in grievance but did not dare to resist. She looked like a little bunny. Similar.

"Idiot, Master Ryze is an arcane mage. How can his spell power be comparable to arcane magic? If you say such stupid things in the future, be careful I spank you."

"Ugh...Boss, I know I was wrong..."

Back at the hotel, the two of them fetched water in the backyard and washed up. Under the ambiguous eyes of the hotel proprietress, they returned to the double room. They found that there was only one bed in the double room. Riven was stunned for a moment, put the rune blade on the table, and prepared Just make do with the chair all night.

"How can you protect me if you don't get enough rest?"

Lester moved his chair and stared seriously at Riven, who was a little uneasy.

"Or do you think I'm the kind of bastard who lets his personal bodyguard sleep on a chair?"

"But, boss, I don't sleep well. The instructors in the military camp always let me live in a single room. I'm afraid it will disturb you."

Hearing this, Lester's expression softened. As the woman he valued, how could Riven be worthy of her status without some special treatment?

"Silly girl, don't underestimate your boss. He has been traveling around in the dark and digging holes for so many years. What battles have I not seen?"

"Oh well."

After taking off her clothes neatly, Riven got into the bed first, followed by Lester happily, without doing anything to the girl. The two of them lay face up, each taking one side.

Everything was so beautiful, until Lester dreamed of the deep sea, where a big octopus with two heads wrapped itself tightly around him, blocking his mouth and nose with its tolerant head, and at the same time grunting with its mouthparts. the sound of. (End of chapter)

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