League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 935 Chapter933 Whisper

Leaving Zivonia, the three Leicesters had already obtained the necessary guidance from the Empire's Governor Kipling. Leicester did his part to become Lin, a traveling merchant from the Navoli Province. Wen gained the status of a guard and was renamed 'Yali', while Akali became 'Lu', the sister of businessman 'Lin'.

In addition to the identity guide, Governor Kipling also prepared a very strong enchanted donkey cart and some light goods produced in Presidence for the Leicester three in accordance with the instructions. After the preparations were completed, Les Te mounted the donkey cart on the rugged mountain road, just like a real traveling businessman.

The donkey with the blood of Yalong pulled the light cargo with flying speed, all the way up the slope. Akali, who was sitting behind the carriage of the donkey carriage, climbed on the edge of the carriage with a novel look on her face. The mountain breeze was blowing in her face. The girl Looking up at the endless mountains in the distance, I just felt that I had arrived in a fairyland on earth.

There are a few clusters of corrugated clouds leisurely in the clear blue sky. The white snow on the ridgeline spreads down from the top of the high mountains. The golden sun wheel reflects a shallow bright white halo on the folds of the snow skirt of the green mountains, accompanied by The gentle mountain breeze gradually turns the pure white into lush green. Noisy and lively birds dance with the sky above the trees in the mountains. From time to time, a few cute animal calls can be heard among the swaying treetops.

The further you go up the mountain, the easier it is to feel the majesty of nature.

A relatively flat stone road leads to the end of the mountain road, connecting various villages like blood vessels. On the road, you can see many Zhiyun people walking with heavy loads or riding donkey carts to drive goods. Different from the leisurely and beautiful environment, The expressions of the pedestrians were somewhat anxious, and most of them wore sharp weapons around their waists.

"Three friends, don't know where you are going?"

Just when Akali's attention turned to the passers-by, a middle-aged man dressed as a hunter ran out from the other side of the mountain road and blocked the donkey cart. She thought that the timid donkey would be forced to stop by herself, but the donkey did. Instead of retreating, he advanced forward, lowered his head and thrust hard, hitting the hunter's chest, causing the man to fall to the ground and roll several times.

When the man removed the force of the impact, Lester continued to hold the bridle, seemingly realizing what had happened. He stared blankly at the hunter lying on the ground barking, but the donkey cart continued to move forward.

Seeing that his moans were ignored by the fool, the hunter could only endure the pain and stand up and chase the donkey cart.

"Hey, why did you hit someone and run away? Is there any justice?"

He wanted to climb directly into the back car and sit with the two beautiful women, but the hunter had to stop outside the car, because the white-haired girl who looked very brave and beautiful suddenly picked up a handle from her feet that was wider than her thigh. The big sword was staring at him with an indifferent expression.

Just as the hunter wished, the donkey cart finally stopped. Akali looked at Lester who was sitting at the front of the cart, and saw Lester nodding encouragingly. Akali knew that this meant she could solve the problem independently. .

"You ran out to stop the car yourself, okay? You can't blame others for being hit."

Originally hesitant to negotiate with the idiot donkey cart driver, the hunter was overjoyed when Akali took the initiative to talk.

"Miss, I'm in a hurry to hitchhike. There's no village or shop here. The nearest village is still half a day's walk away. Hey, I seem to be injured... You won't hurt me Do you want to stay here? I don’t want any compensation. I just ask you to send me to Witte Village so that I can find a doctor. It hurts so much...I’m about to die..."

Akali, who was a little at a loss, looked at Lester again and saw Lester smiling innocently, not looking very smart.

"Lu, my brother listens to you, and I will do whatever you say."

Akali looked at Riven's face again, but Riven remained as cold as ever.

"I'm just a guard, Miss Lu doesn't need to ask for my opinion."

"Then, come up."

Riven withdrew her weapon and stared at the hunter coldly.

The hunter was holding his chest and breathing heavily, and stretched out his right hand to Akali.

"I can't use my strength. Girl, can you give me a hand?"

Facing the hunter's request for help, Akali squinted at the hunter, turned her head and said softly.

"Since you can't get up on your own, it's not because we won't help. Brother, let's go."


The donkey cart started moving again. The hunter was stunned for a moment, then climbed up the cart, only to see the big sword of the annoying white-haired female guard blocking his way again.

"My employer didn't let you get in the car. If you don't want to die, get away!"

"Oh?! What's going on with you? You bitch! You're playing tricks on me here!"

Seeing that the donkey cart was getting further and further away, the hunter spat on the ground viciously. He felt extremely aggrieved and had nowhere to vent his anger.

"Three bitches, the bastard who was cut into pieces with a thousand cuts! Damn, that stupid donkey hurt so much."

On the donkey cart, both Akali and Riven heard the hunter's curse. The hunter's vicious tone completely dispelled Akali's hesitation. The girl waved her fist and glared viciously behind the cart.

"Sure enough, that guy is not a good person."

Riven put the rune blade back at her feet with a faint smile on her face.

"I thought you were actually going to let him get in the car."

Akali shook her head.

"Even though he was hit by a donkey, he was still able to keep up with the car as fast as he could. Yet he still wanted me to help him get in the car. That uncle just wanted to take advantage of me through my sympathy. I'm not a fool... Cousin, Rui...Yali, did you see through that person's conspiracy from the beginning?"

"It's hard to say that I've seen it through. It's just that I've experienced a lot."

Lester chuckled and seemed to be in a very good mood.

"Judging from the vigilance of passers-by, this road is not peaceful, and if you happen to encounter a guy like this who blocks the road and hijacks the car, he is most likely a guy with evil intentions. As expected, after a few tests, the trick will be revealed. If this The guy really fell down on the roadside. Maybe I would put him on the truck and take him to the village.

I guess you may encounter bandits and robbers next, Akali, have you not forgotten the mission I gave you? "

Akali confidently took out three kunai. For this extraordinary journey, she got a lot of good things from Lester.

"I haven't forgotten, it's just to protect the carriage and goods. Don't worry, if we encounter bandits, I can handle them by myself without you and sister Yali taking action."

"Confidence is a good thing. Transitional self-confidence is arrogance. I hope you can distinguish between self-confidence and arrogance. Don't forget that Yali and I are also resources you can call on. Don't rely on us when you should. If you hesitate, take care of yourself first before helping others, otherwise you will cause trouble for others.”

"They say that a family with an elder is like a treasure. Cousin, you are really my big treasure."

After a long while, Akali, who was thoughtful, suppressed such a sentence. Riven covered her mouth to hold back, and Lester also laughed.

"Good guy, you always accuse me in different ways, right? Of course I won't deny it, but don't let it slip in front of outsiders."

Amid laughter, the donkey cart drove to the end of the mountain road and became part of the picture.

After two months of hard work, Warden Sean once again appeared in front of the stage manager who was undergoing rehabilitation training.

"Master Lemen designed and produced this gun according to your requirements as much as possible. He said that you are also one of the creators and asked you to name this gun personally."

The moment he opened the suitcase, Kadar Jhin's pupils dilated as if he were possessed. He focused his gaze on the constructed spell gun without blinking, and his body trembled slightly, even with his precise and machine-like eyes. , and cannot find anything that can be called a flaw. .

"Beautiful, so beautiful. Master Laimen must be an artist like me. Only the best artists can understand my desire and create such exquisite works of art with me!"

Stretching out his right hand, as if caressing his lover's skin, Kadar Jin used his fingertips to trace the four golden lines of curse patterns engraved on the metal tube.

The gold thread uses Ionian characters to form the extremely delicate 'LM' character. The gold outside the characters is four curse energy transmission lines. Like the petals of the flower of the other side, the four curse patterns rotate forward and spread from the gun, and finally converge. Bound at the end of the barrel, the eight rifling lines in the barrel are enough for the bullet to hit a target a thousand meters away. The direction pointed by the sight is called deathly silence.

Across the cold and arrogant Ionian copper heart, the man could deeply feel that his creative desire was perfectly aroused by this dark green metal tool. Although he had not yet tried firing it, he could already imagine how to fire the cursed bullet. Inspired by the angel in his hand, how to create exquisite works of art one after another in the symphony-like heavy bass,

Each shot will be an earth-shattering announcement. Each shot will light up a curse-patterned golden thread, increasing the power of the curse-energy bullet. Each shot will make a low note deeply rooted in people's hearts until the fourth shot is lit. The fourth golden thread with a curse pattern, when the tone changes, everything in the world will be eclipsed and become part of the whisper.

"In addition to this constructed curse gun, I have also prepared three test-firing firearms for you, namely an army-style Mauser rifle produced by Ionia, a self-defense revolver produced by the Noxus Empire, and Mountbatten sniper rifle, you can try it all..."

Rarely impatient, Kadar Jhin only glanced at the contents of the other gun box and never paid any attention to it.

"No need, compared to [Whispers], these powder guns are as unattractive as the faces of old and lustful street girls. Appearing in front of me will only pollute my eyeballs."

"[Whispering]? You are quite talented at naming names."

Jhin smiled slightly and began to fumble to assemble the whisper.

"I need some time to get used to my new friends. By the way, how do I get the right magic bullets?"

Sean said calmly as he stood aside and put away another gun box with an expressionless face.

"That's why I'm here, but I think you seem to want to do your own research, so I won't bother you any more."

There was a slight pause in his movements, and he gently put down the gun parts. A sincere apology appeared on Jhin's face, and he bowed slightly to Sean.

“It’s the first time I encounter such a heart-warming work of art. It’s inevitable that I’ll be a little embarrassed. Of course, I still need the Warden’s guidance if I don’t understand it. Please forgive me, the Warden.”

Sean raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised by Jhin's attitude.

"So, you don't mind if I touch your whisper? I thought you were a paranoid person."

Jhin's eyes still revealed his deep affection for his beloved gun, but his body made a "pleasure" movement.

"Beautiful things born in the world will inevitably be touched and desecrated by others. Only by accepting the imperfect parts can we understand what it means to cherish. Of course, it would be great if you could leave the first whisper to me."

"I think assembling a gun and making bullets should be the first time you use Whisper. Then I will explain to you how to use Whisper. First, assemble the firearm."

When he came to the table, Sean picked up the components of the gun body and began to assemble it. His movements were crisp and clear, and he was obviously not as worried about being 'paranoid' as he said.

Jhin also knew very well that before meeting him, Whispering had been played with and caressed countless times by the man in front of him. He had done everything he could do except for a test shot, but, but...

Even though I was mentally prepared, why was it still so painful deep inside?

If Sean was willing to take him to the Kashuli Arsenal to meet Master Laimen, he would not need Sean to help him explain how to use Whisper. Apart from her mother, Master Laimen, who created her, she only belonged to herself.

She should only belong to herself...

Noticing that Jhin's gaze was somewhat dangerous, the warden immediately paused and directly put down the half-assembled constructed spell gun.

Responding to Jhin's eyes without any sign of weakness, Warden Sean placed his hand on the short knife at his waist and spoke in a cold voice.

"I think you should know the price of doing something to me. Don't forget who brought the Whisper to you. If it weren't for me, you would still be in the heavy prison below the monastery with the rats."

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Jin suppressed his murderous intent with difficulty and bowed again to apologize.

"Sorry, I admit that I wanted to kill you at that moment. I misjudged my love for Whisper."

Sean refused to continue assembling the firearm and took two steps back.

"In order to prevent you from losing your mind, I'll explain it to you verbally. How much you can listen depends on your ability to understand.

According to your request, Whisper's gun body is divided into four parts. Bullets can be fired only after assembly. Up to four methods can be used to supply ammunition. Each shot needs to be recharged. After the gun is disassembled, it can be easily hidden. Under the sleeve, easy to carry..."

Under Sean's guidance, Jhin successfully completed the assembly work of Whisper. After digesting Whisper's knowledge of firearms, Sean quickly talked about the key points that Jhin was most concerned about.

"Making Whisper's bullets requires the use of four parts under the conditions of Whisper splitting. The greatest thing about the Curse Pattern Gun is this. As long as you can get metal, the Curse Pattern Gun will never be short of bullets..." ( End of this chapter)

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