League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 937 Chapter935 Network of Relationships

In Hot Spring Town, a donkey cart slowly drove up from the end of the mountain road and parked outside the shed of the Night Crow Hotel. Amid a dozen or so wary or greedy eyes, the driver sitting at the front of the cart jumped out of the cart, seemingly It was the two hooded men following the car behind who whispered a few instructions. The young coachman walked into the Night Crow Inn unsuspectingly, leaving the donkey cart carrying the goods exposed to everyone's sight. .

Cleanly cutting the firewood on the logging pile into two parts, Hua Tu glanced at the middle-aged man carrying a Walter wine not far away, noticed Hua Tu's gaze, and the middle-aged man took a sip in his mouth. Drinking strong alcohol and holding his clothes tightly with his arms, the man drunkenly walked towards the donkey cart with a friendly and harmless smile on his face.

"Is this the first time for these two guests to come to Hot Springs Town? My name is Ockham, and I am an old resident of Hot Springs Town. Did you see that the one with the gray chimney is my home? There is nothing in this place that I, Occam, don't know. Things...look at the guest's outfit, are you here for business?"

"That's right, we came from Presidence and brought a batch of Noxian goods. We heard that the market in Zhiyun Province is better, so we came here. We were going to come here when we passed through Hot Spring Town. Let’s check the situation.”

Riven continued to play the role of a cold guard with a sullen face, and Akali, who was also smiling, appeared. The girl had a flawless smile on her face and dealt with the visitors casually, looking like a social veteran. There is nothing like the youthfulness and immaturity I had when I first started out.

"I wonder what kind of Noxian goods the little boss lady is selling. Can you let me take a look? If it is a best-selling product, maybe I can help."

Akali took the initiative to open the crate and let Occam take a look at the goods in the box.

"It's nothing, just imperial-style fur tapestries, magic potions and some Noxian handicrafts."

A look of greed flashed through his eyes, but Occam looked troubled.

"how to say……

If I can get it to a big city like Kashuli or Zhiyun, I will definitely be able to sell it. But these flashy things are not easy to sell in hot spring towns, but I have nothing to do..."

The man burped and rubbed his fingers repeatedly.

"If the little boss lady can buy me a few drinks..."

"Since it's not easy to sell, we'd better take the goods to big cities and sell them, so we won't bother Mr. Occam."

Ockham glanced at his boss pretending not to care, and after receiving an approval response, he sighed with an expression of 'I'm sorry'.

"Okay then, you won't pay the guide fee, but you have to give me the consulting fee, right? Thank you for your patronage, a total of five gold coins. No credit allowed, skin and skin transactions accepted."

While talking, five or six people who had nothing to do with themselves stepped forward to surround the donkey cart with their swords drawn. There were crossbowmen with bows and arrows on the roofs and sheds everywhere. Occam sneered again and again, waiting for the fat sheep. respond.

Even though she was mentally prepared, Akali was still a little angry when she heard Occam being so shameless. Riven silently drew out the nearly two-meter-long sword, and the domineering rune blade suddenly appeared. It was quite intimidating, and several people couldn't help being stunned. They directly drew their swords and became very vigilant.

"If I'm not wrong, Mr. Occam seemed to have taken the initiative to talk to us. He never said anything useful, so how can we talk about consultation? He only asked for five gold coins after saying three sentences. , Could it be that Mr. Occam is blackmailing us outsiders?"

"This is the rule of Hot Spring Town. Otherwise, how can we say that the young proprietress is a foreigner?"

Hua Tu's voice came from behind, and Occam quickly put away his arrogant expression and took a few steps back, letting his boss stand at the front.

Hua Tu, who had the best figure among the crowd, was naked from the waist up, carrying a cold steel one-handed ax casually. The man stared at the faces of Akali and Riven without blinking, stretched out his tongue and licked the dry Lips, a face full of sunshine and confidence.

"It just so happens that my open-air hot springs are short of two female bathing girls. It's not good for girls to be always at war with each other. How about this, you work for me for a week, and I will help you put these batches of baths in for you while ensuring your life safety. Sell ​​the goods and split the accounts thirty-seven. After the money is divided, you can leave on your own, how about it?"

Before Akali could speak, Riven couldn't stand it any longer.

"I think you should let your old mother work as a bathing lady, but looking at you, you don't have an old mother, right? Poor guy."

Huatu's face immediately darkened, as if he had been stabbed in a sore spot.

"For the shameless stinky bitch, I hope your mouth still smells so bad after I pull out your beautiful tongue...take them down!"


The door of the Night Crow Hotel was pushed open, and Lester walked out of the hotel, followed by a middle-aged Mediterranean man with his head lowered and a respectful expression on his face.

"We are all members of our own family, why bother fighting and killing them? Put down your weapons."

As soon as Lester said a word, everyone put down their weapons as if under a spell, and then showed a respectful attitude towards Lester.

"That's right, Bobote, you go and arrange things for Hua Tu. After a long journey, it's rare to have an open-air hot spring to take a dip. You have to take a rest when you need it."

"As you command, my master, I will make preparations right now... Lesiiya, you go arrange the master's hot spring bath, go to the Blue Moon Lake, and don't let anyone disturb the master!"

When the maid with curly chestnut hair nodded in agreement, Bobo looked at Huatu.

"Hua Tu, come with me. Even if you risk your life, you can't miss the master's important event."

Within a minute, everyone had retreated. Riven was holding the rune blade blankly, looking like she had no place to use her strength.

"What the hell is going on? Is it magic?"

Lester shrugged.

"Well, you can understand it as some kind of forbidden technique. In order to avoid trouble, I have controlled all the robbers in this town. It is a pity that these bastards died like this.

It doesn't matter if the donkey cart is left here. Come on, take a bath in the hot spring with me. I'll tell you about what's going on here. Lesiiya, lead the way. "

"As commanded."

Lesiiya walked at the front with a respectful expression, and the three Lesters followed behind. Akali and Riven were soon blinded by the waves swaying in front of them.

As the top waitress of the Night Crow Hotel, the chestnut curly-haired maid is exposed in clothing, has a good appearance, and a very hot figure. She wears a low-cut short skirt that only covers some necessary parts. She can easily break the restrictions. Such clothing Of course, dressing up is not just for the sake of entertainment. Judging from the way Lesiiya walks, it is obvious that the woman has suffered a lot in the hotel.

You don't need to ask Akali to guess that Lesiiya's life experience is another tortuous suffering diary. It is better not to ask than to be sulky. Anyway, we have to deal with the initiators.

After walking for about ten minutes, the three Leicesters followed Lesiiya all the way down. As the temperature suddenly increased, the hot air hit their faces. The three of them soon saw the green open-air hot spring, which seemed to have just left. There was a group of people, some scattered men's and women's clothes could be seen on the ground, and there was a strange smell in the air.

The open-air hot spring is located at an extremely low level, and there are many surrounding highlands with an unobstructed view. Even if she is willing to trust Lester, Akali cannot accept such an environment.

"Lin, do we really want to soak in the hot springs here? No one will come to peek, right?"

Satisfied that Akali had not forgotten her disguise, Lester smiled.

"There must be no one peeping when you peek, but we don't hang out here. We have to go to a clean place."

Entering the unguarded stalactite cave, the torches on the walls on both sides were warm and bright. Under the leadership of Lesiiya, the three finally arrived at the place of enjoyment of Bobote and Huatu.

The so-called Blue Moon Lake is actually a closed hot spring cave with an open dome. Whenever the moon is high, the moonlight is reflected in the turquoise hot spring water, and the green streamer is reflected through the translucent stalactites near the dome. According to At different angles of the moon, the green streamer will show different beautiful shapes, turning into a light green aurora as if it is alive.

It can be said that Blue Moon Lake alone is enough to rank among the top ten famous attractions in the Noxus Empire.

Taking a bath in the relatively closed Blue Moon Lake hot springs, Akali's resistance was significantly reduced. The girl also seemed to like bathing in such a closed environment.

"Do you need a slave to serve your master?"

"No need, just go out and wait."

"As commanded."

After Lesiiya left, Lester took off his clothes and walked into the hot spring. There were artificially carved stone benches on the edge of the hot spring. With his back against the smooth jade stone wall, he could put his arms outside and look up at the moon. If he continued There are several beauties accompanying him to drink and have fun. Such a life is far more luxurious than an emperor's.

Of course, the moon can only be seen at night, and Lester, who is planning to stay in the hot spring town for two days, is not worried that he will miss the rare scenery.

The three of them were already familiar enough to sleep on the same bed. Taking a hot spring bath together was nothing at this moment. When Akali and Riven also entered the hot spring bath with blushing faces, Lester sat on it without hesitation. Between the two women, he put his hands around the girls' shoulders, feeling the feeling of being double-teamed.

"We will soak again in the evening and prepare some wine, food, fruits and vegetables. Forget it if you don't know. Now that you know there is such a paradise on earth, naturally you have to enjoy it more."

"That won't delay things, right?"

Noticing that the man's hands suddenly became a little unruly, Riven suppressed her breathing and quietly changed the subject.

"And, will those people really do what their boss tells them to do?"

The more natural Akali also cast a curious look. Lester had nothing to hide from Riven and Akali.

"My enchantment magic is not indestructible, but it is not something they can break free either.

The stronger the desire, the more difficult it is for people to escape the control of magic. If they are ascetic monks, they may be able to escape my control. People like them will probably believe in my words until they die, so don't worry. They will not do what I tell them to do. "

After a pause, Lester suddenly stopped what he was doing. Akali and Riven twisted their bodies uncomfortably, but they also knew that the man was about to get down to business.

Looking up at the blue sky and white clouds, Lester said solemnly.

"The person in charge of Hot Spring Town is the mayor of Hot Spring Town, Grote, and Grote is just a target puppet selected by Bobote and Huatu. It seems that he is lucky enough to disguise himself as Night Crow Hotel. I just happened to meet the boss's Bobo, and he immediately revealed all the secrets of the hot spring town."

The two girls didn't interrupt, and quietly listened to the whole story beside the man.

"The original residents of Hot Spring Town were slaughtered two years ago. After that, several waves of powerful bandits fought to seize control of Hot Spring Town.

Bobote and Huatu, who were secretly funded by the slave-trading bandit group, finally killed other forces and established a foothold in Hot Spring Town in the name of neutral forces. In fact, Bobote and the gang were working in collusion with the slave-trading bandit group. A heinous trade,

There are more than 500 people in Hot Spring Town, and there are all kinds of shops. Every one of them is a vicious bandit who kills without blinking an eye. No one who is soft is qualified to live here.

The tourists who come and go on weekdays are all bandits who come to sell stolen goods or enjoy themselves. Those shops are also opened for bandits.

The locals know very well that Hot Spring Town has become a devil's cave, and they will not go near it on weekdays. If any unsuspecting foreign tourists come to Hot Spring Town, the consequences can be imagined. "

Thinking that the Ockham man dared to attack her in broad daylight, Akali nodded in agreement.

"In addition to arranging manpower to run the hot spring town, Bobote and Huatu are also engaged in reselling ores and weapons.

With the help of geothermal heat, Hot Spring Town built many blacksmith shops in the mountains and controlled the blacksmiths to create weapons.

Seventy percent of the ore produced by the nearby black mines was digested by the hot spring town. These weapons fed back to the bandits and bandits, causing unrest. The people were increasingly in dire straits, so the area close to Zhiyunnia was a little better.

Although they can only make some copper and iron utensils, it is enough for the development of Hot Spring Town in the Western Continent. The bandits in the Western Continent very wisely abide by the bottom line drawn by the Zhiyun Council and do not invade each other.

As for the Eastern Continent, it is the territory of the slave-trading bandits and the private army of the Zhiyun Council. With the benevolent congressmen setting an example, they can maintain a little bit of the dignity of a 'big city'. Unfortunately, the dignity of the people of the Eastern Continent is based on The suffering of the people of the Western Continent.

The bandits have long been in cahoots with some members of the Zhiyun Council and have been plundering the resources of the Western Continent and transporting them to Kashuli to maintain the luxurious life of the members. This is the main reason why Zhiyun Province is in such chaos. "

After a pause, Lester continued with a serious face.

"Kailo is not right about one thing, that is, the people guarding the Stone Forest Cave are not bandits who cooperate with the slave-trading bandit group. The people in the Stone Forest Cave are simply a slave-trading bandit group, a private army cultivated by members of the Parliament. This information is also Only when you get to Bobote's level can you know.

Slaves with excellent talents will be escorted directly to Kashuli by members of the parliament. Without special connections, bandits from the Western Continent will not be able to pass through the stone forest caves.

A fishbone mountain range divides a continent into two distinct worlds.

Taking advantage of the dark descendants' unrest and the weakening of the empire's strength, this group of people who deserved death put all the blame on the empire, inciting the ignorant people to hate the empire.

If Night Blade hadn't been seriously injured, the situation in Zhiyun Province would never have deteriorated to this extent! "(End of chapter)

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