League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 944 Chapter942 Who is the hunter?

Poletrali, Thalia Monastery,

At noon, three military guards of the Secret Academy knocked hard on the closed ebony door with rough movements.

"The secret court is handling the case, open the door quickly!"

In less than a minute, the door of the monastery was opened from the inside. Aunt Shitana, who had inconvenient legs and legs, tremblingly welcomed the cold-faced three people into the monastery. The three people looked at them all the way, as if they were unwilling to let anything go. Clues.

The leading male military guard waved the silver eagle emblem in his hand towards Granny Shitana and said coldly.

"Wu Wei Kelan of the Secret Academy is responsible for investigating the terrorist attacks in the Flower Capital. Old nun, have you seen any suspicious persons in the past few days?"

A middle-aged male military guard named Kelan looked like an eagle watching a wolf. He put pressure on the old nun with a stern face and interrogated him. Another male military guard was responsible for guarding. The female military guard held the crystal wand with both hands and released the mantra prayer. Technique, which is used to determine whether the person being questioned has told a lie.

Glancing at the female military guard, the old nun shook her head.

"I haven't seen any suspicious elements. Since the Lord of the City ordered the city to be closed, the monastery has no longer opened its doors to welcome guests. On weekdays, only Sister Mositis and Mr. Emond go down the mountain to purchase some necessary daily necessities."

Crane, who was in charge of the interrogation, glanced at the female military guard. The female military guard seemed to hesitate for a moment, then shook her head.

Crane's brows couldn't help but frown.

"Call everyone here, I want to question them one by one."

There was no room for refusal, so the old nun bowed and went to call for someone. The military guard who was responsible for guarding followed behind to prevent the old nun from doing anything.

Sitting on the bench, the sullen martial guard looked at his companions.

"Mirror, how many people live here?"

The female military guard lowered her voice.

"Sir, there are three nuns, one elderly male employee, and twelve orphans living in the entire monastery."

"This monastery is so beautifully built and has a long heritage. How come it has so few people?"

"I heard from people in the militia that it seems that the old nun Shitana offended the former city lord Harlem."


After hesitating for a moment, Jing replied cryptically.

"I'm afraid it has something to do with the whereabouts of the orphans..."

The male military guard nodded. After all, the former city lord Harlem Burks was a person who could speak in front of the parliamentarians. After offending such a big shot, the background of the master of Thalia Monastery may not be enough, but from the It could be seen from the old nun's complexion that life in the convent was not bad, at least she did not suffer much in terms of food.

The two sides probably maintain a subtle antagonistic relationship. Now that the Lord of Harlem has been assassinated, it is actually a good thing for the people in the monastery.

Thinking of this, the man slowly lowered his eyes. He didn't want to do anything in a place like a monastery unless necessary. Of course, that was only if the monastery didn't harbor any criminals.

Without letting the military guards of the convent wait too long, Shitana took the other residents of the convent into the auditorium. Including the two nuns, the orphans, who were mostly under ten years old, looked sleepy. state.

"Is everyone here?"

Crane looked at the old nun, who shook her head.

"Mr. Emond lives in the town below the abbey and is not currently within the abbey."

Another male military guard took the initiative to ask.

"Sir, do you need me to summon you?"

Crane waved his hand.

"No need, go and do a quick search in the monastery, don't lose etiquette."


"Mirror, continue to use the Spiritual Prayer Technique."


After everything was arranged, Crane glanced at the people in the monastery and patted the narrow-edged long sword on his waist.

"Next, I will ask questions one by one. Whoever I ask will answer the question. Others cannot interrupt, whisper to each other, lie, or think for more than a second. Any lie will be exposed by mantra. As long as you cooperate with my work, I will not I will embarrass anyone who doesn't cooperate and I will put him in the dungeon, no matter he is an adult or a child, do you understand?"

Finally realizing that the person coming was not an easy guy to get along with, the two young nuns hugged the children with frightened faces and looked at the old nun for help. However, the old nun could only shake her head and express her helplessness.

At the same time, another male military guard responsible for searching the monastery had arrived at the third floor of the monastery. The third floor was narrower than the second floor where the orphans lived together. It was the living place of the three nuns, and the layout was very simple.

After searching and finding nothing, Wu Wei relaxed and looked up at the attic that had not yet been searched.

After setting up the wooden ladder again, the man climbed up.

The moment he pushed open the partition with his right hand, a sharpened sharp knife came towards his eyelashes. There was no way to avoid it.


The sharp knife pierced the lens and penetrated deeply into the eye socket. His mouth, which was trying to make a cry for help, was tightly covered by the wide palms wearing leather gloves, making no sound possible.

Blood flowed down his cheek, and the male guard desperately used his other eye to watch the white-faced demon who was close at hand slowly and firmly turning the handle of the knife. The demon's face seemed to be filled with a cheerful smile.

Without any chance to struggle or resist, the man died quietly.

Very skillfully, he caught Wu Wei who was about to fall down the wooden ladder. Jin, who was wearing a human skin mask, chuckled and forced the body up to the attic. Blood dripped down the wooden ladder and stained the wooden floor red.

With a 'click', the attic partition closed again.

"Why hasn't Ionos come back yet?"

On the first floor of the monastery, after some inquiries, no results were found. Crane was ready to leave, but Aionos, who went upstairs to search, never returned.

Considering that Ionos is not a guy who doesn't know the importance of things, Crane immediately waved to the mirror and whispered a few instructions. The female guards left the monastery without hesitation, preparing to mobilize more guards and militia to surround the monastery. .

Looking at the unsuspecting people in the monastery with complicated eyes, Crane sighed softly, and pulled out the narrow-edged long sword at his waist amidst the screams of the nuns and children. His expression suddenly became indifferent.

"I have asked you patiently and wanted to save your lives, but you have disappointed me, very disappointed. You have used evil magic to hide your true thoughts and deceived us with lies."

Seeing that the man had murderous intentions, the old nun Shitana stood up and protected the nun and the child, begging with a trembling voice.

"Sir, we have cooperated with you without reservation. You are also very sure that we are not lying. We do not know what happened in the monastery. Please spare us."

"I'm afraid my companion is dead upstairs. Your excuses are meaningless."

The old nun was killed to the ground with a sword. Two nuns blocked the children and tried to buy some time for them.

"Run! Everyone, run!"

Two more swords killed the nun holding her legs. Wu Wei said indifferently as he watched the orphan who escaped from the monastery be shot dead by a flying crossbow bolt.

"Where can you go if you run? The only thing you can rely on in this world is power. Power is better than swords. Killing does not require blood."

Instead of taking risks alone and going upstairs to search, Crane left the monastery with bloody footprints on the ground and said coldly to the somewhat guilty crossbow-wielding militiamen.

"The people in the monastery have been hiding the criminals and have executed them, but the criminals are still resisting.

No need to be merciful, bring me the criminal's body! Lots of rewards! "

Upon hearing that the monastery was harboring criminals, the look of guilt on the militiamen's faces disappeared and was replaced by greedy murderous intent. Soon someone came out with a bloody head.

You can get enough merit without taking any risks. This is the superiority of power.

Crane took the head and smiled faintly. Ionos is not important, the people in the monastery are not important, and the residents of the Flower City are not important. What is important is the attitude of Senator Zange. This head is the most important in his hands.

As if he had already seen the future where he would be promoted to the master of the monastery with the nomination of Councilor Zange, Crane stepped solemnly in the pool of blood and walked towards the door of the monastery with his head held high as he imagined.

The man raised his sword and assumed a harsh attitude of serious accusation. All the dead people would be his achievements in climbing up.

"See, Sister Bashtana, even if I don't do anything, you will bloom such beautiful flowers."

As if it was a joke played by fate, when the arrogant male guard was about to walk out of the monastery, the surging fire swallowed the man, the shock wave spread, and enough curse energy bombs were used to reduce the entire monastery to rubble.

With a panoramic view of the miserable situation in the monastery, Jhin, who had put on the uniform of the militia group, disappeared into the crowd.

"Come after me. This drama has just begun. Let's see who is more qualified to be the protagonist."

"The Thalia Monastery was bombed, and there were many casualties. The disobedient military guards of the convent went crazy and searched the streets near the convent, one after another. The funny thing is that after a long time, the convent guards actually followed the civilians. The corps also found nothing, and there is no doubt that this failure will be attributed to the militia group letting the fish slip through the net. It is just a pity that the corpses there are better left to me."

Varus opened his eyes, and his eyes gradually turned purple.

"is it him?"

The girl with brown skin leaned against the wardrobe slightly tiredly.

"If the witnesses are not crazy, I think Thalia's Abbey exploded in exactly the same way as the Leatherface killer you met."

Varus lowered his head and stared at the Corruption Bow in his hand without speaking.

An explosion and a sniper attack, the human skin mask killer directly destroyed his long-cultivated body and trampled on his pride. He claimed to be a magic arrow but failed to kill the opponent with one arrow.

In this sudden confrontation, he, a soldier who guarded the Temple of Pallas alone and hunted countless void creatures with a magic bow, was completely defeated. He lost to the hands of a mortal without any doubt. For him, Such shame can only be washed away with blood.

Even though his body has been destroyed by Maisha and his soul has been sealed into the Bow of Corruption, he never thinks that he is a Darkin corrupted by void energy as others say.

He was sure from the beginning to the end that he was him, Varus, a human warrior who longed to fight and never gave up his glory. Even with this corrupt body that no longer had the glory of the gods, he was still that person. Varus, the warrior who began to defend his duty with his life.

The so-called "fallen due to erosion by void energy" is just an excuse for those weak-willed people who are afraid of losing their strength due to the destruction of the sun disk.

He is also one of the 'Dark Ones', but he has not given up on the glory of a warrior. He actively embraces the energy of the void, and still implements the will of being born, and strives to implement the life creed of challenging the strong, punishing rape and eradicating evil. .

The void never needs to tempt people to fall. The void will only rationally destroy all living things. If you want to describe it, the void is more like a dangerous tool that unconsciously flows to the end. It is a tool that anyone can pick up and use.

He doesn't need to make excuses for his cowardice like other dark descendants, and he doesn't regret that he has fallen into the state where he is today because of the void energy.

Even if he becomes what he is now, he will not hesitate to take up weapons to fight against the void. He accepts everything he has now, but cannot accept that he lost to the evil human being who is as evil as the void.

Seeing that Varus didn't speak for a long time, Zolani asked impatiently.

"What are you going to do? I don't want to spend a long time with you here. You said you would take me to find more compatriots, but you have found nothing over the years. I wonder if you are deceiving me."

"He's provoking everyone, including you and me, but that doesn't sit well with his secretive code of conduct."

Varus looked at Zolani and muttered to himself as if he hadn't heard Zolani's words.

"So, that killer has another purpose in this provocative war. If we find this purpose, we can find each other. I will kill him with my own hands. I really want to know what it feels like to absorb his sinful body."

Zolani said coldly.

"Don't expect me to help you find someone. You should know that human being never leaves anyone alive when doing things. Whether it was the guide girl's family at the beginning or the Thalia monastery where he hid later, everyone who has had direct contact with him counts. , all died cleanly, and my ability cannot play any role in the face of the dead."

Varus stood up with a calm expression.

"Congressman Zange will never give up at this point. You infiltrated into the ranks of the secret guards and cooperated with me inside and outside. As long as he continues to act, we can always catch his tail."

"But I don't want to continue spending time here pointlessly."

Zolani responded tit for tat.

"You said that hunting Noxian killers will eventually lead to more powerful prey. Through the prey, I can get information about those compatriots captured by the empire. So far, in addition to destroying the Night Blade intelligence in Zhiyun Province, We get nothing outside the net, and you're still fighting with a human lunatic,

Varus, if you can't give me a proper reason, it would be best for us to go our separate ways. "

"The Zhiyun Council is persecuting the Noxians, and the Noxian army is involved in the battlefield."

"What's the meaning?"

"The eyes of the Noxians have been cleared by us. They have become blind in the Zhiyun Province. Before we are dealt with, they will not continue to send Night Blades or soldiers of the same level, and send legions across the sea to conquer the east." Not realistic."

After a pause, Varus looked at Zolani who returned to seriousness.

"If my inference is correct, warriors who can deal with you and me have already arrived." (End of Chapter)

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