League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 947 Chapter945 The Strongest Man in Noxus

As if locked by some kind of force, the five world runes on the rune altar looked dim, with only a layer of light green light film symbolizing life covering the outside of the rune altar.

The root cause is that in order to prevent Lester's physical body from being unable to withstand the too powerful runic energy, Elena used the life runes that had long been Lester's companion ability to suppress other runic energies. Only when there was a need to call Eileen Na will light up other runes and release the power of the runes appropriately.

Without Elena's adjustment, Lester would never have been able to use the power of the runes for his own use safely. Even if Lester's will could resist the influence of the runes, his body would never be able to bear the erosion of the runes' energy.

When runes erode the body, the body will inevitably undergo special changes. The best result is probably to become a purple sweet potato spirit like Ryze. Of course, judging from the messy rune fragments in Lester's body, Lester He is more likely to turn into a colorful rainbow man, and his appearance is as good as that of Jax who takes off his mask.

Shaking his head to throw away the messy thoughts, Lester stepped forward and took a deep breath.

Even though I have made preparations, when it comes to the final step, I still feel a little worried.

If we want to use numerical values ​​to reflect the degree of control over the world runes, the other four world runes that symbolize the power of the world's roots are probably less than 10%. Among them, the dominance runes are the highest, followed by the arcane runes and the creation runes. , the lowest precision runes,

The life rune has been completed to more than 70%, and is completely controlled by Elena's call. This is also the root of Lester's "immortality". The reason why the life rune cannot reach 100% is just that. It's because there are still fragments of the life rune scattered outside. Even so, it's thanks to Ryze's thousands of years of hard work that he can save so much effort.

As long as the star seal is lifted, Elena can transform from suppression to control, absorb and accommodate the other four world runes, allowing Lester to accurately perceive where the remaining life rune fragments are, and completely repair the The full-life rune lays the foundation for absorbing other runes.

After nearly 900 years of adaptive growth, the runes of life have shaped Lester's physical body into something more than that of a demigod. As long as he crosses the last threshold of the law of life, it will be considered a physical crossing. In the universe, it is not impossible to travel through black holes.

Under Elena's gaze, Lester put his hand towards the green light film. The light film rippled like water ripples, but it did not prevent Lester from holding the life rune.

Wiping the non-existent sweat on her forehead, Elena clasped her little hands tightly on her chest, looking equally nervous. She and Lester both prospered and suffered losses. If something went wrong on Lester's side, nothing would happen. With Lester's body as a carrier, she would most likely disintegrate into pieces and fly around the world again.

"Teacher, I'm going to let go of my strength."

"bring it on."

Nodding, the elf Elena glanced at Lester one last time, and then she plunged into the life rune with her beautifully vibrating light green light wings.

The moment the two merged, the soft but extremely tough life light film instantly shattered, and the surging life energy turned into huge waves and spread out from the rune altar, crushing Lester's spiritual body like a mountain. It washed away into a incomplete and translucent state, almost tearing Lester's mental body apart.

Resisting the oncoming impact, Lester clutched the life rune and refused to let go. He raised his head and stared at the wave of energy that was gradually approaching the dark sky.

As if it felt threatened, the dark sky actively transformed into a bright starry sky in the direction of the energy wave spreading,

The brilliant stars in the sky connected into a painting, and connected into a real and vast imprint of the law. The seal turned into a chain of stars that refused to retreat but advanced instead. It actually forced the energy wave controlled by Elena to begin to flow back, which was bound to turn the out-of-control The energy is suppressed back into the life rune,

As far as the eye can see, it seems that the universe and the Milky Way are overturning towards themselves, and the stars and nebulae carrying hundreds of billions of dust are approaching the point where they are visible to the naked eye. It can be said to be good news for lovers of macrophobia.

Lester was not surprised that the astral seal was so difficult to break. After all, it was something that the astral spirits had studied for tens of thousands of years specifically to suppress the power of runes. It would definitely not be easy to break it.

He has long known that the sealing effect of the astral seal on arcane talents is nothing more than additional attributes. The main target of the astral spirit has always been the power of the world runes. If Elena's situation was not special, I am afraid that the life rune would have been there long ago. Like other runes, he was locked on the rune altar. When the time comes, his [rune container], which has no power other than being 'too strong to die', will definitely become the spirit of the astral world to the world. Rune's experiment,

Even if Zoe had a crush on him, she would probably spare his life. With Zoe's playful temperament, it would be within the scope of the 'game' not to study him. For him, it would be humiliating to have his butt played with. It would be better to die early in the palm of your hand.

Speaking of which, it takes less than a thousand years to crack the sealing law created by the spirit of the star world that has been rooted in Rune Land for tens of thousands of years. It goes against the will of heaven. If you want to do this, you can only use the law of strength to the same degree. can do it.

When the starry sky falls and the earth collapses,

Lester grasped it with five fingers, took the life rune directly from the rune altar, and held it in his heart as if he were holding his own heart.


In response to Lester's call, Elena transformed her body again. Different from the previous pocket elf, this time the girl returned to human size. She held the rune of life with the man in one hand and the other hand. Being held tightly by the man.

"Teacher, this time, we fight side by side."

The man smiled softly and hugged the girl in his arms.

"Little fool, we have always fought side by side and have never been separated."

The girl looked away from the man affectionately, her gaze fixed on the cold star chain, but her thoughts were a little far away.

From the moment she realized that she had become the rune of life, she had never worried that the teacher would abandon her. No matter if she turned into a stone or something else, the teacher would always hold her in the palm of his hand and hold her upright. His body protects her from wind and rain,

In fact, her teacher has never owed her anything. Even without his teacher, if he comes into contact with things that he shouldn't touch, his parents will inevitably die at the hands of the organization. According to the organization's style of behavior, another killer will be replaced. She would definitely not be left alive. In fact, her survival was the only omission in the teacher's career.

When she learned from the organization that her teacher had killed her family, she also thought about avenging her parents, and even assassinated her teacher through a relationship of trust in order to vent her anger. However, no matter how painful she was, she would not deceive herself. The teacher who would be sincerely nice to her is just a sharp knife controlled by others. Even if she breaks the teacher's sharp knife, what can she do against an organization that wields a sharp knife and kills people everywhere?

Prisons have always held prisoners, not the knives in their hands. There is no point in breaking a murderous knife.

Ordinary people have no power to resist when faced with the oppression of government agencies, and organizations are the power that overrides government agencies. There is no force that can shake the hidden forces like organizations that have existed for hundreds of years, unless they understand it like the teacher. He is an extremely smart person in the organization, and the teacher will never betray the organization... otherwise the organization will definitely kill the teacher.

She could only accept the reality, she could only try to make herself forget the hatred that was destined to be irresolvable, and she could only watch as she fell in love uncontrollably and found a new meaning in life...

Suddenly, a memory that should not have been recalled appeared in Elena's mind. A little girl sat curled up in a small laboratory, her eyes empty like a walking zombie.

The little girl was controlled like Pavlov's experimental dog and a non-existent virus was implanted deep in her soul. A group of people wearing masks stood indifferently by the experimental table and watched the little girl with an empty expression. A woman in a white coat asked coldly.

"Who are you?"

"I am number 14."

"No. 14, tell me what your mission is."

"lurk next to Lester, observe his every move, and make sure he doesn't rebel."

"What are you going to do if Lester wants to rebel against the group?"

As if the magnetic stripe of the disc was forcibly erased, the memory suddenly jumped to another location, where a tall and handsome man held the hand of a blond girl standing on the Eiffel Tower, facing the human fireworks blooming in the night sky.

"Teacher, if one day the organization wants to kill me, will you protect me?"

"As long as I live, no one in this world can harm my unique student."

"Even an organization?"

Finally no longer looking at the fireworks, the man thought seriously for a moment, then turned his head gently and looked at the human world in his eyes, as if he had made a decision.

“An organization is also made up of an individual, isn’t it?”

One night before boarding the plane, the dull-looking girl sent a string of unknown garbled codes to an address through an encrypted communication device.

Thank you, No. 14, you have accomplished your mission.

"Ahhhhh!!!! I'm sorry, sorry, sorry!!!! Why don't you kill me! I'm a nuisance! A burden!"

As if she had lost her mind, Elena, who was about to activate the life rune with all her strength with Lester, suddenly shed two lines of blood and tears, and the life rune held in both hands between their bodies actually cracked.

As if he had realized something, and seemed to be simply comforting the sad girl, the man hugged the girl tightly in his arms, letting his body be stained red with tears.

"Don't cry, I never blamed you."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I betrayed you...it was me who reported you, teacher, to the organization...you obviously did it for me..."

The man was as gentle as ever.

"There are many things that I can do, but I cannot wash away the mark imposed on you by the organization. I should be the one who should be said to be sorry. I'm sorry that I failed to protect you as promised."

"Why, why are you so nice to me... You should kill that stupid girl. If it weren't for her, how could you endure all this?"

The man held up the broken rune of life and placed it on his heart with the girl's hand, a bitter smile appearing on his lips.

The indifferent young man with blood on his hands pretended to be a natural death scene. When he was about to leave, an innocent and kind little girl stopped him. She didn't know that the blood on his hands came from her family. She pulled the stranger with trust. He went to her secret cabin to comfort him who was hurt.

"Brother, is your hand injured? Let me bandage it for you. Elena just learned it~"

That was the first time he felt his heart beat, and it was also the first time he failed to take action according to the organization's code of conduct. For this, he accepted severe punishment from the organization. Perhaps considering his talent, the organization took the little boy in The girl, not surprisingly, brainwashed his only loophole into a time bomb and sent her back to him.

He can expose the bomb, but he won't die. The defused time bomb will disappear from the world, so he can't do anything.

"I have killed so many people that I have forgotten what life should feel like. It was you who made me feel that I might have a new beginning. Maybe there is more to life than just killing and training. Have a Coke, play a game, and watch some fireworks with the people that matter most.”

The girl's hand was led by the man through the man's chest, and together with the life runes full of cracks, arrived at the most important place of the man.

There was no beating heart in her empty mental body, but the girl could feel that she had touched the softest part of the man.

"It was you who made me understand that the greatest power is not killing, but the desire to protect a person's heart. Elena, my excellence does not come from me, but from you."

Being watched tenderly by the man, the girl smiled in relief, and her body gradually dissipated. The life rune remaining in the man's chest emitted a soft and healing light, and the gap closed, completely indistinguishable from the man.

The rune altar that had lost the life rune glowed. The man gently raised his right hand, and the chain of stars broke. The false starry sky turned into fluorescence and dissipated, and a cold bright moon slowly rose. It was the tranquility that belonged to another world, exclusive to him and Elena.

"Come on, I don't need to keep you here anymore."

Lester waved, and the four rune fragments on the rune altar were integrated into his body one after another. With the largest life rune as the core, they evolved into a tiny and broken rune galaxy.

Without the power of the world's runes, the rune altar faded and dissipated, as if it had never appeared.

With the Rune Galaxy as the root, Lester once again felt the long-lost power, whether it was arcane talent, Vastaya's phantom bloodline, or the spell of Ionia and the power of law given by the evil god. , even the astral magic and the basic elements of the world can be deduced and transformed through the rune galaxy.

This is what the spirits of the astral world rack their brains and want to get. This is the secret of the birth of Runeterra. This is the true power of creation.

It was still Elena who brought him all this.

"Lovely and kind-hearted Miss Elena? Are you still there?"

The girl's voice sounded somewhat annoyed.

"Why are you calling me? He's obviously just a bastard teacher, but he always says embarrassing things, why can't he be handsome enough to hide away?"

"My empire needs a queen. Do you want to apply? BOSS will hire you directly~"

After a moment of silence, the girl sneered.

"Okay, but I don't have the experience of being a queen. If something goes wrong, you can't blame me, you bastard and lustful teacher! I want you to be the king of the sea behind my back. Just watch, I'm going to steal all your harem! Here we go! Don’t regret it!” (End of Chapter)

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